
Last-modified: 2013-04-15 (月) 09:27:03

2013/03/05 Open Beta Update #12



  • “The X-5” CDA-X5
    • Base Mech: Cicada
    • Tonnage: 40
    • Engine: 330 XL
    • Max Engine Rating: 340
    • Top Speed: 133.7 kph
    • Torso Twist: 125 degrees to each side
    • Armor: 268 points Ferro-Fibrous
    • Weapons & Equipment:
      • Left Arm: Medium Laser
      • Left Torso: Medium Laser, SRM 2
      • Right Torso: Medium Laser, SRM 2
      • Right Arm: Medium Laser
    • Hardpoints:
      • Left Arm: 1 Energy
      • Left Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Missile
      • Right Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Missile
      • Right Arm: 1 Energy
    • Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
    • Heat Sinks: 13 Double
    • Jump Jets: n/a
    • ECM Capable?: No
    • Module Slots: 2
    • 30% C-Bill Bonus


  • 50 cal. bullet necklace
  • Peace sign necklace
  • Dog tag necklace
  • Air freshener
  • Fuzzy dice


  • Savior Kills
    • 敵メックを撃破した際に、その敵メックが瀕死の味方メックを10秒以内に攻撃していた場合、「Savior Kills(救援者)」の褒章として7500CBillsと150XPを得ます
  • Defensive Kills
  • 敵メックを撃破した際に、その敵メックが自陣の基地を占領中だった場合、10秒以内にその敵メックを攻撃していたすべての味方は「Defensive Kills(守護者)」の褒章として7500CBillsと150XPを得ます


今後以下のスタッツ、Mech Stats、Weapon Stats、Map Stats、Game Mode Stats、Pilot Module Stats、が記録されていきます

  • Mech Stats
    • Matches Played(当該メックによる試合数)
    • Number of Wins(当該メックによる勝利数)
    • Number of Losses(当該メックによる敗北数)
    • Number of Kills(当該メックによるキル数)
    • Number of Deaths(当該メックによるデス数)
    • Total amount of Damage Done(当該メックによる与ダメージ総計)
    • Total amount of XP earned(当該メックによる獲得XP総計)
    • Total time in seconds this Mech has been played(当該メックによるプレイ時間総計)
  • Weapon Stats
    • Matches Played(当該武器を使用した試合数)
    • Number of times the weapon has been fired(当該武器を発射した回数)
    • Number of times the weapon has hit and enemy(当該武器を命中させた回数)
    • The amount of time in seconds this weapon has been equipped(当該武器を装備して出撃したプレイ時間総計)
    • The total amount of damage this weapon has dealt to the enemy(当該武器による与ダメージ総計)
  • Map Stats
    • Matches Played(当該マップでの試合数)
    • Number of Wins(当該マップでの勝利数)
    • Number of Losses(当該マップでの敗北数)
    • The amount of time in seconds this map has been played(当該マップでのプレイ時間総計)
  • Game Mode Stats
    • Matches Played(当該モードでの試合数)
    • Number of Wins(当該モードでの勝利数)
    • Number of Losses(当該モードでの敗北数)
    • Total amount of XP earned in this game mode(当該モードでの獲得XP総計)
    • Total amount of CB earned in this game mode(当該モードでの獲得CB総計)
  • Pilot Module Stats
    • Matches Played(当該モジュールを装備した試合数)
    • Number of wins with this equipment(当該モジュールを装備した勝利数)
    • Number of losses with this equipment(当該モジュールを装備した敗北数)

Testing Grounds(試運転場)の導入

  • LAUNCHボタンの横にあるゲームモード選択欄で「Testing Grounds」を選択することで、Testing Groundsに入ることができます
  • Testing Groundsにはランダムに選択されたマップにReady状態にした任意のメックで出撃します
  • 自由にマップを歩き回り、8体のダミーメックに対して攻撃することができます
  • Mech Labに戻るには、ESCを押して「Quit Match」を選択します
  • Pilot Groundsでの行動はスタッツに反映されません
  • 注意:現段階では、Mech/Pilot Efficienciesの効果がPilot Groundsでは反映されません。これは今後のパッチで修正予定です


  • CDA-2A: 追加モジュールスロットを得ます(2スロットになります。これは他の派生型と同じです)。上半身の左右可動範囲が5%ずつ増加します。上半身の移動速度が10%増加します。旋回速度が5%増加します
  • CDA-2B: 上半身の左右可動範囲が5%ずつ増加します。腕の移動速度が22%増加します。旋回速度が5%増加します
  • CDA-3C: 上半身の左右可動範囲が5%ずつ増加します。旋回速度が10%増加します
  • CDA-3M: 旋回速度が5%減少します。加速力が10%減少します
  • CDA-X5: 上半身の左右可動範囲が5%ずつ増加します。旋回速度が10%増加します


  • COM-3A
  • TBT-7M
  • DRG-1C
  • STK-4N


  • Artemisによって誘導されたミサイル(Artemis装備機が有視界のもとで発射した場合のミサイル)は、特有の軌跡を描いて飛びます

Dynamic Capture Points

  • Assault Modeの場合
    • 占領枠は、枠内に敵メックがいる場合には赤く、敵味方双方がいる場合には黄色く、安全なときには緑になります
  • Conquest Modeの場合
    • 占領枠は、枠内に一方のチームのメックがいれば赤く、両チームのメックがいる場合は黄色く、誰もいないときには緑になります


  • MechLab
    • New Mech Detailパネルと、Current Mech Detailで、関連するすべての装備がロールオーバーするようになりました
    • ロールオーバーした場合、装備状況がメック画像の上にアイコン表示されます
    • 空きスロット表示の追加(ダイナミックスロットがある場合、それも表示)
    • Sell、Select、Buyのボタンはベイ・アイコンに移動しました


  • 瞬時に当たる兵器(レーザー、マシンガン、フレイマー等)の有効性を向上させるためにネットコードを改善しました:これによりこれらの武器で移動する相手に命中させることが容易になります。効果はping450程度の人まで体感できるでしょう
  • Caustic Valleyの工場地帯における描画負荷を軽減させました
  • Forest Colonyの光源処理を改善しました


  • ゲームプレイ
    • 見えないはずの敵機がインディケーターに表示される場合があったバグの修正
    • BAPは使用不可である場合にボーナスを得られないように修正
    • LRMの軌跡をより現実的に修正
  • スタッツ
    • 空のキルメッセージを修正
    • ディスコネクトした味方のコンポーネント破壊褒章を修正
    • ディスコネクトしたプレイヤーの名前が表示されないのを修正
  • ネットワーク
    • CryEngineのネットワーク関連を修正
  • マップ
    • River Cityでミサイルの衝突問題を起こしていたいくつかの防壁の厚みを修正
  • 既知の問題
    • マップやHUDの表示が消えることがあります


Open Beta Update #12

Upcoming Patch - Tuesday Mar. 05th @ 10AM – 1PM PDT

Patch Number: 1.2.197

Change Log:

Greetings MechWarriors.

Hard to believe it's March already! Especially since I am writing this in February.

March is going to be a big month for us and we are starting things off with a guaranteed new favourite hero Mech, the Cicada X-5. No, those aren't head headlights. They are in fact missile tubes, you know for shooting missiles and stuff. With superb piloting skills this thing is going to pwn. Just check out those hardpoints and start your scheming. A Hero Mech so good I didn't feel the need to mention the 30% C-bill boost? WOW

Speaking of hardpoints, the MechLab continues to up its game by providing location based graphics for Mech hardpoints, engine, heatsinks, equipment and available slots. Now if you could just remember where you put that XL 320 engine you bought.

Since you just spent 20 minutes tweaking your build, why not take it for a spin in testing grounds? Testing grounds is a new mode that allows new and old players the chance to practice your pilot skills and test your loadout on each map populated with static targets that won't shoot back.

Hey you!... Yeah you! You don't have enough stuff in your cockpit! But you are in luck because we have NEW hanging cockpit items using the "Real Hula Girl PhysicsTM" engine. Repeatedly alpha striking and shutting down is sweaty work but my cockpits smells 75% better now that I bought and equipped an "Air freshener" in all my Mechs. You should too!

Read on for the rest of the tuning and fixes included in the latest patch.

See you on the battlefield

Matt Newman.


New Hero Mech

“The X-5” CDA-X5

 - Base Mech: Cicada
 - Tonnage: 40
 - Engine: 330 XL
 - Max Engine Rating: 340
 - Top Speed: 133.7 kph
 - Torso Twist: 125 degrees to each side
 - Armor: 268 points Ferro-Fibrous
 - Weapons & Equipment:
 - Left Arm: Medium Laser
 - Left Torso: Medium Laser, SRM 2
 - Right Torso: Medium Laser, SRM 2
 - Right Arm: Medium Laser
 - Hardpoints:
 - Left Arm: 1 Energy
 - Left Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Missile
 - Right Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Missile
 - Right Arm: 1 Energy
 - Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
 - Heat Sinks: 13 Double
 - Jump Jets: n/a
 - ECM Capable?: No
 - Module Slots: 2
 - 30% C-Bill Bonus

New Hanging Cockpit Items

 - 50 cal. bullet necklace
 - Peace sign necklace
 - Dog tag necklace
 - Air freshener
 - Fuzzy dice

Savior Kills: Upon killing an enemy Mech. If that enemy had been attacking a teammate who has a critical component that is 50% health or lower within the last 10 seconds you will be awarded 7500CBills, and 150XP.

Defensive Kills: Upon killing an enemy Mech. If that enemy was currently capping a base, anyone who had attacked the capturing Mech within the last 10 seconds will be awarded 7500CBills, and 150XP.

The game will now track Mech Stats, Weapon Stats, Map Stats, Game Mode Stats and Pilot Module Stats.

Mech Stats being tracked:

 - Matches Played.
 - Number of Wins.
 - Number of Losses.
 - Number of Kills.
 - Number of Deaths.
 - Total amount of Damage Done.
 - Total amount of XP earned.
 - Total time in seconds this Mech has been played.

Weapon Stats Being tracked:

 - Matches Played.
 - Number of times the weapon has been fired.
 - Number of times the weapon has hit and enemy.
 - The amount of time in seconds this weapon has been equipped.
 - The total amount of damage this weapon has dealt to the enemy.

Map Stats being tracked (per map basis):

 - Matches Played.
 - Number of Wins.
 - Number of Losses.
 - The amount of time in seconds this map has been played.

Game Mode Stats:

 - Matches Played.
 - Number of Wins.
 - Number of Losses.
 - Total amount of XP earned in this game mode.
 - Total amount of CB earned in this game mode.

Pilot Module Stats:

 - Matches Played.
 - Number of wins with this equipment.
 - Number of losses with this equipment.

Testing Grounds

 - Choosing "Testing Grounds" from the game modes selection (the button next to the Launch button) will take you to the Testing Grounds.
 - In the Testing Grounds, you'll be loaded into a random map with the Mech that you had readied in the MechLab.
 - You can explore the map and test your weapons against 8 "dummy" Mechs.
 - Exit back to the MechLab by pressing Esc and selecting Quit Match.
 - Playing in the Testing Grounds has no effect on your stats.
 - NOTE Battle Mech Efficiencies and Pilot Efficiencies do not work in Testing Grounds. This will be fixed in a later patch.


Cicada Variant Quirks

 - CDA-2A: Received an additional module slot (this gives it 2 now, like the other variants). Torso twist angle increased by 5 degrees to each side. Torso movement speed increased by 10%. Turning rate increased by 5%.
 - CDA-2B: Torso twist angle increased by 5 degrees to each side. Arm movement speed increased by 22%. Turning rate increased by 5%.
 - CDA-3C: Torso twist angle increased by 5 degrees to each side. Turning rate increased by 10%.
 - CDA-3M: Turning rate decreased by 5%. Acceleration decreased by 10%.
 - CDA-X5: Torso twist angle increased by 5 degrees to each side. Turning rate increased by 10%.

Trial Battle Mech's

 - COM-3A
 - TBT-7M
 - DRG-1C
 - STK-4N

Artemis Tuning

 - When you fire a volley of Artemis guided missiles (from an Artemis equipped missile launcher, with line of sight to the target), they travel through the air in a distinct formation.

Dynamic Capture Points

 - Assault : When a mech from the opposing team is in the capture area the beams turn red. When mechs from both teams are in the capture area the beams will flash yellow. When the capture area is idle the beams are green.
 - Conquest : When a mech is in a capture area the beams will turn red. When a mech from both teams is in the capture area the beams flash yellow. When no one is in the capture area the beams are green.

Front End

MechLab Improvements:

 - Added Roll-overs for all relevant items in the New Mech Details panel and Current Mech Details panel.
 - When rolled-over, icons show up over the Mech image showing distribution of the item.
 - Added Free Slots entry (when dynamic slots are present, info on the number of dynamic slots is shown in addition to empty slots).
 - Moved the Sell Mech, Select Mech (for ready list) and Buy New Mech buttons into the bay icons.


 - Host state rewinding is now implemented for instant fire weapons (i.e. lasers, machine guns, flamers); meaning you should now be able to hit moving targets with these weapons even when experiencing latency up to ~450 ms.
 - Lowered drawcall cost of many buildings in industrial section of Caustic Valley.
 - Tweak to Forest Colony lighting - Less but brighter more natural fog, further Depth of Field, brighter ambient.

Bug Fixes


 - Fixed an issue where sometimes user will sees an opponent Target Indicator even though this opponent is not in sight.
 - BAP now deactivates it's bonuses when module is disabled.
 - LRM paths now look more realistic without predictable 'pinching' or certain weird looking formations.


 - Fixed empty kill message.
 - Fixed awarding component destruction on disconnected allies.
 - Fixed user name not appearing on disconnected player.


 - Fixed some issues with CryEngine networking that would adversely affect connections with loss or variable latency.


 - Increased depth of some barrier walls in River City to resolve missile collision issues.

Known Issues

 - Sometimes the Battlegrid or other HUD elements will be corrupted/missing in-game.

We thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!

The MechWarrior® Online™ Team