sakura/en/Drag and Drop Edit

Last-modified: 2008-03-23 (日) 09:58:14

Drag & Drop Edit

The selection area is moved or can be copied with the mouse.
The drag & drop between other applications that mount drag & drop by OLE can be done.

  • Only the copy is possible to other edit windows.
  • Only the copy is possible to other applications.
  • In the window pane, it is possible with the movement and the copy.
  1. The text is made a selective state.
  2. The selection area is dragged with a mouse left button.
    The cursor that indicates dropping ahead moves when dragging it.
  3. When a mouse left button is separated, the selection text is moved.

[hatena] Hint

  • When a mouse left button is separated with [Ctrl] pushed, the selection text is copied.
  • In the drug When [Esc] and a mouse right button are pushed, the drug is interrupted.