
Last-modified: 2017-08-17 (木) 18:55:51


何か月前かに話したけど、ついに開催します! アートコンテストで新しくグラフィッカーの奴隷 召使い 子分 貢献者を採用して、ユーザ作成コンテンツグループの戦力を強化します。

たぶん気づいている通り、Realm of the Mad Godは収益に関しては装飾品に頼っています。しかし、それだけに頼っているわけではありません! 手段にはたくさんの内容があり、新しいボスや敵などにあなたが対峙するために、才能あふれるピクセルアーティスト達を必要としています。

  • 参加者はオリジナルのキャラクタースキン (8x8) と モンスター(またはボス)のスプライト (8x8 か 16x16) の両方を投稿しなければなりません。多くの人が質問したので: ボスは通常5フレームあります。動いていないとき1つ、歩行時に2つ、攻撃時に2つです (訳注: キャラスキンは前後横の3種類×5フレーム=15枚です。バージョン情報のスキンサンプル参照)
  • (オプション) 参加者は背景の小道具を提出できます (木々, 彫像(sarc), 遺棄された台車, なんでも, 16x16 サイズ)
  • 参加者は1回のみ提出できます
  • 作業を助ける描画ツールはここにあります: 注意: バグにより、ログオフしないとセーブできません。 後で見つけやすいように、RotMG での名前と MayArtContest の両方のタグを追加します。
  • 提出はGoogleフォーム経由で画像はimgurのリンクを付けて行います。
  • Reddit アカウントが必要です(作ってください)。採用の場合アカウント経由で連絡します!
  • 提出物はここ*1やRealmeyeなどで共有しても構いません :)
  • 盗作禁止。既存の作品から着想を得るのは構いません、が、既存の作品のスプライトをコピーして色を変えたりピクセルをいくつかいじっただけとこちらが判断したら、そこまでです。


  • 好きなスキンをプレゼントします (過去にRotMGで売られたもののみ。ミステリーボックスを含む)。
  • 提出したスキンがRotMGに登場したらそれも獲得できます(それか、結局登場しなかったら、別の好きなスキン)。
  • ユーザー作成コンテンツグループに加入できます。新しいモンスター、ダンジョン、スキンを世に送り出すのを助けるグループです!


入選者 (順不同)



前のアカウント名のスプライトを提出したら盗作になるのか? 新たに作った方がいいか? (大意)
提出者たちのクオリティ次第で何人も採用者が出るかもしれません :)
採用者はArtist Extraordinaire Skin Rogue - Artist Extraordinaire_60.pngTrickster - Artist Extraordinaire_60.png を入手できるか?
盗作の判断について (大意)
とりあえず明確なルールはないと言っておきます。新スキンが何か別物のカッコイイ言及ならば、素晴らしいです! でもソニックやマリオのスプライトを作っただけなら、うーん… なのでその辺は大体共通認識のはずです。



Participants must submit both an original Character Skin (8x8) and a Monster Sprite (or Boss) (8x8 or 16x16).
参加者は自作のキャラクタースキン (8x8) とモンスター(かボス)のスプライト (8x8か16x16)の両方を提出します。
(Optional) Participants may also submit a background prop if they want (trees, sarcophagus, abandoned wagon, anything, 16x16 size)
参加者は背景の小道具(木々, 彫像(sarc), 遺棄された台車, なんでも, 16x16 サイズ)を提出できます。
Participants may only participate one time
Submissions have to be done through
提出物は にアップロードします。
You can find the Draw Tool there to help you in your task: NOTE: DUE TO A BUG, YOU MUST BE LOGGED OFF TO SAVE YOUR IMAGE. To find it again easily, just tag it with your RotMG name, and MayArtContest.
作業を助ける描画ツールはここにあります: 注意: バグにより、ログオフしないとセーブできません。 後で見つけやすいように、RotMG での名前と MayArtContest の両方のタグを追加します。


DECA Art Contest

Hey there everyone!
We talked about it a few months ago, and we're finally doing it! We're holding an Art Contest to recruit new Art slaves lackeys minions contributors to bolster the ranks of our User Generated Content group.

Why do we want you?
As you may have already noticed, Realm of the Mad God relies heavily on Cosmetics when it comes to monetization. However, that's not all there is to it! We have a lot of content in the pipeline and would also need talented pixel artists to join us so you can face an army of new bosses, monsters and the like.
Which is why this contest will judge your skills in two parts

  • Participants must submit both an original Character Skin (8x8) and a Monster Sprite (or Boss) (8x8 or 16x16). Due to many people asking: Bosses usually have 5 frames. 1 when not moving, 2 for walking, 2 for attacking
  • (Optional) Participants may also submit a background prop if they want (trees, sarcophagus, abandoned wagon, anything, 16x16 size)
  • Participants may only participate one time
  • You can find the Draw Tool there to help you in your task: NOTE: DUE TO A BUG, YOU MUST BE LOGGED OFF TO SAVE YOUR IMAGE. To find it again easily, just tag it with your RotMG name, and MayArtContest.
  • Submissions have to be done through Google Form, using imgur links for your images
  • You must have a Reddit Account (or create one) since that's how we're going to contact you if you win!
  • You're free to share your submissions here, on Realmeye or anywhere you wish as well :)
  • No plagiarism. You're free to take inspiration from existing work, but if we find that you've simply copied an existing sprite and recolored it or changed a few pixels, you're out.

What do you get if you win?

  • You will be gifted a Skin of your choice (only Skins that have already been sold on RotMG, MBox prizes included).
  • You will get the Skin you submitted when it gets published on RotMG (or get to choose a second Skin of your choice if your Skin doesn't get published in the end).
  • You will be joining the User Generated Content group, who help us in bringing new monsters, dungeons and skins to life!
    Please note that we're looking for highly motivated people there, so if you're among the winners and not feeling it - no worries just tell us, joining the User Generated Content Group is not an obligation.

Deadline is End of Friday June 9th!



I had some work for a boss sprite under an old account name, if I were to bring that back would I be punished for plagiarism? Would I be better off just making another sprite?

If you can prove it's yours, it's all good. Otherwise it might be better to make a new one.

Are you looking for art in the style of Realm or in our own personal style?

The important thing to note is that we want your art to go in-game, and therefore it must not be a completely different style compared to Realm.
That being said, some art styles go very well with RotMG so don't be afraid to try some stuff that you think would fit into the game, even if it's different from what we have now!

I assume that there needs to be animation included with the sprites?

Yep, basically everything needed to get them into the game.

Is there going to be a single winner overall, or one for each of the 2 categories?

There might be several winners depending on the quality of the submissions :)

For the optional background prop are we limited to submitting only 1 or can we submit more? If more, how many?


What if I submitted any of my own earlier work not created specifically for the contest?

It's fine if it's yours (and not used anywhere else).

Question. Does the winner also get the Artist Extraordinaire Skins if they win?

No, this skin is only given to Artists who've been with us for quite some time and contributed in a significant manner

Are we allowed to create skins based on characters from other media? ...(略)

Let's just say that there's no exact ruling on that. When a skin can be considered a cool reference to something else, great! But if you just make a sprite of Sonic or Mario, well uh... So yea, it's mostly common sense there.



*1 redditのこと