
Last-modified: 2023-12-04 (月) 16:24:12
英名Legend of the Lost Engine/Lorenzo's Song
日本語版歌詞それはおおむかし イタリアのおはなし
きかんしゃがいどむ いだいなディスカバリー
あいぼうのきゃくしゃと めざしたナポリ
こうきしんにかられて ずっとはしり
ついに こうざんのなかにはいり たからさがし
だけどすぐに じょうき きれてうごけない
こいつはかなしい みじめなはなし
でんせつになるほど ゆうめいになり
そのきえた きかんしゃは だれのこと
じつはなんと わたしなり


ソドーとうから うみをこえてきた
イタリアのことを まなんでいた
でも こうきしんにかられて ずっとはしる
そしてはじめて でんせつをしる
その きえたきかんしゃは だれのこと
じつはなんと わたしなり

でも トーマスはすすむ なにかをさがす
ともだちに じまんできる たからめざす
もりのおくふかく こうざんのなか
ほんとうに すべてのせんろは ローマにつづくの?
そこで こえがきこえた だれかがいるんだ
きえたきかんしゃかも? いや こだまかも!
かも… かも… かも…
あかりに てらされたのは ふるいきかんしゃ
わたしと きゃくしゃのベッペ

ついに、助けが来た! 大声で歌いたかったよ。今こそ、歌うぞ~!

こりゃ うれしいね たすけがきたぞ
そりゃ ベッペももちろん よろこんでたぞ
せきたんと みずをもらい かんぜんふっかつ!
でも こうざんがくずれ こりゃピンチだぞ
さあ おしてもらい だっしゅつしよう
ぜんそくで つきやぶって ちゅうぶらりん
ステファノいて たすけだされた
まぶしいイタリアの ひざしをあびたぞ
そうだ きえたきかんしゃは だれのこと
じつはなんと わたしなり

むかしむかし でんせつになった
きえたきかんしゃは だれのこと
英語版歌詞It was a long time ago
In the heart of Italy
An engine kept on searching
For a great discovery
With his little coach in tow
He travelled from Rome to Napoli
Hunting high and low to feed his curiosity
Ended up in a mine
In hopes of hidden treasures rare
Quickly ran out of steam
And he soon got stuck in there
Oh, it's such a sad tale
Full of woe and misery
A legendary story of an engine who famously
Got lost in a mine but I tell you it is fine
That Lost Engine
was little old me
He came from Sodor
To work the rails of Italy
He wanted to learn Italian
And archaeology
But then working with Gina
Showed his curiosity
So she told him a taleof an engine who famously
Got lost in a mine but I tell you it is fine
That Lost Engine
was little old me
But Thomas didn't give up
He wanted to prove his worth
To impress his friend by finding
Something precious to unearth
So he went down some tracks which were clearly overgrown
Found himself in a mine, he was told
All tracks lead to Rome
But then Thomas heard a voice
He knew he wasn't there alone
Could it be the lost engine?
Or just his own echo
He shone a light which landed
On a sad and weary two
It was me and my coach Beppe
Hidden deep in the shadow
Oh joy, it was our hero
He had come to rescue me
And Beppe of course
So now two friends are three
Thomas gave me fuel
Which made me as fit as Fiddledeedee
But the mine was collapsing
Can this be my finale?
So Thomas pushed us through
The mines of mystery
Straight through an exit
Left us hanging by the sea
But Stefano was there
With the strength of Hercules
Pulled us out from the dark
Into the heart of Italy
Yes I was lost in a mine
But I tell you it was fine
That lost engine
Was little old me
A tale for all to tell
Of a legend long ago
Who became Italy's
Most famous celebrity!
映画 きかんしゃトーマス チャオ!とんでうたってディスカバリー!!