翻訳/3701-3800 page/3710

Last-modified: 2009-09-27 (日) 11:19:19

KEY: <%person#1> was not giving much away as <%person#1-he> met journalists for <%person#1-his> first press conference as the new manager of <%team#1>.[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]
STR-289001: <%person#1> は <%team#1> の新監督就任会見で 記者達を前に 多くを語ることはありませんでした[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]

KEY: <%person#1> caused a stir by storming out of a press conference ahead of <%team#1>{s} match against <%team#2> in the <%fixture_name#1>.[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]
STR-289002: <%team#1> の <%fixture_name#1> での <%team#2>戦を前に 記者会見を突然打ち切り 混乱を巻き起こしました[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]

KEY: <%person#1> appeared in buoyant mood as <%person#1-he> met journalists ahead of <%team#1>{s} match against <%team#2> in the <%fixture_name#1>.[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]
STR-289003: <%team#1> の <%fixture_name#1> での <%team#2>戦を前に 記者達に対して 楽天的な様子を見せました[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]

KEY: <%person#1> appeared in good spirits <%person#1-he> met journalists ahead of <%team#1>{s} match against <%team#2> in the <%fixture_name#1>.[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]
STR-289004: <%team#1> の <%fixture_name#1> での <%team#2>戦を前に 記者達に対して 良い表情を見せました[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]

KEY: <%person#1> appeared in positive mood as <%person#1-he> met journalists ahead of <%team#1>{s} match against <%team#2> in the <%fixture_name#1>.[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]
STR-289005: <%team#1> の <%fixture_name#1> での <%team#2>戦を前に 記者達に対して 前向きな姿勢を見せました[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]

KEY: <%person#1> appeared not to be in the best of spirits as <%person#1-he> met journalists ahead of <%team#1>{s} match against <%team#2> in the <%fixture_name#1>.[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]
STR-289006: <%team#1> の <%fixture_name#1> での <%team#2>戦を前に 記者達に対して あまり良い表情を見せませんでした[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]

KEY: <%person#1> appeared in no mood for pleasantries as <%person#1-he> met journalists ahead of <%team#1>{s} match against <%team#2> in the <%fixture_name#1>.[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]
STR-289007: <%team#1> の <%fixture_name#1> での <%team#2>戦を前に 記者達に対して 冗談を言えないような雰囲気でした[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]

KEY: <%person#1> appeared in angry mood as <%person#1-he> met journalists ahead of <%team#1>{s} match against <%team#2> in the <%fixture_name#1>.[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]
STR-289008: <%team#1> の <%fixture_name#1> での <%team#2>戦を前に 記者達に対して 怒りの表情を見せました[COMMENT: PRESS_CONFERENCE_SUMMARY_NEWS; a staff member's mood following a press conference is described]