コメント/Crystal Prisoner

Last-modified: 2013-05-06 (月) 21:08:26

Crystal Prisoner

  • HP、ドロップ率はある方のを参考にさせていただきました。ありがとうございます -- 2011-07-17 (日) 12:36:59
  • Break the crystal for great rewards...
    Help me...
    Sweet treasure awaits for powerful adventurers!
    Fire upon this crystal with all your might for 5 seconds
    If your attacks are weak, the crystal magically heals
    Gather a large group to smash it open
    Yes! Smash my prison for great rewards!
    If you are not very strong, this could kill you
    If you are not yet powerful, stay away from the Crystal
    New adventurers should stay away
    That's the spirit. Lay your fire upon me.
    So close...
    I think you need more people...
    Call all your friends to help you break the crystal!
    Perhaps you need a bigger group. Ask others to join you!
    You cracked the crystal! Soon we shall emerge! You might want to BACK AWAY..!!
    This your reward! Imagine what evil even Oryx needs to keep locked up!

    I'm finally free! Yesss!!!
    I am everywhere and nowhere!
    セリフ。保管用 -- 2011-07-26 (火) 14:22:45
  • パラディンとウォーリアに同時にスキル使ってもらうようお願いすると結構あっさり割れる。 -- 2011-08-03 (水) 03:38:19
  • 大勢でいった方がいい。 -- 2012-05-26 (土) 03:21:51
  • wizでスキルうまくあてればwhite簡単にとれる -- 2013-05-06 (月) 21:08:20