貢献 (Contributing)

Last-modified: 2016-12-30 (金) 21:27:32

原文 = http://ankisrs.net/docs/manual.html#contributing



単語帳を一般に広く共有するには、AnkiWeb にて単語帳を 同期 した後、AnkiWeb にログインし、共有したい単語帳の隣のメニューから "Share" をクリックしてください。

単語帳を以前に共有していれば(Anki の 前バージョンも含む)、上記の "Share" をクリックすることでアップデートをすることができまうす。アカウント中の単語帳の名称が、共有された単語帳のリスト中の名称と完全に一致することを確認してください。違う場合、古いバージョンのアップデートではなく、新しい共有単語帳が作成されてしまいます。共有単語帳のアップデートではダウンロード数や評価レートはリセットされません。アップロードした共有単語帳を削除するには、共有された単語帳のページの削除 (Delete) ボタンを使用してください。



単語帳のアップデート時には、AnkiWeb は単語帳が以前と同じ場所にあることを前提とします。例えば "韓国語の動詞" という単語帳を共有し、その後 "韓国語::韓国語の動詞" に名前を変更した場合、再共有で既存の単語帳をアップデートすることはできません。



単語帳を私的に共有するには、File→Export を使って Anki の単語帳パッケージとしてエクスポートしてください(必要であればメディアも含めてください)。そして出力された deck.apkg ファイルを共有相手がダウンロードできるように私的なウェブサイトにおくか、メールで送付してください。

To share a deck privately, go to the File menu and choose Export. Select a single deck (not "All Decks"), and turn off "include scheduling information". This will produce an .apkg file which you can share with others.

You can share the .apkg file by emailing it to people, placing it on a website or shared folder, or using a free file sharing service like Dropbox or Google Drive and sending people a link.

デスクトップクライアントとモバイルクライアントは、どちらも apkg ファイルをクリックまたはタップすることでインポートすることができます。しかし、AnkiWeb には apkg ファイルをインポートする機能がないため、単語帳を受け取る人は Anki のデスクトップかモバイルのクライアントを持っている必要があります。

ユーザーが .apkg ファイルをインポートしたとき、コレクションに既に存在するカードは無視され、その他の新しいカードが追加されます。同じノートタイプを使う限り、修正されたカードの更新も行われます。データの喪失を防ぐため、新しい apkg ファイルで削除されたカードはユーザーのコレクションからは削除されません。よってユーザーの単語帳からカードを削除する必要がある場合には、そのことをユーザーに連絡して削除してもらう必要があります。


上記の アドオン のドキュメントを参照してください。


Translations can be done directly from the translation website .

Launchpad will guess which languages you can translate based on the country you're connecting from. If the language you want to translate to doesn't appear, sign up for a launchpad account, and in your profile, click the '!' next to preferred languages to the language you want to translate.

There are some special markers in text that you need to be aware of, and careful when translating:

  • A string like `Cards: %d` or `Error: %s` means that the %d/%s part will be replaced with some other value. The characters must remain the same in the translation, so a translation may look like `カード: %d`.
  • The same applies to text like `%(a)d of %(b)d` - it would be translated like `%(a)d von %(b)d`. If you need to reverse A and B in your language, that's fine as long as the text remains the same.
  • Menu items have an & to indicate which character is the shortcut key, such as `&File`. In languages that use roman text, you can place the & over a different character such as `&Datei`; in other languages there may be a different convention. Japanese for example includes the roman character afterwards instead, like `ファイル (&F)`
  • Some strings have plural support, so that "0 cards", "1 card", "5 cards" can be represented properly in your language. In these instances you'll need to enter the 2 or 3 different forms.

Sometimes it will not be clear what a string refers to, and you may want to see the context. Below every string to be translated, you'll see a line like this:

Located in ../dtop/aqt/deckbrowser.py:299

If you strip off the first "../dtop" section, you're left with something like "aqt/deckbrowser.py:299". You can then visit https://github.com/dae/anki/, locate the same filename, and click on it. The file will be displayed with line numbers on the left, and by matching up the line numbers (they may differ by a few lines sometimes), you may be able to get a better understanding of what the string refers to.

If you see 'forms' in the string like the above example, the strings will generally be obvious. If you do need to understand the context however, things are a little more complicated, as those files are automatically generated from an interface description instead. Please go to https://github.com/dae/anki/tree/master/designer and locate the same filename and click on it. We can't rely on line numbers in this case, so please use the browser's find option to find the string in the file. The lines immediately surrounding the found text may give a clue as to its meaning.

If you find a string that you're unsure how to translate, or would like to start a discussion with fellow native speakers on the best way to translate something, please feel free to start a thread in the Anki forums.

Any translations that were made at least a few hours before a new Anki release are automatically included in the next release. Entirely new languages need to be added manually, so please contact us if that applies to your translation. If you'd like to see your name in the About screen as a contributor, please drop Damien a line.

If you'd like to try out your translations without waiting for a new release, you can export a .mo file from the translation website. If you then move that .mo file into Anki's installation folder, overwriting an existing .mo file with the same language code (in the locale folder), Anki will display the new translations when it is next started.


If you're a fairly technical user, you may want to translate the source file of the manual, and compile it yourself with asciidoc. You can also use that github repo to keep track of changes to the manual in the future.

If that sounds complicated, an easier way is to visit this page and use File>Save As to save the manual to disk. You can then import it into Microsoft Word or similar software, and translate it that way.

When you're happy with the translation, you can either put it up on your website and I can link to it, or I can host the translated file on Anki's website (but if you're planning to make frequent updates, the former is a better choice). If you'd like, you can post it before you're done and we can link to it in the list of in-progress translations below.

Another option is to put your translation on a wiki, so that other users can contribute to it. There are many sites such as Wikia that will allow you to easily create your own wiki for free. (The English version once used a wiki; we found that we got too many unhelpful contributions and had to spend too much time correcting them, but your mileage may vary.)

The following translations are currently in progress:

  • Hungarian
  • Portuguese

If you would like to help with one of these translations, please contact us on TenderApp and we will put you in touch with the user(s) currently working on it.


Anki のソースコードは次から利用可能です: https://github.com/dae/anki

貢献する前には、レポジトリの README.contributing を確認してください。