
Last-modified: 2018-02-03 (土) 02:16:25

v1.0.0.2 Part2 2016/3/17

[Game] ゲーミング

Elite and Ultimate difficulties: reduced enemy damage, reduced enemy attribute bonuses, moderately reduced damage resist bonuses, more significantly reduced resists to CCs, slight reduction to OA bonus, moderate reduction to enemy armor and absorb, small increase to enemy life.

エリート/アルティメット: エネミーのダメージ、属性値ボーナス、(それなりに)対ダメージ耐性ボーナス、(大きく)CC耐性、(わずかに)OAボーナス、(それなりに)装甲と吸収率 を減少し、

Fixed an issue that could cause Nemesis bosses not to spawn


Fixed an issue with Achievements for achieving Revered status not unlocking


[Itemization] アイテム

Fixed an issue with Item requirements on Epic/Legendary weapons having increased or become missing in v1.0.0.2


Treasure Troves with static spawn locations have been removed, or made to spawn more randomly


Treasure Troves now have a very high chance of dropping a rare crafting material, scaling with difficulty

(補注: 高い確率だけど確実ではなくなりました)

[Class & Skills] クラス&スキル

Devotion 祈祷

Increased % Damage values on all Constellations, ranging from a 50-100% increase, with the largest increase on Tier 3 Constellations.


Slightly increased damage scaling with rank on Tier 2 and Tier 3 Celestial Powers, with the Tier 3 powers receiving a larger boost.


Abomination: increased Health to 300

忌まわしきもの: ヘルスを+250→+300

Affliction: added 10% Poison Resist

難儀: 10%毒酸耐性を追加

Amatok, Spirit of Winter: replaced flat Health with 3% Health

冬の精霊 アマトク: +100ヘルスを+3%ヘルスに置き換え

Assassin: added 8% Bleed Resist, 8% Poison Resist and 6 Pierce damage

アサシン: 8%出血耐性、8%毒酸耐性、6刺突ダメージを追加

Berserker: added 3% Damage Converted to Health

バーサーカー: 3%攻撃→ヘルス変換を追加

Candle: added 1.5 Energy Regen

学者の明かり: +1.5エナジー再生/sを追加

Dire Bear: increased % Health to 5%

ダイアベア: +3%ヘルス→+5%

Dying God: increased Offensive Ability to 40

瀕死の神: 攻撃能力を(最初の2つの星で合計)+30→+40

Eel: added 10 Defensive Ability

鰻: +10防御能力を追加

Fox: added 8% Bleed Resist

狐: 8%出血耐性を追加

Gallows: increased % Vitality Resist to 10%

絞首台: 生命力耐性を8%→10%

Ghoul: increased % Damage Converted to Health to 4%

グール: 攻撃→ヘルス変換を3%→4%

Harpy: added 10% Bleed Resist

ハーピー: 10%出血耐性を追加

Hound: added 4% Armor

猟犬: 合計4%装甲強化を追加

Huntress: added 8% Pierce Resist

女狩人: 8%刺突耐性を追加

Jackal: increased Offensive Ability to 12

ジャッカル: 攻撃能力を+8→+12

Kraken: increased % Attack Speed to 20%

クラーケン: 攻撃速度を+16%→+20%

Leviathan: increased % Pierce Resist to 20%

リバイアサン: 刺突耐性を15%→20%

Lizard: added 50 Health

トカゲ: +50ヘルスを追加

Magi: added 8% Elemental Resist

マギ: 8%エレメンタル耐性を追加

Manticore: added 4% health and 8 Poison damage / 5s

マンティコア: +4%ヘルス、8毒ダメージ/5sを追加

Oleron: added 10% Bleed Resist

オレロン: 10%出血耐性を追加

Owl: added 8% Elemental Resist

フクロウ: 8%エレメンタル耐性を追加

Raven: added 1 Energy Regen

レイヴン: +1エナジー再生/sを追加

Revenant: replaced flat Health with 3% Health

レヴナント: +100ヘルスを+3%ヘルスに置き換え

Rhowan's Crown: added 8% Chaos Resist

ローワンの王冠: 8%カオス耐性を追加

Shepherd's Crook: increased Health to 80

羊飼いの杖: ヘルスを+40→+80

Spear of the Heavens: increased Offensive Ability to 40

天の槍: 攻撃能力を+30→+40

Solael's Witchblade: added 15% Fire Resist

ソレイルの魔剣: 15%火炎耐性を追加

Ulzuin's Torch: increased Offensive Ability to 20

ウルズインの松明: 攻撃能力を+15→+20

Wendigo: increased % Health to 5%

ウェンディゴ: +3%ヘルス→+5%

Widow: added 8% Vitality Resist, reduced Offensive Ability by 10

未亡人: 8%出血耐性を追加、攻撃能力を-18(2番目の+10を削除)

Mark of the Wendigo: reverted addition of cooldown

ウェンディゴのマーク: クールダウンを差し戻し (2→0秒)

Occultist オカルティスト

Doombolt: Cooldown reduced to 8s, Radius increased to 2.5

ドゥームボルト: クールダウンを10→8s、半径を1.5→2.5mへ

Shaman シャーマン

Mogdrogen's Pact: Energy Reserved rebalanced across the base skill and its modifiers

モグドロゲンズパクト: ベースおよび派生を合わせたエナジー予約量のバランスを調整

v1.0.0.2 (b31 hotfix4) 2016/3/16


[Animation] アニメーション

Updated the Cast animation for Aether Ray to be more responsive


[Tech] 技術面

Fixed Savagery for players in multiplayer games.


Updated Skill Select menu for the Hotbar and Devotion window.


Fixed "Tag not found" on the DPS tooltip.

DPSツールチップでTag not foundとなる問題を修正。

Fixed issues where skill tooltips would show inaccurate retaliation values.


Fixed the chat window interfering with clicking on items in your inventory as well as general improvements. (Clicking on text in the chat window will now open chat input)


Improved chat window functionality for smaller resolutions.


Fixed a bug where community localizations would fail to work after the game intro was played.


Fixed a bug on XInput controllers where the left stick x axis deadzone was too large.


Fixed a bug where the game window would hide other windows when switching out of fullscreen mode.


Fixed certain pets not receiving their proper Celestial powers in multiplayer.


Fixed boss creatures from not utilizing their speed reduction resistance against percent based speed reduction attacks.


Holding CTRL when looking at an equipped item will hide the tooltip for easier inventory visibility.


Component use highlight colors should now be more visible.


Certain on hit skill buffs will no longer benefit from Refresh Cooldown skills.


Having enough WeaponPool attacks can now properly knock off the default attack from available attacks list.


Added the ability to shift-click items into the Trade Window.


Fixed left hand weapon damage not being included in the Skill damage breakdown tooltip under certain situations.


Fixed racial damage bonuses not working on some items.


Fixed inventory full message playing when starting some quests.


Faction vendor items more clearly indicate when they can't be purchased due to reputation restrictions.


Fixed item tooltips appearing in upper-left corner of the screen.


[Game] ゲーミング

Treasure Troves now always drop a random rare crafting material (yes, even Manticore Eyes) and have a high chance of dropping Blueprints. Overall quality of loot increased.

そして、設計図もドロップします。 全体的に宝箱のクオリティを上昇しました。

Increased the number of locations where Dynamite can be found in the world


Dynamite can now be crafted at the Homestead Blacksmith (3 Dynamite for 5000 Iron Bits, 1 Aether Shard, 1 Searing Ember and 1 Scavenged Plating)


Dynamite is no longer sold by vendors


Significantly increased the chance of generating rare crafting materials from Dismantling, particularly for Epics and Legendaries


A new Blacksmith now appears in Tyrant's Hold on Elite and Ultimate difficulty that can turn rare crafting materials into random items of Legendary quality. If your character is too low level to roll a Legendary, it will be an Epic item instead, but this should not be much of an issue for players not power-levelling through Normal/Veteran.


th_bs_l.png th_bs.png

Adjusted Faction Reputation requirement tiers as follows: Revered now requires 25000, Hated now requires -8000 and Nemesis now requires -20000. Overall, Nemesis took a little too long to reach and introduce this fun twist into farming runs while the extra heroes came a bit too soon.

崇拝(Revered) 30000→25000、憎悪(Hated) -10000→-8000、ネメシス(Nemesis) -30000→-20000

Kymon's Chosen and Order of Death's Vigil Champion monsters now grant 100% more reputation gain while Common monsters now grant 100% more reputation loss.


Slaying the Outcast now grants 50% more reputation loss.


Nemesis bosses now always drop a shoulder armor Monster Infrequent, two versions per Nemesis.


Fixed an issue with the Chthonian Nemesis that could cause it not to spawn or even crash the game


Removed the lowest tier of Components from possible Bounty rewards


One-Shot Chests now have a chance of dropping a Legendary item on Elite/Ultimate Difficulty, with a much higher chance on Ultimate Difficulty.


[Itemization] アイテム

All items are now labeled with their type.


Requirement formulas have been updated for all armor. Generally this will mean a slight reduction in Physique requirements.


Significantly increased armor values on level 50+ armor. This increase ranges from 10-35%, with the largest increases at the highest levels.


Reduced cost of crafting Enchanted blueprints by 10-45%, with the largest reduction at lower levels.


It is no longer possible to craft single Magic affix items from Enchanted blueprints. All items are Double Magic Affix, Single Rare Affix or higher quality. This effectively also increases the chance of generating an item with Rare affixes.


Reduced Resist Reductions from skills granted by equipment, new values generally ranging from -10 to -20%.


Legendary - Signet of the Fallen: skill no longer reduces Pierce Resist

シグネット オブ ザ フォールン: スキルは刺突耐性減少効果を持たなくなりました

Legendary - Deathmark Set: increased Cold damage dealt by the granted skill

デスマークセット: スキルの冷気ダメージを上昇

Epic - Spaulders of Mogdrogen: updated the Pet bonuses to the originally intended values. The item incorrectly granted the same pet bonuses as the Legendary version.

モグドロゲンのスポールダー(エピック): ペットボーナスを本来意図している数値に上昇。レジェンダリ版と同じになってしまっていました。

[Class & Skills] クラス&スキル

Devotion 祈祷

With the increase in armor values at higher levels, defensive devotions (particularly those that boost armor) have been adjusted down.


【Constellation 星座】
Anvil: reduced % Armor Absorption to 3%

鉄床: 防具吸収力を5%→3%

Behemoth: reduced Health to 300, % Health to 4% and % Health Regen to 10%

ビヒモス: ヘルス+400→+300、+8%→+4%、再生量増加を20%→10%

Chariot of the Dead: reduced % Vitality Resist to 10%

死者のチャリオット: 生命力耐性を15%→10%

Crab: reduced % Elemental Resist to 15%


Crane: reduced % Poison Resist to 12%, % Vitality Resist to 8% and % Elemental Resist to 10%

鶴: 毒酸耐性を15%→12%、生命力耐性を10%→8%、エレメンタル耐性を15%→10%

Empty Throne: reduced % Aether, Chaos and Pierce Resist to 8% for players and pets

空位の玉座: イーサー・カオス・刺突耐性をプレイヤー、ペット共に10%→8%

Harvestman's Scythe: reduced % Health and Energy Regen to 20%

刈り入れ人の大鎌: ヘルス再生量増加を25%→20%

Light of Empyrion: reduced % Elemental Resist to 10%, % Vitality Resist to 15% for players and pets, % Aether Resist to 15% and % Chaos Resist to 15%

エンピリオンの光: 開始星のエレメンタル耐性を15%→10%、プレイヤー/ペットの生命力耐性を20%→15%、イーサー・カオス耐性を20%→15%

Lizard: reduced % Health Regen to 15%

トカゲ: ヘルス再生量増加を20%→15%

Menhir's Obelisk: reduced Armor to 150 and % Armor by 5%

メンヒルのオベリスク: 装甲を+300→+150、装甲強化を16%→11%

Messenger of War: reduced Armor to 50 and % Armor to 6%

戦争の使者: 装甲を+100→+50、装甲強化を10%→6%

Scales of Ulcama: reduced % Health Regen to 10%, % Health to 6% and % Energy Regen to 10%

ウルカマの天秤: ヘルス再生量増加を15%→10%、%ヘルスをを+10%→+6%、エナジー再生量増加を15%→10%

Shieldmaiden: reduced % Armor Absorption to 5%

盾の乙女: 防具吸収力を8%→5%

Targo the Builder: reduced % Health by 4%, % Armor by 6% and reduced Health to 300

建築神 ターゴ: %ヘルスを+14%→+10%、装甲強化を16%→10%、ヘルスを+400→+300

Tree of Life: reduced % Health by 8% and % Health Regen to 20%

生命の樹: %ヘルスを+25%→+17%、ヘルス再生量増加を40%→20%

Turtle: reduced % Health to 4% and % Armor to 4%

亀: %ヘルスを+5%→+4%、装甲強化を6%→4%

Ulo the Keeper of the Waters: reduced % Poison Resist to 15% for players and pets and % Chaos Resist to 10% for players

水の番人 ウロ: プレイヤー/ペットの毒酸耐性を20%→15%、プレイヤーのカオス耐性を12%→10%

Viper: reduced % Offensive Ability to 3%

毒蛇: 攻撃能力を+4%→+3%

【Celestial Power 星座スキル】
Assassin's Mark: Resist Reduction reduced to -33% at max rank

アサシンのマーク: 耐性減少を最大-45%→-33%

Dryad's Blessing: increased cooldown to 4s by max rank

ドライアドの祝福: 最少クールダウンを3s→4s

Giant's Blood: reduced Health Regen to 240 and % Healed to 20% by max rank

巨人の血: ヘルス再生を+260→+240、%即時回復を最大25%→20%

Healing Rain: reduced % Heal to 10% and % Health/Energy Regen to 50% by max rank

ヒーリングレイン: %即時回復を最大15%→10%、再生量増加を75%→50%

Light of Empyrion (Skill): increased cooldown to 4s


Mark of the Wendigo: increased activation chance to 25%, added a 2s cooldown

ウェンディゴのマーク: 発動率を15%→25%、2sクールダウンを追加

Rend: Resist Reduction reduced to -33% at max rank


Shield Wall: reduced % Armor by 15% at all ranks

シールドウォール: 装甲強化を全体的に-15% (30-45%→15-30%)

Stoneform: reduced % Armor by 20% at all ranks, reduced % Armor Absorption to 20% by max rank

ストーンフォーム: 装甲強化を全体的に-20% (50-70%→30-50%)、最大防具吸収力を30%→20%

Tip the Scales: cooldown increased to 1.5s


Wayward Soul: increased cooldown by 3s at all ranks

強情な魂:クールダウンを全体的に3s上昇 (30-15→33-18s)

Soldier ソルジャー

Cadence: increased % Weapon damage to 250% by rank 16, 300% by max ultimate rank.

カデンツ: X%武器ダメージをLv16で235%→250%、最大で275%→300%

Rending Force: increased % Physical damage and Armor Reduction

レンディングフォース: +X%物理ダメージと装甲減少効果を増加

Internal Trauma: increased Bleed and Internal Trauma damage scaling with rank

インターナルトラウマ: 出血・体内損傷ダメージのスケールを増加

Tremor: reduced % Weapon damage penalty to -50% and Stun Reduction to 99%

トレマー: 武器ダメージペナルティを-70%→-50%、気絶短縮を100%→99%

Demolitionist デモリッショニスト

Mortar Trap now fires the Big One after a 3s delay, down from 5s

モータートラップ: ビッグワン発射時に発生するディレイを5s→3sに減少

v1.0.0.1 2016/2/29


[Tech] 技術面

Stationary Attack can now be rebound for XInput controllers.


Fixed a bug where Steam controllers would sometimes not work on the main menu when starting the game for the first time.


Fixed a rendering issue causing some objects to appeart all white on lower quality levels.


Increased maximum UI scaling.


Fixed a crash which could occur when loading game resources.


Fixed a crash which could occur when changing between display modes.


Fixed a bug where item drop sounds would not be played.


Fixed a crash which could occur when exiting the game.


Fixed a crash which could occur when changing graphics options.


[Game] ゲーミング

Reduced the life scaling of the Avatar of Mogdrogen at higher levels, also slightly increased the delay between his summon waves


Added missing 25% Lightning damage to Widow Constellation

未亡人: 消失していた+25%雷ダメージを追加

Added two new baseline blueprints for Blacksmiths to transmute Scavenged Plating into Bristly Fur, and vice-versa

Scavenged Plating(廃品利用の板金)とBristly Fur(剛毛の毛皮)の相互変換ができる設計図を新たに追加。

Significantly increased the turn-rate and beam speed of Aether Ray, Conflagration and Obliteration


Shaman シャーマン

Devouring Swarm vitality damage scaled down to an equivalent level as the bleed.

デヴァウリングスウォーム: 生命力ダメージのスケールを出血と同等にダウン。

b31 hotfix2 (v1.0.0.0) 2016/2/26


[Tech] 技術面

Improved duration damage critical hit display.


Fixed a bug where using the mouse wheel would cause skills to be repeatedly fired.


Fixed a bug where some in game dialogs were missing text.


Fixed a bug where freeze effects would change the texture on monsters after wearing off.


Fixed a bug where the create character button would not become active when using a controller.


Fixed a bug where the character would move when using skills with the stationary movement key pressed.


[Game] ゲーミング

Points allocated to physique/cunning/spirit have been added to their respective tooltips.


Fixed an issue with Volley and Blazing Fury not triggering with a 2h Ranged weapon


Relic - Ancestor: Reduced % Crit damage for pets from the granted skill to 15%. This bonus was missed when % Crit damage bonuses were adjusted in B31.

先祖: スキルのペットクリティカルを15%に減少。b31での調整で見逃されていました。

Relic - Bysmiel's Domination: replaced Health Regen for pets with 10% Crit damage for pets. Frenzied Devotion now also grants Chaos damage for the player and pets.

ビスミールの支配: ペットヘルス回復時間短縮を10%ペットクリティカルに置き換え。スキルにプレイヤー・ペット双方にカオスダメージを追加。

Auto-Sort now sorts by item type first, then alphabetically


Legendary - Touch of the Everliving Grove Grove: added 220 Health and 14% Elemental resist

タッチオブザエバーリビング: +220ヘルスと14%エレメンタル耐性を追加

Increased Resist bonuses on the base stats of Helm, Ring, Shoulder and Torso Monster Infrequents


b31 hotfix1 (v0.3.8.1) 2016/2/24

[Tech] 技術面

Add option to allow "Move To" to break destructible objects.


Fixed a bug where objects destroyed by pets would not count towards achievements.


Fixed a bug where pets could not destroy some destructible objects (excluding loot orbs, will be fixed in a further patch).


[Game] ゲーミング

Fixed an issue with Thermite Mines not triggering Celestial Powers


Fixed an issue with Mortar Trap and the Pet Attack command allowing it to rapid-fire.


A couple additional unique rare items have been strategically placed around lower crossing and wightmire to promote exploration.


Adjusted attribute damage bonuses down a bit. They are still higher than B30 but we felt we went a little too far and it was contributing too much extra damage to both enemies and players by higher difficulties. We didn't want
to drop it much through, so we tried to rebalance further with adjustments to enemy scaling.


Enemy damage and life scaling has been adjusted across all difficulties but with the biggest reductions on elite and ultimate. This should help address the sudden increase to difficulty, felt most keenly by melee builds. This is a quick adjustment and we will continue to gather feedback and playtest to fine tune it.
