
Last-modified: 2014-02-11 (火) 15:34:50



公式なコミュニティ向けアップデート 2014/2/10





  1. 当ゲームを復帰させる目処はまだ立っていません。この事態が変わり次第、皆さんにご案内します。
  2. プレイヤーへの感謝プログラムを提供します。この詳細は当ゲームが復帰しだいお知らせします。これはプレイヤーやコミュニティのみなさんにこの何日かのサポートと忍耐についてただ感謝の気持ちです。



Official Community Update 2/10/14

Official Community Update 2/10/14

Dear Realm,

As you have read by now, our servers detected a security breach on or about 2/6/14.

Please read this post for critical information on what was compromised, changing your password and other important items: Click here.

We'd like to share some additional information with you specifically about the game:

  1. We do not yet have an ETA to bring the game back up. As soon as this status changes, we will update everyone.
  2. We will be presenting a Player Appreciation program, the details of which will be introduced as soon as the game is back up. This is simply a thank you to the players and the community for all of your support and patience over the last several days.

Thank you all again, we're looking forward to bringing Realm back to the players.

RotMG Team

重要: 公式レルムアップデート

2014/2/6に、"community.kabam.com" 上の 当"Kabam.com"サイト を通じてフォーラムのカスタマーサポートデータベースへの接続でセキュリティ侵害を 当社サーバーは検知しました。この侵害につながる脆弱性を排除し、現在 当サイト及びデータベースは安全です。 "blog.wildshadow.com/support (support@wildshadow.com)" を通じてあなたがサポートリクエストを送ったことがあれば、あなたの "Eメールアドレス" 及び "IPアドレス" はこのデータベースに必然的に含まれており、このデータベースを侵害した犯人がアクセス可能です。さらに、Kabamがサポート関連で追加の個人情報を要求することは決してありません、もしあなたがサポートリクエストでそういった情報(例: パスワード, ユーザーネーム, メールアドレス, 連絡先, クレジットカード情報, 口座情報など)を提供したならば、そういった情報はそれらの要求でこのデータベースに提供されており、不正アクセスによる接続で閲覧可能でした。




あなたがサポートリクエストにクレジットカード情報や追加の個人情報を提出した範囲で、それらのアカウントの明細書を定期的に確認し無料の信用調査を監視することで 詐欺や個人情報盗難の事件に用心してください。もしあなたのアカウントで疑わしいまたは異常な利用を見つけたり詐欺の疑いがあれば、ご利用の金融機関にすぐに確実に報告してください。さらに、個人情報盗難の事件を報告したり 個人情報盗難から身を守るのに取れる手段について知るには連邦取引委員会("FTC")や警察に連絡をしてください。もっと知りたければ、FTCのサイト(www.consumer.gov/idtheft)を訪れるか、FTC (877) の IDTHEFT (438-4338) に電話をするか、下記のFTCまで書面で知らせてください。

  • Federal Trade Commission
    Consumer Response Center
    600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20580

全米信用調査機関から信用調査を定期的に受け取ることもできます。不正取引発生の信用調査情報を見つけたら、その信用調査機関にあなたの信用調査ファイルからその情報を削除するように要請してください。さらに、連邦法に基づき、3つの全米信用調査機関のそれぞれから12ヶ月毎に信用調査のコピーを1部無料で受け取る権利があります。 www.AnnualCreditReport.com を訪れるか (877) 322-8228 に電話すれば信用調査のコピーを無料で受け取れます。全米信用調査機関への連絡はこちら:

  • Equifax (www.equifax.com, (800) 525-6285
    P.O. Box 740241

    Atlanta, GA 30374-0241

  • Experian (
(888) 397-3742
    P.O. Box 9532

    Allen, TX 75013
  • TransUnion Fraud Victim Assistance Division
, (800) 680-7289
    P.O. Box 6790
Fullerton, CA 92834-6790

さらに、詐欺警告や口座凍結に関する情報を FTC や信用調査機関から受け取れます。自分の信用情報を保護するために信用調査に詐欺警告を追加できます。詐欺警告は、債権者にあなたを守るため所定の手続きを取らせることで、何者かがあなたの名前で信用を得ることをより困難にしますが、あなたが信用を獲得するのに遅延が生じることもあります。下記に示す3つの全米信用調査機関の1つだけに電話すればあなたのファイルに信用警告を設定できます。その機関があなたの信用警告を処理し次第、他の2つの機関にも通知され、そこでもあなたのファイルに信用警告が設定されることになります。さらに、あなたの事前署名の許可書なしに信用調査機関に信用調査機関からの情報の公開を禁じるため あなたの信用調査に口座凍結を設定するかどうかやその方法について 全米信用調査機関に連絡をとることができます。




アイオワ州にお住まいの場合: 個人情報盗難の疑いを報告するために 地元の警察かアイオワ州司法長官事務所に連絡を取ることができます。アイオワ州司法長官事務所へはこちらから連絡できます:


メリーランド州にお住まいの場合: 個人情報盗用を回避についての情報を FTC あるいは メリーランド州司法長官事務所から入手できます。これらの事務所への連絡方法はこちら:

  • Federal Trade Commission
    Consumer Response Center
    600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20580
    (877) IDTHEFT (438-4338)
  • Office of the Attorney General
    Consumer Protection Division
    200 St. Paul Place
    Baltimore, MD 21202
    (888) 743-0023

ノースカロライナ州にお住まいの場合: 個人情報盗用を防止についての情報を FTC あるいは ノースカロライナ州司法長官事務所から入手できます。これらの事務所への連絡方法はこちら:

  • Federal Trade Commission
    Consumer Response Center
    600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20580
    (877) IDTHEFT (438-4338)
  • North Carolina Department of Justice
    Attorney General Roy Cooper
    9001 Mail Service Center
    Raleigh, NC 27699-9001
    (877) 566-7226

マサチューセッツ州にお住まいの場合: マサチューセッツ州法に基づき、この件に関して警察の調査を受ける権利があります。個人情報盗難の被害者ならば、警察に調査を申し込む権利とそのコピーを手に入れる権利があります。

マサチューセッツ州法は消費者に信用調査に口座凍結を設定することも認めています。口座凍結で 事前の許可書なしに消費者の信用調査からのいかなる情報の公開も 信用調査機関に禁じます。しかし、信用調査への口座凍結の設定は 新規のローン, 抵当設定, 雇用, 住宅建築およびその他のサービスを受けるいかなる要求も 遅延, 妨害, 適時認証の妨げを生じさせるのでご注意ください。

あなたが個人情報盗用の被害者であり信用調査機関に正規の警察の調書を提出すれば、口座凍結の設定, 解除, 削除に課金にすることはできない。他の全てのケースで、信用調査機関は口座凍結の設定, 一時解除, 恒久的削除のそれぞれに5ドル以下の課金をできます。あなたの信用調査に口座凍結の設定するには、上述の3つの主な消費者調査機関に請求書を送付しなければならない。



  1. あなたの氏名(Jr., Sr., II, III といったミドルネームも含みます)
  2. 社会保障番号
  3. 誕生日
  4. 過去5年間に住居変更していた場合、5年間でかつて住んでいた住所
  5. 現在の居住地証明(例:現在の公共料金明細や電話料金明細)
  6. 政府発行の身分証明書の明瞭なコピー(例:州の運転免許証やIDカード,軍の身分証明書)
  7. 個人情報盗難の被害者であれば、個人情報盗難に関する警察の調書, 調査報告書, 法務機関への訴状のコピー
  8. 個人情報盗難の被害者でなければ、小切手, 為替, クレジットカード(Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover のみ)。郵便で現金を送付しないこと。

信用調査機関はあなたの信用調査に口座凍結を設定する請求を受けてから3営業日かかる。信用調査機関は5営業日以内に確認書をあなたに送付し 口座凍結を解除または削除するための暗証番号(PIN)やパスワードまたはその両方をあなたに提供しなければならない。

特定の個人/団体に対してあなたの信用調査にアクセスする許可を与えるために口座凍結を解除するには、口座凍結を設定したときに提供されたPIN番号やパスワード及び正規の身分証明(氏名, 住所, 社会保障番号)を含め、あなたの信用調査を受け取ってほしいまたは特定の期間信用調査を利用可能としたいその個人/団体の身元を同様に含め、信用調査機関にメールで請求書を送るか電話をしなければならない。信用調査機関はあなたのそれらの確認された個人/団体に対してや特定の期間の口座凍結の解除請求を受けてから3営業日かかる。

口座凍結の削除には、口座凍結を設定したときに提供されたPIN番号やパスワード及び正規の身分証明(氏名, 住所, 社会保障番号)を含め、3つの信用調査機関にそれぞれメールで請求書を送らなければならない。信用調査機関はあなたの口座凍結の削除請求を受けてから3営業日かかる。

IMPORTANT: Official Realm Update (2/6/14)

IMPORTANT: Official Realm Update (2/6/14)
On or about February 6, 2014, our servers detected a security breach in connection with the customer support database for the forums accessed through the Kabam.com site at community.kabam.com. We have eliminated the vulnerability that led to the breach and the site and database are now secure. If you have ever submitted a support request through blog.wildshadow.com/support (support@wildshadow.com), your account username, your email address, and your IP address were necessarily included in this database and accessible to the individual(s) who breached the database. Additionally, while Kabam never requests any additional personal information in connection with support, if you provided such information in your support request (for example, your user password, name, address, contact information, credit card information, bank information etc.), such information was present in those requests in the database and was viewable in connection with the unauthorized access.

Because of the security breach, we are requiring that you immediately change your forum password. To the extent you believe you provided usernames and/or passwords for other sites and accounts in support requests, you should change your passwords for those accounts and sites as well.

To the extent you provided credit card information or additional personal information in support requests, you should remain vigilant for incidents of fraud and identity theft by regularly reviewing your statements for those accounts and monitoring free credit reports. If you discover any suspicious or unusual activity on your accounts or suspect fraud, be sure to report it immediately to your financial institutions. In addition, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) or law enforcement to report incidents of identity theft or to learn about steps you can take to protect yourself from identity theft. To learn more, you can go to the FTC’s Web site (www.consumer.gov/idtheft), call the FTC at (877) IDTHEFT (438-4338), and/or write to the FTC at:

Federal Trade Commission
Consumer Response Center
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580

You may also periodically obtain credit reports from the nationwide credit reporting agencies. If you discover information on your credit report arising from a fraudulent transaction, you should request that the credit reporting agency delete that information from your credit report file. In addition, under federal law, you are entitled to one free copy of your credit report every 12 months from each of the three nationwide credit reporting agencies. You may obtain a free copy of your credit report by going to www.AnnualCreditReport.com or by calling (877) 322-8228. You may contact the nationwide credit reporting agencies at:

Equifax (www.equifax.com, (800) 525-6285
P.O. Box 740241

Atlanta, GA 30374-0241

Experian (
(888) 397-3742
P.O. Box 9532

Allen, TX 75013

TransUnion Fraud Victim Assistance Division
, (800) 680-7289
P.O. Box 6790

Fullerton, CA 92834-6790

In addition, you may obtain information from the FTC and the credit reporting agencies about fraud alerts and security freezes. You can add a fraud alert to your credit report file to help protect your credit information. A fraud alert can make it more difficult for someone to get credit in your name because it tells creditors to follow certain procedures to protect you, but it also may delay your ability to obtain credit. You may place a fraud alert in your file by calling just one of the three nationwide credit reporting agencies listed above. As soon as that agency processes your fraud alert, it will notify the other two agencies, which then must also place fraud alerts in your file. In addition, you can contact the nationwide credit reporting agencies regarding if and how you may place a security freeze on your credit report to prohibit a credit reporting agency from releasing information from your credit report without your prior written authorization.

Additional information and actions may be available from your your state, as follows:

IF YOU ARE AN IOWA RESIDENT: You may contact local law enforcement or the Iowa Attorney General’s Office to report suspected incidents of identity theft. You can contact the Iowa Attorney General at:

Office of the Attorney General
1305 E. Walnut Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
(515) 281-5164

IF YOU ARE A MARYLAND RESIDENT: You may obtain information about avoiding identity theft from the FTC or the Maryland Attorney General’s Office. These offices can be reached at:

Federal Trade Commission
Consumer Response Center
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580
(877) IDTHEFT (438-4338)

Office of the Attorney General
Consumer Protection Division
200 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202
(888) 743-0023

IF YOU ARE A NORTH CAROLINA RESIDENT: You may obtain information about preventing identity theft from the FTC or the North Carolina Attorney General’s Office. These offices can be reached at:

Federal Trade Commission
Consumer Response Center
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580
(877) IDTHEFT (438-4338)

North Carolina Department of Justice
Attorney General Roy Cooper
9001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001
(877) 566-7226

IF YOU ARE A MASSACHUSETTS RESIDENT: Under Massachusetts law, you have the right to obtain a police report in regard to this incident. If you are the victim of identity theft, you also have the right to file a police report and obtain a copy of it.

Massachusetts law also allows consumers to place a security freeze on their credit reports. A security freeze prohibits a credit reporting agency from releasing any information from a consumer’s credit report without written authorization. However, please be aware that placing a security freeze on your credit report may delay, interfere with, or prevent the timely approval of any requests you make for new loans, mortgages, employment, housing or other services.

If you have been a victim of identity theft and you provide the credit reporting agency with a valid police report, it cannot charge you to place, lift or remove a security freeze. In all other cases, a credit reporting agency may charge you up to $5.00 each to place, temporarily lift, or permanently remove a security freeze. To place a security freeze on your credit report, you must send a written request to each of the three major consumer reporting agencies listed above.

In order to request a security freeze, you will need to provide the following information:

1. Your full name (including middle initial as well as Jr., Sr., II, III, etc.);
2. Social Security number;
3. Date of birth;
4. If you have moved in the past five (5) years, the addresses where you have lived over the prior five years;
5. Proof of current address (e.g., a current utility bill or telephone bill);
6. A legible photocopy of a government issued identification card (e.g., state driver’s license or ID card or military identification);
7. If you are a victim of identity theft, a copy of either the police report, investigative report, or complaint to a law enforcement agency concerning identity theft;
8. If you are not a victim of identity theft, payment by check, money order, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover only). Do not send cash through the mail.

The credit reporting agencies have three (3) business days after receiving your request to place a security freeze on your credit report. The credit reporting agencies must also send written confirmation to you within five (5) business days and provide you with a unique personal identification number (PIN) or password, or both that can be used by you to authorize the removal or lifting of the security freeze.

To lift the security freeze in order to allow a specific entity or individual access to your credit report, you must call or send a written request to the credit reporting agencies by mail and include proper identification (name, address, and Social Security number) and the PIN number or password provided to you when you placed the security freeze, as well as the identities of those entities or individuals you would like to receive your credit report or the specific period of time you want the credit report available. The credit reporting agencies have three (3) business days after receiving your request to lift the security freeze for those identified entities or for the specified period of time.

To remove the security freeze, you must send a written request to each of the three credit reporting agencies by mail and include proper identification (name, address, and Social Security number) and the PIN number or password provided to you when you placed the security freeze. The credit reporting agencies have three (3) business days after receiving your request to remove the security freeze.
