Last-modified: 2016-03-05 (土) 20:38:31

以下は当wiki:日本語マニュアル「パイロット連合へようこそ(WELCOME TO THE PILOT’S FEDERATION)」からの引用と、Elite:Dangerous Newsletter #22「名誉のバッジ(Badge of Honour)」からの抜粋訳です。


皆様は同時にパイロット連合(Pilots Federation)の新規加盟メンバーとなっております。以下に簡単ではありますが、皆様が銀河を旅するに当たって役に立つと思われる情報ガイドを記載しております。是非御一読下さい。



 これまで私達はほぼ同じ場所で暮らしてきました。しかし今、フレーム・シフト・ドライブ(Frame Shift Drive)の新発明によって空間を圧縮し捻じ曲げることが可能になり、従来ならば数週間掛かるような宇宙旅行をほんの僅かな時間で行える能力(星系内航行:supercruiseと星間航行:hyperspace)を私達は獲得しました。人類は発見と開拓の新たな黄金時代を迎えようとしているのです。







 星々を駆け巡るとさまざまな派閥勢力を目の当たりにするでしょう。いずれの勢力もそれぞれの星系を支配下に置くため、その足掛かりとなる宇宙港(star port)や前哨基地(out post)を巡って争いを繰り広げているのです。そのような状況にあなた自身がどのように対応するか、よく考えて行動してください。





 各パイロットが星系内のいずれかの派閥勢力を支援すれば、その派閥勢力の影響度が上がり、星系支配の維持・転換を促す潜在的要素が増すことになります。支援の方法は平和的手段或いは暴力的手段のいずれかにより、その覇権を巡って武力が用いられる場合はその星系が内戦(civil war/conflict)状態に突入します。一方で、特定の派閥勢力が支配する星系に対して他星系の派閥勢力による武力進攻があった場合は星間戦争=戦争(war)状態に陥ります。支配する派閥勢力が入替わると、その星系の政治・経済は大きく変わります。従来は違法とされていたことが合法になったり、今まで販売されていたものが入手できなくなったりします。


Formed in 2805 after the great surge in private ownership of smaller starships, the Pilots Federation soon found a role as a conduit for trade route information exchange between trusted pilots and provided the infrastructure for a mutual protection scheme against the rising scourge of interstellar pirates.

Planet-siders began to distrust the generally itinerant nature of starship captains, who always seemed willing and able to jump to a new system before the law caught up with them. The Pilots Federation’s zero tolerance policy of dishonourable behaviour amongst its members is enforced by a system of bounties automatically placed on the heads of transgressors.

This built a galaxy-wide respect for the badge, which then started to be worn with pride by members. However, the organization’s official adoption of the 9-level ‘kill tally’ ranking system (Harmless through to the coveted Elite status) ensured the Pilots Federation retained a level of blood-thirsty notoriety.

Over the centuries the Pilots Federation has remained secretive in nature and neutral in conflicts, and has grown into one of the dominant financial superpowers of the galaxy through its GalNet data network. Originally a star chart, ship data and bounty management system, GalNet has evolved into an effective galactic infrastructure and content monopoly on news, market pricing and communication systems. This has not been without controversy, with periodic claims of data hoarding and abuse of its position.

It’s not surprising that an organization founded on status, and with such influence and power, has several cliques (The Dark Wheel being the most infamous). Or that those of Elite rank have further exploited their status and the incredible demand for their services, by forming an organization within an organization; the Elite Pilots Federation.

Relentless, increasingly well organized piracy and the need to maintain their reputation and influence as the best of the best caused the Elite Pilots Federation to start opening its membership to candidates from the Deadly rank who were able to pass a rigorous test and then, as demand continued to soar, to those from the Dangerous rank.

The Pilots Federation has eschewed being tied to any particular system in favour of roaming the stars. With one exception – the Founders World.

The elusive Founders World system is governed by the Elite Pilots Federation, and run exclusively for the benefit of their members. Its location is closely guarded, heavily protected, and the subject of extensive misinformation on GalNet.

Maybe one day you'll be one of the Elite who get to go there…