
Last-modified: 2013-05-23 (木) 23:32:34


Stabilizer hit: Supose stab value reduced to none
Fuel leak: Lose fuel faster than usual, even when not moving
Critical hit: More damage than usual
Firing computer rebooting: Unit won't shoot until timer expires
Ammunition hit: kills the unit after timer regadless of HP remaining
Optical failure: decrease (don't know how much) is optics value and prevents unit from shooting
Weapon jammed: 1 weapon useless until timer expires

Transaxial hit (helis): ??
Turbine hit (helis): make helicopters go slower
Turbine Failure(helis): unit crashes regardless of HP remaining
Ammo box hit (helis) loss of all remaining ammo
Tail rotor hit(helis): ??

Mud(ground): Unit go slower
Rough terrain(ground): Unit go slower until timer OR gets out of terrain
Track in the mud(ground) Unit stop until timer expires
Gear box hit: Vehicle speed greatly reduced until timer expires
Detracked(ground): Unit stop immediately until timer expires
Engine stall(ground): Unit stops