
Last-modified: 2022-09-14 (水) 10:58:07

テンマ/天马座·天马/Pegasus Tenma


闘士の殿堂: 悠久の章/悠久之章/Eternal Protection
星々の志: サポート意思/輔助意志/Support Will


[添付]渾身の一撃敵1体に80%物理ダメージと60%の確率で天馬の印を付与。印は2ターン継続Slashing Strike
Deals 80% P.DMG to the target, with a 60% chance of adding 1 stack of Pegasus Seal. Pegasus Seal: lasts for 2 rounds
Iv.1 Damage equal to 80% ATK; 60% chance of adding a Pegas us Seal.
lv.2 Damage equal to 85% ATK; 70% chance of adding a Pegas us Seal.
lv.3 Damage equal to 90% ATK; 80% chance of adding a Pegasus Seal.
lv.4 Damage equal to 95% ATK; 90% chance of adding a Pega sus Seal.
lv.5 Damage equal to 100% ATK: 100% chance of adding a Peg asus Seal.
[添付]ペガサス流星拳2エナで敵1体に50%物理ダメージを4段与え、80%の確率で天馬の印1層付与。Pegasus Meteor Fist
Attacks an enemy 4 times, dealing 50% P.DMG each time. Has an 80% chance of adding 1 stack of Pegasus Seal.
Iv.1 Attacks 4 times; 80% chance of adding 1 stack of Pegasus Seal.
lv.2 Attacks 4 times; 90% chance of adding 1 stack of Pegasus Seal.
lv.3 Attacks 5 times; 90% chance of adding 2 stacks of Pegasus Seal.
lv.4 Attacks 5 times; 100% chance of adding 2 stacks of Pegasus Seal.
lv.5 Attacks 6 times; 100% chance of adding 3 stacks of Pegasus Seal.
[添付]ペガサス彗星拳2エナで敵1体に100%物理ダメージと80%の確率で天馬の印1層付与し、目標に天馬の印が既についている場合は、天馬の印を起動。天馬の印は起動後2ターン継続。天馬の印が起動した状態だと、味方が天馬の印が起動された対象への与えりダメージが50%増加する。Pegasus Comet Fist
Deals 100% P.DMG to an enemy, with an 80% chance of adding 1 Pegasus Seal and activating it.
The Pegasus Seal stays active for 2 rounds. If the enemy is already marked by an active Pegasus Seal, any additional Pegasus Seals will be activated instantly. When ally units attack enemies affected by active Pegasus Seals, 1 stack will be used up to increase the damage dealt by 50%. (Note: This attack will not consume Pegasus Seals.)
Iv.1 100% P.DMG; 80% chance of adding 1 stack of Pegasus Seal.
1v.2 120% P.DMG; 80% chance of adding 1 stack of Pegasus Seal.
IV.3 120% P.DMG; 90% chance of adding 1 stack of Pegasus seal.
İv.4140% P.DMG: 90% chance of adding 1 stack of Pegasus Se al.
lv.5 140% P.DMG; 100% chance of adding 1 stack of Pegasus Seal.
[添付]女神の花輪パッシブ:戦闘開始と同時に天馬は6輪の小花がついている花輪を所有し、開始時のHP25%のダメージを受ける度1輪小花が枯れる。1輪枯れるごとに5%物理攻撃力UP(最大5つまで)。Lv4から最後の1輪だけになると15%の吸血率UPと15%ダメージUPも付く。Goddess' Bracelet
Goddess' Bracelet starts off with 6 flowers. Each time Tenma takes damage equal to 25% of his initial HP, one will wither. With each withered flower, Tenma's P.ATK increases by 5%. The effect is only available for the first 5 flowers.
lv.1 1 flower withers each time 25% damage is taken; increase s PATK by 5%.
Iv.2 1 flower withers each time 20% damage is taken; increas es P.ATK by 10%.
lv.3 1 flower withers each time 15% damage is taken; increase SP.ATK by 10%; gains 15% Life Steal.
lv.4 1 flower withers each time 15% damage is taken increase SP.ATK by 10%; gains 15% Life Steal and 15% damage bonus.
lv.5 1 flower withers each time 15% damage is taken; increase s P.ATK by 10%; gains 25% Life Steal and 25% damage bonus







