)Mods\Core_AI\Items\0000_AI Mainframe.item} "Description": "Mainframes are the core of every AI system. These always point in the forwards direction of the vehicle." 5 "Description": "AIの核となるブロック。" )Mods\Core_AI\Items\0001_AI Card Slot.item "Description": "Card slots are connected to by the mainframe, connectors and other card slots. Insert your AI cards into these. This card slot has openings for cards on the left and right and you can place it at any orientation you like." > "Description": "AIカードを挿すためのポート。" CMods\Core_AI\Items\0002_AI Card Slot this version now obsolete.item "Description": "Card slots are connected to by the mainframe, connectors and other card slots. Insert your AI cards into these. This card slot has openings for cards on the front and back (relative to the orientation of the vehicle)." > "Description": "AIカードを挿すためのポート。" /Mods\Core_AI\Items\0003_AI Connector 5 way.itemv "Description": "Connectors connect to everything. This one has connections downwards, left, right, front and back" E "Description": "AIMaineframeとつなげて使うコネクタ。" /Mods\Core_AI\Items\0004_AI Connector 6 way.itemu "Description": "Connectors connect to everything. This one has connections up, down, left, right, front and back" E "Description": "AIMaineframeとつなげて使うコネクタ。" *Mods\Core_AI\Items\0005_CARD Naval AI.item "Description": "this CARD can be inserted into a card slot and will program basic naval AI into the vehicle. It will engage detected targets and path-find around solid land masses."  "Description": "水上艦艇用の制御用カード。カードスロットに挿すとBoat Propellr、Boat Rudderを制御してくれる。" 4Mods\Core_AI\Items\0009_Local Weapon Controller.item "Description": "This controller will fire weapons and turrets connected on any of its six directions(sides) with a range of 2 blocks (i.e 12 blocks are checked for weapons), as long as targets have been detected (and or tracked) by the associated mainframe. To control the rotation of a turret (as well as the weapons on the turret) place this on the main vehicle, next to the turret or below it." w "Description": "上下および側面2ブロック以内にある兵器をAIが操作できるようにする。" +Mods\Core_AI\Items\0012_CARD Aerial AI.item "Description": "this CARD can be inserted into a card slot and will program basic aircraft AI into the vehicle. It will engage detected targets." s "Description": "JetEngine系、IonThruster系、Aileron,TailPlaneを制御して一撃離脱行動を行う。" 7Mods\Core_AI\Items\0013_CARD Target Prioritisation.item "Description": "this CARD can be inserted into a card slot and will allow prioritisation of certain targets as both the primary target of the AI mainframe and the weapon systems."  "Description": "AIがどの敵を攻撃目標として選択するか優先度を設定するチップ。Eキーから入れる戦略画面で、ターゲットを指定することが出来る。" 5Mods\Core_AI\Items\0014_CARD Aim point selection.item "Description": "this CARD will select the vulnerable points on a constructable for targeting via the local weapon controllers." N "Description": "一番被害が大きな場所を狙うようになる。" %Mods\Core_AI\Items\0023_Failsafe.item  "Description": "This component can be attached to any local weapon controller and will make sure, to the best of its ability, that the weapon has a clear line of fire to the target before firing. The aim of this component is to reduce friendly fire against parts of your own vehicle."  "Description": "LocalWeaponControllerに取り付けることで\r、自身の船体が射線上に入る場合、射撃を停止し誤射を防ぐ部品。" )Mods\Core_AI\Items\0025_Laser warner.item "Description": "A laser warner will pick up laser damage to the vehicle within a radius of up to 20 metres. This is used for triggering smoke dispensers which can help to negate the damage that a laser is doing." > "Description": "最大半径20ブロック以内のブロックがレーザー照射を受けたことを感知し、Smokedispenserを起動させる。ただし、この装置の範囲内にSmokedispenserがあり、この装置が外に出ている必要があり、視線が通っていないといけない。" ;Mods\Core_AI\Items\0029_Anti Missile Cannon Controller.item "Description": "The AMCC directs fused explosive cannon fire at incoming missiles. You need to place a turret with an Advanced Projectile System cannon directly above, or 2 meters above this block. Make sure the cannon is firing shells with a timed fuse and explosive or flak warheads. Make sure the cannon has a laser targeter component as well. Make sure the AI has a Missile Warning Camera that can see the missile."  "Description": "攻撃用レーザー、アドバンスドキャノンでミサイルの迎撃が可能になるブロック。\r" )Mods\Core_AI\Items\0031_CARD Land AI.item "Description": "The land AI card can control tanks and other land vehicles. It is very similar to the Naval AI but has a few key differences." v "Description": "陸上兵器用の制御用カード。\rWheel(power)、Wheel(turning)を制御してくれる。" ,Mods\Core_Air\Items\0017_Jet controller.itemJ "Description": "This is the primary component of a fuel fed jet engine. A fuel fed jet engine differs from those components that are engine powered in that it can be much more powerful, versatile and is it's own source of power. They are a new feature in FTD, and are very fuel hungry. Don't forget to add the fuel injectors!" r "Description": "ジェットの核となる部品。ステータスはここから見ることが出来る。" (Mods\Core_Air\Items\0018_Jet intake.item "Description": "The jet intake takes in air to combustion inside the jet engine. A jet simply won't work if this is underwater. Having multiple intakes doesn't help unless they have the \"extra intake\" components attached." { "Description": "吸気部分。増やすと効率よく推進力を生み出し、燃料の消費量が増加する。" ,Mods\Core_Air\Items\0019_Jet Compressor.item "Description": "The jet compressor compresses the air that has been taken in, and leads to a moderate thrust increase without dramatically increasing fuel use" l "Description": "空気圧縮部分。増やすと効率よく推力、燃料消費量が増加する。" +Mods\Core_Air\Items\0020_Jet Combuster.item "Description": "The jet combuster burns the fuel and oxygen together. This provides a small increases to thrust output of the engine with only a small increase to fuel use." { "Description": "燃焼室。ここで燃料を燃やし、若干推進力を生み出し、消費燃料が増える。" )Mods\Core_Air\Items\0021_Jet Exhaust.itemf "Description": "The jet exhaust is the component that governs where the force will come out from." 6 "Description": "噴射口。無くても良い。" /Mods\Core_Air\Items\0022_Jet intake add-on.itemX "Description": "The jet extra intake increases the air intake of the intake by 25%." B "Description": "吸気パーツであり、追加パーツ。" /Mods\Core_Air\Items\0023_Jet fuel injector.item "Description": "The fuel injector is a vital part of the jet engine and is connectible to all four sides of the combuster components. The number of fuel injectors you have determine the fuel usage of the engine. The more of these used the worse your thrust to fuel ratio will be." i "Description": "燃料噴射装置。燃料の消費量が大きく増えるが推力も増える。" 1Mods\Core_Air\Items\0024_Jet extra combuster.item "Description": "The extra combuster can be fitted onto the combustion segments and increase combustion of the combuster by 25%." 3 "Description": "燃焼室の拡張パーツ。" 2Mods\Core_Air\Items\0025_Jet extra compressor.item "Description": "The extra compressor can be fitted onto the compression segments and increases air compression of the compressor by 25%." 9 "Description": "空気圧縮部の追加パーツ。" -Mods\Core_APS\Items\0000_6-way connector.item; "Description": "For connecting various parts together." C "Description": "6方向に様々な部品を接続できる。" -Mods\Core_APS\Items\0001_Ammo Controller.itemW "Description": "Used in conjunction with the ammo customisers to create your ammo." n "Description": "砲弾設計の基礎パーツ。これの背面にAmmoCustomiserを接続していく。" -Mods\Core_APS\Items\0002_Ammo Customiser.item "Description": "Place directly in front of the ammo controller in a line. Each customiser provides two shell modules for your shell design." w "Description": "AmmoControllerの背面に接続していくことで、砲弾を設計できるようになる。" /Mods\Core_APS\Items\0003_Ammo Input Feeder.item} "Description": "Accepts ammo from ammo output feeders. Can connect into autoloaders or the front and back of ammo clips."  "Description": "AutoloaderかAmmoClipに弾を装填する。Qキーで装填する弾を選択できるが、相手のサイズより弾のサイズが大きいと装填されない。" 1Mods\Core_APS\Items\0004_Ammo Clip 1m shells.item "Description": "Ammo clips connect to auto loaders. Ammo intakes connect to ammo clips and fill the clip with ammo so that it can be loaded into the autoloader and fired. This clip stores shells up to 1m long."  "Description": "送られてきた弾をためておく弾倉。AutoloaderとAmmoclipに接続できる。2mまでの弾が入る。" 2Mods\Core_APS\Items\0005_Autoloader 1m shells.itemz "Description": "Allows attachment of ammo clips and ammo input feeders. This autoloader handles shells up to 1m long."  "Description": "弾を1発保持することができ、FiringPieceに弾を装填する。1mまでの弾をが扱える。" /Mods\Core_APS\Items\0006_Adv. Firing piece.item "Description": "Firing chamber for the cannon. This is the main component of the advanced projectile system. Mantlets and barrels go in front of it and gauge increasers go directly behind it. You can place other components on the other four sides of it."  "Description": "大砲の核となる部品。MantletやBarrelなどの砲身パーツは前方に、Gaugeincreaseなどの砲軸パーツは後方に接続する。" ,Mods\Core_APS\Items\0007_Gauge increase.itemN "Description": "Increases the size of the firing chamber and shell gauge."  "Description": "Firingpieceの後ろ、砲軸パーツに接続することで砲の口径を増大するパーツ。8個までしか効果は無い。" 3Mods\Core_APS\Items\0009_Railgun barrel magnet.itemG "Description": "Accelerates cannon shells to a higher velocity. Place these on the side of the barrel with a rail gun attaching fixture directly behind them (on the side of the firing piece). Each one increases the fraction of vehicle energy (stored in batteries!) available to the railgun that is consumed with each shot."  "Description": "レールガンのレール、つまり砲身。RailgunMagnetAttachingFixtureの前方に接続する。数が多いほど消費する電力が増加する。" >Mods\Core_APS\Items\0010_Railgun Magnet Attaching Fixture.item "Description": "Supplies power from the vehicle batteries to the magnets. Connect onto the sides of a firing piece and place the magnets in front of this." i "Description": "レールガンのレール基部。Firing Pieceの上下左右に接続できる。" $Mods\Core_APS\Items\0012_Barrel.item[ "Description": "Standard barrel. Connects in front of the firing piece or the mantlet."  "Description": "砲身。弾の設計によって必要な砲身長は変化するが、砲身長が足りないと弾速と精度が低下する。" ,Mods\Core_APS\Items\0013_Laser Targeter.item  "Description": "Allows automatic setting of timed fuse time and altitude fuse altitude detonation parameters. Particularly useful when used by AI but also works when player controlled. Useful for exploding shells near the target which may avoid a complete miss."  "Description": "時限信管または高度信管を自動で設定してくれる様になる。AIによる射撃だけでは無く、手動射撃でも機能する。" -Mods\Core_APS\Items\0014_1m omni Mantlet.itemL "Description": "1m Mantlet with even azimuth and elevation firing arcs." < "Description": "縦に射角を取れる様になる。" 2Mods\Core_APS\Items\0015_1m Elevation Mantlet.itemR "Description": "1m Mantlet with low azimuth and medium elevation firing arcs." r "Description": "縦に射角を取ることができ、微妙に左右に射角を取ることができる。" 2Mods\Core_APS\Items\0016_3m x 3m Omni Mantlet.itemQ "Description": "3m x 3m Mantlet with even azimuth and elevation firing arcs." H "Description": "そこそこの射角を取ることが出来る。" 7Mods\Core_APS\Items\0017_3m tall Elevation Mantlet.item` "Description": "3m tall by 1m wide Mantlet with low azimuth and high elevation firing arcs." Q "Description": "下から上へ大きく射角を取ることができる。" 0Mods\Core_APS\Items\0018_2m tall AA Mantlet.itemv "Description": "2m tall by 1m wide Mantlet with low azimuth and very high elevation in one direction firing arcs." H "Description": "上へ大きく射角を取ることができる。" 4Mods\Core_APS\Items\0019_Fall of Shot Predictor.itemR "Description": "Displays the predicted travel path of advanced cannon shells." - "Description": "弾道を表示する。" -Mods\Core_APS\Items\0020_Railgun Charger.item "Description": "Speeds up the reload time of the railgun. Can be placed in many locations on the gun. Railguns use the energy stored in the vehicle's batteries."  "Description": "レールガン用の発電装置。砲軸パーツ、コネクタに接続する。充電速度はRailgun Chargerの数に比例する。" 1Mods\Core_APS\Items\0021_Ammo Clip 2m shells.item "Description": "Ammo clips connect to auto loaders. Ammo intakes connect to ammo clips and fill the clip with ammo so that it can be loaded into the autoloader and fired. This clip stores shells up to 2m long."  "Description": "送られてきた弾をためておく弾倉。AutoloaderとAmmoclipに接続できる。2mまでの弾が入る。" 1Mods\Core_APS\Items\0022_Ammo Clip 3m shells.item "Description": "Ammo clips connect to auto loaders. Ammo intakes connect to ammo clips and fill the clip with ammo so that it can be loaded into the autoloader and fired. This clip stores shells up to 3m long."  "Description": "送られてきた弾をためておく弾倉。AutoloaderとAmmoclipに接続できる。3mまでの弾が入る。" 1Mods\Core_APS\Items\0023_Ammo Clip 4m shells.item "Description": "Ammo clips connect to auto loaders. Ammo intakes connect to ammo clips and fill the clip with ammo so that it can be loaded into the autoloader and fired. This clip stores shells up to 4m long."  "Description": "送られてきた弾をためておく弾倉。AutoloaderとAmmoclipに接続できる。4mまでの弾が入る。" 1Mods\Core_APS\Items\0024_Ammo Clip 6m shells.item "Description": "Ammo clips connect to auto loaders. Ammo intakes connect to ammo clips and fill the clip with ammo so that it can be loaded into the autoloader and fired. This clip stores shells up to 6m long."  "Description": "送られてきた弾をためておく弾倉。AutoloaderとAmmoclipに接続できる。6mまでの弾が入る。" 1Mods\Core_APS\Items\0025_Ammo Clip 8m shells.item "Description": "Ammo clips connect to auto loaders. Ammo intakes connect to ammo clips and fill the clip with ammo so that it can be loaded into the autoloader and fired. This clip stores shells up to 8m long."  "Description": "送られてきた弾をためておく弾倉。AutoloaderとAmmoclipに接続できる。8mまでの弾が入る。" 2Mods\Core_APS\Items\0026_Autoloader 2m shells.item} "Description": "Allows attachment of ammo clips and ammo input feeders. This autoloader can handle shells up to 2m long."  "Description": "弾を1発保持することができ、FiringPieceに弾を装填する。2mまでの弾をが扱える。" 2Mods\Core_APS\Items\0027_Autoloader 3m shells.item} "Description": "Allows attachment of ammo clips and ammo input feeders. This autoloader can handle shells up to 3m long."  "Description": "弾を1発保持することができ、FiringPieceに弾を装填する。3mまでの弾をが扱える。" 2Mods\Core_APS\Items\0028_Autoloader 4m shells.item} "Description": "Allows attachment of ammo clips and ammo input feeders. This autoloader can handle shells up to 4m long."  "Description": "弾を1発保持することができ、FiringPieceに弾を装填する。4mまでの弾をが扱える。" 2Mods\Core_APS\Items\0029_Autoloader 6m shells.item} "Description": "Allows attachment of ammo clips and ammo input feeders. This autoloader can handle shells up to 6m long."  "Description": "弾を1発保持することができ、FiringPieceに弾を装填する。6mまでの弾をが扱える。" @Mods\Core_APS\Items\0030_Gauge increase left right splitter.item "Description": "Opens up to allow connections out to the left and right, and can be rotated to allow up and down links. Does not increase gauge at all. Useful for allowing placement of cooling vents and hydraulic recoil absorbers."  "Description": "砲軸パーツを左右に分岐させられる。このパーツにアタッチメントを接続しても意味が無い。" 0Mods\Core_APS\Items\0031_Gauge cooling unit.item "Description": "This component vents heat and decreases the cool down time of the barrels- allowing faster firing in certain circumstances." ~ "Description": "砲の冷却時間を短縮する。砲軸パーツには各種アタッチメントを接続できる。" :Mods\Core_APS\Items\0032_Hydraulic recoil absorber 1m.itemw "Description": "This component will absorb recoil when the gun is fired. It is to be placed on the gauge increase." B "Description": "砲軸に接続して反動を軽減する。" :Mods\Core_APS\Items\0033_Hydraulic recoil absorber 2m.itemw "Description": "This component will absorb recoil when the gun is fired. It is to be placed on the gauge increase." B "Description": "砲軸に接続して反動を軽減する。" :Mods\Core_APS\Items\0034_Hydraulic recoil absorber 4m.itemw "Description": "This component will absorb recoil when the gun is fired. It is to be placed on the gauge increase." B "Description": "砲軸に接続して反動を軽減する。" *Mods\Core_APS\Items\0035_Muzzle Brake.itemW "Description": "The muzzle brake reduces recoil but slightly lowers speed as well."  "Description": "反動を軽減するが、弾速が僅かに低下する。また、砲身の先端にしか付けられない。" ,Mods\Core_APS\Items\0036_Bore Evacuator.item "Description": "The bore evacuator prevents gases from leaking back into the firing piece. It provides a modest reduction in cool down time but presents a weak point on the barrel. The effect does not stack."  "Description": "砲の冷却時間を短縮する。効果があるのはFiringpieceごとに1つだけで、後はただのBarrelと同じになる。" <Mods\Core_APS\Items\0037_Belt feed autoloader 1m shells.item  "Description": "Allows attachment of ammo clips. This autoloader handles shells up to 1m long. The belt fed loader loads much faster than a traditional loader but the clip cannot be reloaded during the firing phase and cannot be fired during the reloading phase."  "Description": "AutoLoaderより早く弾を装填することができる。弾をFiringpieceに装填中はAmmoClipに弾が送弾されず、AmmoClipへの送弾が始まると満タンになるまで弾がFiring pieceに装填されない" 2Mods\Core_APS\Items\0038_Autoloader 8m shells.item} "Description": "Allows attachment of ammo clips and ammo input feeders. This autoloader can handle shells up to 8m long."  "Description": "弾を1発保持することができ、FiringPieceに弾を装填する。8mまでの弾をが扱える。" 7Mods\Core_APS\Items\0039_Solid Ammo Clip 1m shells.item "Description": "Ammo clips connect to auto loaders. Ammo intakes connect to ammo clips and fill the clip with ammo so that it can be loaded into the autoloader and fired. This clip stores shells up to 1m long. This clip does not render shells and as such is more CPU friendly."  "Description": "送られてきた弾をためておく弾倉。AutoloaderとAmmoclipに接続できる。2mまでの弾が入る。CPUのお友達。" 7Mods\Core_APS\Items\0040_Solid Ammo Clip 2m shells.item "Description": "Ammo clips connect to auto loaders. Ammo intakes connect to ammo clips and fill the clip with ammo so that it can be loaded into the autoloader and fired. This clip stores shells up to 2m long. This clip does not render shells and as such is more CPU friendly."  "Description": "送られてきた弾をためておく弾倉。AutoloaderとAmmoclipに接続できる。2mまでの弾が入る。CPUのお友達。" 7Mods\Core_APS\Items\0041_Solid Ammo Clip 3m shells.item "Description": "Ammo clips connect to auto loaders. Ammo intakesturb connect to ammo clips and fill the clip with ammo so that it can be loaded into the autoloader and fired. This clip stores shells up to 3m long. This clip does not render shells and as such is more CPU friendly."  "Description": "送られてきた弾をためておく弾倉。AutoloaderとAmmoclipに接続できる。3mまでの弾が入る。CPUのお友達。" 7Mods\Core_APS\Items\0042_Solid Ammo Clip 4m shells.item "Description": "Ammo clips connect to auto loaders. Ammo intakesturb connect to ammo clips and fill the clip with ammo so that it can be loaded into the autoloader and fired. This clip stores shells up to 4m long. This clip does not render shells and as such is more CPU friendly."  "Description": "送られてきた弾をためておく弾倉。AutoloaderとAmmoclipに接続できる。4mまでの弾が入る。CPUのお友達。" 7Mods\Core_APS\Items\0043_Solid Ammo Clip 6m shells.item "Description": "Ammo clips connect to auto loaders. Ammo intakesturb connect to ammo clips and fill the clip with ammo so that it can be loaded into the autoloader and fired. This clip stores shells up to 6m long. This clip does not render shells and as such is more CPU friendly."  "Description": "弾を1発保持することができ、FiringPieceに弾を装填する。6mまでの弾をが扱える。CPUのお友達。" 7Mods\Core_APS\Items\0044_Solid Ammo Clip 8m shells.item "Description": "Ammo clips connect to auto loaders. Ammo intakes connect to ammo clips and fill the clip with ammo so that it can be loaded into the autoloader and fired. This clip stores shells up to 8m long. This clip does not render shells and as such is more CPU friendly."  "Description": "弾を1発保持することができ、FiringPieceに弾を装填する。8mまでの弾をが扱える。CPUのお友達。" *Mods\Core_APS\Items\0045_Ammo Ejector.item "Description": "The Ammo Ejector, quickly fires all shells in the attached autoloader up into the air if the autoloader is destroyed. Beware, the shells are still active if ejected in this manner and may cause more harm than good." n "Description": "ClipとAutoloaderが破損したときに爆発を起こさないようにする部品。" ;Mods\Core_APS\Items\0046_Ammo Customiser single module.item "Description": "Place directly in front of the ammo controller in a line. This customiser provides a single shell modules for your shell design." w "Description": "AmmoControllerの背面に接続していくことで、砲弾を設計できるようになる。" 4Mods\Core_APS\Items\0047_Ammo Ejector Backwards.item& "Description": "The Ammo Ejector, quickly fires all shells in the attached autoloader up into the air if the autoloader is destroyed. Beware, the shells are still active if ejected in this manner and may cause more harm than good. This one ejects out of it's back side rather than upwards." n "Description": "ClipとAutoloaderが破損したときに爆発を起こさないようにする部品。" +Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0000_Firing piece.item "Description": "The firing piece is the most important part of the CRAM cannon- attach the barrels in front all other components on the other five sides (left, right, up down, back). The CRAM cannon packs payload material into the chambered shell casing and with enough payload material and time it can reach enormous densities. The CRAM cannon allows shell gauges up to 2 meters in diameter and as such can be incredibly destructive."  "Description": "砲の核になる部品。左右と上面にアタッチメントを付けることが可能。発泡するには最低でも1つAmmo Boxを取り付ける必要が有る。(コネクタ、Auto Loader越しでも可能)" %Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0001_Barrel.item "Description": "Barrels belong directly in front of the firing piece. Each barrel has an base increase to muzzle velocity and accuracy as well as some special modifiers."  "Description": "砲身。弾速、貫通力、集弾性が向上する。しかし、反動が増え、射角が狭くなる。" 8Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0002_Recoil Suppression Barrel.item "Description": "Barrels belong directly in front of the firing piece. Each barrel has an base increase to muzzle velocity and accuracy as well as some special modifiers." c "Description": "反動を軽減する砲身。しかし、弾速が遅くなってしまう。" 7Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0003_Flash Suppression Barrel.item "Description": "Barrels belong directly in front of the firing piece. Each barrel has an base increase to muzzle velocity and accuracy as well as some special modifiers. This block will reduce the Muzzle flash and the visibility of the shot, giving the element of surprise."  "Description": "弾が見えづらくなり、弾を探知されにくくなる。また反動が僅かに減少する。しかし弾速、貫通力、集弾性が悪化する。" 'Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0004_Ammo Box.item "Description": "The ammo box is necessary to fire the weapon. Add a few for sustained firing. Each box loads ammo from the vehicle ammo supply. When placed on Autoloaders the ammo box will reduce the reload time of the weapon." { "Description": "弾薬入れ。弾を撃つためには必須だが、これは弾薬であって弾頭では無い。" CMods\Core_CRAM\Items\0005_Auto Loader x3 automatic orientation.item( "Description": "Auto-loader reduces reload times for each ammo box that is attached to it. Place it on the firing piece or on a connector. It accepts three ammo boxes or payload material boxes. When connected to payload material boxes it dramatically increases the packing rate of the shell."  "Description": "Firing Pieceかコネクタに接続し弾薬の装填速度を向上させる。ただし、最低でも1つAmmo Boxを何処かの面に接続しなければならない。向きを自動的に修正してくれる。" (Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0006_Predictor.item_ "Description": "This remarkable piece of technology displays the approximate fall of shot." ` "Description": "弾道予測を表示する。Firing oueceの上面のみに設置可能。" 0Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0007_Six Way Connector.itemn "Description": "Connects CRAM cannon components together. This block has inputs and outputs on all sides." [ "Description": "6面に色々な部品を付けることが出来るコネクター。" 5Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0008_High Explosive Pellets.item "Description": "This block will fill the shell with high explosives which will cause a large explosion on impact. Useful for damaging large volumes of low armour class blocks. Connect to autoloaders for significant increase in packing rate." ] "Description": "爆発で攻撃する弾頭。爆風で範囲を攻撃する。榴弾。" /Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0009_Hardener Pellets.item "Description": "This block will fill the shell with 'Hardener' which adds armour piercing and kinetic damage. Useful for puncturing strong armour to reach the exposed insides of your target. Connect to autoloaders for significant increase in packing rate." ] "Description": "貫通する事が目的の弾頭。いわゆる物理攻撃。徹甲弾" 2Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0010_Motor Driven Barrel.item "Description": "Each barrel has an base increase to muzzle velocity and accuracy as well as some special modifiers. These barrel segments when placed directly in front of the firing piece will increase the arc of fire of the weapon." N "Description": "射角を広げる砲身。加速性能がやや悪い。" -Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0011_Gauge Increase.item "Description": "These blocks can be connected to from connectors and the firing piece and will increase the gauge of the weapon. This will increase damage, range and accuracy at the expense of recoil, fire rate and ammunition consumption."  "Description": "最大2000mmまで口径を大きくして攻撃性を増加させる部品。6-wayConnectorやGauge increaseに付けることが出来る。しかし、リロード速度と砲身の旋回速度が低下する。" /Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0012_Interface screen.item "Description": "This block allows you full interaction with the firing piece without being able to see it. Displays properties such as damage and firing rate."  "Description": "Firing pieceが見えていなくてもインターフェイスを開くことが出来るようになる。" /Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0013_Elevation barrel.itemC "Description": "These barrel segments when placed directly in front of the firing piece will increase the arc of fire of the weapon in the vertical, and reduce it in the horizontal. Good for turreted AA and artillery. Each barrel has an base increase to muzzle velocity and accuracy as well as some special modifiers." q "Description": "上下の射角を最大80度まで増やす。しかし、左右の射角は狭くなる。" @Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0014_Auto Loader x3 Manual Orientation.item< "Description": "This remarkable auto-loader reduces reload times for each ammo box that is attached to it. Place it on the firing piece or on a connector. It accepts three ammo boxes. It also acts as a mount for warheads. This variant does not automatically orientate itself and allows for complex arrangements."  "Description": "Firing Pieceかコネクタに接続し弾薬の装填速度を向上させる。ただし、最低でも1つAmmo Boxを何処かの面に接続しなければならない。" *Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0018_EMP Pellets.item "Description": "This block will fill the shell with 'EMP' materials which creates a surge of energy which can snake through metal targets and destroy their AI, shields and other critical electronic equipment. Connect to autoloaders for significant increase in packing rate." P "Description": "AIなどの精密機器にダメージを与える弾頭。" 4Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0019_Fragmentation Pellets.item "Description": "This block will fill the shell with 'fragmentation' materials which, when detonated, fires a cloud of damaging projectiles out. Useful against armour or soft targets alike. Connect to autoloaders for significant increase in packing rate." K "Description": "着弾と同時に多数の弾をばらまく弾頭。" -Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0020_Laser Targeter.item  "Description": "Allows automatic setting of timed fuse time and altitude fuse altitude detonation parameters. Particularly useful when used by AI but also works when player controlled. Useful for exploding shells near the target which may avoid a complete miss." ] "Description": "高度信管、時限信管を使うときに必要になる照準器。" )Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0021_Fusing Box.item "Description": "Use this box to configure the CRAM shells to be launched with any combination of timed, proximity, altitude, penetration depth or inertial fuses. Each fuse you add will reduce the volume in the shell available for payload materials." T "Description": "砲に装備すると信管を装着できるようになる。" )Mods\Core_CRAM\Items\0022_Bomb Chute.item5 "Description": "The bomb chute barrel is a single barrel piece that should be used instead of, not as well as, all other barrel segments. It fires the shell very slowly, but very accurately, and huge field of fire and traverses quickly. It is perfect for dropping shells from a bomber onto your opponent."  "Description": "狙った所に弾が飛ぶようになり、全方向の射角が広くなる。しかし、弾速が20m/sに固定される。" ,Mods\Core_Decorations\Items\0000_Stairs.item "Description": "Stairs look and function like stairs. When the player walks or runs into them they will climb up one level." N "Description": "階段。別の階層に行くときに使うにゃー。" 3Mods\Core_Decorations\Items\0003_Standard door.item1 "Description": "A standard sized metal door." 3 "Description": "普通のサイズのドア。" 3Mods\Core_Decorations\Items\0004_Light fitting.itemB "Description": "A light fixture for illumination in the dark." B "Description": "暗いところを明るくしてくれる。" /Mods\Core_Decorations\Items\0005_Sign Post.item5 "Description": "A sign post for displaying text." 0 "Description": "好きな文字を書く。" %Mods\Core_Drill\Items\0000_Drill.item "Description": "This block is the core component of a drill. Add Power Inputs and Torque Amplifiers to increase performance and Extensions or Drill Bits in front." 6 "Description": "ドリルの核となる部品。" /Mods\Core_Drill\Items\0001_Drill Bit Large.item "Description": "This drill bit attaches to a Drill or a Drill Extension and will damage a larger area than a Small Drill Bit but has a low armour piercing value." 0 "Description": "大きなドリルの刃。" /Mods\Core_Drill\Items\0002_Drill Bit Small.item "Description": "This drill bit attaches to a Drill or a Drill Extension and will damage a smaller area than a Large Drill Bit but has a high armour piercing value." o "Description": "小さなドリル。回転速度の低下率が低くいため威力を上げやすい。" /Mods\Core_Drill\Items\0003_Drill Extension.iteml "Description": "The drill extension allows you to expand the gap between the Drill and its Drill Bit(s)" { "Description": "一直線上にドリルを伸ばすコネクタ。先端にDrill Bitを付けることが出来る。" +Mods\Core_Drill\Items\0004_Power Input.item "Description": "This block increases the rate at which the drill accelerates. It is good for returning the drill bit to maximum speed whilst drilling."  "Description": "ドリルの回転速度の回復を早くする。より早く回転させる時はエンジンパワーを使う。" 0Mods\Core_Drill\Items\0005_Torque Amplifier.itemg "Description": "This block increases the maximum speed of the drill and its armour piercing value." Q "Description": "ドリルの回転速度を早くすることが出来る。" CMods\Core_Drill\Items\0006_Drill Extension horizontal splitter.itemn "Description": "The drill extension splitter allows you to couple multiple drill bits onto the same drill" N "Description": "ドリルの接続先を左右に分けるコネクタ。" AMods\Core_Drill\Items\0007_Drill Extension vertical splitter.itemn "Description": "The drill extension splitter allows you to couple multiple drill bits onto the same drill" N "Description": "ドリルの接続先を上下に分けるコネクタ。" :Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0000_Fuel Engine Generator.item "Description": "This is the key piece of every Fuel engine. Place the crank shaft directly in front of this block as it only connects forwards." f "Description": "燃料エンジンの核になるパーツ。接続面は全面にしか無い。" ,Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0001_Adapter.itemW "Description": "The Adapter allows placement of cylinders away from the crankshaft" U "Description": "Crank ShaftまたはCylinderを接続することもできる。" 0Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0002_Carburettor.item "Description": "The Carburettor supplies air and fuel to the cylinder as well as allowing supercharger and turbo charger attachments"  "Description": "燃費と熱量は増えるが、接続されたCylinderの出力を100上昇させる。底面はCylinderのみ接続可能。" 0Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0003_Crank Shaft.item "Description": "The Crank Shaft is what connects the cylinders to the generator. Place the Crank Shaft in a line extending from the generator." S "Description": "CylinderとFuel Engine Generatorを接続するコネクタ。" -Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0004_Cylinder.item "Description": "The Cylinder uses fuel to produce power. Connects downwards onto the crank shaft or downwards directly to the front of the generator. Allows connections for carburettors and fuel injectors as well as turbo chargers and exhausts."  "Description": "燃料をエンジンパワーに変換する部品。Crank ShaftとAdapterの接続判定は底面のみ。" ,Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0005_Exhaust.item "Description": "The Exhaust vents exhaust gases away from cylinders allowing better (cooler) cylinder performance. Heat reduces power output and if a cylinder gets too hot it will shut off."  "Description": "シリンダーから熱を取り除く排気管。別の排気管と接続することができる。排気管の終端は熱源として判定される。" 1Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0006_Supercharger.item "Description": "The Supercharger increases airflow to the carburettor allowing fuel to be combusted more efficiently at low RPM. Must be connected to a carburettor."  "Description": "低負荷域では劇的に燃費を改善し、高負荷域では若干燃費を改善する。Carburettorと接続する。" 6Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0007_Turbocharger left.item "Description": "The turbo charger is an alternative exhaust for the cylinder, it produces higher efficiencies at high engine RPM if the outlet is connected to a carburettor. Connects to cylinders. Acts as an exhaust, moderately cooling the cylinder." ! "Description": "高負荷域の燃費を劇的に改善し、低負荷域の燃費も改善する。全てのCylinderの熱を取り除く。排気量によって燃費が大きく改善されていく。黒い部分をExhaustかCylinderに、白い方をCarburettorに接続する。" -Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0008_Injector.item "Description": "The Fuel injector is a modern alternative to carburettors and forced induction. It can be placed on any side of a cylinder."  "Description": "接続されたCarburettorの出力を200にする。装備した分だけ出力は増える。しかし、燃費が悪化し、熱量が増加する。" -Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0012_Radiator.item "Description": "A radiator that helps to keep the engine operating at lower temperatures. It costs a bit of efficiency to run."  "Description": "全てのCylinderの熱を取り除く。CylinderとCrank Shaftに接続することで効果を発揮するが。しかし、燃費が若干悪化する。また、CylinderにExhaust類が接続されていないと効果が薄い。" 3Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0013_Large Radiator.item "Description": "A large Radiator that helps to keep the engine operating at much lower temperatures. It costs a bit of efficiency to run."  "Description": "全てのCylinderの熱を取り除く。CylinderとCrank Shaftに接続することで効果を発揮するが。しかし、燃費が若干悪化する。また、CylinderにExhaust類が接続されていないと効果が薄い。" =Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0015_Inline turbocharger left.item "Description": "The inline turbo charger connects to an exhaust pipe and to a carburettor. It increases high RPM efficiency of the cylinders connected to the carburettor."  "Description": "高負荷域の燃費を劇的に改善し、低負荷域の燃費も改善する。全てのCylinderの熱を取り除く。排気量によって燃費が大きく改善されていく。黒い部分をExhaustに、白い方をCarburettorに接続する。" >Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0016_Inline turbocharger right.item "Description": "The inline turbo charger connects to an exhaust pipe and to a carburettor. It increases high RPM efficiency of the cylinders connected to the carburettor."  "Description": "高負荷域の燃費を劇的に改善し、低負荷域の燃費も改善する。全てのCylinderの熱を取り除く。排気量によって燃費が大きく改善されていく。黒い部分をExhaustに、白い方をCarburettorに接続する。" 7Mods\Core_FuelEngine\Items\0017_Turbocharger right.item "Description": "The turbo charger is an alternative exhaust for the cylinder, it produces higher efficiencies at high engine RPM if the outlet is connected to a carburettor. Connects to cylinders. Acts as an exhaust, moderately cooling the cylinder." ! "Description": "高負荷域の燃費を劇的に改善し、低負荷域の燃費も改善する。全てのCylinderの熱を取り除く。排気量によって燃費が大きく改善されていく。黒い部分をExhaustかCylinderに、白い方をCarburettorに接続する。" 2Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0000_Multipurpose laser.item; "Description": "The multipurpose laser the the main component of every laser system. It can be weaponized by attaching a laser combiner or used for defence by adding an anti-missile component. Every multipurpose laser must be connected to laser coupler components with cavities in order to produce laser beams." f "Description": "レーザー装置の核となる装置。ステータスの確認ができる。" -Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0001_Laser coupler.item "Description": "The laser coupler connects laser cavities to the multipurpose laser. Q-switches can be placed on the coupler to chop the continuous wave laser into multiple powerful bursts." { "Description": "レーザー発生装置の形を作る基部。LaserQswitchやcavityなどの部品を接続する。" ,Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0002_Laser cavity.item "Description": "The laser cavity is where the laser beam is generated. Place multiple cavities in a line to increase the strength of the laser. Laser cavities need to have pumps directly connected in to them to produce the laser."  "Description": "レーザーエネルギーを貯蔵する部品。LaserPumpを取り付けるとレーザーエネルギーを貯めることが出来る。貯蔵量は200。" 9Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0003_Single input Laser cavity.item) "Description": "The laser cavity is where the laser beam is generated. Place multiple cavities in a line to increase the strength of the laser. The Single input Laser cavity can only have a single pump attached to the top of it. It has 4 times the energy capacity of a regular cavity however."  "Description": "レーザーエネルギーを貯蔵する部品。LaserPumpを取り付けるとレーザーエネルギーを貯めることができるが、1つしか取り付けられない。貯蔵量は800。" 4Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0004_Storage Laser cavity.item8 "Description": "The laser cavity is where the laser beam is generated. Place multiple cavities in a line to increase the strength of the laser. The Storage Laser cavity does not accept and laser pumps. At 40 times the energy capacity of a regular cavity It is Ideal for storing large amount of laser energy."  "Description": "レーザーエネルギーを貯蔵する部品。LaserPumpを取り付ける事はできない。貯蔵量は8000。" 1Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0005_Frequency doubler.item "Description": "The laser frequency doubler crystal can be placed anywhere in the line of the laser cavity. It increases the frequency of the laser and as such increases the armour piercing value. Multiple doublers can be added into the same cavity."  "Description": "レーザーのAP値を向上させる事ができる。LaserQswitchの数があっていれば適応される。" *Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0006_Laser pump.item "Description": "The laser pump is placed directly onto the sides of the laser cavity blocks. The more pumps on the cavity the stronger the laser it will produce. Pumping requires power. "  "Description": "レーザーエネルギーの供給装置。1個に付きエンジンパワーを100消費し、250のレーザーエネルギーを発生させる。" .Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0007_Laser Q switch.item "Description": "The Q switch is placeable on the laser coupler and converts the laser beams from all connected cavities from continuous wave to pulsed firing." s "Description": "レーザーの連射力を決定する部品。隣接したLaser couplerと共有される。" ,Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0008_Laser optics.item "Description": "Laser optics are placed directly in front of the laser combiner and focus the beams. This increases the range and accuracy of the beam. Inaccurate beams wander around." W "Description": "レーザー用の砲身。伸ばすほど精度が上昇する。" 2Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0009_Laser destabiliser.item "Description": "Placed in the cavity the destabiliser will dramatically increase the energy use when firing. This increases damage." ~ "Description": "cavityから取り出すエネルギーの量を決定し、レーザーの威力を増幅する部品。" .Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0010_Laser combiner.item "Description": "The laser combiner is the weapon component of a offensive laser system. Connect it to a multipurpose laser." W "Description": "砲身を接続すると攻撃用レーザーが照射される。" 6Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0011_Laser Munition Defence.item "Description": "The laser munition defence connects onto the multipurpose laser and uses it's beams when necessary to shoot down missiles, CRAM shells and APS shells. Use an AI munition warner component to spot the munitions."  "Description": "最大前方90度(180度)に入ったミサイルと砲弾を迎撃する、迎撃レーザー用の装置。詳細はQキーですることが可能。AIにMunition warnerが繋がっていると自動的に迎撃を開始する。" 5Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0012_Laser steering optics.item "Description": "Laser optics are placed directly in front of the laser combiner allow a greater field of fire of the laser."  "Description": "攻撃範囲を拡大する機能を持ち、わずかに精度を向上させる砲身。6個まで機能する。" /Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0013_Laser connector.item "Description": "The connector connects to couplers and to components that use the laser. Only the multipurpose laser block itself, and other connectors, will connect to the connector." [ "Description": "6wayコネクタ。色々な部品を接続することができる。" 1Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0014_Laser transceiver.item "Description": "The transceiver can link a multipurpose laser to a distant laser coupler. Transceivers built on and directly above a turret and built on the main vehicle directly below the turret can communicate. "  "Description": "レーザーエネルギーの転送装置。エネルギーは障害物を全て無視して真っ直ぐ飛んでいく。" -Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0015_Laser Colorer.itemc "Description": "The laser colorer allows you to change the appearance of your weaponized laser" N "Description": "レーザーの色と太さを変更できるにゃあ。" 8Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0019_Particle Tube Terminator.item "Description": "The end stop of the particle arm. Without one of these accelerated particles will come flying out of the end of the tube and potentially rip your vehicle open. Ensure each arm terminates in one of these." d "Description": "チューブの末端にTerminatorを付けることで、\rチューブの本数分の粒子を本体から正面へ発射する。\r発射される粒子の性能ははそれぞれのチューブで別々に判定する。\rTerminatorが無い場合はチューブの先端から狙いをつけられない粒子が発射される。" 3Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0020_Particle Input Port.item "Description": "The input port attaches to the particle cannon and allows a full loop between particle arm outputs. By creating a full loop you gain a 2x bonus to the acceleration arms power at the cost of using up two outputs."  "Description": "チューブの末端をInputPortで本体の別の穴に繋げることで、\r同じチューブの長さのTerminator方式と比べて3.5倍の威力で粒子を発射する。" 9Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0022_Particle Accelerator Lens.item8 "Description": "The Lens is an alternative firing aperture to the main Cannon. Acceleration arms fired in this fashion have only half the power but enable a range of customisation posibilities and arms with lenses fire two particle streams rather than one. (half the damage but twice the number of streams!)"  "Description": "チューブの末端につけることでレンズから粒子を発射する。\rこのとき粒子はTerminatorで発射される場合の半分の威力で2本発射される。" 8Mods\Core_Laser\Items\0030_Laser Wavefront adjuster.item "Description": "The Wavefront adjuster is able to adjust the Laser wavefont to increase penetration of the target's defenses. This enables it to have a small amount of laser shield and smoke piercing at the cost of outright damage."  "Description": "Laser combinerに接続して使う。レーザーとスモークを貫通するが、複数設置しても1つしか機能しない。Qキーで詳細を設定できる。" .Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0003_Repair Tentacle.itemR "Description": "Repair Tentacles repair other vehicles within a certain range" x "Description": "近くの乗り物を修理するが、これが搭載されている乗り物は修理しない。" )Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0004_Repair Bot.item\ "Description": "Repair Bots repair your own constructables blocks when they are damaged"  "Description": "搭載されている乗り物を修理してくれる。修理には乗り物に備蓄されている資源を使用する。" 0Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0005_Respawning beacon.item "Description": "The presence of one of these (with enough power) on your constructable will allow you to spawn back after death."  "Description": "リスポーン地点を設定できる。このブロックの真上にリスポーンするが、このブロックが降りてくるまで待っている訳では無い。常にエンジンエネルギーを必要としている。" 8Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0006_Vehicle Blueprint Spawner.item "Description": "This block will allow you to spawn in a vehicle (as a blueprint) which you can then repair. It'll cost you spare parts as well as the resource cost - but it is a quick method of replicating your designs."  "Description": "ビークルを読み出すのに使う。読み出すと付近のRepairTentacleが自動で作ってくれる。" :Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0007_Vehicle Respawner Scrapper.item "Description": "This block will allow you to re-spawn a vehicle (as a blueprint) which you can then repair. It'll cost you spare parts but you'll get your resource cost back if the vehicle was in a good state of repair." E "Description": "ビークルの改修と資源化ができる。" *Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0011_NPC Spawner.item5 "Description": "This block will spawn in an NPC." h "Description": "NPCを呼び出す。最低限のAIの働きをし、操縦や攻撃を行える。" +Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0012_Origin block.item "Description": "This block will act as the origin when spawning in a vehicle that contains it. Useful for vehicles that need to be spawned precisely with respect to a larger mothership." 5 "Description": "乗り物がスポーンする時の基準点になるブロック。10m離れた所に建造するという設定をした時は、基準となる点からこのブロックまでの距離で判定されるため、乗り物の大きさも考慮して設定しなければならない。" *Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0016_Heart Stone.item "Description": "Heart stones supply player energy required to survive in story missions. Without one the vehicle/structure is considered dead in some story mode missions. They require engine power. They can only be placed in the vehicle designer mode, and there can only be one on any given vehicle, fortress or structure. They cannot be repaired, and are permanently removed upon death." L "Description": "このブロックを搭載していない乗り物は死んでいるものと判定される。時間とともにエネルギーを放出し、最終的に爆発してしまうため、エンジンパワーを消費して常に充電し続ける必要が有るが、乗り物が大型化してくと共にエネルギーの放出量が増えていくため、HeartStoneExtensionを増設しチャージ速度を補う必要が出てくる。また、このブロックがエネルギーを放出し続けている限り、プレイヤーが生きるために消費し続けているハートアイコンの数値が回復していく。このブロックは1つしか設置できず、壊れても修理して再配置をすることができない。*ストーリーモードのみに適応されるルールです。" 4Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0017_Heart Stone Extension.item "Description": "Adding heart stone extensions next to heart stones helps them to maintain efficiency on large vehicles/fortresses and structures " ^ "Description": "HeartStoneのチャージ容量とチャージ速度を増加させる。" /Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0018_Shield Projector.item# "Description": "This component projects a shield that can be toggled for many different purposes. Press \"Q\" to interact with it. The larger the shield the more power it requires for reliable use. Shields are more effective at affecting projectiles that impact the shield at high speed"  "Description": "砲撃に強いシールドを発生させるが、大きなシールドを張るほどエンジンパワーを消費する。Qキーで設定ができる。" 6Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0022_Compact Repair Tentacle.item "Description": "Repair Tentacles repair other vehicles within a certain range. This variant has no moving parts- making it more useful in space, as well as more compact." x "Description": "近くの乗り物を修理するが、これが搭載されている乗り物は修理しない。" .Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0023_Docking station.item "Description": "The docking station allows you to select vehicles to dock and undock. A tractor beam pulls them in, and you can configure the approach circle and the holding distances and angles." n "Description": "対象の乗り物の位置を固定できる。最高速度は30m/sに制限される。" 1Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0024_Subvehicle Spawner.item/ "Description": "The subvehicle spawner allows the creation of a mothership that spawns and travels with a fleet of smaller ships, such as fighters or repair craft. Once assigned these subvehicles are no longer capable of travelling separately and will be saved into the blueprint of the mothership." # "Description": "航空機や修理機のような小型艇隊を呼び出し、移動する母艦を作ることができる。一度これらのサブビークルを設定すると別々に移動することができなくなり、母艦のブループリントにセーブされる。" +Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0025_Teleport pad.itemO "Description": "Teleport pads allow teleportation from vehicle to vehicle." o "Description": "2つ以上設置すると、別のテレポートパッドへ飛ぶことが出来る。" 0Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0026_Strategic Antenna.item "Description": "Allows observation of enemy fleet movements on the map and removes the fog of war. Best placed high up. Connect dish segments onto the base of this antenna to increase the signal strength."  "Description": "このアンテナが捉えている範囲で敵艦隊をマップで確認できるようになる。高い位置に設置することを推奨されている。DishPieceを組み合わせると電波の強度を強化できる。" )Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0027_Dish piece.item "Description": "Provides signal to the antenna component. To see long ranges on the map you may need quite a few of these!" k "Description": "Static Antennaに取り付ける事によってレーダー範囲を向上させる。" 3Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0030_Shield Color Changer.itemw "Description": "This component connects downwards onto a shield projector and allows changing of the shield color." B "Description": "シールドの色を変えられるにゃー" ,Mods\Core_Misc\Items\0033_Tactical Nuke.itemt "Description": "The Tactical Nuke explodes when destroyed and can be used to build an effective Kamikaze design" r "Description": "あなたも私も道連れに。特攻兵器に使用することを推奨されている。" (Mods\Core_Missile\Items\0000_Gantry.item "Description": "Missile blocks can be placed next to each other allowing the creation of customised missiles. Ensure that they are connected correctly to the launch pads."  "Description": "ミサイル本体が装填される部品。Launch Pad か Reversed Launch Pad に接続に接続されていなければミサイルは装填されない。" ,Mods\Core_Missile\Items\0001_Controller.item "Description": "The missile control block is the block that controls the launch of missiles. It has connections on the front, left and right and connects to both connectors and launch pads." E "Description": "ミサイルシステムの核となる部品。" /Mods\Core_Missile\Items\0002_Laser Emitter.item "Description": "The missile laser is used for beam rider missiles and laser target designator missiles. It must be placed on top of a missile block connector, which must connect it to the Missile Controller." P "Description": "ミサイルを誘導するレーザーを照射し、ロックすると緑色になる。しかし、スモークには弱い。Qキーで友軍のミサイルも誘導できるように設定できる。(ミサイル側にLaser Beam Rider Receiver か Laser Designator Receiver を搭載する必要がある)" ,Mods\Core_Missile\Items\0003_Launch Pad.item] "Description": "The launch pad block is the block onto which all missiles must be placed" W "Description": "ミサイルの発射装置。この上にGantryをつなげる。" +Mods\Core_Missile\Items\0004_Connector.itema "Description": "The connector routes signals between the missile blocks over long distances." ? "Description": "部品同士を接続するコネクタ。" 7Mods\Core_Missile\Items\0005_Staggered fire add-on.itemw "Description": "Attach to a customisable missile construct to stagger the firing of the launch pads attached to it"  "Description": "Qキーで発射間隔を0.5秒までずらすことが出来る。2つ設置して1秒間隔で発射という事もできる。" ?Mods\Core_Missile\Items\0006_Identify Friend Or Foe Add-on.item "Description": "Attach to a customisable missile construct to stop heat seeking and sonar missiles targeting friendly units" x "Description": "誘導装置が味方を照準しなくなる。ミサイルを扱う船に搭載すれば良い。" 'Mods\Core_Missile\Items\0007_Winch.itemU "Description": "A missile winch block works with the missile harpoon components." ^ "Description": "ミサイルに搭載されたHarpoonを巻き上げる基点となる。" 0Mods\Core_Missile\Items\0008_Ejector Add On.item "Description": "The launch ejector is used to propel the missile forwards at launch. Up to four can be added to a single launch pad and the effects stack."  "Description": "発射時の初速を付けた分だけ向上させ、射出時の角度を変更することも出来る。Lunch PadかReversed Launch Padに接続する。" 1Mods\Core_Missile\Items\0009_LUA Transceiver.item "Description": "The LUA transceiver allows missiles from a connector launch pad to be guided by LUA commands from the LUABox. It connects directly onto the launch pad. You still need to have a LUA Receiver module on the missile for the missile to be able to receive commands." r "Description": "LUAboxからの命令をミサイルに伝える。LaunchPadに接続する必要がある。" 5Mods\Core_Missile\Items\0010_Reversed Launch Pad.item "Description": "Like the standard Launch Pad but the missile is inserted backwards. Designed to be rear facing to launch forwards facing missiles out of the back of a vehicle."  "Description": "ミサイルの発射装置。この上にGantryをつなげる。ミサイルは逆さまに射出される" *Mods\Core_SimpleWeapon\Items\0000_Ram.itemR "Description": "A ram will do area damage proportional to the collision speed" ` "Description": "これで体当りすると強い。スピードが出てるほど強い。" 3Mods\Core_SimpleWeapon\Items\0001_Small Cannon.item "Description": "Small cannons are effective at short range and have a large aiming angle. These are in no way related to the customisable cannons on the other inventory tab." H "Description": "小さな大砲。広い射角を持っている。" 3Mods\Core_SimpleWeapon\Items\0002_Large Cannon.item "Description": "Large cannons are effective at long range but have a small aiming angle. These are in no way related to the customisable cannons on the other inventory tab." K "Description": "大きな大砲。弾速が遅く、反動は高い。" 2Mods\Core_SimpleWeapon\Items\0003_Auto Cannon.itemS "Description": "Auto cannons fire 9 consecutive shots but have no aiming angle" O "Description": "攻撃力は低いが、9連射することができる。" 2Mods\Core_SimpleWeapon\Items\0006_Harpoon Gun.itemj "Description": "A harpoon gun- for connecting vehicles together. Interact with Q to winch in and out."  "Description": "命中した船を引き寄せることができる。Qキーで巻き取ったり伸ばしたり出来る。" ,Mods\Core_SimpleWeapon\Items\0007_Laser.itemz "Description": "Lasers use ammo to charge to full power and then fire a high energy ray that can burn through blocks." c "Description": "弾薬を消費する射程が短いレーザー発射装置。爆音注意。" .Mods\Core_Water\Items\0000_Boat Propeller.item "Description": "A propeller for your boat. Point it in the direction you want to travel! Turns engine power into force if underwater- controlled by a \"Vehicle Controller\" in \"water mode\" using \"U\" to accelerate and \"H\" to decelerate."  "Description": "進むためのスクリュー。このパーツが水の中に入っていないと推進力が生まれない。また、このブロックから8マス以内に何かが有ると性能が低下し、密閉空間では機能しない。" )Mods\Core_Water\Items\0001_Hydrofoil.item "Description": "A hydrofoil can be angled by a \"Vehicle Controller\" in \"water mode\" using \"T\" (up) & \"G\" (down). It will apply a force proportional to the angle, and the speed through the water." r "Description": "水中翼として使われる部品。水中での姿勢制御としても使用される。" /Mods\Core_Water\Items\0002_Sail Main Block.item+ "Description": "This is the main sail component. Not for square rigging! Connect sail attachments in above this block and behind this block to produce a larger sail. Sails push the boat forwards and down-wind. The magnitude of the two forces depend on the sails and the boats angle to the wind." l "Description": "縦帆を作るための部品。風があれば推進力を得ることが出来る。" /Mods\Core_Water\Items\0003_Sail Attachment.itemk "Description": "This attachment, when placed above or behind the main sail block will extend the sail." y "Description": "この部品をセSailMainBlockの上方または後方に置くと帆を大きくしてくれる。" *Mods\Core_Water\Items\0004_Sail Winch.item "Description": "Winches should be placed at the top of the upper most \"mast\" sail attachment to raise the sail and at the end of \"boom\" sail attachment to haul the sail out. They allow you to regulate speed."  "Description": "帆の紐を巻き上げる装置。SailAttachmentの末端に付けると、畳んだり開いたりできるようになり、速度を制御できるようになる。" (Mods\Core_Water\Items\0005_Air Pump.item "Description": "Air pumps are used to provide buoyancy in enclosed water tight spaces by pumping out the water. They must not be exposed to water in any direction."  "Description": "外から水が侵入しない場合に限り、水を追い出し浮力を発生させる事ができる。" +Mods\Core_Water\Items\0006_Boat Rudder.itemX "Description": "Rudders are controlled by \"vehicle controllers\" in \"water mode\" using \"Y\" and \"I\" for left and right or by the \"Ship's Wheel\" using \"H\" and \"K\". The force the impart is relative to the vehicle mass- so you might find you only need one. Place as far back and as central as possible. Only works when underwater."  "Description": "気軽に船の進行方向を曲げたいならこれを付けると良い。横転する場合は重心の位置と同じ高さにするのが好ましい。" ,Mods\Core_Water\Items\0007_Weather Vane.item- "Description": "Points towards the wind."  "Description": "風が吹いてきている方向を示す。(向いている方向の正反側に風が吹いている)" .Mods\Core_Water\Items\0008_Huge propeller.item@ "Description": "A propeller for your extremely large boats."  "Description": "進むためのスクリュー。このパーツが水の中に入っていないと推進力が生まれない。また、このブロックから8マス以内に何かが有ると性能が低下し、密閉空間では機能しない。" &Mods\Core_Water\Items\0009_Paddle.item^ "Description": "The paddle block allows the creation of paddle steamers using spin blocks" u "Description": "パドルはスピンブロックに付ける事で外輪船として使うこともできる。"