Update 130

Last-modified: 2018-01-14 (日) 21:46:10

Update 130

Update size: 901 Mb


Updated the visuals of the medic.
Team AI will prioritize shields less than enemies they can actually shoot.
Fixed an issue where the laser from snipers could remain on the level if they were killed by a drop in player.
Fixed an issue where the Headless Zeal Dozer could not be marked.
Grenades will now show hitmarkers when dealing damage to an enemy.
Fixed an issue where the Goat trophy did not count goats correctly.
Fixed an issue with how Jack of all trades worked when using a 360 controller.
The player is now able to dominate guards while playing in stealth.
Fixed an issue where you could stand inside of drills on some levels and cops would not shoot you.
Fixed an issue where ECM feedback could make enemies get stuck in the air.
Fixed an issue where the "Big Daddy" trophy did not count headless Dozers.
Players will no longer get a prompt for deployables when they are in bleedout.
Fixed an issue where clients would always kill civilians with one melee hit.
Fixed an issue where the fire mode indicator did not change when released from custody.
Fixed an issue with the detection meter staying on screen after killing/cable-tying spotter.
Fixed an issue where the buttons would not match the marked perk deck.
Gage SpecOps weapon mods are no longer available in the loot drop.
Changed so description texts on armors won't get cut off.

Fixed an issue where players could get the "Wind of change" achievement on the Very Hard Difficulty.
Fixed an issue where host and clients could get the "OVERDRILL" achievement on the Mayhem difficulty.

Fixed an issue where it looked like the player AI was hovering above the train wagon.
Fixed an issue where enemies could sometimes walk through SWAT-vans when spawning at a certain point.
Fixed an issue on Alesso Arena where body bags wouldn't get removed while demasking.
Art Gallery
Fixed an issue where Gage Spec Ops packs would spawn on Art Gallery.
Fixed a sign that was not connected to the wall.
Beneath the mountain
Fixed an issue where converted cops could be left behind the airlock.
Fixed an issue where players could see through the level from inside a wall in the starting area.
Fixed flying rock.
Fixed an issue where bags could get stuck after you have cleared the bunker part.
Added Dozer spawns on Mayhem and One Down.
Added ceiling turret on Mayhem and One Down.
Fixed an issue where the wrong voice over was played after picking up the keycard and blowtorch.
Big bank
Fixed invisible ledges in the upstairs offices.
Fixed an issue where the cops would keep interacting with the time lock even after it was done.
Fixed an issue where bags could get stuck under the bus after it breaks through the wall.
Fixed an issue where some outlines would be visible from the start of the heist.
Fixed an issue where team VO would talk over Bain.
Big Oil
Fixed an issue where enemies could shoot the player through rocks on day 2.
Fixed a number of graphical issues on day 2.
Fixed a shadow that was in the wrong place on day 2.
Fixed an issue where the a wall would go through the floor on the second floor on day 2.
Fixed an issue where some broken light bulbs would still emit light on day 1.
Fixed a floating keycard on day 1.
Biker Heist
Added events to day 2 on Mayhem and One Down.
Added trucks on day 2 on Mayhem and One Down.
Added missing opponents on day 1 on Mayhem and One Down.
Birth of sky
Added the Bulldozer to the the plane on Mayhem and One Down.
Fixed misaligned wall between the diner and the car dealership.
Fixed a wall behind the car shop that ended too soon so that players could see through the world.
Fixed an issue with a flying money bundle.
Converted cops will no longer stay on the plane.
Fixed an issue where a corpse could get stuck in the air at the back of the plane.
Fixed an issue where the ladder bag would disappear if you threw it at a ladder already on the level.
Fixed an issue where you could not open doors in the plane if you were standing too close to them.
Fixed an issue where the spawns for Mayhem and One Down would not work during the water escape.
Added an extra Thermal paste case at the end of the level.
Fixed an issue where the player would be safe from enemies down in the sewers.
Boiling Point
Fixed so that hostages can enter the server room.
Fixed so that shields can no longer interact with the EMP.
Bomb: Forrest
Fixed a box that was placed in a strange angle.
Fixed an issue with the different pumps on the level would award different Xp.
Branch Banks
Fixed an issue where bags could get stuck on top of a vent.
Fixed an issue where there was a collision sticking out of the wall that the player could walk on.
Fixed a floating cup.
Fixed an issue with some voiceover lines for the thugs behind the bank.
Fixed an issue so that the SWATs no longer spawn before the first responders.
Fixed an issue where some Titan cameras where clipping with the walls.
Car Shop
Added stealth icon to the list in Crime.net.
Removed invisible collision in the van at the end of the level.
Fixed an issue where the escape van could sometimes open its doors twice.
Cook Off
Fixed an issue where the Police chopper would remain for drop in clients throughout the heist.
Fixed an issue where the helicopter would only be visible the first time it drops of ingredients.
Fixed an issue where a broken light bulb would respawn when the cops cut the power.
Moved some Gage packs that were spawning inside trash bags.
Fixed a light source that would remain even after the light had been destroyed.
Added Pensacola cop car.
Fixed an issue where Bain would tell you to use a crowbar on the basement door when you had already sawed it open.
Fixed an issue where Biles voiceover would start to late when leaving with the printed money.
Fixed an issue with a door that would not play a sound effect when being breached.
Fixed an issue where the wrong shields would spawn on One Down.
Fixed an issue where the objective would not change if the owner was killed in stealth.
Fixed an issue where the voiceover would be loud when in casing mode.
Updated the cop cars.
Diamond Store
Fixed an issue where the player AI would open/close a door whenever entering that room.
Fixed an issue where part of the sidewalk did not have a proper shadow.
Fixed an issue where a door was clipping with an air vent.
Fixed an issue where some cloth was clipping with a bus stop.
Fixed an issue where enemies would fall through the back staircase if they died on it.
Fixed an issue where the escape zones where floating a bit.
Fixed an issue with endless assaults on One Down.
Election Day
Fixed an issue where players could see out of the level on day 1.
Fixed an issue where cops would kick and stand by a finished voting machine on day 2.
Fixed an issue where the team AI would sometimes stand inside of each other on day 2.
Fixed an issue where bags could get stuck on the roof on day 2.
Fixed an issue where the player could interact with one of the voting machines through a wall on day 2.
Fixed an issue where a building was missing collision on day 2.
Fixed an issue where the van doors would not open for drop-in clients on day 3.
Fixed an issue where a pole would clip through a food stand.
Fixed an issue where the ceiling would flicker inside the vault.
Fixed an issue with the AI not following you up the stairs if you used C4 on the door.
Turned off the street lights during daytime.
Fixed an issue with stepping up on the sidewalk.
Fixed an issue with some snipers hovering in the air.
Fixed an issue with team AI can walking through the van in the beginning of the escape.
Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck behind a table.
Removed misplaced C4 interaction on day 2.
Made floating stacks of paper not float anymore on day 2.
Fixed an issue with a floating phone on day 2.
Fixed an issue where the server would not appear in the van on day 2.
Fixed an issue where one camera on day 2 could not be looped.
Fixed an issue where the "Wasteful" achievement could be unlocked on Mayhem on day 1.
Fixed an issue where the player could stand in the air.
Fixed an issue with some flickering on a roof in the beginning of day 1.
First World Bank
Fixed an issue where a briefcase was clipping into a table.
Removed a wall near the escape.
Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck on and objective if he used a keycard as the alarm went off.
Fixed issues with items floating and having very low texture.
Four Stores
Fixed an issue where the cops would get out of their cars without playing an animation.
Framing Frame
Added an icon for cutting the fence on day 3.
Fixed so that a Gage pack does not clip with the ground anymore on day 3.
Fixed an issue where a guard could land in a spot where you could not answer his pager on day 3.
Fixed so that players can no longer get stuck behind the vault door on day 3.
Fixed an issue where cords were clipping with the wall.
Fixed an issue where the collision were not aligned with the wall on day 1.
Fixed an issue where the team AI could sometimes stand in each other on day 2.
Fixed an issue with double ambushes on day 2.
Go Bank
Added Bulldozer spawns in the sewers on Mayhem and One Down.
Fixed an issue with enemies floating in the air after jumping down from the skylight.
Fixed so that Gage packs will no longer spawn inside boards.
Goat Simulator
Fixed so that players can no longer get stuck behind the goat cage door in the truck on day 1.
Fixed an issue with clipping buckets on day 2.
Fixed an issue with books clipping in the control room on day 2.
Fixed an issue with enemies clipping through the hay bundles after jumping through a window.
Fixed an issue with secured bags between days.
Fixed an issue where collision would not work correctly if a goat ended up under the secure cage on day 1.
Added opponents on Mayhem and One Down.
Added stationery assailants on Mayhem and One Down.
Added barrels falling from truck on day 2 on Mayhem and One Down.
Added opponents during the driving sequence on day 2 on Mayhem and One Down.
Golden Grin Casino
Fixed so that the player can no longer pick up the water tanks after the BFD is done.
Fixed so that the cameras on Mayhem and One Down are Titan cameras.
Fixed an issue where the escape limo would appear for a brief moment at the start of the level.
Fixed some places where enemies would hover above the ground.
Hotline Miami
Fixed so that enemies also take damage when you blow up the gas station on day 1.
Added money to the vault on day 2 on Mayhem and One Down.
Hoxton Breakout
Fixed so that converted cops does not stay on the street after you enter the garage on day 1.
Fixed so that Bulldozers will spawn in the control room on day 1 on Mayhem and One Down.
Replaced vans on the level so that they no longer have the players skins on day 1.
Added the correct spawns on day 2 for Mayhem and One Down.
"Moved Gage packs so that you can see them easily on day 2.
Fixed an issue where the player could see through the wall by the escape zone on day 2.
Hoxton Revenge
Fixed so that the AI can get up on to the roof of the house.
Fixed a keycard that was clipping into a chair on the second floor.
Fixed an issue where the wrong voiceover is played if the FBI boss escapes.
Removed 2 shape charge interactions that did nothing.
Fixed an issue where the wrong voiceover is played when opening a window in stealth.
Fixed an issue where you could lockpick barricaded windows.
Fixed so that you cannot interact with the camera from the inside of the house.
Fixed the time for hacking the laptop on Mayhem and One Down.
Fixed enemy spawns when the helicopter comes in on Mayhem and One Down.
Jewlery Store
Fixed flying antennas on to of the building where the escape van leaves if you go loud.
Fixed an issue where the player could see through a vent where the escape van leaves if you go loud.
Fixed an issue where you had 2 lockpick interaction markers on one of the windows.
Fixed several places where bags could get stuck.
Fixed holes in two of the buildings on the level.

Lab Rats
Fixed specific enemy spawns on Mayhem and One Down.
Fixed an issue with a clipping Gage pack.
Fixed overlapping roadway mark.
Fixed clipping issue in the garage.
Fixed an issue where the player would not be attacked in the hallway of the gym.
Fixed an issue where the sniper laser would clip through the roof.
Fixed so that you can no longer get the longfellow completely stuck.
Added helicopter spawn on Mayhem and One Down.
Added missing stationary assailants on Mayhem and One Down.
Murky Station
Fixed an issue where guards would sometimes walk through the trains cars and trigger the alarm.
Fixed an issue where 2 team AI would sometimes spawn inside each other.
Moved Gage packs so that they do not clip with the walls.
Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck behind the vault door.
Fixed a spelling error in a subtitle
New Safehouse
Fixed issues with collisions in the kitchen on all tiers.
Fixed so that you can't talk to Sokol through the wall from Bodhi's room.
FIxed so that the player can't communicate with Houston from below when he is lying on the ground.
Deleted a pipe in John Wicks room.
Fixed so that the truck and car trophies no longer float.
Removed some boxes from Dallas room.
Fixed so that Houston does not clip with the floor on tier 1.
Removed random whisky bottle from under Clovers table on tier 1.
Fixed graffiti in killing room so that it does not disappear when you get to close.
Fixed a floating Exit sign in the corridor near Dragan.
Fixed floating blueprints in Chains room on tier 3.
Moved the "cooking meth for dummies" trophy.
Added collision to a beam in the living room on tier 1.
Fixed clipping boxes in Chains room on tier 1.
Fixed flickering object inside the vault on tier 2.
Fixed so that skill bonus applies to Dragan’s punching bag.
Fixed some floating objects in Scarface room on tier 3.
Removed collision tier 3 that was present in tier 1 in Jimmy's bar.
Removed floating objects in Clovers room on tier 3.
Fixed so that the Longfellow does not hover in the air.
Removed stuff sticking up through the floor in Rusts room on tier 3.
Fixed so that the burn your Offshore money update correctly. "
Fixed so that only the player who is actually playing roulette will see the results.
Fixed some floating objects in Clovers room on tier 3.
New Safehouse Raid
Fixed an issue with team AI getting stuck under stairs.
Fixed issues with some enemies walking through doors.
Fixed so that AI and enemies can't shoot through the unbreakable floor window.
Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck behind a money pile in Sydneys room in tier.
Fixed the issue where the wave counter did not sync properly for clients.
Fixed so that the Dozer pinata does not hover in the air anymore.
Removed floating deck of cards.
Fixed an issue where the player could stand in the air close to the disco ball.
Fixed an issue where Bain would tell you to drill the safe even though you were already drilling it.
Panic Room
Fixed so that the player can no longer place or restart drills through the walls.
Added missing opponents on Mayhem and One Down.
Fixed an issue with the collision on a toilet wall after an explosion.
Moved a parked car to another parking spot.
Fixed a lot of floating and clipping objects.
Moved the cash register so that it does not clip with the table.
Fixed an issue with the graffiti appearing and disappearing.
Removed some floating debris.
Fixed so that you can't plank the same window twice.
Removed cop cars that did not drive into the level but just popped in.
Fixed so that the helicopter no longer flies through the lumber mill.
Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck between the fence and the escape van.
Fixed an issue with bag value between day 2 and 3.
Players can no longer get loot stuck on the helicopter that comes in to pick it up.
Fixed an issue with a mobster that did nothing on day 3.
Scarface Mansion
Removed some collisions that remained after the railing in the red room was destroyed.
Moved a chandelier in the red room.
Moved the boat in the dock so that the player can't stand on the water.
Fixed an issue where some money bundles were only visible for clients and not the host.
Fixed so that the lootbags are visible in the vans.
Fixed so that the wall lamps no longer light up the surrounding area after they are destroyed.
Fixed issue with the wrong voice over player when breaking stealth."
Fixed an issue where the cameras wouldn't get disabled after you killed the boss in stealth
Moved an umbrella that were sticking into the ground
Fixed issue where paintings voice over would play too late
Fixed an issue where Bile could say "Hook up the next one" while arriving at the first car
Made the boss scream more when he is standing on the balconies
Fixed an issue where the boss wouldn't retreat properly while getting shot at on the office balcony
Fixed so that you get proper interaction text when fixing the circuit boxes.
Fixed some issues with collisions on the balcony.
Fixed the hint you get when aborting the phone call in stealth.
Fixed an issue where the player could see outside of the map using camera feed.
Removed unnecessary collision on the roof.
Fixed an issue where the throwable assets were clipping with vegetation.
Fixed clipping lamps by the dining room in the mansion.
Shadow Raid
Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck behind boxes and fall through the level.
Fixed so that all fences har interactions on them.
Fixed an issue with clipping textures and missing art.
Fixed some issues where bags could get stuck in unreachable places.
Fixed an issue with a gap between the ceiling and floor.
Fixed an issue where player could grab coke through the wall on the second floor.
Fixed an issue with the boat clipping and the disappearing.
Fixed an issue where one of the two vans would not open.
Fixed an issue where the wrong cops spawned as harassers.
Addes missing Dozer spawn on Mayhem and one Down.
Fixed an issue where you could not reach a hostage to trade him in the beginning of the heist.
Fixed so that the metal door in the beginning no longer closes.
Fixed some flickering issues on the level.
Stealing Xmas
Made the windows on the roof break if you shoot them with a grenade launcher.
Fixed so that all windows on the dome can be destroyed.
Fixed an issue with the Thundersnow achievement.
Changed snipers on lower difficulties.
Fixed an issuer where you could pick up shoes before hacking the computer.
Added collision to one of the roofs.
Team AI will now follow you into the shoe store backroom.
Change spelling of Christmas
The Bomb:Dockyard
Fixed a hole in the ground.
Fixed an issue where Bain would play the wrong voice over for the camera guard.
Fixed an issue where the C4 bag could be shot into the water using explosives.
The Diamond
Fixed a part of the fence that did not collide with bags make them fall out of the level.
Removed two camera spawns that did not activate.
Added a collision above a door where bag could get stuck in an unreachable spot.
Fixed an issue where the timer on the puzzle would not appear on Mayhem, Death Wish and One Down.
Fixed an issue where guards could fall down through the ground where the players could not reach the pager.
The Diamond - Floating civilian on the middle floor.
Fixed an issue where all experience was awarded at the end of the heist.
Transport: Train Heist
Fixed an issue where guards could fall down a hole where the players could not reach the pager.
Converted cops will no longer open train doors.
Fixed a zip line that was clipping with the stand.
Fixed a zip line that was not attached properly.
Fixed an issue where the bike spawn point would appear even if the players spawned by the boat.
Tweaked the trigger for loot appearing in the boat so it will not appear before it has landed.
Transport: Park
Fixed an issue where players could get stuck behind a door.
Ukranian Job
Fixed an issue where guards could see through the boarded fence.
Fixed an issue where a smoke grenade would go off during stealth.
Added missing piece of a roof on a side building.
Fixed flickering light.
Adjusted a collision to a fire ladder that was lower than the ladder.
Removed camera from neighbour store on Death Wish and One Down.
Moved the busts on the self slightly.
Fixed an issue where a collision above the container was there even when the container was not.
Blocked the player from being able to get stuck behind a few collisions.
Fixed multiple safe spots where the player wore unable to take any damage by enemies.
Fixed a vent on floor 3 the player could use to able to get outside of the level.
Fixed a graphical glitch
Replaced the initial cops with Zeal cops on One Down.
Fixed an issue where Gage packages could spawn inside the warehouse on Death Wish and One Down.
White Xmas
Moved a present the was clipping with the environment.
Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck under a tree.

Perk Decks
The Anarchist, Biker and Kingpin will now give the correct bonus to Infamous item drop.
Tweaked the description of the Right To The Top perk in the Kingpin Perk Deck.
Updated the descriptions of the Prez and Road captain perks from the Biker Perk Deck to correctly say 15 seconds cooldown instead of 25.

Side Jobs
Fixed incorrect trigger for the First World TD side job.
The Ninja side job will now allow the use of the Kingpin "throwable".
Fixed an issue where the Cocaine Rush and Loud Enough side jobs was not connected to Rust in the safehouse.
Changed the name of the Elephant In The Room side job to Longing for attention.
Updated the description of the First World TD Sidejob to correctly indicate that it refers to armored vans on loud only heists.
Updated the description of the First World TD Sidejob to correctly indicate triggers and difficulty

The Body Expertise skills will now correctly affect bulldozers.
The Lust for Life perk will now trigger for all grenade launchers or rocket launchers.
The Akimbo skill will now stack with the bonuses from the Hitman perk deck.
Mission equipment now got transferred correctly when using Stockholm Syndrome aced skill.
The skill tree level points is not shown if the tree is toggles with arrow keys or controller.
The Aggressive Reload Aced Skill will no longer activate on throwables.
The Desperado skill will no longer triggers when converted cops, team AI, and throwables does damage to an enemy.
The Rifleman Aced skill will now increase zoom level on pistols as well.
The Trigger Happy skills will now trigger on the chopper turret.
Clients will now be able to get the bonus of the High Value Target Aced skill.
The Trigger Happy skills will now trigger on the SWAT turret.
Updated the description of the Joker aced skill to correctly indicate the 100% increase of damage not 200%.
Updated the description of the Inspire basic skill to include the bonus to reload speed.
Updated the description of the Rifleman aced skill to feature a value instead of a percentage.

Fixed an issue where an additional locked mint condition skin would appear in the skins preview list even if the player owns one.
Updated the description for skins to the Little Friend 7.62 Assault Rifle.

Robbers will now use correct VO when asking AI to stay and not use VO meant for civilians.
Fixed an issue where the pager sound could be heard even after the pager has been answered.
Tweaked VO and Subtitles for the Escape Van driver.

Steam OS
Fixed an issue where the ocean did not appear on the Scarface Mansion Heist.
Fixed an issue where the wrong cube maps wore used in the boss room on the Scarface Mansion Heist.

Added a description to the Electric Brass Knuckles that explains the additional effects of the weapon.
Fixed and animation issue with the Quadstacked Mag when equipped on a CR 805B Submachine Gun.
Tweaked the rotation of the Whiskey Bottle melee weapon preview.
Fixed an animation issue when interacting while using the Cavity 9mm Assault Rifle.
Fixed an issue where reloading the underbarrel grenade launcher for the Little Friend Assault Rifle would not cancel a sprint.
Fixed the Spear of Freedom animation so the weapon does not appear on the screen at the beginning of the animation.
Fixed an issue where the Bipod mod for LMG would not give accuracy bonus while deployed.
Fixed an issue where the reload animation for the underbarrel grenade launcher for the Little Friend Assault Rifle would not cancel when running.
Fixed so the flip sight on the GL40 and China Puff grenade launchers won't change the guns position while aiming.


  • Medicの外見を変更。
  • 味方のAIがshieldよりも実際にダメージを与えられる敵を優先して狙うように修正。
  • sniperが途中参加のプレイヤーに倒されるとレーザーが残ってしまう不具合を修正。
  • Headless Zeal Dozerがマークされない不具合を修正?
  • グレネードで敵にダメージを与えた際、ヒットマーカーが表示されるように変更。
  • Goatトロフィーにてヤギの数が正しくカウントされていない不具合を修正。
  • Xbox360コントローラーでプレイしたときのJack of all tradesの使用感を修正。
  • ステルス時でも警備員を降伏させられるよう変更。
  • いくつかのマップでプレイヤーがドリルの内側に入り込み警官が攻撃できない不具合を修正。
  • ECMフィードバックにより敵が空中で立ち止まる不具合を修正。
  • Big DaddyトロフィーがHeadless Dozerをカウントに入れていないのを修正。
  • ダウン時にDeployablesにインタラクトできないよう変更?
  • クライアント側が打撃攻撃一撃で市民を殺害できてしまう不具合を修正。
  • 収監状態から復帰したとき射撃モードの表示が変わらない不具合を修正。
  • 目撃者を殺害または拘束した後も画面上にDetectionメーターが表示され続ける不具合を修正。
  • 選択したPerk deckのボタンが合っていない不具合を修正?
  • Gage SpecOpsの武器Modがloot dropで出てこないよう変更。
  • アーマーの説明文が切れてしまわないよう変更。


  • 実績"Wind of change"が難易度Very Hardで解除できる不具合を修正。
  • ホスト・クライアント共に実績"OVERDRILL"が難易度Mayhemで解除できる不具合を修正。


  • Aftershock
    • プレイヤーのAIが列車の上を浮いている不具合を修正。
    • 特定の地点にスポーンした敵がSWATバンを通り抜けて進む不具合を修正。
  • Alesso
    • アリーナでデマスキング中にBody bagが消えない不具合を修正?
  • Art Gallery
    • Gage Spec Opsの収集物が設置される不具合を修正。
    • 壁との間に隙間があるサインを修正。
  • Beneath the mountain
    • 寝返らせた警官がエアロックの後ろに取り残される不具合を修正。
    • スタート地点付近で壁の内側からマップが見えてしまう不具合を修正。
    • 宙に浮いた岩を修正。
    • バンカーから昇った後、バッグがスタックする不具合を修正。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne DownでDozerがスポーンするよう変更。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downで天井のタレットが起動するよう変更。
    • キーカードとblowtorchを手に入れた後、間違った音声が再生される不具合を修正。
  • Big bank
    • 2階オフィスの見えない窓の棚を修正。
    • タイムロック完了後も警官がタイムロックにインタラクトしてしまう不具合を修正。
    • バスが壁を突き破ったときに、バッグがバスの下にスタックする不具合を修正。
    • Job開始時点でいくつかの物の輪郭が光って表示される不具合を修正。
    • 味方がBainのセリフに重なって発言する不具合を修正。
  • Big Oil
    • Day 2で、敵が岩を無視してプレイヤーを攻撃できる不具合を修正。
    • Day 2におけるグラフィックの不具合を修正。
    • Day 2で、間違った位置に表示される影を修正。
    • Day 2で、2階のある壁が突き抜けてしまっている不具合を修正。
    • Day 1で、壊した電球が光り続ける不具合を修正。
    • Day 1で、キーカードが浮いていたのを修正。
  • Biker Heist
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、Day 2でのイベントを追加。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、Day 2にトラックを追加。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、Day 1で消えていた敵を追加?
  • Birth of sky
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、輸送機の中にBulldozerを追加。
    • ダイナーとカーディーラーの間に間違って設置されていた壁を修正。
    • カーディーラーの裏にある壁が短く、プレイヤーがマップ外を見られてしまうのを修正。
    • 札束が浮いていたのを修正。
    • 寝返らせた敵が輸送機に取り残されないよう変更。
    • 輸送機後部で死体が空中に浮く不具合を修正。
    • すでにハシゴが設置されている場所にハシゴのバッグを投げるとバッグが消えてしまう不具合を修正。
    • 輸送機内で、ドアに近づきすぎると開けられないのを修正。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、ボートエスケープ中に敵がうまくスポーンしない不具合を修正。
    • マップ端にThermal pasteの入ったケースを追加。
    • 下水道内に敵がスポーンしない不具合を修正。
  • Boiling Point
    • 人質がサーバー室に入れるよう修正。
    • SieldがEMPにインタラクトできないよう修正。
  • Bomb: Forrest
    • 箱がおかしな角度で設置される不具合を修正。
    • 使うポンプによって異なる経験値に設定されていたのを修正。
  • Branch Banks(Bank Heist)
    • 通気口の上にバッグがスタックしてしまう不具合を修正。
    • 衝突判定が壁より手前に設定しておりプレイヤーがそこを歩けてしまう不具合を修正。
    • コップが浮くのを修正。
    • 銀行裏のチンピラに関する音声の不具合を修正。
    • SWATが第一応答部隊より先にスポーンしてしまう不具合を修正。
    • Titanカメラが消えていた不具合を修正。
  • Car Shop
    • Crime.netのリストでステルスアイコンを追加。
    • マップ端のバンの中に入れるよう変更。
    • エスケープバンのドアが2回開く不具合を修正。
  • Cook Off
    • 警察ヘリがJob中に居続けてしまう不具合を修正。
    • 材料を届けるヘリが最初の1回しか見えないのを修正。
    • 警察が電気を落としたとき、壊れた電球が復活するのを修正。
    • ゴミ袋の中にスポーンしていたGageのパックを移動。
    • ライトが破壊された後も光り続けていた不具合を修正。
  • Counterfeit
    • Pensacola市警のパトカーを追加。
    • 地下室の扉をSawでこじ開けていてもBainがCrowbarを使うよう指示する不具合を修正。
    • Bileが偽札を運ぶときのセリフのタイミングが遅かったのを修正。
    • ドアをこじ開けたとき、音が鳴らないのを修正。
    • 難易度One Downで、間違ったShieldがスポーンする不具合を修正。
    • ステルス中にオーナーを殺したとき、目標が更新されない不具合を修正。
    • 偵察モード時のセリフの音量が大きいのを修正。
    • パトカーを変更。
  • Diamond Store
    • あの部屋に入るたびプレイヤーのAIがドアを開け閉めするのを修正。
    • 歩道の影が正しく表示されていないのを修正。
    • 通風口の蓋が消える不具合を修正。
    • バス停横のポスターが消える不具合を修正。
    • 敵が死んだとき階段をすり抜けて落ちる不具合を修正。
    • エスケープゾーンが少し浮いているのを修正。
    • 難易度One Downで、Assaultが終了しない不具合を修正。
  • Election Day
    • Day 1で、マップ外が見えるのを修正。
    • Day 2で、警官がハッキングの終了した投票機を蹴って立ち止まってしまう不具合を修正。
    • Day 2で、味方AIの位置が重なってしまうのを修正。
    • Day 2で、バッグが屋根の上にスタックしてしまうのを修正。
    • Day 2で、壁越しに投票機にインタラクトできるのを修正。
    • Day 2で、ある建物に衝突判定が無かった不具合を修正。
    • Day 3で、途中参加のプレイヤーにはバンのドアが開かない不具合を修正。
    • フードスタンドのポールが消えるのを修正?
    • 金庫内の天井が明滅するのを修正。
  • Escape:Garage
    • ドアをC4を使って開けた場合、AIが上階についてこない不具合を修正。
  • Escape:Park
    • 日中のとき街灯を消すよう変更。
  • Escape:Cafe
    • Escape開始時に味方のAIがバンをする抜ける不具合を修正。
    • テーブルの後ろにプレイヤーがスタックする不具合を修正。
  • Firestarter
    • Day 2で、誤った場所にC4をインタラクトできるのを修正。
    • Day 2で、山積みの書類が浮いていたのを修正。
    • Day 2で、電話が浮いていたのを修正。
    • Day 2で、バンに積み込んだサーバーが表示されない不具合を修正。
    • Day 2で、あるカメラがループできない不具合を修正。
    • Day 1で、難易度Mayhemで実績"Wasteful" を解除できた不具合を修正。
    • プレイヤーが空中に浮く不具合を修正。
    • Day 1開始時に、いくつか屋根がチラつくのを修正。
  • First World Bank
    • スーツケースがテーブルの中に消えていく不具合を修正。
    • エスケープ地点近くの壁を削除。
    • アラームが鳴り終わってすぐにキーカードを使うと進行できなくなる不具合を修正?
    • 解像度の低いテクスチャのアイテムが浮いているのを修正。
  • Four Stores
    • 警官がモーション無しでパトカーから降りる不具合を修正。
  • Framing Frame
    • Day 3で、カットできるフェンスにアイコンを追加。
    • Day 3で、Gageパックが地面に埋もれるのを修正。
    • Day 3で、警備員がペイジャー応答できない位置に行ってしまうのを修正。
    • Day 3で、プレイヤーが金庫のドアの後ろにスタックしてしまわないよう修正。
    • 縄が壁から消える不具合を修正?
    • Day 1で、特定の壁の衝突判定が無いのを修正。
    • Day 2で、味方AIの位置が重なってしまうのを修正。
    • Day 2で、待ち伏せが2回起こってしまう不具合を修正。
  • Go Bank
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、下水道にBulldozerをスポーンするよう変更。
    • 敵が天窓から降りた後、空中に浮いてしまう不具合を修正。
    • Gageパックが板の中にスポーンする不具合を修正?
  • Goat Simulator
    • Day 1で、トラックのヤギを入れるカゴのドアの後ろでスタックしてしまう不具合を修正。
    • Day 2で、カゴが消えてしまう不具合を修正。
    • Day 2で、制御室の本が消えてしまう不具合を修正。
    • 敵が窓から侵入した後、干し草の束をすり抜ける不具合を修正。
    • Dayが切り替わる際に確保したバッグの数が変わってしまう不具合を修正。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、敵を追加。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、開始時にいる敵の数を追加?
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、Day 2で、トラックから転がる樽を追加。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、Day 2で、自動車運転中の敵の数を追加。
  • Golden Grin Casino
    • BFD完了後にウォータータンクを持ち運べる不具合を修正。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、監視カメラをTitanカメラに変更。
    • Jobの最初に一瞬だけ脱出用リムジンが現れる不具合を修正。
    • いくつかの場所で敵が浮く不具合を修正。
  • Hotline Miami
    • Day 1で、ガソリンスタンドを爆破したとき敵もダメージを受けるよう修正。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、Day 2で、金庫内の札束を追加。
  • Hoxton Breakout
    • Day 1で、駐車場に入った後、寝返らせた警官が街に取り残されるのを修正。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、Day 1で、制御室にBulldozerを配置。
    • Day 1で、路駐しているバンがプレイヤーの選んだエスケープバンのスキンにならないよう修正。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、Day 2で、正しいスポーンの仕方に変更。
    • Day 2で、Gageパックを見つけやすい位置に変更。
    • Day 2で、エスケープゾーンにて壁が透けてしまうのを修正。
  • Hoxton Revenge
    • 味方AIが屋根の上に登れるよう修正。
    • キーカードが2階の椅子の中に消えてしまうのを修正。
    • FBIのボスが逃げたときに間違った音声が再生されるのを修正。
    • 意味の無い2箇所のC4が設置できる部分を削除。
    • ステルス中に窓を開けると間違った音声が再生されるのを修正。
    • バリケードの張られた窓をロックピックできる不具合を修正。
    • 屋内からカメラを操作できないよう修正。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、laptopのハッキングにかかる時間を修正。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、ヘリが到着したときの敵のスポーンの仕方を修正。
  • Jewelry Store
    • loud時、バンが去る建物のアンテナが宙に浮いているのを修正。
    • loud時、バンが去る通風口が透明になる不具合を修正(?)。
    • ひとつの窓にロックピックのマークが2つあった箇所を修正。
    • 数箇所バッグがスタックする場所があったのを修正。
    • マップ上の建物2つに穴があったのを修正。
  • Lab Rats
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、特定の敵をスポーンするよう修正。
    • Gageパックが消える不具合を修正。
  • Mallcrasher
    • 路面の標識を修正。
    • 駐車場における物が消える不具合を修正。
    • ジムの廊下にいるプレイヤーが攻撃されないのを修正。
    • sniperのレーザーが屋根で消えてしまう不具合を修正。
  • Meltdown
    • Longfellowが完全にスタックしてしまわないよう修正。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、ヘリがスポーンするよう変更。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、開始時にいる敵の数を追加?
  • Murky Station
    • 警備員が列車の中に入り込みアラームを鳴らしてしまう不具合を修正。
    • 味方AIのスポーン位置が重なってしまう不具合を修正。
    • Gageパックを壁の中に消えてしまわないよう修正。
    • 金庫のドアの後ろにスタックしてしまう不具合を修正。
    • 字幕のスペルミスを修正。
  • New Safehouse
    • 全てのTierにおけるキッチンの衝突判定を修正。
    • Bodhiの部屋から壁越しにSokolに話しかけられないように修正。
    • 作業中のHoustonに下から話しかけられないように修正。
    • John Wickの部屋のパイプを削除。
    • トラックとクルマのトロフィーが浮かないよう修正。
    • Dallasの部屋にある箱をいくつか削除。
    • HoustonがTier 1のときに居なくなる不具合を修正。
    • CloverがTier 1のときに机の下にランダムで出現するウィスキーのボトルを削除。
    • Killing roomのグラフィティが近づきすぎると消えてしまうのを修正。
    • Draganの部屋の近くにある非常口の標識が浮いているのを修正。
    • Tier 3のChainsの部屋の設計図が浮いているのを修正。
    • "cooking meth for dummies"トロフィーの位置を移動。
    • Tier 1の共有スペースの木材に衝突判定を追加。
    • Tier 1のChainsの部屋の箱が消えるのを修正。
    • Tier 2のvault内の物がちらつくのを修正。
    • Draganのパンチングバッグの表示にスキルボーナスが反映されるように修正。
    • Tier 3のScarfaceの部屋の浮いている物を修正。
    • Tier 3のJimmy's BarにTier 1の衝突判定が適用されているのを修正。
    • Tier 3のCloverの部屋の浮いている物を削除。
    • Longfellowが浮いていたのを修正。
    • Tier 3のRustの部屋で床から突き出ていた物を削除。
    • Offshore moneyを燃やすのを正しく更新するよう変更。
    • ルーレットがプレイしている人以外には正しい結果が見えなかったのを修正。
    • Tier 3のCloverの部屋の浮いている物を修正。
  • New Safehouse Raid
    • 味方のAIが階段の下でスタックする不具合を修正。
    • 敵がドアをすり抜けてくる不具合を修正。
    • AIと敵の攻撃が壊せない床のガラスをすり抜けないよう修正。
    • Tier(?)のSydneyの部屋に金の山があるときプレイヤーがスタックしてしまう不具合を修正。
    • クライアント側のwaveの表示が正しく同期していない不具合を修正。
    • Dozerピニャータが宙に浮いているのを修正。
  • Nightclub
    • トランプが浮いているのを修正。
    • プレイヤーがミラーボールの近くの空中に立てるのを修正。
    • 金庫を開けた後でもBainが金庫にドリルを設置するよう指示するのを修正。
  • Panic Room
    • 壁越しにドリルを設置・修理できないよう修正。
    • 難易度MayhemとOne Downにおいて、開始時にいる敵の数を追加?
    • 爆破後のトイレの壁の衝突判定を修正。
    • 止めてある車を別の駐車スペースに移動。
    • 大量の浮遊物・埋没物を修正。
    • レジスタをテーブルに埋もれないよう修正。
    • グラフィティが表示されたりされなかったりする不具合を修正。
    • 浮いているゴミを削除。
  • Rats
    • 同じ窓に2回バリケードを張れないよう修正。
    • マップ内に入らずスポーンだけするパトカーを削除。
    • ヘリがlumber millを通り過ぎないよう修正。
    • フェンスとエスケープバンの間にスタックしないよう修正。
    • Day 2とDay 3でバッグの価値が変わっていたのを修正。
    • 回収用のヘリの中でバッグがスタックする不具合を修正。
    • Day 3で、チンピラが何もしない不具合を修正。