ShackTac ArmA2 TTP2 Guide/Communication/Verbal Reports

Last-modified: 2014-05-06 (火) 18:48:41
ShackTac ArmA2 TTP2 Guide



Contact Reports

Components of a Contact Report

Contact reports are intended to be a way for any member of the platoon to concisely communicate important information about the enemy in a standard way.


Being able to concisely report enemy locations is a critical communication skill to have. The sooner we know about enemy positions, and the faster it is passed to the entire squad, the better our survivability will be and the more effective we will be at reacting to threats.


A contact report consists of several key elements that must be presented in a specific order for it to be effective. They are as follows.

1. Alert

Typically the word 'Contact!'. This should be the first thing out of your mouth when you spot the enemy. Saying this gives everyone a heads-up that something important is about to be passed over the radio, and that they need to start scanning the area for more enemy as well as think about where they can move for cover and concealment.
典型的な言葉'Contact!'。 貴方が敵を見つけた時,これは貴方の口から出る最初のものであるべきです。何か重要な注意を皆に与えるのは,ラジオを通して言い,彼らは,より多くの敵の為にその地区を調べ始めて,彼らが遮蔽物と隠れ場所に移動できる場所を考える必要があります。

2. Orient

This immediately follows your alert. "Orient" is simply a few words to get people looking in the general direction of the enemy.


There are several types of orientation methods available.

  • Relative bearing. If a direction of movement has been established, relative directions such as "Front", "Left", "Right", "Rear" are great. In a stationary defense, particularly when defending in multiple directions, this is not a useable format.
  • 相対的な方位。もし移動の方向が確定されたなら,"Front(正面)","Left(左側)","Right(右側)","Rear(後方)"のような相対的な方位がすばらしいです。特に複数の方向に防御する時に動かない防衛時では,便利な形式ではありません。
  • General compass bearing. Useful at all times, easy to understand. General compass bearings are things like "North", "North-west", et cetera.
  • 一般的なコンパス方位。 いつも役に立って,分かり易いです。一般的なコンパス方位は,"North(北)","North-west(北西)",などの様な物です。
  • Specific compass bearing. Good for high-precision reporting when units are fairly close to each other. This involves reading the exact compass bearing, in degrees.
  • 詳細なコンパス方位。 部隊がかなりお互いの近くにある時,報告は高精度がいいです。これは,度で正確なコンパス方位を読む事を伴います。
  • Clock bearing. Clock bearings are never used aside from by single vehicle crews, since a vehicle has a common 12 o'clock that all crew members are familiar with. A vehicle crew can use clock bearings for internal communication if they so desire, though relative bearings tend to be better overall.
  • 時計方位。 時計方位は一つだけの車両乗組員は別として,車両には全ての乗組員がありふれた一般的な12時を持ってるので決して使用されません。相対的な方位が,全体的に見てより良い傾向がありますが,もしそう望んでいるなら,車両乗組員は内部の交信に時計方位を使用できます。

3. Describe

What did you see? Was it an enemy patrol, tank, or a little old lady out for a stroll? Say it in as few words as possible while being very clear.
何を見ましたか? 敵の偵察隊,戦車,または散歩している少し年取った女性? できるだけ手短に同時に非常に明確に言ってください。


Examples: "Enemy patrol", "APC", "machinegun nest".
例: "Enemy patrol(敵の偵察隊)", "APC(装甲兵員輸送車)", "machinegun nest(機関銃陣地)"。

4. Expound

If time and the situation allow for it, give more information. This can include things like:

  • Target range. Can be at whatever level of detail time allows for, from "Close!" to "523 meters" and everything in between. Range is the most important thing to expound on, and should always be given when possible.
  • 標的の距離。 "523 meters"から"Close!"と,間の全てから,詳細時のレベルが考慮するものなら何でもあることができます。距離は解釈上で最も重要な物であり,可能である時に,いつも与えるべきである
  • Specific degree bearing to the target. If you only passed a relative bearing at the start for speed's sake, you can refine it into a specific degree bearing at the end of the contact report.
  • 標的への詳細な度方位。 もし貴方が速度目的の為に始めに相対的な方位を渡しただけなら,貴方は接触報告の終わりで詳細な度方位に改良できます。
  • Info about what the target is doing. Such as "They're flanking us" or "They don't see us".
  • 標的が何をしているのかについての情報。 "彼らは我々の側面"か"彼らは我々が見えていない"などです。
  • Specific positioning of the target. Such as "two soldiers on the roof, one in the building, the rest are patrolling around it".
  • 標的の詳細な位置。 "屋根に二人の兵士,建物に一人,残りは周りを哨戒している"などです.

For instance, if you spot a patrol that is walking through a patch of woods, step #3 would be "enemy patrol", whereas step #4 would clarify that with "in the treeline, bearing 325".
例えば,もし貴方が見つけた偵察兵が,森の区画を通り抜けているなら,ステップ#3"敵の偵察兵",同時にステップ#4"高木の中,方位 325"ではっきりさせる。

Note that with contact reports, getting the key information out for everyone to react to is more important than the ordering of the information. As long as people know where to look, what they're looking for, and how far away the contact is, you will have given a successful report.

Contact Report Examples

When making a contact report over the radio, one must remember that the level of detail used should be proportionate to the amount of time you have to give it and the urgency of the threat. If there is an enemy squad far away that does not see you or pose a threat to you, take the time to clearly describe where it is. If on the other hand there is an enemy squad on the other side of a small rise 50 meters away, and it's heading in the direction of your element, you'll want to be as brief and fast as possible so that everyone has time to react and get prepared for contact.

Bad Contact Reports

Here's an example of a very poor radio transmission of a contact report:

Uh, guys... I see enemy infantry. Uhh... they're over there, by that tree. No, uhh... the other tree." (Note that the squad is in a forest at the time of this transmission)
えー,皆... 敵の歩兵を見ました。あー,えー... 林の向こうに。いや,あー,えー... 他の林に。"(分隊が森林の中でこの送信時点であることに注意してください)

It's pretty clear that this is not the way to do things - too much time is spent waffling around, no significant detail is given, and generally nothing productive has been said aside from the fact that there are enemies "somewhere". No kidding!
これが何かをする方法でない事は,かなり明確です - あまりに多くの時間が周囲の無駄口を叩く事に費やされ,どんな重要な詳細が明らかにされない事は,敵が"どこかに"いるという事実は別として,一般に無生産的と言えます。本当だよ!

Proper Contact Reports

A more proper contact report would be as follows. Note that this is an intra-squad report - reports across squads will be covered later.
より適切な接触報告は以下の通りでしょう。これが分隊内部の報告であることに注意してください - 分隊の向こう側の報告は後でカバーするでしょう。


Note also that if the squad fireteams are dispersed, it may be necessary to identify yourself prior to sending the contact report. Simply preface it with your callsign (this is Charlie One) prior to starting the report, or close with that information (...from Charlie One's position).
また,分隊FireTeamsが分散されるなら,接触報告を送る前に自分を証明する必要があるかもしれないことに注意してください。単に,報告を始める前にコールサイン (this is Charlie One) で前置きするか,情報 (...from Charlie One's position) で閉じてください。

Contact front! Enemy infantry in the open, bearing 210, three hundred meters!"
接触 正面! 野外に敵の歩兵,方位 210,300メーター!"

Once the element leader (squad or fireteam leader) hears the contact report, he will give an engagement command if necessary. This typically only happens when the element is in a stealth or hold-fire mode.


Here are some examples of engagement commands in response to a contact report:

"Copy that, get to cover and stand by to take them out."

"Bravo, hold fire. If you have a suppressed weapon, stand by to engage."

"Charlie One, open fire, they see us!"
"Charlie One,射撃開始,来るぞ!"

Further Examples

More example contact reports, color-coded for clarity



"Contact, North-West, sniper, in the second story window of the brown-roofed white-walled building at the crossroads."
"Contact, North-West, sniper, 交差点の茶色い屋根,白い壁の建物の2番目の窓。"


"Contact, bearing zero eight five, T-72, hull down behind the rise 200 meters to our front, looking the other way. "
"Contact, bearing zero eight five, T-72, 私達の正面から上200メーター後方水平線,反対方向を見ている。 "


"Contact left! Machinegun bunker, dug into the palms across the river due West, middle cluster, 400 meters."
"Contact left! Machinegun bunker, 西の川向こうヤシのくぼ地,中集団,400メーター。"

Notes & Tips on Reporting Contacts

  • If the element leader is giving the contact report, he will give the engagement command at the end of the report if necessary. Otherwise, the element will wait for the element leader's commands before engaging.
  • もし部隊長が接触報告をもらい,もし必要なら,報告の終わりに彼は交戦命令を与えるでしょう。さもなければ,部隊は,交戦する前に,部隊長の命令を待っているでしょう。
  • Only the Squad Leader is authorized to give an open-fire command if the squad is in stealth mode.
  • もし分隊がステルスモードであるなら,分隊長だけが射撃開始の命令を与えるのが認可されます。
  • Fireteam Leaders will only give an open-fire command in stealth mode if their fireteam is in imminent danger of being engaged. By the same token, fireteam members will only open fire if it's necessary to protect themselves or friendly forces from being imminently engaged.
  • もしFireTeamが交戦するという急迫の危険にある場合なら,Fireteamリーダーはステルスモードで射撃開始の命令を与えるでしょう。 同様に,もし差し迫って交戦するから,自分達か友軍を保護するのが,必要なら,FireTeamメンバーは射撃を開始するでしょう。
  • When reporting contacts on the platoon net, ensure that brevity is maintained. The platoon net is typically busy, and multiple squads may need to report contacts in a short span of time.
  • 小隊ネットに関して接触を報告する時は,簡潔さが維持されるのを確実にしてください。 小隊ネットは忙しく,複数の分隊が短期間での接触を報告する必要があるかもしれません。



The situation report, or SITREP, is a quick way for a leader to get information on his troops. It is intended to be a very concise and quick way for an entire element to report their status to their leader.


SITREPs can be asked for at the fireteam, squad, and platoon level. Calling for a SITREP as a leader is as simple as saying "(element you are asking for), sitrep!" or "(element you are asking for), report in!". "Status report" is also acceptable.
SITERPsはFireTeam,分隊,及び小隊レベルで求める事ができます。SITREPを叫ぶのは,リーダーがことわざの様に単純に"(貴方が部隊に求めている),SIREP!"か,"(貴方が部隊に求めている),report in!"を言う事です。


Examples of how this call can be made are as follows.

  • Platoon-level, via command channel: "Platoon, send sitreps."
  • 小隊レベル,command channel経由: "小隊,sitrepsを送れ。"
  • Squad-level, via squad TS channel: "Alpha squad, status report."
  • 分隊レベル,squad TS channel経由: "Alpha分隊,状態を報告しろ。"
  • Fireteam-level, via group VON: "Alpha 1, report in."
  • Fireteamレベル,group VON経由: "Alpha 1, 詳細に報告しろ。"

Sitreps are generally asked for during lulls in the action, at the close of an engagement, or when a higher-level leader asks for them. If a leader wants the status of a specific member or element, he will ask them directly.


When a sitrep is asked for, the elements involved respond in numerical or alphabetical order - for example, squads report in order from Alpha to Bravo and finally Charlie, while fireteams report in as 1st, 2nd, and then 3rd.
Sitrepを求める時,かかわった部隊は数字かアルファベット順に応じます - 例えば,FireTeamsは同じくらい1st,2nd,次に3rdに詳細に報告しますが,分隊はAlphaからBravoと最終的にCharlieから状態を報告します。


It is important that leaders do not constantly ride the asses of their junior leaders regarding sitreps. Waiting for a lull in the action helps to ensure that the need to report in does not compromise the leadership of the junior leader, or distract him from the combat task he's directing.


When being asked for a situation report, a junior leader can reply with "Stand by", "Busy" or a variation thereof to let the senior leader know that he must deal with the situation at hand before he can report in detail.
現況報告の為に下位リーダーは"Stand by"で返答できます,"Busy"か,変化について,上位リーダーに彼が以前手元の状況に対処しなければならない事を知らせるように,彼は詳細に報告できます。


SITREPs are not intended to be incredibly in-depth, unless necessary. When a leader wants a more detailed report, they typically ask for an ACE report, as described next.

The "ACE" Report

(Not to be confused with the mod "Advanced Combat Environment".)
("Advanced Combat Environment"Modと混同してはいけません。)


An ACE report is a quick report given to the next-higher element leader regarding your element's status. When giving an ACE report, players only include the important parts.

Elements of an ACE Report

  • Ammo. If your team is low on ammo, give details on it. This can be in general ("Low on ammo") or more specific ("AR is low on ammo, but we have plenty of rifle ammo").
  • Ammo. もし貴方のチームが弾薬不足なら,詳細を与えます。これは一般的な("Low on ammo(弾薬不足)")か,より具体的な("AR is low on ammo, but we have plenty of rifle ammo(ARが弾薬不足だが,ライフルの弾薬は豊富にある")にする事ができます。
  • Casualties. State your dead first, then wounded after that. For example - "Alpha 3, 1 dead, 1 wounded". Alternatively, an element leader can simply reply with how many units are alive under his command (how many are "up"). In the previous example, it would become: "Alpha 3, 3 up, one is wounded".
  • Casualties. 最初は死亡,次にその後負者を述べてください。例えば - "Alpha 3, 1 dead(死亡), 1 wounded(負傷)"。あるいは,部隊長が幾つかの兵士が単に彼の命令下("up(健常)"がいくつだ)で生存者が返答できます。前の例で,こうなるでしょう: "Alpha 3, 3 up(健常), one is wounded(負傷)"。
  • Equipment. If the team has lost any important equipment, it is noted here. For example, if the M249 SAW has been lost due to a casualty, and the AAR was unable to retrieve it, the team leader states so here. If the AT4 has been expended, he can state that as well.
  • Equipment. もしチームが幾つかの重要な装備を失ったら,ここに述べられます。例えば,もしM249 SAWが死傷した為失い,AARが回収できないのなら,チームリーダーはだからここで述べます。もしAT4が消費されたら,彼は述べる事ができます。

When giving an ACE report as an individual, ammo is your personal ammo, casualties is your personal medical state, and equipment refers to any special equipment you were given for the mission.


As a squad leader, ACE reports from your fireteam leaders are compiled to form the sitrep that you give to the platoon commander.


The casualty report, or CASREP, is a quick and focused report that is designed so that a leader can quickly find out how many casualties have been taken. Junior leaders report this information as wounded or killed, in the same format as in the ACE report.


CASREPs are used when a leader only needs to know casualties, and is not concerned with ammo or equipment as described in the ACE report above.

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