ヘルプ日本語訳/The objects

Last-modified: 2010-09-29 (水) 20:04:24

ヘルプ日本語訳 > The objects


The Objects



Multimedia Fusion 2 Developerは、多くの異なるオブジェクトが含まれています。各オブジェクトは、特定のタスク用に作成されています。そして、さまざまなオブジェクトは、マルチメディアアプリケーションやゲームを作成するニーズの99.9%をカバーしています。


この章では、Multimedia Fusion 2 Developerに含まれるすべての異なるオブジェクトの詳細をカバーします。これは主に2つのセクション、共通のプロパティセクション、およびオブジェクト一覧のセクションに分かれています。






(原文)The Objects

Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer contains many different objects. Each object has been created for a specific task, and the number of different objects covers 99.9% of the needs you may have to create a multimedia application or a game.


This chapter will cover in details all the different objects contained in Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer. It is divided in two main sections, the Common properties section, and the Inventory section.


Common properties
Most of the objects share a set of properties, displayed in the property. This section will cover in details all of the different properties common to all the objects.


Apart from the Common properties, the objects are different from one another. They have specific properties, actions, conditions and expressions. The Inventory section examines in detail the specifics of each object.