Natsuko Tezuka

Last-modified: 2007-11-12 (月) 14:38:56

Natsuko Tezuka photo

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The main activity base: Kanagawa-ken

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Natsuko Tezuka started her career as solo dancer in February 1996. At beginning of her career she performed pantomime and dance and tried to establish something unique performance far from traditional dance style.
In 2001, with the theme of “Body Observation” she produced her first “Shiteki Kaibo Jikken”(Anatomical Experiment) series.
In 2002, she performed at the final competition at TOYOTA CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD.
Tezuka performs various places other than theaters, such as galleries, street cars and on tourist boat. She also offers workshops for dancers, actors, musicians and for disabled people by using her own method to create performances.
Concepts and Goals
Natsuko Tezuka uses her thoughts and experiences to create her performances.
She uses what she has learnt from previous performances to create the next. As the body and mind are deeply connected, her motto is “close observations of body”. With body movement, she tries to reach the inner depths of her mind to create inspiring dance performances

Currently Available Performamce Works
Play of the programs video

  • Shiteki Kaibo Jikken - 2 (Anatomical Experiment version 2)
    Number of performers:One performer
    Required stage area:1.8 x 1.8 meters
    Performance fee:50,000 yen
  • Shiteki Kaibo Jikken - 4 (Anatomical Experiment version 4)
    Number of performers:One~three performers
    Required stage area:4 x 2.5 meters
    Performance fee:70,000~160,000 yen