Production Build #16.4.0

Last-modified: 2013-09-27 (金) 14:16:54


日本時間で 2013/9/17


Build 16.3.0 との違い。

  • Build 16.3.0 (test)? の正式採用。







ドロップ: すべてが新UT ヴァニティ(虚栄心/むなしさ/化粧)・ウェポン


Eメール認証: 最近このゲームを悩ませているスパムボットの流入を考慮し、,, にEメール認証システムが追加されました。詳細はこちらをお読みください。

  • すべてのプレイヤーはこのゲームをプレイする為に有効なEメールを提供しなければならない。
  • もしアカウントが認証されていない場合、このゲームはメールアドレスを更新することを促したり、認証メールの再送信ができるようにします。
Hotfix 16.4 is now Live!

Hotfix 16.4 is now Live!
Hotfix 16.4.0 is now Live! (9/16).


New Dungeon

Battle for the Nexus:

It has long since been rumored that Ruthven had the ability to place a glamour spell on unsuspecting victims. These poor creatures would be brainwashed, willing to do whatever Ruthven requested. Though we had heard stories over the years, we were never able to confirm that this was true….until now….

We recently intercepted a missive between Oryx and Ruthven outlining a plan to capture one of our valiant heroes and turn him against us. We searched endlessly among the heroes for any sign of corruption but alas, we were too late! Oryx was successful in his plan, and through this misguided hero, he breached the protection that we had placed around the portals and entered our Nexus!

Warriors, Healers, Mages of all the different classes, we call upon you, nay, we beseech you, to take up arms to defend our home! Never has the battle been of greater consequence than this, never has more been at stake! Now is the time to set aside our differences! Now is the time to put aside all of the slights of the past! Heroes, we must work together to be a united front against Oryx and his minions. We will overcome this threat, and we will show him once and for all that no matter what, he will not take our home!

When all is over, and the sounds of war have long since died, we will know peace again. Our children will sing songs of this time, of the Battle for the Nexus….


Drops: All new untiered vanity weapons

  • Arbiter’s Wrath (Katana)
  • Doctor Swordsworth (Sword)
  • Sunshine Shiv (Dagger)
  • KoalaPOW (Staff)
  • Spicy Wand of Spice (Wand)
  • Robobow (Bow)

Email Verification: In light of of the recent influx of spam bots that have plagued the game, an email verification system has been added to the, and platforms.
Please Read HERE for more details.

  • All players must provide a valid email to play the game.
  • If your account isn’t verified, the game will prompt you to update your email or allow you to resend the verification email.


日本時間で 2013/9/21


  • アミュレットがプレイヤーの死亡時に壊れていなかった(死亡時の装備欄に表示されていた)のを修正。
Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

   Amulets now break as they should, instead of saving the player whenever they die.

Build 16.5.0

日本時間で 2013/9/24



  • Davy Jones's Lockerの鍵がダンジョンを抜けたあとも画面に残っていたのを修正
  • (ビルド16.3.0以降に)新規作成したギルドがギルドホールにいけなかったり、ギルドチャットが共有されていたのを修正
  • アカウント認証ページから"Come Play Here"のリンクを削除
  • ビルドを16.5にアップデート
Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

  • Davy Jones' Keys no longer remain on screen after leaving the dungeon
  • New guilds are now able to access the guild hall, and can only see their own guild chat
  • "Come Play Here" link removed from account verification confirmation page
  • Updated Build to 16.5

9/24 Hotfix

日本時間で 2013/9/25


  • サーバー間チャットの問題を修正
  • Doctor Swordsworth の調整: 弾は小さくなり、長く画面に残らない
Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for cross server chat issues
  • Adjustment to Doctor Swordsworth: Projectiles are now smaller, and do not remain on the screen as long

9/24 Hotfix #2

日本時間で 2013/9/25


  • ギルド内チャットのエラーを修正
Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for guild private message error
