####################### Reference ####################### /Area Code Reference areaVernis 5 areaHome 7 areaRandDungeon 8 areaGraveyard 10 areaKapul 11 areaYowyn 12 areaRogueDen 14 areaPalmia 15 areaShrine 20 areaCyberDome 21 areaHighMountain 25 areaSister 29 areaShelter 30 areaRanch 31 areaOffice 32 areaNoyel 33 areaSmith 34 areaShowHouse 35 areaLumiest 36 /Japanese Conversion List {ある} ある、あります {う} う、います {か} か、ですか {が} が、ですが、けど {かな} かな、ですか、かしら {くれ} くれ、ください {だ} だ、です {だな} だな、ですね {だろ} だろう、でしょう {たのむ} たのむ、お願いします {のだ} のだ、んだ、のです {よ} よ、ですよ {な} な、ね、ですね {る} る、ます /Translation Note/ Text written after %xxx,x,EN will be displayed in the English version of Elona. See /Vernis for example. The translation doesn't have to be precise. You can even add your own sentences if you like to. You can completely ignore the use of {} when translating. (ie. {だ},{だな} ) Those are structures which are used for some Japanese conversions. They also convert the code into designated in-game variable. The codes are listed below. {player} player's name {aka} player's nickname(aka) {npc} the name of the person player is talking to {me} "I" {you} "you" {objective} quest:objective {reward} quest:reward {ref} quest:refer {map} quest:map name {client} quest:client name /tips/ When testing, save your game infront of a NPC and use defLoadFolder. setting in the config.txt to quick load/launch the game. /Lord Nightmare's notes/ The default english vernis translations do not completely match the originals, but this seems to be intentional. Regardless, I've tried my best to make each line correspond 1:1, but I had to add more information to a few of them. I'm also having trouble translating a few, google's translator is somewhat lousy. Look for the TODO lines. BMT means 'bad machine translation' Also I have no idea where the cyber dome line came from, It doesn't seem to appear in the original text, although it does make sense. I left it, but stuck an extra space before it. I also added an alternative to one of the other lines. Translated ?hiragana? -> english: VERUNISU Vernis Jors/IERUSU Juere/Yerles EUDANA Eulderna RESHIMASU Lesimas YOUIN Yowin DULLFY or DARUFI Dorphy PARUMIA Palmia JABI Xabi SUTASHA Stersha NOSUTIRISU North Tyris UU ?Ooh? KURIMUERU Crim Ale NEFIA Nefia Shin ??? Kita ??? DANJO Dungeon RUMIESUTO Lumiest RAHUAERO Raphael Note: The Yowin, Dorphy, Palmia, Noyel and Luminest texts are added from the user created content on the japanese wiki, as are a few random other lines. The original talk.txt doesn't even have the JAPANESE text for those! Note 2: I haven't marked the conversation/personality texts as BMT or whatnot. Note 3: Personality: whoever translated this originally never sorted the translated lines into the subcategories/personalities where they belong. I did this whenever I could figure out what was supposed to go where. The ones I couldn't figure out I left at the end. Note 4: I'm not sure whether I should use ... for ellipsis, or the character meant for that, '・. Special thanks to gridle for helping with a number of the lines which google translate choked on. babelfish isn't much better. /日本語版ユーザー追記メモbyだぶ/ Wikiに項目を追加して頂いて以降、本ファイルのRfish様の原典に日本語版を追記と言う形で手を加えさせて頂きましただぶと申す者です。 どうせなので色々ちょこちょこと。 ヴェルニース 5 自宅 7 ランダムダンジョン 8 ルミエスト墓所 10 ポートカプール 11 ヨウィン 12 ダルフィ 14 パルミア 15 神々の9p 20 アクリ・テオラ 21 ラーナ 25 妹の館 29 シェルター 30 牧場 31 パルミア大使館 32 ノイエル 33 工房ミラル・ガロク 34 ハウスドーム 35 ルミエスト 36 妹の館はネタです。Rfish様のご意向無しに追加した文章なので、黒い妹が嫌いな方等は即時削って下さい。 ルミエスト墓所に関しては、現存する設定ではその内容が不明瞭な為、触れていません。 また自宅・ハウスドームに関しても、プレイヤーやショールーム製作者が醸し出そうとする特色と異なる場合を避ける為、触れていません。 (08/06/24)現在{か}{う}{だろ}の変換機能が作用しておりません、注意。 ####################### Begin ###################### ####################### Area ####################### %AREA,5,JP /Vernis ヴェルニースへようこそ。 鉱山のおかげでこの街は潤っている{のだ}。 ヴェルニースは歴史ある炭鉱街{だ}。 あのバーでピアノを弾くのは、やめたほうがいい{よ}。 イェルスとエウダーナの戦争に巻き込まれるのは、ごめん{だ}。 レシマスで何かが見つかったらしい{よ}。 新たなスキルを得る方法があるらしい{よ}。 荷物の持ち過ぎには、注意したほうがいい{な}。 お墓の傍にいる人?ああ、あの薬中とは関わっちゃいけない{よ}。 ミシェスはぬいぐるみマニア{だ}。 王都パルミアまでは、道をひたすら東にすすめばいい{よ}。 シーナの尻は最高{だ}。 最近は、盗賊団なる輩がいて困る{よ}。 %END% %AREA,5,EN /Vernis Welcome to Vernis! Thanks to the mine, this town is flourishing. Vernis is a coal mining town with a notable history. Don't even think about playing piano in that bar. Remember, I warned you. Our city seems to be embroiled in a war between Yerles and Eulderna. Rumor has it that something of great value has been found in Lesimas. It seems there is a way to obtain new skills. See the trainer to the east of the town center. Be careful about carrying too much inventory. Be sure to sell anything you don't need. That weirdo near the graveyard? Don't pay any attention to that bum. He's both a drug and alcohol addict. Miches, at the north enterance to town, is a maniacal colletor of toy dolls. The road to the east leads to the capital city of Palmia. Shena's ass is the best. Recently we've been troubled by a bunch of thieves. Those people that live in Cyber Dome are freaks. Vernis is the oldest and largest coal mining town in North Tyris. Everyone loves Shena's ass. Going to Palmia? Just follow the road to the east. %END %AREA,8,JP /RandDungeon 待て、早まるな!危害を加えるつもりはない。 武器を収めて{くれ}。敵意は無い。 敵ではなさそう{だな}。 %END% %AREA,8,EN /RandDungeon %END% %AREA,11,JP /Kapul 潮風が香る{な}。 ペットアリーナで観戦するのが趣味{だ}。 ラファエロは女の敵{だな}。 もっと強くなりたいのなら戦士ギルドに行くと良い{よ}。 ここの海産物は内陸部で高く売れる{のだ}。 ピラミッドにはどうやったら入れる{のだ}? %END %AREA,11,EN /Kapul Ah, there's nothing like the salty smell of the sea breeze. Observing the pet arena is my hobby. Raphael is an enemy of women. If you want to be stronger and better fighters, go to the fighter's guild. The price of seafood cargo is very high farther inland. How do you into the pyramid? %END %AREA,12,JP /Yowyn こんな田舎街にもちゃんとヨウィンと言う名前があるん{だ}。 馬ならここで買って行くと良い{よ}。 収穫期はいつも人が足りない{な}。 何もない場所だけど、ゆっくりしていくといい{よ}。 西に無法者の街があるそう{だ}。 街を出て東の道沿いに行けば王都{だ}。 南西に古い城があるのを見かけた人がいる{のだ}。 この街の葬具は他に自慢出来る一品{だ}。 %END% %AREA,12,EN /Yowyn The village is called Yowyn. The horses sold here are the finest in the land. There's always a shortage of people during the harvest season. To the west of the village is a town of outlaws. Head east out of town, and follow the road north to reach the capital of the Kingdom of Palmia. Some elders say there's an old castle southwest of here. If there's one type of item you can brag about here, this city boasts of its excellent caskets. How fresh the air in the country is! %END %AREA,14,JP /Derphy 無法者の街、ダルフィへようこそ。 ノエルみたいにはなれない{な}。 その道に興味があるなら盗賊ギルドに行くと良い{よ}。 奴隷は世に必要なもの{だ}。 アリーナで血を見るのが好き{だ}。 この街にはガードがいない{よ}。 %END% %AREA,14,EN /Derphy Welcome to the outlaw town, Derphy. Noel loves to spread chaos. If you are interested in the ways of the thief, join the Thieves Guild. Slavery is in great need in the world. Everyone loves to see blood at the arena! Derphy has no city guards, so we can do whatever we want! %END %AREA,15,JP /Palmia パルミア国の王都へようこそ。 ミーアのしゃべり方はどうにからならないか{な}。 パルミアは何でも揃っていて便利でいい{が}、広いから人探しが大変{だ}。 ジャビ様とスターシャ様は、本当に仲がいい{のだ}。 パルミア名産といえば、貴族のおもちゃ{だ}。 乞食は臭くて嫌い{だ}。 知人がカジノで大儲けしたらしい{のだ}。羨ましい限り{だ}。 %END% %AREA,15,EN /Palmia Palmia is large. Sometimes it's hard to find people here. Mia is a little weird. Welcome to the capital city of the Kingdom of Palmia! It is difficult to understand Mia's language. King Xabi and Queen Stersha love each other very much. A special product of Palmia are the nobility toys. See the machines in the town center. %END %AREA,20,JP /Shrine 此処は神々の休戦地。神々の闘争とは無縁の場所{だ}。 あなたは如何なる神を信奉するの{かな}? 信仰の対象は慎重に選んだ方がいい。途中で鞍替えすれば、恐ろしい事になる。 神の怒りを恐れないのなら、何も奉られていない祭壇で祈るといい。面倒な信仰心ともオサラバ{だ}。 尊く厚き信仰心は神々の御心をも揺るがし、その奇蹟に触れる事が出来{る}。 %END% %AREA,20,EN /Shrine %END% %AREA,21,JP /CyberDome ここはアクリ・テオラ。エイス・テールの智の粋を集めて造られたサイバードーム{だ}。 エイス・テールの技を受け継ぐ者ならば、マニ様を信奉するべき{だ}。 リトル…か…。 エイス・テールの時代に生まれたかった{な}。 %END% %AREA,21,EN /CyberDome %END% %AREA,25,JP /HighMountain 良く辿り着けた{な}。ここが温泉の街、ラーナ{だ}。 この街から見下ろす景色は最高{だ}。 ここの湯は狂人の精神すらも安らげてくれるらしい{な}。 おみやげ屋の品はどれも高すぎて手が出ない{のだ}。 染色店はこの街にしかない{のだ}。洒落好きには御用達{だな}。 下りが面倒なら帰還サービスを受けるといい{よ}。 %END% %AREA,25,EN /HighMountain %END% %AREA,29,JP /Sister おかえりなさい♪ どうかしたの? (ちっ、営業スマイルは疲れるわい。) (このロリコンがっ!) (しめしめ、搾れるだけ搾りとったるわい。) %END% %AREA,29,EN /Sister %END% %AREA,30,JP /Shelter はやく天候が回復するといい{な}。 このシェルターは、みんなの献金で建設した{のだ}。 シェルターがあって助かる{よ}。 ものすごく暇{だ}。 なんだかワクワクする{よ}。 食料は十分あるみたい{だ}。 %END% %AREA,30,EN /Shelter I'm so so so bored! When will it be over? I hope the weather will recover quickly. This shelter was built with donations from everyone. I appreciate the fact that this shelter is here, otherwise we'd never survive. We've got a lot of spare time to use here. This is kind of exciting! We've got plenty of food stocks. %END %AREA,31,JP /Raunch %END %AREA,31,EN /Raunch %END %AREA,32,JP /Office 納税者は請求書と現金を持って、中央の納税箱に納める{のだ}。 奥の窓口では、差し押さえた家具や建築物の権利書などが販売されている{のだ}。 権利書はどれも高い{な}。 納税は面倒だけど、犯罪者にはなりたくないし…。 あの納税箱、持って帰れたら良いのに。 請求書は再発行してくれない{のだ}。燃えたり何かしたら一大事{だ}。 %END %AREA,32,EN /Office %END %AREA,33,JP /Noyel えっくし! うぅ、今日も寒い{な}。 毎日雪かきが大変{だ}。 あの巨人の名前はエボンと言うそう{だ}。 罪悪感に耐え切れなくなったら教会に行くと良い{よ}。 寒いっ! 少し南に行った所に小さな工房が建ってるのを見た{のだ}。 雪原を歩くのは骨が折れ{る}。 %END% %AREA,33,EN /Noyel Welcome! Ooh, today is a cold one! Every day there's a lot of snow to shovel. I heard that the giant is called Ebon. You can reduce your guilt by praying at church. It's cold! I saw a workshop just south of the town. %END %AREA,36,JP /Lumiest ようこそ、水と芸術の街へ。 どこかに温泉で有名な街があるそう{だ}。 この街じゃ、どこでも釣りが出来る{のだ}。 絵画に関してはうるさい{よ}。 パルミアには、魔術師ギルドはこの街にしかない{のだ}。 水上に佇む像はルルウィの姿を模したもの{だ}。 %END% %AREA,36,EN /Lumiest Welcome to the city of water and the arts. I heard there's a town famous for hot springs somewhere. In this city, you can go fishing just about anywhere! I've got lots to say about painting. This is the only city with a Mage's guild in Palmia. %END ####################### Personality ####################### %DEFAULT,JP {aka}? …なんだか聞き覚えが{ある}。 暇{だ}。 ん? 何か用{かな}? たまには豪勢な食事をしたい{な}。 %END %DEFAULT,EN Scut stands for "it's cute". I got nothing to do. {aka}? I've never heard of it. {aka}! You say you ARE {aka}?! ...no, never heard of it. What is it? Some say the irreverent forest brings the Ether Wind. Yeah, maybe. I don't know. Our life would be meaningless without God. The land of North Tyris has countless ruins and dungeons on it. We call them Nefia. I'm so bored! You're an adventurer right? Got any news from afar? Nothing beats a good old crim ale after work. Cats...why are they so cute? What are you looking at. It is rumored that the prince of Zanan is planning a massive attack on the forest of Elea. The Ether Disease spreads from land to land. It started in the Elean forest and brought ruin upon the eastern country, Karune. Fortunately, the great middle ocean has been protecting us from the wind to some extent. I can't imagine any western countries would have survived that disaster. Ah, another adventurer looking for a fortune. Eh? What do you want? %END %PERSONALITY,0,JP /dull character ジャビ王は聡明なお方{だ}。 クリムエールをふらふらになるまで飲みたい{な}。 猫は何故こんなにかわいいの{かな}。 イェルスは最近台頭してきた新王国{だ}。 エウダーナは、他のどの国よりも先に、ネフィアの探索と研究をはじめた{のだ}。 店の主人は不死身なの{かな}。 どうやら、アーティファクトの所在を知る方法があるみたい{だ}。 生命って何{かな}? %END %PERSONALITY,0,EN /dull character King Xabi is a man of his word and can always be trusted. I want to drink Crim Ale to death! What's an another name for a hares tail? King Xabi is said to be a wise man. I like to drink Crim Ale 'till I can't stand straight! Cats... Why are they so cute? Yerles is a new kingdom that has recently risen to prominence. Eulderna was the first country to explore and research Nefia. I wonder if the shop owners really are invincible... Apparently, there's a method to learn the location of artifacts. %END %PERSONALITY,1,JP /economist ともかく、世の中お金が大事{だ}。 どこかにお金が落ちていない{かな}。 経済の話題には関心がある{のだ}。 プラチナ硬貨はなかなか手に入らない{な}。 エウダーナの財政は、少し苦しいらしい{よ}。 戦後のザナンは形式こそ王国制をとるものの、実質的にはエイス・テールの諸国をモデルにした経済国家{だ}。 交易は儲かるけど、道中が怖いの{だ}。 %END %PERSONALITY,1,EN /economist The world is all about money, money, money! Anyway, money is an important thing for the world. Do you know what is a good investment? I'm interested in the subject of economics. Platinum coins are difficult to obtain. Public finance in Eulderna is a little bit painful. Zana's postwar system takes the format of monarchy, but internally the country is modeled on the economy of Eyth Terre. %END %PERSONALITY,2,JP /scientist ノースティリス西部には、数々の遺跡やダンジョンがあり、ネフィアとよばれている{のだ}。 エイス・テールは第七期の文明{だ}。高度な科学を持っていた{のだ}。 エイス・テールは、魔法と科学を対立するものと考えていたよう{だ}。 科学について語るのが好き{だ}。 ヴェルニースはパルミアで一番大きな炭鉱街{だ}。 ルミエストは芸術の街として有名{だな}。 %END %PERSONALITY,2,EN /scientist Sierre Terre is the 11th era on Irva. Are you on drugs? Irva is our world, of course. The land of North Tyris has countless ruins and dungeons on it. We call them Nefia. Science in the seventh era of Eyth Terre was far advanaced than ours. In Eyth Terre, magic and science are thought to be opposite. I like talking about science. Verunis is the biggest coal-mining town in Palmia. Lumiest is the famous city of art. %END %PERSONALITY,3,JP /adventurer 食料の供給源は、しっかり決めておいたほうがいい{よ}。 まだ解き明かされない謎が多く眠るネフィアは、冒険者にとって聖地のようなもの{だ}。 永遠の盟約…?そんな言葉は聞いたことがない{な}。 シエラ・テールは十一期目の文明{だ}。 色々なところを旅するのが好き{だ}。 %END %PERSONALITY,3,EN /adventurer As for food, its always good to be well-stocked. Eternal League...? I've never heard of that. Sierre Terre is the 11th era. I like to travel to a variety of places. If you find adventuring too difficult by yourself, go to Derphy and buy some slaves. A ranch near Derphy can be highly profitable. The Vindale cloack protects you from Etherwind. It may be worth getting, although it will be expensive. You can dry out the rotten meat at the ranch to make jerky for rations. If you worship Kumiromi, you may get seeds from the rotten meat. Don't drop items in your shop that you want to keep. They will probably be sold! You can safely store items in the buildings you own. If you drop items in a town, the garbage men will probably dump them all. Guards may attack you if your karma drops too low. If your pets and allies fall in combat, bartenders in town can bring them back. Be sure to give good equipment to your allies and pets, since it will make them more effective in battle. Potions that reverse the effects of the etherwind exist, but they are rare and quite valuable. Better tools give you better results for your skills. Better beds give you better dreams if you sleep in them. Don't buy a shop for your first building. Its maintenance cost is hight and you won't see a profit for months or years while you wait for the shop to gain ranks. If you're planning to buy a building, start with a museum. The maintenance cost is cheap and they start making a profit quickly. One of your best sources of income and fame is the arena. Do not ever waste material kits on normal items! %END ####################### Rumor ####################### %RUMOR,LOOT,JP うさぎの尻尾は幸運を呼ぶみたい{だな}。 乞食は体内を浄化する魔法のペンダントを持っていることがあるみたい{だ}。奴らは何でも食べるから{な}。 ゾンビは稀に奇妙なポーションを落とすよう{だ}。 そういえば、以前とてつもない名器を奏でる詩人の演奏を聴いたことが{ある}。感動して、つい、履いていた高価な靴を投げてしまった{よ}。 なんでもマミーは死者を蘇らせる書をもっているそう{だ}。 見てしまった{のだ}!死刑執行人が、首を切られたのに生きかえるのを! 異形の目に見入られた者の肉体は変化するという{が}、たまに生物の進化を促すポーションを落とすらしい{よ}。 妖精はとっても秘密な経験を隠しているらしい{よ}! ロックスロアーの投げる石をあなどってはいけない{よ} %END %RUMOR,LOOT,EN Rabbit's tail is belived to bring good luck. It's rumored that some beggers carry a magical pendant which purifies their stomach. Zombies sometimes drop a strange potion. Once I've met this extraordinary bard who played a truely masterpiece stringed instrument. The play was so good that I've even thrown him my expensive shoes I was wearing! I've heard mummies carry a book that has power to resurrect deads. I swear I saw it. The executioner became alive again after he got his head severed! Those who are gazed by deformed eyes mutate. But sometimes they possess a potion that makes creatures to evolve. Fairy hides a very secret experience! Don't underestimate the rock throwers's rock. %END ####################### Shop ####################### %SHOPKEEPER,JP /common shopkeeper 店の経営は、なかなか難しい{な}。 他の店では、足元を見られないよう、気をつけたほうがいい{よ}。 ごろつきを追い払えるぐらい強くないと、店主はつとまらない{よ}。 何かの時のために、店を継ぐ人は決めて{る}。 いらっしゃい。ゆっくり見ていって{くれ}。 品揃えには自信がある{のだ}。 さあ、自慢の商品を見ていって{くれ}。 最近は物騒な人が多くて大変{だ}。 %END %SHOPKEEPER,EN /common shopkeeper Welcome to my shop! We have the best range of goods! I hate thieves . No, not you. ...right? It's difficult to maintain a shop. I can handle robbers myself. We got to be tough. Running a store is hard work! Come in, take a close look at my wares. I have confidence in my assortment. Look at our fine selection. I feel the world is growing increasingly dangerous. %END %SLAVEKEEPER,JP /slave shop お客さんも悪い人間{だな}。 ひひひ…旦那も好き者{だな}。 活きの良いのが{ある}。 金さえいただければ、お好みのを用意させて貰うよ。 %END %SLAVEKEEPER,EN /slave shop He..he..he..I may have what you need, sir. Don't look at me like that. %END %MOYER,JP /trader in noyel お客さん、怯えなくても大丈夫だ。この怪物は、魔法によって身動き一つとれないんだ。さあ、見物ついでに、うちの商品も見て言ってくれ。 これなるは、かのネフィアの迷宮ベロンを支配した、伝説の火の巨人!今日立ち寄ったあなたは、実に運がいい!さあ、この神々しくも禍々しい怪物の雄姿を、とくとご覧あれ。商品を買ってくれれば、お触りもオッケーだよ。 %END %MOYER,EN /trader in noyel Hear hear! The monster before you is the notorious fire giant who had ruled Verron of Nefia for a century. You're lucky, quite lucky to have him chained ahead of you today! Indeed, this monster can burn the whole village if it were not the magical chain that holds him. Buy some goods at my shop, and you may even touch this fearsome giant! Don't worry. This monster, it cannot move a muscle due to the magical shackle. %END ####################### Special ####################### %BORED,JP /when bored (退屈そうにあなたを見ている) ({npc}はあなたを一瞥すると、そっぽを向いた。) %END %BORED,EN /when bored ({npc} is bored. ) ({npc} glances at you and steps back.) %END %ALLY_DEFAULT,JP /ally (あなたをじっと見ている) …? %END %ALLY_DEFAULT,EN /ally ({npc} fixedly looks at you.) ...? %END