
Last-modified: 2009-01-04 (日) 14:44:16

Copyright © CCP 1997-2009


Heideran gets the Aidonis
Heideran の Aidonis 受賞


In a stunning announcement the Aidonis Foundation has revealed the recipient of this year's Aidonis Statue, the symbol of inter-stellar peace and harmony. Presented to individuals prominent in promoting galactic peace and co-operation, the nomination of Heideran VII, the Amarr Emperor, has taken many people by surprise.


衝撃的な発表において、Aidonis Foundation は恒星間の平和と調和の象徴である Aidonis Statue の今年の受賞者を明らかにしました。
銀河の平和と協調の推進に秀でた者に贈られ、Amarr Emperor である Heideran VII の指名は多くの人々を驚かせました。


The Aidonis Foundation is named after it's founder, the former president of the Gallente Federation Aidonis Elabon. To many, Aidonis is the greatest president the Federation has ever known. In his time the young and energetic president took the lead in bringing the empires together when to many it seemed the world was destined for bitter warfare for the foreseeable future. Under Aidonis' leadership the empires met at the historic Yoiul conference and he set in motion the peace talks between the Gallenteans and Caldari to end their long war, though the final peace was only signed some years later, after Aidonis' death. Upon his death his will called for a Foundation to be set up in his name, which was responsible for rewarding those persons that most upheld Aidonis vision for peace and prosperity in the world of EVE. In the spirit of friendship advocated by the former president, the committee that handles the nomination is populated by people from every race and culture, equally taking the views of everyone into account.


Aidonis Foundation はその創設者である Gallente Federation の元大統領、Aidonis Elabon から名付けられました。
多くにとって、Aidonis は Federation 史上で最も偉大な大統領です。
彼の時代、多くが世界は予見できる将来の辛い戦争に向かっていると思っていた時、 新進気鋭の大統領は大国間の協和を先導しました。
Aidonis の指導力の下に、大国たちは歴史的な Yoiul 会議を開催し、最終的な和平の調印は Aidonis の死より数年後になりましたが、Gallenteans と Caldari の間の長い戦争を終わらせるための平和会談へ動き始めました。
彼の死の際の遺言は、EVE 世界の平和と繁栄という Aidonis の思想を最も支えた人々に報いる目的の Foundation を彼の名前で設立するように求めました。


Heideran VII is the first Amarr Emperor to receive the award and the decision has turned out to be controversial. There is no denying the fact that under Heideran's leadership the Amarr Empire has become much more amiable in it's relations to the other empires. Relations between the empires have never been better and seem only poised to get even better in the near future and many contribute this fact directly to Heideran VII. In fact, those that have expressed outrage over the decision have grudgingly admitted that Heideran is a great leader that is undoubtedly one of the main reasons for the tranquil world we now live in. Their only gripe is with the Amarrian society itself, such as practices of slavery and other breaches of human rights.


Heideran VII は賞を受ける最初の Amarr Emperor であり、判断は議論を呼びました。
Heideran の指導の下、Amarr Empire は他の大国との関係において、より社交的になった事実を否定することはできません。
大国の間の関係は過去に無いほど良く、近い将来にもっと良くなる可能性もあり、これらの事実が直接 Heideran VII に貢献しました。
実際、この判断に怒りを示した人々でさえ、Heideran が偉大な指導者であり、私たちの今生きる世界が平穏である主な理由のひとつであることは疑い無いと渋々ながら認めました。
彼らの唯一の不満は、Amarrian 社会が持つものであり、例えば奴隷制度やその他の人権侵害がそれにあたります。


These issues, while unquestionably important to any philanthropist, cannot deter from the overall picture: that if it wasn't for Heideran's personal interest in seeking compromises every time a potential political powder keg threatened to explode in the face of the world community we would now be living in a world of constant strife and warfare, with untold suffering that would encompass. Indeed, the praises and thanks that have rained in from every corner of the world of EVE since the announcement was made far outnumber the few critics. Heideran VII is the symbol of the peace and prosperity we have all come to love and cherish.


これらの問題は、どの博愛主義者にとっても確かに重大ですが、Heideran の個人的志向が、世界コミュニティの直面する爆発を示唆する潜在的な政治的火薬樽にあって毎回妥協点を探す事に無かったのなら、我々は今この時、耐え難い苦痛が取り巻く、絶え間ない不仲と戦争の世界に住んでいたでろう全体像からすると、妨害する事は出来ません。
実際に、発表がなされた時より EVE 世界のいたる所から降り注ぐ称賛と感謝は、少数の批判からすると、はるかに多いものでした。
Heideran VII は、我々全員が愛し大切にすべき平和と繁栄の象徴です。

