エリア/Haven District

Last-modified: 2022-01-30 (日) 20:58:15


Haven District

  • チュートリアル完了後、最初に解放されるエリア。


  • 原文(英語)

Otello:Well done! You escaped the lab!

Otello:Welcome to ECP 17, also called Hover City.

Otello:For now you just have access to the Haven District of the city but don't worry, there's plenty to keep you entertained!

Otello:The Gamer Resistance always needs novices like you. Explore the District and speak to the Gamers you meet, they always have something usefull to say and some of them might give you some missions.

Otello:In the labs, you surely noticed that your suit allows amazing movement skills. While roaming the city, don't hesitate to use your skills. That will allow you to go in upper areas.

Otello:Speaking of areas... you'll notice that their names are displayed in the upper-right corner of your interface, and we also displayed for each area a list of objectives you can achieve to help the Resistance and the citizens.

Otello:If you're lost and don't know what to do, just look at these lists!

Otello:That's all for the main information. Keep in mind that the best way to fight anti-leisures oppression is to have fun! Well...It's even better if you don't do it in front of security cameras.

  • 和訳


Otello:Hover Cityとも呼ばれる、ECP 17へようこそ。

Otello:今はこの街のHaven Districtにしか行けませんが、楽しい事が沢山あるので心配しないでください!

Otello:ゲーマーレジスタンスは君のような初心者を常に必要としています。Haven Districtを探索して出会うゲーマー達は、いつも有益な情報やミッションを持っています。







  • マップ左の上層にいるcosmoのミッション「回るペット」ですが、塔の上にどうやってもいけません。アドバイスください。 -- たつのすけ? 2022-01-27 (木) 21:47:20
    • すぐ隣のタワーから飛び降りそのままバウンスでおk -- 2022-01-30 (日) 20:58:15