
Last-modified: 2018-04-03 (火) 01:13:14


1.概要 (Overview)



What exactly are transitions? Transitions are performed by using different tools, like varied and/or difficult and/or intricate footwork, body movements, non-listed elements., which links seamlessly into each other and into and out of each technical elements. Before we get to the criteria, we will show you the wide variety of footwork and movement transitions that are available to the skater.




2.フットワークによるつなぎ (Footwork transitions)



We begin with footwork transitions which are executed in steps and turns in different directions.
Steps are considered as stroking, progressives, crossovers, edges, change of edges, cross rolls, toesteps, mohawks, and choctaws, etc.
Turns are considered as three-turns, double threes, twizzles, brackets, counters, loops and rockers, on inside and outside edges.
Directions are forward, backward, clockwise and counter clockwise.

(0:50) This video will demonstrate the use of a variety of transition tools, mainly consisting of footwork. Even though step sequences are technical elements, the footwork in that can also be used as transitional tools.
Loop, toestep, cross roll, counter, three-turn, spread eagle, cross overs, edges, three-turn, edges, progressive, mohawk, preparation, triple Axel, cross-under, crossovers, mohawk, crossover, counter, rocker, crossovers, preparation,triple flip, triple toe, mohawk, deep edges,

bracket, beginning of circular step sequence. (1:55)
(2:19) conclusion of step sequence, crossovers, edge, counter, crossover, rocker, choctaw, triple Lutz, deep edges, spin element, exit, three-turn, deep edges, spin element, three-turn, chasse, double-three, into straight-line step sequence. (3:11)
(3:33) Chasse, deep edges, into spin element.

(3:50) In this program, the following footwork transitions were used:
the steps included progressives, crossovers, cross unders, crossrolls, mohawks, Choctaws, and toesteps.
For turns, there were loops, counters, rockers, brackets and three-turns.





ステップ :プログレッシブ、クロスオーバー、クロスアンダー、クロスロール、モホーク、チョクトウ、トウステップ。
ターン :ループ、カウンター、ロッカー、ブラケット、スリーターン

3.スケーティング動作によるつなぎ (Skating Movement Transitions)



Skating movements generally use more of the body and are seen as: spread eagles, Ina Bauers, pivots, hydrogliding movements, spirals, lunges, arabesques, etc.
Use of both edges, different body, head, arm, and leg positions, and of course are also used in forward, backward, clockwise and counter clockwise directions. Let’s look at some examples as skating movements as transitional tools which are beautifully performed in the music linking into the listed technical elements.

(2:42) In this video clip, the skater performs a spread eagle as a separate transition not linked to any listed technical elements. However, here a Ina Bauer is performed immediately prior to a jump combination and would be regarded as more valuable.


【ジェフリー・バトル】(0:33) 【荒川静香】(2:26)


4.身体動作によるつなぎ (Body movement transitions)



Body movement transitions are individual or simultaneous movement of arms, head and torso.
In the following video clips, we will show skaters making simultaneous movements of arms, head and torso well performed to the music.


【ジェレミー・アボット】(0:55) 腕-腕と頭-腕、 腕と頭、 腕-頭・腰-腕・頭-腕・頭・胴体

5.リストに無い要素によるつなぎ (Non listed element transitions)



Non listed elements refer to the following: hops, mazurkas, inside take-off Axels, eulers or half Loops, falling leaves, Walleys, split jumps, ballet jumps, butterflies, etc.
These can greatly add to the program and difficulty of transitions.
The next two examples show a variety of non listed elements which can be used as transition tools.

(0:34) The skater lands her double Axel will full body movement and continues in a round a circle into a half Loop ballet jump.

(0:49) Here we see a half waltz jump, half Walley. Split jump, butterfly, half split Loop, hop, and inside Axel. Half Flip jump, hop, hop. Walley to the left, Walley to the right, into a tree turn followed by a triple Toe Loop.
(1:47) A ballet jump into an inside Axel.




6.多様性 (Variety)



Judging the transitions.
To this point, we have dealt with the wrap-up tour (?) of transitional tools such as footwork, skating movement, body movement and non-listed elements.
In this next portion, we will deal directly with the criteria judges must use to accurately assess the transition components. The criteria are: variety, difficulty, intricacy and quality.
Variety. The varied use of different transition tools, including the variety of dance holds in Ice Dance. How does variety relate to transitions? In order to demonstrate variety, we will show you the first minute and forty seconds of the same pair team from two World Championships. You will notice the difference of variety. The first year is 2001.

(0:58) Body moves- only arms and head. Dance lift. Crossovers. Strokes. Crossovers. Strokes. Crossovers. Mohawk. Mohawk. Double Axel. Triple toe. Counter move. Mohawk. Strokes. Mohawk. Crossovers. Triple toe. Strokes. Change of position. Crossovers. Change of position. Crossovers. Twist lift. Crossovers. Mohawk. Crossovers. Throw jump. Although not all transitions were mentioned in this one-minute and forty seconds, this team did perform 15 footwork transitions, no skating movement transitions, no partial body movement transitions, and one non-listed element transition.

(3:08) We now look at the same team 3 years later, in 2004. You will notice an increase in the variety of transitions. Body moves, legs, arms, head, torso. Skating movement. Dance lift. Three turn. Steps. Bow. Crossovers. Mohawk, Mohawk, double Axel. Triple toe. Crossovers. Arabesque. Double three. Change of position. Steps and moves. Change of hold. Throw jump. Skating move. Crossover, step forward. Mohawk, Mohawk, triple toe. Body moves, legs, arms, head, torso. Death spiral.

(4:56) During this 1min and 40 seconds, the team performed 8 footwork transitions, 4 skating movement transitions, full body movement transitions, and 1 non-listed element transition. We will now show you the remainder of the 2004 performance where you will see a wide variety of transitional tools and the use of whole body parts.

(8:26) The last part of the 2004 performance included: 17 footwork transitions, 13 skating movement transitions, 7 body movement transitions, and 2 non-listed element transitions. In the period between 2001 and 2004, there was a clear increase of the use of transitional tools.



【シュー・シェン/ ホンポゥ・ツァオ組】 (0:58)身体動作;腕と頭のみ。ダンスリフト。クロスオーバー。ストローク。クロスオーバー。ストローク。クロスオーバー。モホーク。モホーク。2A。3T。カウンター動作。モホーク。ストローク。モホーク。クロスオーバー。3T 。ストローク。ポジションチェンジ。クロスオーバー。ポジションチェンジ。クロスオーバー。ツイストリフト。クロスオーバー。モホーク。クロスオーバー。スロージャンプ。


身体動作;足、腕、頭、胴。スケーティング動作。ダンスリフト。スリーターン。ステップ。Bow. クロスオーバー。モホーク。モホーク、2A。3T。クロスオーバー。アラベスク。ダブルスリー。ポジションチェンジ。ステップとムーブ。ホールドチェンジ。スロージャンプ。スケーティング動作。クロスオーバー。前へのステップ。モホーク、モホーク、3T。身体動作;足、腕、頭、胴。デススパイラル。







Difficulty is the use of difficult footwork and/or movements with simultaneous use of different body parts. What makes transitions difficult?

Transition tools of all categories vary from simple to difficult. For example, in footwork, rockers and counters are more difficult than three turns. In skating movements, an Ina Bauer is more difficult than a simple spiral. In an non-listed movements, a Walley-Walley is more difficult than a half loop. In body movements, a simultaneous use of all body parts is more difficult than the use of only arms. If footwork and/or skating movements are done simultaneously with body movements, transitions become more difficult. Changing directions from forward to backward, and/or clockwise to counter-clockwise, or vice versa, make transitions more difficult.
We will show two video clips, In the first clip, only simple transition tools are used. The second clip will demonstrate more difficult transition tools.
(1:22- 2:39)

(2:40) The next two video clips show the use of difficult footwork and/or movements with simultaneous use of different body parts. As we did not find good examples which were used during transitions, we decided to show clips of step sequences. You can see simultaneous movements. (4:13)


(0:16)(上で説明してきたような)各つなぎの技法にはどれも簡単なものから難しいものまで様々な動きがあります。例えばフットワークによるつなぎでは、ロッカーとカウンターはスリーターンよりも難度の高い技です。またスケーティング動作によるつなぎではイナ・バウワーは単純なスパイラルよりも難しいです。リストにない要素によるつなぎではウォーレイ ウォーレイはハーフループよりも難度が高いです。身体動作によるつなぎでは、全身を使った動作のほうが腕だけを動かすものよりも難しい技と言えます。フットワークやスケーティング動作が身体動作と

【クリストファーベルントソン】【パトリック・チャン】(1:22- 2:39)

【トマシュ・ベルネル】【高橋大輔】(2:40) 次の二つの映像では難しいフットワークや複数の体の部位を同時に使った動作が使われています。つなぎとしてこれらが用いられている適切な例が見つけれなかったので、ここではステップ・シークエンスの映像をお見せします。同時にいくつもの動作が行われていることがわかります。(4:13)



5.1.8.ISU components. Transitions . Intricacy







【雪組;申 雪/趙 宏博】(3:04)




9.質 (Quality)



9. 質 (Quality)
Quality is the cleanness and clarity of transitional tools, in accordance of the music chosen, including unison in pair skating and ice dance. In pair skating, unison is included in the criteria.

How do you recognize quality of transitions? The next three clips of the same team demonstrate disorder, and blurry transitions.

(1:35) The couple did not seem to show interest in their preformed transitions. The skaters did not focus on the quality of the edges, skating, and body movements. There was no clarity of transition tools. The couple skated through the transitions part of the program simply heading towards the next element.

(1:57) Watch the diff in quality in the next program. The couple skates in unison to the demands of their music. You will find clean and clear transitions linked to each other and into and out of the technical elements.





10.採点の際の着目点 (part1)



Prior to giving a score. What must be considered prior to giving a score? Which criteria were fulfilled throughout the program? Or which criteria were fulfilled only in part?

(0:15) The next 2 programs will show a short and free program of the same skater. Please focus on all of the criteria: variety, difficulty, intricacy, and quality.

(0:40) These transitions are simple, but performed at a high level of quality. Again, simple transitions. Long prep for an element.

(3:16) This program had avg. to above avg. in variety. In footwork, only simple tools such as 3 turns, mohawks, one choctaw, and crossovers were used. There were some small simple skating movements, but not one non-listed elements was shown. Difficult was lower than average. Intricacy was above average. Body movements were brilliant, and the transitions were skated with very good to superior quality.

(3:55) We now look at the free program.

(8:37) In this program, the skater did not show much variety. In the footwork, there were mainly crossovers, 3 turns, and simple steps. Small skating moves with partial use of body parts were shown. Variety was weak to fair. There were no non-listed elements. Difficulty was weak. Most of the jump elements were prepared for too long, therefore intricacy was also weak. The transitions were skated with average to above average quality.

(9:15) The marks for transitions component of this skater in two different programs should have been awarded differently according to the fulfilled or nonfulfilled criteria. It is generally assumed that the transitions score of the short programs are lower than the free because of the different amount of time for each program. However, these 2 examples show that it is possible for the short program to have a higher transition score than the free.








5.1.10.ISU components. Transitions . Prior to giving a score (part2)


5.1.10.ISU components. Transitions . Prior to giving a score (part3)


5.1.10.ISU components. Transitions . Prior to giving a score (part4)





The judges have many things to consider during the skaters performance. Broken-down item by item it seems almost impossible to assess each detail with such accuracy. So it is important that one must have an automatic understanding of the priorities in each component 

throughout this DVD we have provided the look at the different types of
transition tools.
Footwork, skating movements, body movements, and non-listed elements

Transitions might be skated at low or high quality. But the key point for the transition score is whether they are linked seamlessly into and out of listed elements. Always regarding the special demands of the music.
Variety; ask yourself a question. Did I see different transitional tools including the variety of holds in ice dance and pair skating?
Difficulty; was there the use of difficult foot works and/or movements with simultaneous use of the different body parts?
Intricacy; was there series of different transitional tools linking into each other and immediately into and out of listed technical elements?
Quality; was there cleanness and clarity resulting in the quality of transitional tools in accordance with the music chosen including unison in pair skating and ice dance?

The judge will then be faced with certain aspects or percentages that these questions being answered yes it is then up to the judge to accurately as possible apply the corresponding percentage
overall to the scoring of the each component.

Transitions - everything that is done between the technical elements while creating a seamless skating composition connecting the movement and the music.




