
Last-modified: 2018-09-24 (月) 17:28:21


[dev test only]テスト版のみ
[dev test and development only]テスト版と開発版のみ
[all branches]安定版(特殊コマンドを入れていない人向け)
[APS rebalance v1]等既存システムに大きなメスが入った際に付くことが有る



v2.2.18 [Fix] <ACB>: ACB piston extension in now in meters and in percent [BUGS-115]
v2.2.18 [Fix] <ACB>: An ACB executed by another ACB (directly or via a complex control) will be execute in the same frame or in the next frame, depending on the ACBs execution order [BUGS-52] [BUGS-101]
v2.2.18 [Fix] <Gameplay>: Victory conditions now latch to a pass state, when appropriate [BUGS-182]
v2.2.18 [Fix] <Missiles>: Missile editor UI made to fill the screen [BUGS-177]
v2.2.18 [Fix] <Missiles>: Missile torpedo propeller now applies the initial launching boost once again
v2.2.18 [Fix] <Missiles>: Torpedos will 'sea skim' without an altitude preference, but no higher than -1m altitude. But if a running depth is defined 'sea skim' torpedos will use it
v2.2.18 [Fix] <Missiles>: Various ballast tank regressions from 2.2.17 fixed [BUGS-178]
v2.2.18 [Fix] <Vehicles>: Recursive air pump calculations replaced with stack based. This will stop (potential) crashes when penetrating high volume hulls [BUGS-172] [FTD-31]


v2.2.17 [Add] <Effects>: The reflection probe can now be disabled entirely, as well as being set to an infrequent update or a full frame update
refrection probeを完全に無効化できるようになりました。同様に低頻度の更新モードや全フレーム更新モードも可能になりました
v2.2.17 [Add] <Environment>: It is now possible to adjust the CPU ocean colours independently of the GPU ocean colors. CPU ocean colours updated for Neter. [FTD-193]
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Fuel tanks use the body component's model
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Launchpad and missile logic completely revamped
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Launchpads/controllers/gantries display reload information
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Missile components of the same type are now merged into a single model(visual only)
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Missile trail length changeable from the options menu (misc tab)
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Missile trails improved
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Missiles and downward facing bombs with 0° ejection elevation/azimuth won't move or rotate away from the gantries until they clear them
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Missiles can only have one thruster or torpedo propeller, in the back
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: New missile building UI that also provides detailed stats
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Pressing fire will only launch 1 staggered missile, holding the button continuously fires missiles(unstaggered behavior unchanged)
staggerd fire addonつきのミサイルで、発射ボタンを押した際に一発ずつ打つようになりました、押しっぱなしで連続射撃します(つけてない場合は今までと同じです)
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Variable propellers are removed, plain Propellers take their functionality
variable propellersは削除されました。普通のプロペラがその役目を果たします(魚雷プロペラにスラスタ調整機能が追加)
v2.2.17 [Add] <Missiles>: Variable thruster max thrust down to 3000, propeller thrust limit is 2000
Variable thrusterは最大出力を3000に下げました。プロメラ出力の限界は2000です。
v2.2.17 [Fix] <Regressions>: APS ammo customisation UI now presents the correct barrel length needed for accuracy factor of 1, and displays the correct equation for barrel length needed for propellant burn. [BUGS-135]


v2.2.16 [Add] <Campaign>: Added Medium/Hard/Very Hard Quest for Neter campaign scoreboards. Results should be posted properly.
v2.2.16 [追加] <キャンペーン>: Quest for NeterのMedium/Hard/Very Hardのスコアボードを追加しました。リザルトは正しく投稿されます
v2.2.16 [Add] <Modding>: Material replace and mesh replace are now functional for the first time [BUGS-140]
v2.2.16 [追加] <mod関係>: マテリアルおよびメッシュの置換がより実用的になりました[BUGS-140]
v2.2.16 [Fix] <Campaign>: Fixed the Easy Quest for Neter campaign scoreboard. Results are now posted properly.
v2.2.16 [修正] <キャンペーン>:EasyのQuest for Neterのスコアボードを修正しました。リザルトは正しく投稿されます。
v2.2.16 [Fix] <Regressions>: AI components report connection to the mainframe using the correct name now [BUGS-133]
v2.2.16 [修正] <回帰>:AIコンポーネントは接続判定を出すときにメインフレームの正しい名前を出すようになりました[BUGS-133]
v2.2.16 [Fix] <Regressions>: Custom difficulty damage difficulty no longer resets to 1 if modified mid campaign [BUGS-112]
v2.2.16 [修正] <回帰>:カスタム難易度のダメージはキャンペーン中に設定を弄っても1に戻ることはなくなりました[BUGS-112]
v2.2.16 [Fix] <Regressions>: Explosion force no longer has the ability to send vehicles immediately off into space due to a bug [BUGS-137]
v2.2.16 [修正] <回帰>:爆発の力が直接ビークルに影響を直ちに及ぼす事はなくなりました(バグ起因のみ)[BUGS-137]
v2.2.16 [Fix] <Regressions>: Feedback UI message now allows multiple lines [bug reported by email]
v2.2.16 [修正] <回帰>: フィードバックUIメッセージは複数行に渡って記載されるようになりました[メール経由で報告されたバグ]
v2.2.16 [Fix] <Regressions>: Missile warner no longer disables when in the dip of a big wave, but above water [BUGS-91]
v2.2.16 [修正] <回帰>: ミサイルワーナーは大きな波で沈んだときに機能しなくなることはなくなりました、ただし水上である必要については変わりません[BUGS-91]


v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: Cooling time is now properly reflected in the APS ammo UI. Cooling time is now 50% of 2.1.6 cooling time, rather than the 2.2.4 tweak of adding 10 imaginary gauge coolers, which takes overall cooling time down to 42% of 2.1.6 values. [BUGS-77]
v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: アドキャのクールタイムをアモカスタマイザのUIと一致させました。砲弾のクールタイムは一律で2.1.6のものから半分にされています。(以前devでFPにクールユニット*10の効果が付いていましたが、そっちは削除されてます)[BUGS-77]
v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: Loading a campaign with custom difficulty now shows the custom difficulty sliders without asking once again if you are happy with custom difficulty [BUGS-112]
v2.2.15 [修正] <回帰>:キャンペーンモードでカスタム難易度を使う場合、二度スライダーを表示することはなくなりました。[BUGS-112]
v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: Passive regeneration of ammo out of build mode has been added [BUGS-126]
v2.2.15 [修正] <回帰>:ビルドモード外での弾薬の自動回復を追加しました
v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: Spin block in rotation mode no longer uses motor power. [BUGS-127]
v2.2.15 [修正] <回帰>:rotation modeのスピンブロックはもはやエンジン出力を使うことはなくなりました[BUGS-127]
v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: Wheel force requests go via the vehicle, so you can now visualise them in build mode [FTD-185]
v2.2.15 [修正] <回帰>:車輪 の力の要求ををビークル経由で伝えます、ビルドモードでビジュアル化できます[FTD-185]
v2.2.15 [Fix] <Regressions>: Wheels exhibit less side ways jitter [BUGS-128]
v2.2.15 [修正] <回帰>: ホイールは左右に揺らぎにくくなりました[BUGS-128]


v2.2.13 [Add] <Blocks>: Blocks now connect using a stack, rather than recursion. Should avoid all crashes when making, for example, long PAC arms. [BUGS-88] [FTD-183]
v2.2.13 [Add] <ブロック関係>: ブロックは以前の再帰式ではなく、スタック構造で保持するようになりました。これにより様々なクラッシュ、例えば長いPACを設計した際に発生するものなどが発生しなくなるでしょう [BUGS-88] [FTD-183](編集済)
v2.2.14 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed laser coupler connection issues of 2.2.13 [BUGS-123]
v2.2.14 [修正] <回帰>:2.2.13で発生したlaser couplerの接続問題を修正しました[BUGS-123]
v2.2.14 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed PAC arm issues of 2.2.13 with more than one arm [BUGS-125]
v2.2.14 [修正] <回帰>:2.2.13で発生したPACのアーム(チューブのこと)に関わる問題を修正しました[BUGS-125](チューブ認識障害)

Ver2.2.5~2.2.13 [all branches](バグフィックス)

v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: Custom flags download when game starts, like they used to [BUGS-37]
v2.2.5 [修正] <回帰>: 以前のようにカスタムフラッグをゲーム開始時に読み込むようになりました [BUGS-37]
v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fix for RTG bug allowing infinite material in campaigns [BUGS-31]
v2.2.5 [修正] <回帰>:キャンペーンにおける、無限マテリアルの原因になるRTGバグを修正しました[BUGS-31]
v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: Improved buoyancy for vehicles with over 2K blocks [BUGS-26]
v2.2.5 [修正] <回帰>:2000ブロック以上のビークルの浮力を向上しました[BUGS-26 ]
v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: Multiplayer speed of time syncronisation issue fixed [BUGS-35]
v2.2.5 [修正] <回帰>:マルチプレイ時のスピードの同期化問題が修正されました[BUGS-35]
v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: Ocean colors slightly updated for some weathers
v2.2.5 [修正] [回帰]:いくつかの天候における海の色を更新しました
v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: Various fixes to drop down menus [BUGS-29] [BUGS-32]
v2.2.5 [修正] <回帰>:ドロップダウンメニューのためのさまざまな修正を行いました[BUGS-29] [BUGS-32]
v2.2.5 [Fix] <Regressions>: White highlighting now only for blocks with a tooltip to display [BUGS-30]
v2.2.5 [修正] <回帰>:白く強調表示されるブロックのみツールチップが出るようになりました[BUGS-30]
v2.2.6 [Fix] <Regressions>: Various plotting problems fixed [BUGS-24]
v2.2.6 [修正] <回帰>:さまざまなプロットの問題が修正されました[BUGS-24]
v2.2.6 [Fix] <Regressions>: Vehicles saved with 'Nan' position can now be loaded at [BUGS-14]
v2.2.6 [修正] <回帰>:[NaN]座標で保存された車両もロードできるようになりました[BUGS-14]
v2.2.7 [Fix] <Mods>: Fixed 'mostly-black screen' when loading some old incompatible mods
v2.2.7 [修正] <mod関係>: いくつかの古いmodを使用した場合真っ暗になるバグを修正しました
v2.2.7 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed a bug causing world to go orange / purple [BUGS-42] [BUGS-20]
v2.2.7 [修正] <回帰>:世界がオレンジ/パープルになるバグを修正しました[BUGS-42] [BUGS-20]
v2.2.7 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed battle deployment limits [BUGS-40]
v2.2.7 [修正] <回帰>:戦闘時のビークル展開における制限を修正しました[BUGS-40]
v2.2.7 [Fix] <Regressions>: Multiplayer client vehicle spawning fixed [BUGS-43]
v2.2.7 [修正] <回帰>:マルチプレーヤーでの、クライアントのビークルスポーンに関する修正をしました[BUGS-43]
v2.2.7 [Fix] <Regressions>: Multiplayer transfer blueprints no longer reporting as corrupt [BUGS-43]
v2.2.7 [修正] <回帰>:マルチプレーヤーで転送されたblueprintが壊れたと報告される事はなくなりました[BUGS-43]
v2.2.7 [Fix] <Regressions>: Weapon slot 10 now functions again [BUGS-25]
v2.2.7を[修正] <回帰> :武器スロット10が再び機能するようになりました[BUGS-25]
v2.2.8 [Fix] <Regressions>: Block IDs once again converted to GUID before being sent across network to fix multiplayer bug [BUGS-59]
v2.2.8 [修正] <回帰>:マルチプレイヤーでのを修正するために、ネットワーク経由でデータを送信する前にブロックIDをGUIDに変換するようになりました[BUGS-59]
v2.2.8 [Fix] <Regressions>: Bug with barrels loading in incorrect position on pistons fixed [BUGS-53]
v2.2.8 [修正] <回帰>: ピストン上のバレルが正しくない位置でロードされるバグを修正しました [BUGS-53]
v2.2.8 [Fix] <Regressions>: Default designer vehicle should now be saved when changed [FTD-130]
v2.2.8 [修正] <回帰>:デフォルトのビークルを変更した際、保存されるようになりました[FTD-130]
v2.2.8 [Fix] <Regressions>: Exploding text no longer splits over multiple lines as it grows [BUGS-54]
v2.2.8 [修正] <回帰>:爆発的に増えるテキストが複数行に渡ることはなくなりました[BUGS-54]
v2.2.8 [Fix] <Regressions>: Speed factor now affects spin block visual rotation and helicopter blade force [BUGS-56]
v2.2.8 [修正] <回帰>:速度係数は、スピンブロックの見た目とヘリコプターブレードのちからに影響を与えるようになりました[BUGS- 56]
v2.2.8 [Fix] <Regressions>: Stabilisation level of wireless camera now saved [BUGS-58]
v2.2.8 [修正] <回帰>:ワイヤレスカメラの安定化レベルが保存されました[バグ58]
v2.2.9 [Fix] <Block>: Condition and action value ACB sliders linked together [BUGS-44]
v2.2.9 [修正] <ブロック>:ACBにおけるConditionとactionのスライダが同時に動いてしまっていたのを修正[BUGS-44]
v2.2.9 [Fix] <Block>: Fixed physics crash when placing a SubObject containing a wheel
v2.2.9 [修正] <ブロック>: 車輪を含むサブオブジェクトを設置した際に発生する物理演算のクラッシュを修正しました
v2.2.9 [Fix] <Regressions>: Centre of mass changes no longer affect vehicle speed estimates [BUGS-78],Tutorial completion metre is updated correctly now [BUGS-74]
v2.2.9 [修正] <回帰>: 重心の移動がビークル速度の計測に影響を及ぼさなくなった [BUGS-78] チュートリアルの進度が正しく更新されるようになった[BUGS-74]
v2.2.9 [Fix] <Regressions>: Coordinate frame now updated in multiplayer- fewer graphical glitches and shaking. [BUGS-70]
v2.2.9 [修正] <回帰>: マルチプレーでのフレーム座標を更新しました、グラフィック状のグリッチや揺れ動くことが少なくなりました[BUGS-70]
v2.2.9 [Fix] <Regressions>: Multiplayer saves now send correctly [BUGS-71]
v2.2.9 [修正] <回帰>:マルチプレーでのセーブデータが正しく送信されるようになりました[BUGS-71]
v2.2.10 [Fix] <Regressions>: APS and CRAM frags should now detonate from the correct point [BUGS-18],Jets now use the real water level, rather than 0, to determine whether or not they should run. Useful in storms. [BUGS-91]
v2.2.10 [修正] <回帰>:アドキャとCRAMの破片は正しい点[BUGS-18]から爆発するようになりました。ジェットは実際の水位を使用して、実行する必要があるかどうかを判断します。嵐の際に機能します。 [BUGS-91]
v2.2.10 [Fix] <Regressions>: Campaign options are once again customisable from the options menu [BUGS-88]
v2.2.10 [修正] <回帰>:キャンペーンのオプションは、オプションメニュー[BUGS-88]から再びカスタマイズできます。
v2.2.10 [Fix] <Regressions>: Lensed particle cannon shots no longer use twice as much energy as they should [BUGS-12]
v2.2.10 [修正] <回帰>:レンズを使った粒子砲は、もはや2倍のエネルギーを使用しなくなりました[BUGS-12]
v2.2.10 [Fix] <Regressions>: Loops fixed for fleet movement orders [BUGS-97]
v2.2.10 [修正] <回帰>:艦隊の移動命令でループする問題を修正しました[BUGS-97]
v2.2.10 [Fix] <Regressions>: Particle cannon effect is more colourable now [BUGS-94]
v2.2.10 [修正] <回帰>:パーティクル・キャノン・エフェクトはより簡潔になりました[BUGS-94]
v2.2.11 [Add] <Modding>: Poster holders and projectors can define a #hashtag in their URL to load images from Texture Definitions in the mods (which can also define a hashtag for themselves). Try #Cezar for an example. [FTD-167]
v2.2.11 [追加] <mod関係>: ポスターホルダーとプロジェクターで、ハッシュタグを使ってmod内のURLを指定することができるようになりました。#Cezerを試しに使ってみましょう[FTD-167]
v2.2.11 [Fix] <Regressions>: Bug fixed in inertia tensor calc that made vehicles often very wobbly [BUGS-96]
v2.2.11 [修正] <回帰>:慣性テンソルの計算が不安定な問題を修正しました[BUGS-96]
v2.2.12 [Fix] <Regressions>: Adv Ammo UI displays the correct average frag damage now [BUGS-107]
v2.2.12 [修正] <回帰>:アドバンスドキャノンの弾薬UIでfragダメージ平均が正しく表示されるようになりました[BUGS-107]
v2.2.12 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed 'exploding suspension' on the new wheel system [BUGS-22] [BUGS-57] [FTD-145]
v2.2.12 [修正] <回帰>:"爆発的なサスペンション"の問題(やたらと戦車が跳ねる件)の修正を行いました。[BUGS-22][BUGS-57][FTD-145]

2.2.4 [all branches]8/28


Very excited to finally release 2.2.4 with new features and small mountain of fixes.
New features include ocean simulation, new UI work, physically based rendering (PBR) shaders for all blocks and ACB improvements as well as various other graphics improvements and smaller changes.
Here are the patch notes -
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>: ACBs can now have a custom 'min interval between activations'
v2.2 [追加] <ACB>:ACBは最小動作間隔を設定出来るように。
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>: ACBs delayed action can now be queued (before it wasn't possible, so when an action was delayed theACB couldn't issue another action)
v2.2 [追加] <ACB>:ACBのディレイ付き動作は順番待ちできるように(今まではできなかったもので,動作が遅延したらACBは別な動作ができなかった)。
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>: ACBs now have a custom priority (highest priorities have more control)
v2.2 [追加] <ACB>:ACBに優先度設定が追加(優先度の高いほうが制御を行います)
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>: All ACB-controlled block types can now have a custom name (use the 'Block naming' skill, or Shift+N when building or not)
v2.2 [追加] <ACB>:すべてのACB制御されるブロックに名前を設定可能に( 'ブロック命名'スキルを使用するか、ビルド時にShift + Nを使用します)(ACBで名前指定が可能に、現在Luaでは指定不能)
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>: An ACB 'AND' logic gate is simulated when several ACBs are touching each other, the ones with only a condition or only an action are 'attached' to the ones with an action and a condition
v2.2 [追加] <ACB>:複数のACBが互いに接触しているときに、ACBのANDゲートがシミュレートされます。条件付きのACBまたはアクションのみがアクションおよび条件付きのACBに「接続」されます(既に暫定新ACBページにて解説済み)
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>: Major ACB modifications, the inputs and blocks are now in collapsable categories; the states of the condition and action are now displayed
v2.2 [追加] <ACB>:主なACBの変更では、入力とブロックが折りたたみ可能なカテゴリになりました。 条件とアクションの状態は表示されます
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>: Most ACB conditions can be inverted (as with a 'NOT' logic gate)
v2.2 [追加] <ACB>:ほとんどのACB条件を反転することができます( 'NOT'論理ゲートの場合と同様に)
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>: Most ACB conditions now have a min and max inputs
v2.2 [追加] <ACB>:ほとんどのACB条件には最小値と最大値があります
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>: The ACB can now use a string pattern to select blocks according to their names
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>:ACBは文字列パターンを使用してブロック名を選択できるようになりました
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>: The ACB has been completely overhauled
v2.2 [追加] <ACB>:ACBが完全にオーバーホールされました
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>: The ACB now have a 'design' GUI, which displays the location of the blocks controlled by the ACB
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>:ACBは、ACBによって制御されるブロックの位置を表示する 'デザイン' GUIを持つようになりました
v2.2 [Add] <ACB>: Various new ACB conditions and actions
v2.2 [追加] <ACB>:さまざまな新しいACB条件と動作
v2.2 [Add] <Blocks>: GP PID now has an option for height above land and waves (rather than land and mean sea level)
v2.2 [Add] <Blocks>:GP PIDは現在、陸上および波高より上の高さ(地面および平均海面水準ではなく)(修正された高波発生アップデートの影響)
v2.2 [Add] <Blocks>: Spot light added (model for it to come)
v2.2 [追加] <ブロック>:スポットライトが追加(モデルは後程→もう実装されてる)
v2.2 [Add] <Character>: Telekenesis skill now scales with vehicle size
v2.2 [Add] <Character>:テレキネシスのスキルが車両のサイズに合わせて変更されるようになりました(要バグレポート)
v2.2 [Add] <Character>: There's a new block data copy/paste skill which does the same as 'Ctrl+C' and 'Ctrl+V' in build mode
v2.2 [Add] <Character>:ビルドモードで 'Ctrl + C'や 'Ctrl + V'と同じように新しいブロックデータコピー/ペーストのスキルがあります
v2.2 [Add] <Character>: There's a new debug skill to see the AC and health of a block (the real AC, with all the stacking if any)
v2.2 [Add] <Character>:ブロックのACとヘルスを確認するための新しいデバッグスキルがあります(実際のAC、複合装甲効果があっても)
v2.2 [Add] <Character>: There's a new EMP debug skill (working as the explosion or impact debug skills)
v2.2 [Add] <Character>:新しいEMPデバッグスキル(爆発またはインパクトデバッグスキルに似た物)が追加
v2.2 [Add] <Effects>: Added a reflection probe to the camera to facilitate reflections
v2.2 [追加] <エフェクト効果>:リフレクションを容易にするために反射プローブをカメラに追加しました(グラフィック設定)
v2.2 [Add] <Effects>: Added an ambient occlusion effect which is toggleable from the options menu
v2.2 [Add] <Effects>:オプションメニューからトグル可能なアンビエントオクルージョンエフェクトが追加されました
v2.2 [Add] <Effects>: Added an image blooming effect which is toggleable and customisable from the options menu
v2.2 [追加] <効果>:オプションのメニューから有効化設定が可能な画像のブルーミング効果が追加されました
v2.2 [Add] <Effects>: Added PBR shaders for all vehicle materials to produce Physically Based Rendering
v2.2 [Add] <Effects>: Added the ability to scale sun light and ambient light from the options menu
v2.2 [Add] <Effects>: Implemented deferred rendering
v2.2 [Add] <Missiles>: Variable thrust propellers added
v2.2 [Add] <Modding>: Ability to add changes to the patch notes change log by using static constructors in block classes
v2.2 [Add] <Modding>: ExampleMod mod has been added to FTD which contains a boilerplate mod that adds a new block to the game as well as some code. Visual Studio project included. You'll find this mod in your FTD installation game files alongside all other 'core' mods.
v2.2 [Add] <Modding>: Modders can now indicate that a SubObject is 'decorative only', it will automatically display it along with the ablock it is attached to
v2.2 [Add] <Modding>: The dictionary 'CustomVariables' has been added to 'AllConstruct', 'Block' and 'INode', so mods can have and share their own variables attached to vehicles, blocks and nodes
v2.2 [Add] <Options>: Added the option to enable / disable the shadow casting of vehicle lights
v2.2 [Add] <UI>: Added support for a new and improved UI framework
v2.2 [Add] <UI>: Created a new change logging system
v2.2 [Add] <UI>: Main menu vehicle demo camera now follows vehicles more smoothly
v2.2 [Add] <UI>: Moved the Naval Movement Card UI over to the new framework
v2.2 [Add] <UI>: Moved the options menu to the new UI framework
v2.2 [Change] <AI>: The patrol routes have been simplified and the code made more generic and robust
v2.2 [Change] <APS>: -APS firing pieces now have the equivalent of 10 gauge coolers base(balance for smaller systems vs large)
v2.2 [Change] <APS>: There's now one decimal place for the RoF of the APS firing piece
v2.2 [Change] <Blocks>: Blocks now have a unique Id over the whole vehicle (not only its current SubConstruct)
v2.2 [Change] <Blocks>: Distortion sphere for ERA fixed and new shader
v2.2 [Change] <Blocks>: It is now possible to customize the color of the particle cannon effect
v2.2 [Change] <Blocks>: It is now possible to customize the color of the smoke for the smoke generators
v2.2 [Change] <Blocks>: LWCs now have a custom priority (highest priorities have more control)
v2.2 [Change] <Blocks>: Simple lasers can now have their color modified in their GUI
v2.2 [Change] <Blocks>: Smoke generators can now be stopped
v2.2 [Change] <Buoyancy>: Buoyancy for larger vehicles now takes into account waves and uses a sparse sampling system to maintain performance
v2.2 [Change] <Buoyancy>: Water level heights for large vehicles are sampled sparsely to ensure full coverage but at a lower resolution
v2.2 [Change] <Modding>: A mod .dll can contain multiple 'plugin' classes. These now extend interface GamePlugin not FtdPlugin.
v2.2 [Change] <Modding>: Making your own custom 'object pools' is now possible using Pooler.GetPool<YourPool>. All pools now accessed via this mechanism.
v2.2 [Change] <Modding>: Player profile files now moddable. Use ProfileManager.Instance.GetModule<YourType>() to get and set content of the profile. Loading and saving of this content is automatic.
v2.2 [Change] <Modding>: Plugin.json file property name 'FTD_version' changed to 'gameversion' for compatibility with future games. Update this to read "2.2.0" for compatibility with this release
将来のゲームとの互換性のため、Plugin.jsonファイルのプロパティ名 FTD_versionがgameversionに変更された.このリリースとの互換性のためにこれを更新して2.2.0と読む.
v2.2 [Change] <Modding>: StaticPools.AdvSoundManager replaced with BrilliantSkies.Core.Pooling.Pooler.GetPool<BrilliantSkies.Effects.SoundSystem.AdvSoundManager>. Pooler.GetPool<AdvSoundManager> when using 'Using statements'.
StaticPools.AdvSoundManagerはBrilliantSkies.Core.Pooling.Pooler.GetPool <BrilliantSkies.Effects.SoundSystem.AdvSoundManager>に置き換えられました。 'Using statements'を使用する場合はPooler.GetPool <AdvSoundManager>を使って下さい.
v2.2 [Change] <Modding>: When there are an error and a warning for a mod, the error is now displayed in priority
v2.2 [Change] <Optimization>: Acessing blueprints via the designer loading window is now faster
v2.2 [Change] <Optimization>: Loading a blueprint is now faster
v2.2 [Change] <Physics>: -Change to explosive force acting on vehicles, includes a small amount of rotational torque and less random flying into space marauders
v2.2 [Change] <Shields>: Shields distort and reflect calculation changed to be more forgiving of angle of incidence and velocity(this is a stop gap until shield reforms)
v2.2 [Change] <Sounds>: Each engine is now slightly pitched differently (not noticeable until you have a whole lot), will reduce crazy noise levels with a lot of them
v2.2 [Change] <Steam>: Now compliant with Steamworks 1.41 rather than 1.32. Steamworks.Net version 11 rather than 9.0 is being used. This doesn't add any new functionality- just keeping up to date.
1.32ではなくSteamworks 1.41に準拠した.Steamworks.Netバージョン11ではなく9.0が使用されている.これは、最新の機能を追加するものではない.
v2.2 [Change] <Wheels>: Turning wheel does everything a drive wheel does plus turning (they used to only turn)
v2.2 [Change] <Wheels>: Wheels now use a purpose built wheel physics package and should behave much better than previously. You are no longer limited to a maximum of 20 wheels
v2.2 [Fix] <Blocks>: Better management of the LWC firing, the APS guns shouldn't 'eat themselves' anymore when the vehicle is going fast
v2.2 [Fix] <Blocks>: Holoprojector wrong URL when loading a blueprint from v2.15
v2.2 [Fix] <Blocks>: Negative idle azimuth of the 2-axis-turret now works fine
v2.2 [Fix] <Blocks>: Shield external drive now displayed in its GUI (and the plots are updated accordingly)
v2.2 [Fix] <Blocks>: SpinBlock badly displayed when upside down
v2.2 [Fix] <Blocks>: The small and large cannons can now be fired with the ACB
v2.2 [Fix] <Blocks>: When a drill is turned off it slows down now. Before it just kept going.
v2.2 [Fix] <Blocks>: When loading a SubConstruct which has a SubConstruct on it and this child SubConstruct has ammo intakes, the ammo intakes configuration is now loaded correctly
v2.2 [Fix] <Mechanics>: Guns will now fire correctly when they have a delay if fired using an ACB
v2.2 [Fix] <Mechanics>: It is now possible to follow a shell fired manually (using Caps-Lock) even if the weapon has a delay
v2.2 [Remove] <Blocks>: BoomBlock removed
v2.2 [Remove] <Designer>: Removed 'races' from designer.
v2.2.1 [Add] <Effects>: Vehicle paint now has an option to include a modifier for shininess
[追加] <エフェクト>:ビークルペイントに、反射についての設定オプションが追加されました
v2.2.1 [Add] <Technical>: [not recommended] Change streaming assets inside FTD files by creating a file called StreamingFolder.txt next to the executable / app and writing your directory within that text file. Directory must exist.
技術面 非推奨 FTD内のストリーミングアセットをexecutable/appの隣にStreamingFolder.txtを作り、そこに自身のディレクトリを書き込むことで変更できる。
v2.2.1 [Add] <Technical>: Bug reporter / emailer created which is accessible with SHIFT + F1
v2.2.1 [Add] <Technical>: Change save location from 'my documents' by creating a file called SaveLocation.txt next to the executable / app and writing your directory within that text file. Directory must exist.
v2.2.1 [Add] <UI>: In game block information now displayed in a more consise and easy to read format
[追加] <UI>:ゲームブロック情報がより合理的で読みやすい形式で表示されるようになりました
v2.2.1 [Add] <UI>: When a block is selected all connected blocks light up blue. Some blocks display issues with a red tint.
[追加] <UI>:ブロックを選択すると、接続されているすべてのブロックが青色に点灯します。 ブロックによっては、赤く問題が表示される場合があります。
v2.2.1 [Add] <UI>: You can now make cutaway views of vehicles by pressing 'end' in build mode
[追加] <UI>:ビルドモードで「(キーボードの)End」を押すと、車両の断面図を表示できるようになりました
v2.2.1 [Change] <Blocks>: Heliump pump is losing helium x10 time slower for an above water leak compared to an underwater leak
[変更] <ブロック>:ヘリウムポンプは、空中で漏出を起こした際に、水中の10倍の遅さで漏れ出します。
v2.2.1 [Change] <Blocks>: Heliump pump is now providing x1.33 the up-force of an airpump for the underwater volume, and x0.33 for the above water volume (before it was x0.33 for all the volume)
[変更] <ブロック>:ヘリウムポンプは、水中で上向きの力をx1.33、水上でx0.33の上向きの力を与えます(以前はすべての容積に対してx0.33 与えていました)
v2.2.1 [Change] <Blocks>: If a block contains 'NOPID' in its name (be careful of the case), then it will not be controlled by a GP PID. Will not work for roll and pitch
v2.2.1 [Change] <Blocks>: Newly placed (or repaired) airpump and helium pump will now start in a fully flooded room
v2.2.2 [Change] <Avatar>: Skills and items are automatically unlocked/locked when added/removed from your toolbar.
v2.2.2 [Change] <Blocks>: Hologram projector now has a new model
v2.2.2 [Change] <Blocks>: It is now possible to go to the previous or next chair by using '[' and ']' keys (previous and next vehicle keys)
v2.2.2 [Change] <Blocks>: It is now possible to set the main chair by looking at it and pressing Q when sitting in it
v2.2.2 [Remove] <Shields>: Removed the shield colour changer. It is now a decoration. Colours can of course still be changed inside the shield projector itself
v2.2.3 [Fix] <Projectiles>: Fixed two long standing bugs in the projectile grid casting. [BUGS-3] [FTD-126] [FTD-84]
v2.2.3 [Fix] <UI>: Fixed some issues with windowed modes and font sizes [BUGS-8] [FTD-26] [FTD-127]
And here is the focus for the month of September 2018
1) Updating missiles in general. Three different gauges, some new mechanics, missile hatches and balancing is all being worked on.
2) Testing and improving the multiplayer aspects of the game
3) Improving wheels for land vehicles
4) Rolling out the new UI style to more parts of the interface
In other news we have added several new staff to the team and created bug and feature request trackers linked in with out development tools. You can find these



We apologise for the long delay between the stable release of 2.1.6 and 2.2.4.
That is due to the large scale of work involved in upgrading to PBR shaders, Unity 2017.3, and a huge amount of code refactoring that took place to make FTD easier and faster to work on in the long run.
If you want more detailed information, and want to follow what's going on more closely, check out the forums!


If you want to hang out with the dev team and community, visit the discord


- https://discord.gg/ATseFkc
Report all bugs here please


2.2.1 [dev test only]二回目

v2.2.1 (Devtest)

[Add] <Control>: Mouse 1-5 Mappable now.
[Add] <Blocks>: Hologram project now has its own new model.
[Change] <Blocks>: Chair priority now adjustment. Extra levels to suport multiplayer play.
[Change] <Missions>: Story missions checked, adjusted, and cleaned up a bit.
[Change] <Tutorials>: Tutorials and guides updated and fixed up a bit.
[Change] <Weather>: Weather changes now more seemless. Our sacrifices to Poseidon seems to work for now.
[Change] <Texture>: Now you either use the reflection probe continuously and let it "see" vehicles by turning the probe "ON" in the settings or you turn it "OFF" in which case it takes a snapshot once per second of the sea/sky/land. This should fix the issues of the last patch where reflections were super strong on all surfaces.
[Change] <UI>: Tooltips now thiccer for better viewing.
[Fix] <Adventure Mode>: Portals not appearing fixed.
[Fix] <Blocks>: Lead block remapped to a diffrent part of the UV map.
[Fix] <Blocks>: Nuke block fixed. Uranium-236 removed.
[Fix] <Blocks>: Shield colorer now retired to decoration.
[Fix] <Blocks>: Shields now remember their own colors properly.
[Fix] <Blocks>: Blocks are now less shy, they properly display their tooltips.
[Fix] <Blocks>: Barrels pointing the wrong direction on turrets have been told to stop being rebellious.
[Fix] <Blocks>: Trajectory of shells now properly follow turret's orientation.
[Fix] <Blocks>: Drills no longer getting sudden powerup without Torqueamps.
[Fix] <Blocks>: AI mainframes now nag a little less.
[Fix] <Blocks>: Turret blocks.
[Fix] <Blueprint>: Sorting order of blueprints now properly rememebred.
[Fix] <Physics>: Force now properly applying.
[Fix] <Physics>: Warp leading to massive drag forces, now acts more like Adventure warps.
[Fix] <Campaign>: DW/AoTE/Glao weather now less foggy.
[Fix] <Campaign>: DW/AoTE/Glao fleet colors are less shiny, no more need of sun glasses all the time.
[Fix] <Campaign>: AoTE Constants updated to default.
[Fix] <Designer>: Height map lerping to zero on texture boarders fixed.
[Fix] <UI>: Problem with block shrinking only mainconstruct fixed.
[Fix] <UI>: F9 now equiped with pop up blockers.
[Fix] <Avatar>: Fixed problem of skils disabled on restart.
[Fix] <Avatar>: Rambot finally remembers how to use skills and weapons again.
[Fix] <Texture>: Muzzle flashes of CRAM and APS in degraded mode now properly positioned.
[Fix] <Modding>: Replacing a sound or a mesh using the modding GUI now works.
[修正]<Mod>Mod GUIから音・メッシュの置き換えがちゃんと出来るように
[Unchanged] <Texture>: Half texture resolutions works fine.

2.2.1 [dev test only for now]


Hi all.
this will be out in about 30 minutes.. it's building now but I'll be asleep before it lands so here is the post..
Slight adaption to 2.2.0 with the introduction of four significant new features.
1) The "red" paint color now encodes a 3 bit (8 levels) modifier for "shininess / smoothness / reflectivity / (1-roughness) / whatever you want to call it. This means you can paint metal to be like a mirror, or like the opposite (plasterboard, for example). Go into your vehicle / fleet paint colour editor and have a play.
1)「赤い」ペイントカラーは、shininess / smoothness / reflectivity /(1-roughness)の、3ビット(8レベル)の要素を持つようになりました。つまりメタルブロックを鏡面のように塗装できます。あるいはその逆も。(例えば、石膏ボードのように)あなたの車両/フリートペイントカラーエディタに入り、試してみましょう。
2) I've been experimenting with using a camera to capture Cubemaps for reflections. This is still not finished but if you turn off Reflection Probe in the options menu you will get a 1Hz (once per second) update of the scene's reflection "Cubemap" which will contain reflections of the ocean and the sky, and the land. It's a work in progress but I'm quite happy with it. The BUG with it at the moment is that the reflection is powerful on all surfaces- not just shiny ones!
2)私は反射のためのキューブマップをキャプチャするためにカメラを使って実験してきました。 これはまだ完了していませんが、オプションメニューのReflection Probeをオフにすると、1秒に1回、1Hzで更新されるキューブマップによる反射が描写されます。 まだ作業中ですが、私はそれにはとても満足しています。 現時点でのバグは、反射しないはずの表面ですら反射することに起因します。
3) If you look at an exhaust pipe, for example, all exhaust pipes connected to it will glow cyan. Still a WIP feature.
4) you can press "end" in build mode to make "cutaway" views. I had some bugs doing this like cuting away my own player avatar because he was in a chair that got cutaway. I fixed this bug but I suspect there are others. Look forward to seeing some nice cutaway views.
5) The "mouse over" information for blocks is rather a lot clearer and is displayed in the tooltip format you'll be familiar with.
6) all bugs I said I fixed in the previous thread have been fixed (as far as I know).. but keep em coming.
7) the following known bugs remain. a) Weather changes make the ocean go nuts. b) Probeless reflections too strong on all surfaces (see above).
7)以下の既知のバグが残っています。 a)天候の変化で海が大荒れになる点。 b)すべてのサーフェスであまりにも強い反射をする点(上記(2)を参照)。
[Add] <Effects>: Vehicle paint now has an option to include a modifier for shininess
[追加] <エフェクト>:ビークルペイントに、反射についての設定オプションが追加されました
[Add] <UI>: In game block information now displayed in a more consise and easy to read format
[追加] <UI>:ゲームブロック情報がより合理的で読みやすい形式で表示されるようになりました
[Add] <UI>: When a block is selected all connected blocks light up blue. Some blocks display issues with a red tint.
[追加] <UI>:ブロックを選択すると、接続されているすべてのブロックが青色に点灯します。 ブロックによっては、赤く問題が表示される場合があります。
[Add] <UI>: You can now make cutaway views of vehicles by pressing 'end' in build mode
[追加] <UI>:ビルドモードで「(キーボードの)End」を押すと、車両の断面図を表示できるようになりました
[Change] <Blocks>: Heliump pump is losing helium x10 time slower for an above water leak compared to an underwater leak
[変更] <ブロック>:ヘリウムポンプは、空中で漏出を起こした際に、水中の10倍の遅さで漏れ出します。
[Change] <Blocks>: Heliump pump is now providing x1.33 the up-force of an airpump for the underwater volume, and x0.33 for the above water volume (before it was x0.33 for all the volume)
v [変更] <ブロック>:ヘリウムポンプは、水中で上向きの力をx1.33、水上でx0.33の上向きの力を与えます(以前はすべての容積に対してx0.33 与えていました)
I hope to get 2.2.1 pushed to development as well as dev test on Friday noontime ish... and perhaps go stable on Friday late afternoon.
oh and I am well aware that the bump mapping of LWA is far too strong and it looks very odd, especially when highly reflective. Will fix.

V2.2.0 [devtest only] (7/29)

A very small handful of these changes are not yet released to the dev test as I'm waiting for Glaydon to give me a second opinion on something!
Post your bugs here- and I will continue to work on the bugs already posted in the July week 4 thread.
ここに不具合を記述して下さい.私はthe July week 4スレにすでに投稿された不具合に対してつづけて作業します.
[Add] <ACB>: ACBs can now have a custom 'min interval between activations'
[Add] <ACB>: ACBs delayed action can now be queued (before it wasn't possible, so when an action was delayed the ACB couldn't issue another action)
[Add] <ACB>: ACBs now have a custom priority (highest priorities have more control)
[Add] <ACB>: All ACB-controlled block types can now have a custom name (use the 'Block naming' skill, or Shift+N when building or not)
全てのACBで制御されるブロックはカスタムネームを持つ(Block namingスキルを使うか,ビルドモードでShift+Nを使うか名付けない).
[Add] <ACB>: An ACB 'AND' logic gate is simulated when several ACBs are touching each other, the ones with only a condition or only an action are 'attached' to the ones with an action and a condition
[Add] <ACB>: Major ACB modifications, the inputs and blocks are now in collapsable categories; the states of the condition and action are now displayed
[Add] <ACB>: Most ACB conditions can be inverted (as with a 'NOT' logic gate)
[Add] <ACB>: Most ACB conditions now have a min and max inputs
[Add] <ACB>: The ACB can now use a string pattern to select blocks according to their names
[Add] <ACB>: The ACB has been completely overhauled
[Add] <ACB>: The ACB now have a 'design' GUI, which displays the location of the blocks controlled by the ACB
[Add] <ACB>: Various new ACB conditions and actions
[Add] <Character>: Telekenesis skill now scales with vehicle size
[Add] <Character>: There's a new block data copy/paste skill which does the same as 'Ctrl+C' and 'Ctrl+V' in build mode
[Add] <Character>: There's a new debug skill to see the AC and health of a block (the real AC, with all the stacking if any)
[Add] <Character>: There's a new EMP debug skill (working as the explosion or impact debug skills)
[Add] <Effects>: Added a reflection probe to the camera to facilitate reflections
[Add] <Effects>: Added an ambient occlusion effect which is toggleable from the options menu
[Add] <Effects>: Added an image blooming effect which is toggleable and customisable from the options menu
[Add] <Effects>: Added PBR shaders for all vehicle materials to produce Physically Based Rendering
[Add] <Effects>: Added the ability to scale sun light and ambient light from the options menu
[Add] <Effects>: Implemented deferred rendering
[Add] <Missiles>: Variable thrust propellers added
[Add] <Modding>: Ability to add changes to the patch notes change log by using static constructors in block classes
[Add] <Modding>: ExampleMod mod has been added to FTD which contains a boilerplate mod that adds a new block to the game as well as some code. Visual Studio project included. You'll find this mod in your FTD installation game files alongside all other 'core' mods.
[Add] <Modding>: Modders can now indicate that a SubObject is 'decorative only', it will automatically display it along with the ablock it is attached to
[Add] <Modding>: The dictionary 'CustomVariables' has been added to 'AllConstruct', 'Block' and 'INode', so mods can have and share their own variables attached to vehicles, blocks and nodes
[Add] <Options>: Added the option to enable / disable the shadow casting of vehicle lights
[Add] <UI>: Added support for a new and improved UI framework
[Add] <UI>: Created a new change logging system
[Add] <UI>: Main menu vehicle demo camera now follows vehicles more smoothly
[Add] <UI>: Moved the Naval Movement Card UI over to the new framework
[Add] <UI>: Moved the options menu to the new UI framework
[Change] <AI>: The patrol routes have been simplified and the code made more generic and robust
[Change] <APS>: -APS firing pieces now have the equivalent of 10 gauge coolers base(balance for smaller systems vs large)
[Change] <APS>: There's now one decimal place for the RoF of the APS firing piece
[Change] <Blocks>: Blocks now have a unique Id over the whole vehicle (not only its current SubConstruct)
[Change] <Blocks>: Distortion sphere for ERA fixed and new shader
[Change] <Blocks>: It is now possible to customize the color of the particle cannon effect
[Change] <Blocks>: It is now possible to customize the color of the smoke for the smoke generators
[Change] <Blocks>: LWCs now have a custom priority (highest priorities have more control)
[Change] <Blocks>: Simple lasers can now have their color modified in their GUI
[Change] <Blocks>: Smoke generators can now be stopped
[Change] <Blocks>: Spot light added(model for it to come)
[Change] <Buoyancy>: Buoyancy for larger vehicles now takes into account waves and uses a sparse sampling system to maintain performance
[Change] <Buoyancy>: Water level heights for large vehicles are sampled sparsely to ensure full coverage but at a lower resolution
[Change] <Modding>: A mod .dll can contain multiple 'plugin' classes. These now extend interface GamePlugin not FtdPlugin.
[Change] <Modding>: Making your own custom 'object pools' is now possible using Pooler.GetPool<YourPool>. All pools now accessed via this mechanism.
[Change] <Modding>: Player profile files now moddable.Use ProfileManager.Instance.GetModule<YourType>() to get and set content of the profile. Loading and saving of this content is automatic.
[Change] <Modding>: Plugin.json file property name 'FTD_version' changed to 'gameversion' for compatibility with future games. Update this to read "2.2.0" for compatibility with this release
将来のゲームとの互換性のため、Plugin.jsonファイルのプロパティ名 FTD_versionがgameversionに変更された.このリリースとの互換性のためにこれを更新して2.2.0と読む.
[Change] <Modding>: StaticPools.AdvSoundManager replaced with BrilliantSkies.Core.Pooling.Pooler.GetPool<BrilliantSkies.Effects.SoundSystem.AdvSoundManager>. Pooler.GetPool<AdvSoundManager> when using 'Using statements'.
StaticPools.AdvSoundManagerはBrilliantSkies.Core.Pooling.Pooler.GetPool <BrilliantSkies.Effects.SoundSystem.AdvSoundManager>に置き換えられました。 'Using statements'を使用する場合はPooler.GetPool <AdvSoundManager>を使って下さい.
[Change] <Modding>: When there are an error and a warning for a mod, the error is now displayed in priority
[Change] <Optimization>: Acessing blueprints via the designer loading window is now faster
[Change] <Optimization>: Loading a blueprint is now faster
[Change] <Physics>: -Change to explosive force acting on vehicles, includes a small amount of rotational torque and less random flying into space marauders
[Change] <Shields>: Shields distort and reflect calculation changed to be more forgiving of angle of incidence and velocity(this is a stop gap until shield reforms)
[Change] <Steam>: Now compliant with Steamworks 1.41 rather than 1.32. Steamworks.Net version 11 rather than 9.0 is being used. This doesn't add any new functionality- just keeping up to date.
1.32ではなくSteamworks 1.41に準拠した.Steamworks.Netバージョン11ではなく9.0が使用されている.これは、最新の機能を追加するものではない.
[Change] <Wheels>: Turning wheel does everything a drive wheel does plus turning (they used to only turn)
[Change] <Wheels>: Wheels now use a purpose built wheel physics package and should behave much better than previously. You are no longer limited to a maximum of 20 wheels
[Fix] <Blocks>: Better management of the LWC firing, the APS guns shouldn't 'eat themselves' anymore when the vehicle is going fast
[Fix] <Blocks>: Holoprojector wrong URL when loading a blueprint from v2.15
[Fix] <Blocks>: Negative idle azimuth of the 2-axis-turret now works fine
[Fix] <Blocks>: Shield external drive now displayed in its GUI (and the plots are updated accordingly)
[Fix] <Blocks>: SpinBlock badly displayed when upside down
[Fix] <Blocks>: The small and large cannons can now be fired with the ACB
[Fix] <Blocks>: When a drill is turned off it slows down now. Before it just kept going.
[Fix] <Blocks>: When loading a SubConstruct which has a SubConstruct on it and this child SubConstruct has ammo intakes, the ammo intakes configuration is now loaded correctly
[Fix] <Mechanics>: Guns will now fire correctly when they have a delay if fired using an ACB
[Fix] <Mechanics>: It is now possible to follow a shell fired manually (using Caps-Lock) even if the weapon has a delay
[Remove] <Blocks>: BoomBlock removed
[Remove] <Designer>: Removed 'races' from designer.

V2.17 [devtest only] 二回目 (4/13)

[added] All ACB-controlled block types can now have a custom name (use the 'Block naming' skill)
[追加] ACBでコントロール可能な全てのブロックには名前を付けられるようになりました。ACBの検索機能と組み合わることで指定したブロックのみをコントール可能になります。
    (新たに実装された'Block naming'スキルを利用することで可能です)
[added] There's a new EMP debug skill (working as the explosion or impact debug skills)
[追加] 新たにEMPデバグスキルを追加しました。(爆発や衝撃のデバグスキルと同じように使うことが出来ます)
[added] There's a new debug skill to see the AC and health of a block (the real AC, with all the stacking if any)
[追加] 新たにブロックのAC値とHPを確認できるスキルを追加しました。(ACは複合装甲の効果を反映した値が計算されます)
[added] There's a new block data copy/paste skill which does the same as 'Ctrl+C' and 'Ctrl+V' in build mode
[追加] 新たにブロック設定のコピペスキルを追加しました。効果はビルドモードでのコピペと同じものです。
[added] Modders can now indicate that a SubObject is 'decorative only', it will automatically display it along with the ablock it is attached to
[追加] 複数のメッシュ、材質を持ったブロックをコード無しで作成可能になりました。
[fixed] The small and large cannons can now be fired with the ACB
[修正] シンプルウェポンのスモールキャノンとラージキャノンは再びACBで発砲できるようになりました。
New shaders and textures
Better loading speed

V2.17 [devtest only] (4/3)


Here is the ACB overhaul:
[added] The ACB has been completely overhauled
[追加] ACBは完全にオーバーホールされました
[added] Most ACB conditions now have a min and max inputs
[追加] 大半のACBの稼働条件には最小値と最大値が設定可能です
[added] Major ACB modifications, the inputs and blocks are now in collapsable categories; the states of the condition and action are now displayed
[追加]主要なACBの変更、入力とブロックは折りたたみ可能なカテゴリになりました。 条件とアクションの状態が表示されます
[added] The ACB now have a 'design' GUI, which displays the location of the blocks controlled by the ACB
[added] The ACB can now use a string pattern to select blocks according to their names
[added] An ACB 'AND' logic gate is simulated when several ACBs are touching each other, the ones with only a condition or only an action are 'attached' to the ones with an action and a condition
[added] Most ACB conditions can be inverted (as with a 'NOT' logic gate)
[added] ACBs delayed action can now be queued (before it wasn't possible, so when an action was delayed the ACB couldn't issue another action)
[added] ACBs can now have a custom 'min interval between activations'
[added] ACBs now have a custom priority (highest priorities have more control)
[追加] ACBは変更可能な優先度を持ちます(高いほうが優先して動作します)
[added] LWCs now have a custom priority (highest priorities have more control)
[追加] LWCは変更可能な優先度を持ちます(高いほうが優先して動作します)
[removed] BoomBlock removed
[削除] BoomBlockは削除されました
[changed] The ACB has been completely overhauled
[変更] ACBは完全にオーバーホールされました
[changed] When there are an error and a warning for a mod, the error is now displayed in priority
[changed] There's now one decimal place for the RoF of the APS firing piece
[変更] アドキャのファイアレートは小数点以下の値も設定可能に
[fixed] Holoprojector wrong URL when loading a blueprint from v2.15
[修正]ホログラムプロジェクタを v2.15から青写真をロードする際のURLが間違っています
[fixed] SpinBlock badly displayed when upside down
[修正] スピンブロックを下向きに設置した際の見た目の修正
[fixed] Better management of the LWC firing, the APS guns shouldn't 'eat themselves' anymore when the vehicle is going fast
[修正] LWCのアドキャの制御を改善しました(高速で前進中に前方へ発砲しても、もう自損しません)
[fixed] Negative idle azimuth of the 2-axis-turret now works fine
[修正] 二軸タレットを俯角を付けて固定した際の動作の修正


v2.16 [all branches](2/24)


A few fixes and improvements for this patch:
[added] The 'Emergency ejection defuse' shell component, which automatically defuse any ejected shell (in fact, they aren't ejected at all, they just disappear)


[change] Simple lasers less powerful
[change] Holograms can now be mirrored, their size can also by reduced to 0.1m x 0.1m
[変更]ホログラムのミラー設定追加、またサイズも0.1m x 0.1mに対応しました
[fix] Piping for large engines (with more than 800-900 pipes) will not crash anymore, and it's now possible to have up to 2000 pipes
[fix] AMCCs now have priority again over the LWCs, even if the LWC is on the MainConstruct
[fix] APS barrels shouldn't self-destroy in some situations, I hope this fix will be the last for this bug
[fix] Simple lasers now working fine when the game is paused
[fix] Strategic map not broken anymore after a scene change (going to the main menu and back for example)
There's also some content update, but I do not have the details.




- [fixed] Painting fixed for APS mantlet, pistons and display block
- [fixed] various crashes
- [fixed] angular velocity now correctly calculated for munition warners on stacked SubConstructs
- [modified] the simple laser is now using the standard laser algorithm (range still limited to 500m), so it is now possible to counter it with smoke, laser shield and water
- [added] hologram projector ('Decoration' tab), it can project a picture at the desired location (with alpha-transparency)
- [modified] the new explosion algorithm has been re-activated
- [added] configurable inaccuracy for the bomb chutes (by default it's 0, but you can now increase it if you want some dispersal)
- [fixed] (well, I hope...) APS barrels shouldn't self-destroy in some situations (it should even work better when the barrel is repairing itself)


- [modified] more plugins-related errors detected
- [modified] better logs to debug plugins when there's a problem at startup
- [added] non up-to-date mods generate a warning (but still work)
更新されていないMODが警告を表示する(既に働いている). 訳注:スタート画面の右側のアレかと思われる
- [modified] obsolete mods (older than non up-to-date) generate an error an be automatically disabled
エラーを吐く廃止されたMOD(古い更新されていないMOD)は自動的に無効にされる. 訳注:多分,~ an error can be automatically ~が正しい
- [fixed] disabling a mod now works at it should: the mod will not be loaded at all (except for the modding GUI), so it isn't necessaary anymore to delete a mod, disabling it is enough
- [added] modders now have access to a new shader for the blocks, it provides a way to deal with alpha-transparency for textures (as the old light block shader)
- [added] optional 'AfterAllPluginsLoaded()' callback for mods (must implement from 'FTDPlugin_PostLoad' in addition to the required 'FTDPlugin' interface
付随的な 'AfterAllPluginsLoaded()' 関数がMODに呼び出す(必ず 'FTDPlugin'インターフェースが必要であるのに加えて,'FTDPlugin_PostLoad'から実装されてい無ければならない). 訳注:知識もないし,括弧閉じ’)’が消えててわからんかった...




- fixed possible slowdown when loading a ship with the avatar in the chair
- torpedo propellers can now be detected by passive sonars (same mechanism than the detection of missile thrusters, but with a halved distance and only one detection per second instead of 5)
- APS tracer trail size divided by 2
- 5th wireless channel in ACB bug fixed
- AMCCs now have priority again over the LWCs
- sails can now be retracted again (it was only a visual bug)
- most SubObjects are now painted along with the block (mobile detection equipment for example)
- in the modding GUI it is now possible to indicate if a SubObject must be painted or not along with the block
Modding GUIでは、ブロックに加えてSubObjectをペイントする必要があるかどうかを示すことが可能になりました
- in the modding GUI, the meshes and materials replacements are now working as they should
Modding GUIでは、ブロックに加えてSubObjectをペイントする必要があるかどうかを示すことが可能になりました(恐らく従来のAPSマントレットの様に色が塗れないようにする設定を追加、というお話か。)
- plugins checks stronger, and mods completely disabled when the plugin has a problem
If you were using mods, you probably noticed a new window indicating some problems with the plugins.
That window has been added in order to display all the plugins that have a problem, including an error while loading the .dll or a wrong 'plugin.json' file.
そのウィンドウは、.dllや間違った 'plugin.json'ファイルをロード中にエラーを含む、問題のあるすべてのプラグインを表示するために追加されました。
That means that a faulty plugin will not be loaded anymore, and its associated mod will not be loaded either. That will reduce the probability of a mod corrupting FtD or other mods.
つまり、問題のあるプラグインはもう読み込まれず、関連するMODもロードされません。 それは、MODがFtDや他のMODを崩壊させる可能性を減らすでしょう。
Note that a new plugin requirement is now mandatory (mods without plugin do not have to change anything as they do not use the 'plugin.json' file).
新しいプラグインの要件が必須であることに注意してください(プラグインなしのMODは 'plugin.json'ファイルを使用しないので、変更する必要はありません)。
In the 'plugin.json' file, you need to specify the FtD version the mod is working with.
For now, the FtD version indicated must be exactly the same as the FtD version executed, it may be changed for a less rigid check in the future.
Example of new 'plugin.json' file:
name: "ProtecTechTools",
version: "1.5.1",
FtD_version: "v2.15",
filename: "ProtecTechTools.dll",
depends: [],
conflicts: []
Notice the 'FtD_version: "v2.15",' line, which is new and must contain the exact version of FtD currently running.
'FtD_version: "v2.15"、'行は新しく、現在実行中のFtDの正確なバージョンを含んでいなければなりません。
Be careful of the ',' character, it must be at the end of all lines except the last one (json standard).
As a modder, I know that's not a very good news, but this has been done because most of the bug reports we receive are coming from mods, which is normal because FtD has been modified a lot recently.
We had to find a way to redirect the bug reports towards the mods when the problem is coming from them.
For now the check isn't forgiving at all, it is planned to find a way to make it more forgiving in the (near) future.




The v2.14 includes an update to the explosion algorithm, with more configuration variables and some balancing to reduce the strength of the explosion while having a larger radius (you have to press the 'Home' key and apply the default configuration and then exit and restart FtD in order to activate the updated default configuration).


v2.14には、爆発アルゴリズムのアップデートが含まれています。より多くの設定変数と、より大きな半径を持つ爆発の強さを減らすためのいくつかのバランスがあります( 'Home'キーを押してデフォルト設定を適用して終了し、 更新されたデフォルト設定を有効にするためにFtDを再起動してください)。


It would be good to have some information about how you feel about the new radius in terms of potential slowdowns.
The new default range for the explosion is 35m, it may be a bit high, if you find it slows down the game noticeably, please set it to 30m or 25m and restart FtD in order to see the difference.




The v2.14 also has a fix for the new airpump algorithm, the beams now have their buoyancy applied to their center instead of on one side.
There are also a few changes on the CRAM bomb chute. The shells fired using the bomb chute now inherit only of 1/5th of the velocity of the vehicle, the muzzle velocity is set to 40m/s instead of 20m/s, the detection range of the shell has been divided by 10 and there is no muzzle flash when the bomb is launched.


CRAM爆弾シュートにはいくつかの変更点があります。 ボムシュートを使って発射された砲弾は、ビークルの速度の1/5しか受け継がず、砲口初速は20m / sではなく40m / sに設定され、シェルの検出範囲は1/10になった。爆弾が発射されたときのマズるフラッシュが発生しないようになりました。


Also, the aerial AI card now has a specific option which allow you to use a mix of the forward velocity of the vehicle and the forward vector of the vehicle instead on only the forward vector in order to compute the angle to which it must turn in order to reach the desired yaw when in combat mode.
That means that a bomber doing a carpet bomb run will now overturn in order to compensate its lateral velocity, so it will be able to go over the target a lot better than before.


また、エアリアルAIカードには、ビークルの前進速度と車両の前進ベクトルの代わりに、前進ベクトルのみを使用して、進入する必要がある角度を計算するための特別なオプションが用意されています コンバットモードのときに所望のヨーに到達するように指示する。


And finally, there's also a fix for the universal copy/paste of the blocks data.
That feature is now working fine.



V2.13 [dev test and development only] (18/1/16)



Hi all,


Here is the long awaited new explosions algorithm.
It's not yet completely balanced, and it will be modified a bit.
But all in all, it's doing what we're asking to it:

  • larger max explosion radius
  • the end of the explosion-going-through-hull-to-reach-SubConstructs bug
    Also, in addition it has:
  • dissipation effect
  • blast effect
    Dissipation effect:
    The explosion grow from its origin point in all directions by layers using Manhattan distances.
    Each time it encounters air (no block), then it loses some energy.
    When a block is hit, it is either:
  • destroyed
  • damaged
  • undamaged
    A block is destroyed if there's enough energy in the explosion to destroy it.
    A block is damaged if there's not enough energy to destroy it, but enough to damage it.
    A block is undamaged when there's not enough energy left in the explosion to even damage it.
    Blast effect:
    The number of blocks encountered for one layer is divided by the number of blocks visited for that same layer, and the larger this number is, the larger the bonus.
    When a block is destroyed, the explosion loses some energy (usually more than when it encounter air).
    When a block is damaged only, a part of that energy lost is given back to the explosion.
    When a block isn't even damaged, a part of that energy lost is given back to the explosion.
    That means that creates a 'tunnel effect'.
    In short, if an explosion occurs in a HA tube, then it will be more powerful and expand further away along the length of the tube.
    Currently, the explosion are only half-balanced.
    It is possible to modify a lot of internal variable at runtime by pressing the 'Home' key; in order to observe their impact on the explosions.
    These variables are:
  • maximum radius (the only one for which it is needed to restart FtD)
  • Boost coefficient: the explosion energy is multiplied by this coefficient
  • AC power to apply to flak: (1/AC)^<this value> is used instead of just (1/AC), which is then multiplied by the explosion power
  • Air-bleed
    • Constant: a constant value is removed for each air-cell
    • Percent: a percent of the remaining energy is removed
    • Formula: a formula is applied in order to determine how much energy is removed

energy to remove %> = C * <explosion energy>^Pe / <explosion radius>^Pr

  • No damage threshold: if the damages dealt to a block are less than this ratio, then the block will not be damaged
  • Blast effect for damaged only blocks: the ratio of the energy lost that is given back if a block is only damaged
  • Blast effect for undamaged blocks: the ratio of the energy lost that is given back if a block is hit but not damaged
  • Must we sort blocks to damage?: Indicates if the blocks are damaged in the order of the algorithm, or depending on their AC*health (increasing order)
  • Containement: Increase the power of the explosion depending on the number of blocks hit compared to the number of cells visited
    • None: no bonus
    • Last iteration: only the last iteration cells are taken into account
    • All iterations: all cells from the first layer are taken into account
  • Simulates several hits on blocks: in some cases, a block may be visited several times because of how the explosion algorithm is propagated
    Also, in the logfile there are a lot of information relative to the explosion, especially the initial energy and the number of blocks hit, damaged and destroyed.
    That's very helpfully to know the exact result of an explosion.

The default values are usable, but it's probably possible to find better ones.
The important thing is to have enough information about the explosions behavior, so please, try to explode a lot of things in a lot of different ways with a lot of different weapons so that we can see what type of situation isn't balanced enough.
So guys, take your guns and destroy everything!


I forgot, there's also a universal block data copy/paste.
When in build mode, place the cursor on a block.
Then press 'Ctrl+C'.
Then go to another block of the same type, and press 'Ctrl+V'.
That way you can copy/paste the data for the ACBs, PIDs, light, etc.


And you can copy several types of block, and then paste them, there's a copy buffer for each type of block.


There's also the BoomBlock, which is used to reproduce exactly the explosions.
It will be removed, as will the GUI used to customize the explosions.


‐ より大きい最大爆発半径
‐ 爆発の伝播が船体を通り抜けてサブコンストラクトに届くバグ時代の終焉








1. 最大半径(これのみはFtDの再起動が必要です)
3.Flakに適用されるAC乗数(普通の1/ACの指揮ではなく、(1/AC)^n になります。
  *適用係数C, 爆発エネルギー乗数Pe, 爆発半径乗数Pr を使います


エネルギー減少量 = C * 爆発エネルギー ^ Pe / 爆発半径 ^ Pr










2.12 released [ all branches] (18/1/2)


Here is the full change log (i.e. for those moving from last stable to this releas
Hope you enjoy it!
Wishing you all a fantastic 2018 Smile
[added] Support for pistons (1x1x1 and 1x2x1)
[added] Support for spinners, turrets and pistons on other spinners, turrets or pistons (limited to 25 levels, including the MainConstruct)
[added] it is now possible to set the idle azimuth and elevation for turrets
[added] it is now possible to set the idle azimuth for APS (not CRAM due to some technical problems)
[added] spinblocks and pistons can now be locked via their GUI, so the ACBs won't be able to move them
[added] elevation only turret (1x1x1 version only)
[added] ACBs can now be turned on/off by using their GUI or another ACB (an ACB cannot turn itself on/off automatically)
[change] ACBs can now be placed on SubConstructs
[change] The Aimpoint card can now be configured, the maximum time before targetting another block can be configured, and it can be set to target Mainframes and ammo storage as usual or any random block
[change] Shields can now have their color changed using directly their GUI, no need to use the shield projectors anymore (but they still work)
[improved] it is now possible to choose between local and global field of fire restrictions for weapon and turrets
[improved] It is now possible to manually control the SpinBlocks using their GUI
[improved] copy/paste feature for ACBs, LWCs and AMCCs
[improved] if you look at an airpump with leaks, the leaks will be indicated by small red squares
[improved] ACBs input values now have different decimal places depending on the type of the input
[improved] ACB input for control key stimulus now display the actual key instead of a number
[improved] GP PID altitude test values can now be set between -1000 and +3000
GP PIDの高度設定の値が-1000から+3000まで設定可能に
[improved] 'Clear clips' button added to the APS firing piece
[improved] 'Access to intakes' button added to the APS firing piece (exiting that GUI will return to the APS GUI)
[improved] When clicking on the selected ammo controller in the ammo intake GUI, the ammo controller GUI is now displayed (exiting that GUI will return to the intake GUI)
[improved] It is now possible to slow down the rotation speed of the turrets (using a percentage)
[improved] Optimization of the fuel engine power creation when using turbos or exahusts
[improved] a LWC can now control weapons on all the stacked children SubConstructs, including pistons or spinblocks
[improved] the LWCs now aim x40 times per second, which will make targeting a lot more efficient
[improved] the LWC on the MainConstruct are executed before the ones on the first level of SubConstructs, which are executed before the ones on the second level of SubConstructs, which are executed before the ones on the remaining levels of SubConstructs
[improved] the LWC can now control a turret (or stacked turrets) which have no weapons (so, you can place a radar 90 on a turret controlled by a LWC in order to rotate the radar toward the target)
[fix] When a shield projector is placed next to a shield color changer, it now connects the shield color changer automatically
[fix] When loading a blueprint and after having taking hits, the shields are now returning to their specified color
[fix] The external venting of turbos is now displayed correctly in the cylinder's tooltip
[lua] Due to the extensive modification on the SpinBlocks, the functions related to the Spinners and turrets have been largely modified (old functions still there, but shouldn't work for stacked SubConstructs)
[lua] SubConstructs now have a unique Id, such an Id will never be reused in the same blueprint. The turrets, pistons and SpinBlocks are now accessed using that unique Id
[modders] The blocks array have been removed, blocks are now accessible in 'ElementStorage' using the Local Position coordinates
[modders] It is now possible to mod the constructs thanks to the introduction of 'Modules' that are attached to the constructs (most of the existing modules can be replaced)


[modders] It is now possible to add new audio assets (they will now be loaded correctly even if not in the FtD directory)
[modders] it is now possible to add new types of turrets by naming its parts '<custom name> Turret' and 'Turret Block <custom name>' (case and spaces are mandatory)
[モッド製作者向け] 新しいタレットを追加できるようになりました。「<追加タレットの名前>Turret」もしくは「Turret Block <追加タレットの名前>」が使えます(<追加タレットの名前>は、大文字と小文字で別の文字として扱われます)


  • なお稀に「なんだこのふざけた訳は!」という箇所がありますがその文句は原文を書いた開発者にぶつけてあげましょう( ˘ω˘) -- 管理人/びんせんとー? 2018-08-21 (火) 00:21:47