
Last-modified: 2024-06-01 (土) 00:45:26

Q and A

  • Luxiem 2ヶ月記念 「LUXIEM GAME SHOW」- Who Would Do...?


    • If you all lived together who would clean the house?
      • Vox Akuma魔法使い(Shu)
      • Luca Kaneshiroオレ
      • Mysta RiasIke
      • Shu Yaminoぶっちゃけ、誰もしない
      •  Ike EvelandShu
    • Which member is most likely to copy their classmates in an exam?
      • Vox AkumaMystaとLuca
      • Luca KaneshiroMysta
      • Mysta Riasオレンジの丸(自分)
      • Shu YaminoVoxとMysta
      •  Ike EvelandVox
      • Mysta Rias俺は人から正しい答えを写すから天才なんだよ
    • Who is most likely to survive in the wilderness?
      • Vox Akuma
      • Luca KaneshiroShu
      • Mysta RiasLuca
      • Shu Yaminoゴリラの絵(Vox)
      •  Ike EvelandLuca
      • Shu Yaminoゴリラは野生からやってくるからね
    • Which member could survive the longest without any internet?
      • Vox Akuma
      • Luca KaneshiroVox
      • Mysta RiasVox
      • Shu YaminoOliver Evans
      •  Ike Eveland立方体の絵(Vox)
    • Which member would pretend to be someones boyfriend to help someone at a family gathering?
      • Vox AkumaLuca
      • Luca KaneshiroVox
      • Mysta RiasLuca
      • Shu YaminoIke
      •  Ike EvelandVoxとLucaとMysta
      •  Ike EvelandLucaは困ってるって言ったら僕は男で友達だよ!ボーイフレンドだ!って言って助けてくれそう
    • Who has the most road rage?
      • Vox AkumaIke
      • Luca KaneshiroVox
      • Mysta Riasオレ
      • Shu YaminoVox
      •  Ike Eveland
    • Which member is the most horny?
      • Vox Akuma正直、俺だと思う
      • Luca KaneshiroMysta
      • Mysta RiasVox
      • Shu Yaminoさっぱりわからない
      •  Ike EvelandMysta
    • Who is most shy in the group?
      • Vox AkumaShu
      • Luca KaneshiroMysta
      • Mysta Riasオレ
      • Shu Yamino
      •  Ike EvelandMystaか僕
    • Which member is more likely to do a 24 hour endurance stream?
      • Vox Akuma
      • Luca KaneshiroVoxかオレ
      • Mysta RiasVox
      • Shu Yamino
      •  Ike EvelandVoxとLuca
    • Which member would win in an arm wrestling competition?
      • Vox Akuma(チンパンジーの写真を添えて)Shu
      • Luca KaneshiroIke
      • Mysta RiasLuca
      • Shu Yamino僕の腕は動かないので負けることはない
      •  Ike EvelandShu
  • Luxiem 6ヶ月記念 「THE LUXIEM GAMESHOW」


    • 今回Mystaは司会の為クイズには参加していない。
    • Would this person fart in public?
      • Luca KaneshiroNODDERS (Yes)
      • Vox AkumaYes
      • Shu YaminoYes
      •  Ike EvelandNo
    • Would this person feed into gacha?
      • Shu YaminoNah
        • ※ヴァロラントのスキンは除く。
      • Vox AkumaNo
      • Luca KaneshiroNO
      •  Ike EvelandYes
    • Would this person lose things often?
      • Shu YaminoNot often
      • Vox AkumaNo
      • Luca KaneshiroNO
      •  Ike EvelandNo
    • Would this person swim well?
      • Luca KaneshiroI die in water (No)
      • Vox AkumaYes
      • Shu YaminoYes
      •  Ike EvelandYes
    • Would this person prefer cats over dogs?
      • Luca KaneshiroDOG (No)
      • Vox AkumaNo
      • Shu YaminoNo
      •  Ike EvelandYes
    • Would this person eat fast food a couple days after it arriving?
      • Vox AkumaYes
      • Luca KaneshiroNo
      • Shu YaminoYes
      •  Ike EvelandYes
    • Would this person walk outside AT 3AM?
      • Luca KaneshiroYes
      • Vox AkumaNo
      • Shu YaminoYes
      •  Ike EvelandNo
    • Would this person hate the sunlight?
      • Vox AkumaNo」(間違えてYesと答えている)
      • Luca KaneshiroYes
      • Shu YaminoNo
      •  Ike EvelandNo
    • Would this person scream from horror movies?
      •  Ike EvelandNot movies
      • Vox AkumaNo
      • Luca KaneshiroNo
      • Shu YaminoYes
    • Would this person write fan fiction?
      • Luca KaneshiroYes
      • Vox AkumaYes
      • Shu YaminoNo
      •  Ike EvelandNo
    • Would this person stay hydrated?
      • Shu YaminoYes
      • Vox AkumaNo
      • Luca KaneshiroYes
      •  Ike EvelandYes
    • Would this person like cleaning?
      •  Ike EvelandNah
      • Vox AkumaNo
      • Luca KaneshiroNo
      • Shu YaminoNo
    • Would this person hate olives?
      • Luca KaneshiroI hated it (Yes)
      • Vox AkumaYes
      • Shu YaminoYes
      •  Ike EvelandYes
    • Would this person hate being on a rollercoaster?
      • Shu YaminoRollercoaster Pog (No)
      • Vox AkumaNot a big fan but doesn't hate」(好きでも嫌いでもない)
      • Luca KaneshiroNo
      •  Ike EvelandNo
    • Would this person choose female in character creation?
      • Luca KaneshiroNo
      • Vox AkumaYes
      • Shu YaminoYes
      •  Ike EvelandNo
    • Would this person let anger out at a table if they stubbed their toe on it?
      • Vox Akumathe table dies (Yes)
      • Luca KaneshiroYes
      • Shu YaminoYes
      •  Ike EvelandYes
    • Would this person use the word cringe regularly?
      • Vox Akumasaying cringe is cringe (Yes)
      • Luca KaneshiroNo
      • Shu YaminoYes
      •  Ike EvelandNo
    • Would this person DAB unironically?
      •  Ike Eveland←(隣の人たちと同じ回答)
      • Vox AkumaYes
      • Luca KaneshiroYes
      • Shu YaminoYes
    • Would this person forget to pay their bills?
      • Vox AkumaFuck no
      • Luca KaneshiroNo
      • Shu YaminoNo
      •  Ike EvelandNo
    • Would this person fart in public?
      • Mysta RiasNo
      • Vox AkumaNo
      • Luca KaneshiroYes
      • Shu YaminoYes
      •  Ike EvelandNo
  • Luxiem × Anime Fest Dallas 2022


    • 開幕


      • Mysta Rias「It’s like I have a cult」
      • Mysta Rias「I’m nervous because on stream I can’t tell if a joke doesn’t land but now I can see your reactions」
      • Vox AkumaIt’s showtime now.
    • Q1: who's better at tongue twisters?
      •  Ike Eveland「The only one that I know is 生麦生米生卵 (成功)」
      • Shu Yamino かえるぴょこぴょこ みぴょこぴょこ あわせてぴょこぴょこ むぴょこぴょこ (成功)」
      • Mysta Rias「Betty Botter bought some butter But she said this butter’s bitter If I put it in my… f**k!! SORRY!!! FUDGE FUDGE!! I didn’t swear」*2
      • Vox Akuma Betty Botter bought some butter But she said this butter’s bitter If I put it in my batter It will make my batter bitter, But a bit of better butter Will surely make my batter better. So she bought a bit of butter Better than her bitter butter And she put it in her batter And her batter was not bitter. So it was better Betty Botter Bought a bit of better butter. (成功) 」
         Ike Eveland「Eminem has been real quiet ever since Vox debuted」
      • 観衆の声援によるジャッジでVoxの優勝
        Mysta Rias「Y'all a bunch of LIARS! You're liars, you're gaslighting. Don't even. Don't even.」
    • Q2: how are you feeling right now considering you're at anime fest and doing panel live at audience, and getting the live feedback?
      • Mysta Rias「IT'S very REAL
        Shu Yamino & Luca Kaneshiro & Vox AkumaREAL
      • Shu Yamino「Actual live interaction in real」
      •  Ike Eveland「like an actual zatsudan」
      • Mysta Rias「I mean you stare at us」
      • Mysta Rias「It’s so different from your chat because after streaming for long hours you kind of just see it as the words on the screen, but now we can see like the people behind the words, it’s so much more real」
        Luca Kaneshiro「they can yell at you」
    • Q3: what's the biggest change you've seen in yourself since you've joined Luxiem?
      • Mysta RiasI actually talk to people now. It's almost like actually talking to someone in real life」
         Ike Eveland「what do you mean ”almost”!!!」
        Mysta Rias「I mean I can't touch them」
         Ike Eveland「So the off-collab meant nothing?!」
        Luca Kaneshiro「you touched me」
      • Vox AkumaNo matter how weird or sus we might get I'mthe one who shared a bed with Luca
        Mysta Rias「I didn't get to see cuz you guys closed the door!!」
        (あいつらドア閉めたからオレ何も見えなかったんだよ (sus))
        Vox Akuma「Luca just woke up in the middle of the night after having already gone to sleep, turned over, saw me there because there were no other beds available. Saw me and I just went back to sleep」
        Luca Kaneshiro「We both slept head-to-head」
      •  Ike EvelandFor me, I developed a hatred for pigeons. I went to punch the window several times to chase them away and they just kept coming back」
        Mysta Rias「that's so mean! They’re just living life」
        Vox Akuma「ARRG! Hey aye SpongeBob, me boy k*ll these pigeons for me? (*imitating Mr. Krabs voice)」
      • Shu Yamino「Well, being able to see people at a convention and you're on the panel slide not a audience」
         Ike Eveland「This is WEIRD」
      • Luca Kaneshiroobviously it’s just been the biggest change is how big we’ve gotten and how many fans actually support us. It’s very surreal. I love you all. Yeah. But thank you. Thank you everyone!
         Ike Eveland「Awwww And that's big scary mafia boss
        Luca Kaneshiro「what really talking about!」
        Shu Yamino「Oh mean~ mean~ rude~」
    • 番外編: let's hear your best yeehaw!*4
      • Mysta RiasYeehaw!!!!」「Howdy, partner (*in australian accent)」
      •  Ike Eveland「I shouldn't be laughing I cannot do any sort of accent other than I already have」
    • Q4: best strayan (Australian) accent
      • Shu YaminoYeehaw(*in australian accent)」
        Mysta Rias「Do australians say Yeehaw? what do australians say」
        (オーストラリア人って「Yeehaw!!!!」って言う? オーストラリア人は何言うの?)
        Shu YaminoPOG
      • Vox Akuma「G'day mate(*in australian accent)」
        Shu YaminoHellaur~(*in australian accent)」
      • Shu YaminoPOG*5
        Mysta Rias「WHAT?!」
         Ike Eveland「POG???!!!」
        Vox Akuma「that's what you're made of!」
        Luca Kaneshiro"BREAK THE OTHER ONE!"
      • Vox AkumaYeehaw(*in australian accent)」
      • Shu Yamino「'Yeah Naur''(*in australian accent)」
        Luca KaneshiroYeah~↑ Naur~↓
    • Q5: Have you ever been to Texas before? what was your first thought of texas
      • Shu Yamino「I have once but it was only for a transfer flight. I went there, oh Baba booey! But All I remember was it being really HOT
      • Luca KaneshiroI feel very jealous cuz there're BBQ ribs and all that good stuff
      •  Ike Eveland「I don't even have cowboy hat, what I'm gonna do
        Luca Kaneshiro「heh I got a hat *puts on hat*」
        Mysta Rias「I can put sunglasses on for the heat. *puts on glasses*」
         Ike Eveland「I mean, with this weather you might as well. *takes off mantle」
        • ルカは帽子をON、ミスタはサングラスをON、アイクは上着をOFFにしてテキサスに合わせたファッションに。
    • 番外編:コスプレについて
      • Shu Yamino「Make sure, I hope y’all are hydrated」
        Mysta Rias「Be hydrated Please You Guys have really complex cosplays so please make sure」
         Ike Eveland「 I have so much respect for cosplay. It’s such an undertaking. Shout out to everybody who decided to dress up!」
      • Mysta Rias「me and you, Ike both like cosplaying right?」
         Ike Eveland「YEA WE DO!」
        Luca Kaneshiro「I never saw this what the hell」
        Shu Yamino「I’ve heard you talk about it. Yeah, I’ve only heard you talk about it.」
         Ike Eveland「what a okey hold on hold on」
        Shu YaminoMy DMs are open🤓
    • Q6: if you could make an appearance in any anime, what would you choose?
      • Shu Yamino呪術廻戦 I actually use sorcery」
        Luca Kaneshiro「Make him the next main villain! Don’t wanna be a villain?」
        Shu Yamino「No, I’m gonna die to Gojo」
      •  Ike Eveland「It’d only be appropriate that I showed up in文豪ストレイドッグス
        Shu Yamino「“the resident bungo”」
         Ike Eveland「I know! When you add “resident” in front of something, it just becomes funny. I don’t know why」
      • Mysta Rias「this is gonna sound so cringe but I kinda wish I could be in Romance-Comedy
         Ike Eveland「I don't even care if I get any maidens if I'm in a romance anime, I just want to see love up close. It's so precious」
        Mysta Rias「pls, give me love」
         Ike Eveland「There’s plenty around here, Mysta」
        Luca Kaneshiro「Don’t worry Mysta, we love you」
      • Luca Kaneshiro「I think a fantasy anime would be very, just me waving a big sword, would be pretty cool」
        Mysta Rias「I can imagine you as a character in KONOSUBA」
        Luca Kaneshiro「Please put me in there! Please, please」
         Ike Eveland“Sir Pogalot of the Lux”
      • Vox AkumaFullmetal Alchemist (鋼の錬金術師)
    • Q7: In a zombie apocalypse, who would you pair up with, and why?
      •  Ike EvelandShu(with no hesitation before the end of the question)」
      • Vox AkumaI pick Mysta It will be funny. ×2」
        Mysta Rias「What’s so funny? We’d both die!」
      • Luca KaneshiroListen, if you wanna survive, you've gotta go with me
        Mysta Rias「No, because only you survived You are like the main character」
         Ike Eveland「I’m pretty sure he would survive on accident」
        Mysta Rias「Yeah exactly, I'd die and you would survive...」
      • Shu YaminoI mean you survived after that cooking video so...I’m sure you’ll survive okay
         Ike Eveland「That chicken video- Mysta that chicken was remarkably pink are you okey? It looked like…」
         Ike Eveland & Shu YaminoSalmonella and Rice...」
        Luca Kaneshiro「Guys, did you know salmonella is not a cheese?」
        Mysta RiasSalmon? Is that like salmon and butter?*6
        Mysta Rias「Salmon and nutella? Wait, why do you look so? Why why why? Oh no, is this what Mystakes are like every single day?」
    • Q8: How about being stranded on an island?
      •  Ike Eveland「Who take the lead though like calling the shot? Personaly I would nominate Mysta. there's been several times where youhave dragged us all together and organized really incredible things! like the gameshows You have the potential to lead dude?
      • Vox AkumaI'd be the Camp Chef, I would make delicious meals. I cook a da pizza. *Italian accent」
      • Mysta Rias「I could kind of imagine Shu as being a good organizer
      •  Ike Eveland「I would be the resident fisher because I reached max level fishing in NieR Replucant」
        (Nier replucantで釣りのレベルがMAXになったから、僕は専属の釣り人になるよ)
      • Shu Yamino「I just imagine Luca, just like, running on water, and just finding land」
        Luca Kaneshiro「Just run. Just go to a different island」
      •  Ike Eveland「So, the roles we currently have is fisherman, leader, chef, handyman and Christ」
        Vox Akuma「I agree for water to turn into wine We might die from dehydration but at least we'll have a good time」
        (水がワインに変わるのは賛成だ。 脱水症状で死ぬかもしれないが、少なくとも楽しい時間を過ごせるだろう。)
      • ミスタがここで自分のpeeを飲むかどうかの議論を始めたため、スタッフにより強制終了。
    • Q9: If you could re-record Hope in the dark, whose line would you steal?
      (もしHope in the darkを再収録できるとしたら、誰の歌詞を歌いたい?)
      •  Ike Eveland「anything other than "you are tempted by my smell"」
        (You smell以外ならなんでも)
        Vox AkumaI’ll take it! I love it. I’ll take it!
      •  Ike EvelandLonely lady shall we dance
      • Shu Yamino*ggrr* gonna be your hope in the dark
      • Luca Kaneshiroどうしようもなく僕のそばにいたい」「very POG」
      • Mysta Rias「I’ll go with Ike’s "Bee" line, IT'S IKE-ONIC
    • Q10: when is the hardest you've laughed on stream or in a Luxiem collab
      • Vox Akuma「Loogie My Ass」*7
         Ike Eveland「That was OFF STREAM」*8
      • Shu YaminoSuper Bunny Man with Luca, Like, the way you were lagging so hard that you became literally Monkey D. Luffy but Bunny Man!」
        Luca Kaneshiro「That made me laugh a lot too!」
      •  Ike EvelandLyric writing stream with Shu, I turned the melody into wigglecore and it started going *slide whistle wiggle noises*」
      • Luca KaneshiroPropNight collab, Vox just comes in and tries to kill us. Like Ike rolled past him and he goes blind and starts running into the wall」
        Vox Akuma「I was so mad」
      • Mysta Rias青鬼, There’s this one scene where there’s a jail with loads of different demons in it and one of them looked like xQc. I laughed so hard」
      • Vox AkumaDuring sims imagining Fulgur trying to escape a room with no door. That really got me.」
    • Q11: Would you rather have 5 Ikes or 5 year old Ike?
      • Vox Akuma「Can you imagine? the debut trailer comes up. Luxiem: first character novelist “I didn’t sign up for this.” Second character: novelist “I didn’t sign up for this.” Third character: novelist “I didn’t sign up for this.” And all 5 of them are Ike Eveland. Not just a wave of 1 Ike, but a wave of all 5 Ikes and all 5 Ikes each have their debuts that is exactly the same. I would love it.」
        (想像できるか?デビュートレーラーに登場するんだ。Luxiem、1人目:文豪 “I didn’t sign up for this.” 2人目:文豪 “I didn’t sign up for this.” 3人目:文豪 “I didn’t sign up for this.” …5人全員がアイク・イーヴランドなんだぞ。アイクが1人の期ではなく5人のアイクからなる期で、全員が同じデビューをするんだ。是非とも実現させたいことだね)
        Shu Yamino“I smell” times 5.
        (You smell×5で5倍匂うことになるね)
         Ike Eveland「I think the world is worse off with just one of me, so I don’t think we need 5」
        Mysta RiasWe need 5 more
      • Vox Akuma「I could do with at least 2 but I mean we can compromise」
    • Q12: What dish would you make for everyone else? And would you think they would eat it?
      •  Ike EvelandCaviar Toast for Vox
        Mysta Rias「I wouldn’t do that to my worst enemy. It's horrible」
        Vox Akuma「If you could give caviar toast to me, I'm gonna smack it out of your hand and I'll put on a funny Italian accent, "You dare to bring this to me on this, the day of my daughter's wedding!?"」
      • Mysta RiasI kind of feel like I have to make rice for you guys.
        Vox Akuma「Yeah Mysta You did make rice for me and it was really wet It was not good」
        Mysta Rias「that's good rice!!! Rice is supposed to be wet」
        Luca Kaneshiro「No no no It's not suppose to be wet
      • Vox Akuma「What does Uncle Roger say? if your rice is dry, you F**K up…you F up. If your rice is wet, you definately F**K'd up」
         Ike EvelandNice Save*11
      • Vox Akuma「Rice is not supposed to be wet」
        Mysta Rias「What do you mean! Rice is definately meant to be wet」
      • Mysta Rias「If I use the rice cooker, it doesn't really go as well as I want it to goes more dry. If it’s wet you could get it in your mouth easier」*12
        Vox Akuma「It's not necessarily good rice, if it slips into you easier.」
         Ike Eveland「What's the phrasing you are?!」
      • Vox Akuma「If you don’t have a rice cooker and you need to use the saucepan, you need a lid Mysta. At the very least some tin foil, come on!」
        Mysta RiasI tried using a lid recently. I tried and it like, started overflowing with bubbles and stuff!!
        Vox Akuma「Stop Mysta, look at me look at me」
        Vox AkumaDid you turn the heat back down when you put the lid on...?
        Mysta RiasWhat?! Turn it down for WHAT?*13
        Luca KaneshiroWhat do you mean you turn it down?
        Vox Akuma「When you cook rice, you put it on a high heat, to boil it. And when it is boiling, you put the lid on and reduce its heat to as low as it will go. You steam it ok?」
        Luca Kaneshiro「Wait, what? What are you talking about?」
        Vox Akuma「It’s a lot easier if you use a rice cooker, but if you have a pot you need to do it on a high heat until it boils and then you put the lid on and you simmer. It’s not that hard」
        Luca KaneshiroI put rice in the rice cooker with water, then click one button & it's done in 20 min. What do you talking about! Boiling??
        Shu YaminoI want to make you rice, for Mysta
      • Shu Yamino「What if we all cook rice for each other and we try to guess whose rice is whose?」
        Mysta Rias「We have to do a Luxiem off collab. WE HAVE TO」
      • Luca Kaneshiro「There's a rule we follow, it's usually one pinky finger」
         Ike Eveland「what are you gonna do with that? Are you gonna load in the rice with the pinky finger? 」
    • Q13: On a scale of 1-10, how much (fun) have you gotten
      • Vox AkumaI love this panel. but it’s a little bit late. I’m just kind of feeling really good. I had a good day」
      • Luca KaneshiroIt’s very nice to see everyone Thank you. Thanks to everyone who came!」
      • Mysta Rias「this is a 10/10 experience, my heart has been pounding out on my chest because it makes me very socially scared. thank you for the supporting all of us truly
  • Luxiem × ANIME IMPULSE 2022


    • Q1: What drew them to Nijisanji in the first place and what has kept them there?
      • Mysta Rias「Everyone looked very very friendly and relaxed and seemed to get along very well. This seems like I can make some friends here and I did! What's kept me here is my friends and a contract!!!
      • Vox Akuma「I did not know NIJISANJI existed before Onigiri sent me the male auditions and I saw that and I was like Sheeeeeeesh!!! and then I stayed for boys.」
      • Luca Kaneshiro「I saw a lot of JP Senpais and I was really drawn in to the point that I actually wanted to email myself! That's what happened and what kept me is just basically the people around me
      •  Ike Eveland「Kind of the same as Luca I fell down the rabbit hole when I watching about JP Senpais and then... I saw the auditions opened up and I thought "hey! let's give this a shot!" and lo and behold I fumbled my way in here. And what made me stay like Mysta said I contract. But also NIJISANJI Family is one of the warmest places on the planet!
    • Q2: Have you ever tried Mysta's cooking?
      • Vox AkumaSADLY YES I HAVE!!! I have never in my life consumed more sodium than I did when Mysta cooked stuff for me」
        Mysta Rias「I thought you said it was salty! It was JUST sodium!!
        Vox Akuma「YEAR EXACTLY! I felt like I was drinking salt water!!! SODIUM CHLORIDE salts!!
        Mysta Rias「there's another thing you use to clean swimming pools?
    • Q3: Dream stream, if you could do any stream without consequence?
      • Mysta Rias「I would sit down on my ass and just watch TV shows」
        Shu YaminoDo Tomorrow
      • Vox Akuma「I would love to do a full stand-up comedy routine live for everybody. I think the problem is that when you're online there's no laugh track. Laugh at me Mysta」
        Mysta Rias「I'll just be like HEHEHEHEHEHEHE
      • Luca Kaneshiro「I would like just a 3D live all of us together
        Vox Akuma「And then I can ruffle Ike's hair in front of everybody」
         Ike EvelandThey can see me body slam you
    • Q4: 8 months later after debut, what is goal they have?
      • Vox AkumaFinding a Girlfriend
         Ike EvelandWHAT ABOUT SHU
      • Shu YaminoOff-Collab with all five of us
      •  Ike Eveland「I wanna make you all try Surströmming
        Luca KaneshiroFISH YUCK!!!
    • Q5: what's your thoughts on pineapple on pizza
      • Shu Yamino「I think it's OK」
        Mysta Rias「I think it's pretty good」
        Luca Kaneshiro「I'm in the middle about it. if I don't have any pizza on the table I'll eat it but I wouldn't buy it」
        Vox AkumaI think Pinnaple pizza is RANK! Absolutely MEAN!!
         Ike Eveland「I would eat if offered I would not order」
      •  Ike Eveland「What about swedish BANANA PIZZA though」
        Luca KaneshiroYUUUUCK!!!
        Shu Yamino「I ate it. It was general POG」
    • Q6: Could you say something flirty?
      • Shu YaminoNO
      • Vox Akuma Hey bit*h I love your shoes but they look better on my bedroom floor
      • Shu Yamino「There is a typical ”月が綺麗ですね”
      •  Ike Eveland I’ll treat you like my homework slam me on the desk *16
      • Mysta Rias Hey! I Like You! Muah!!
      • Luca Kaneshiro Hey babe you're looking kinda Poggers tonight
    • Q7: If you had to all choose one place to go for a Off-collab where would be?
      • Shu Yamino「Consider we're doing the Surströmming thing」
        Shu Yamino「I don't want that in my house」
      • Mysta Rias「I'd like anywhere that isn't hot」
        Vox AkumaIKE'S BASEMENT
      • Shu Yamino「What could be fun if we went on a camping trip」
      • Luca Kaneshiro「Guys Let's go to Disneyland」
        Mysta Rias「I've never been」
         Ike Eveland「Neither let's go」
    • Q8: What would you be doing if not in Nijisanji?
      • Mysta RiasProbably bartending
        Shu Yamino「Oh like in the Lore Video you will be side bartending that we currently know」
        Mysta Rias「*pi~pi~~~~pi~~~~~~」
      • Vox Akuma「I'm thinking about it I genuinely don't know.」
      • Luca KaneshiroI'd be an engineer I think Doing mafia things is what I'd be doing that's true」
        「chi chi chu~ chu~」
        Vox Akuma「Luca would currently be in jail」
    • Q9: What is your favorite scent?
      • Vox AkumaYOU
      • Mysta RiasI LIKE IKE’S SMELL
      • Vox Akuma「(*変な声で)me personaly I quite like the smell of coriander」
      • Vox Akuma「I'm impartial to the smell of c*m」
         Ike Eveland「I hate it here」
      • Shu YaminoCINNAMON
    • Q10: How did Luxiem's first meet and greet go?
      • Mysta Rias「I got trolled a bunch of times」*17
      • Vox Akuma「Every one is so attractive and one person asked me to do my entire office ASMR and I politely designed」
      •  Ike Eveland「I wish I could have hugged all of you」
      • Luca Kaneshiro「Really cute and happy entire time I love talking to people so」
    • Q11: WHat your happiest moment during your career has been during youtuber career?
      • Vox Akuma「During My Birthday stream
      • Luca Kaneshiro「mine would have been same as vox, my birthday, but recently actually にじさんじ甲子園 watch along 」
        Vox Akuma「Vox Yashiro does not exist, I'm the real Vox I'm better than that!!!」
      •  Ike Eveland「I love seeing everybody in chat every single day and hearing about how. I Found a Home in NIJISANJI
      • Mysta RiasBuying my mum her dreamlamd, seeing my mom happy
    • Q12: Impersonation of other members
      • Luca KaneshiroMommy!?!?!?!?!
      • Mysta RiasMysta~~~
      • Shu Yaminothat's pretty POG, guys
      •  Ike EvelandWell...Speak of Devil...
      • Vox AkumaEyyyyyy babyyy Eyyyy I'm Shu Yamino Eyyyy
      • Luca Kaneshirowhat the fu*k man!?!?!?!??!?!
    • Q13, final: What's your guys's favorite trait of each other?
      •  Ike EvelandShu:Laugh, Mysta:Energy, Luca:Hot, Vox:Kind
      • Mysta RiasShu:Gamer, Luca:Energy, Vox:Horny, Ike:Soft
      • Shu YaminoLuca:Roblox, Vox:SmashBros, Ike:JumpKing, Mysta:Genshin
      • Vox AkumaShu:Intelligent, Mysta:Hilarious, Luca:Lovable, Ike:Husband
         Ike EvelandANYWAY
      • Luca KaneshiroVox:Quirky, Shu:Helpful, Ike:Compassionate, Mysta:Resilient
  • Luxiem Podcast 「Luxiem answer some WILD questions!」






    • Q1: Shu Yamino Weirdest thing in your room, right now
      A: Luca Kaneshiro緑のリコーダー
    • Q2: Luca Kaneshiro Have you ever farted in an evelator?
      A: Mysta Rias公共の場ではしない
    • Q3: Mysta Rias Chocolate flavored poo? or Poo flavored chocolate?
      A: Shu Yaminoう〇こは食べたくないからう〇こ味のチョコ
        Shu Yaminoどんな味か気にならない?細菌もいないよ
    • Q4: Shu Yamino Would you like lose your left buttcheek or your right?
      A:  Ike Eveland左に重心偏りがちだから左を残したいかな
        Vox Akuma私は両方売り払ってしまったよ…
    • Q5:  Ike Eveland Pebbles in your shoe or wet socks?
      A: Vox Akuma私のサンダルに小石が入るのは難しいだろうね。でも入ったなら脱いで出せばいいさ。濡れたなら脱げばいいさ。





    • Q1: Shu Yamino What kind of places would you wanna go?
      A: Vox AkumaA lads night out in ibiza
    • Q2: Vox Akuma What superpower would you want to have? and Why?
      A: Shu Yamino瞬間移動
    • Q3: Shu Yamino What did you want to be when you were child? Has it come true?
      A: Mysta Riasうん、大人になりたかったんだ。でも今は子供だったらななんておもうよ
         Ike Eveland何歳くらいに戻りたいの?
        Mysta Rias11歳くらい。そこまで責任が問われないほど子供で、でも分別が付くぐらいは大人。一番”自分”が形成される頃だから。
        Luca Kaneshiroオレは戻りたくないかな
        Vox Akuma私はNOだが誰もが古き日々を恋しく思うものさ
    • Q4: Mysta Rias What is the first word that comes your mind when you think of LUXIEM
      A: Luca KaneshiroLIGHT!!!!
      Q4-2:  Ike EvelandShu!!
      A4-2: Luca KaneshiroPOG!!!!
      Q4-3: Shu YaminoMysta!!
      A4-3: Luca KaneshiroFUNNT!!!!
      Q4-4: Shu YaminoYour self!!
      A4-4: Luca KaneshiroCRINGE!!!!
      Q4-5: Mysta RiasVox!!
      A4-5: Luca KaneshiroSEXY!!!!
        Vox Akuma前回(ANIME IMPLUSEにて)ではQuirkyって言ってたな
      Q4-6: Mysta RiasIke!!
      A4-6: Luca KaneshiroSOFT!!!!
    • Q5: Luca Kaneshiro What is a moment from a Luxiem member stream that you like the most?
      A:  Ike EvelandルカがやってたPogostuckの飲酒配信かな。あんなに打ち解けた感じのルカ見たことない
        Luca Kaneshiro何言ってるのかさっぱりわからないよ、何言ったか覚えてないや…




    • Q1: Do you bite or lick your ice cream?
      A: Shu Yamino僕は十分溶けるまでは舐めて、それから食べる。どっちかって言えば舐める派よりは食べる派
        Luca Kaneshiroいつも食べる派
    • Q2: GIF or JIF?
      A: Mysta Rias答えひとつしかないけど?
        Vox Akuma確かにGIFを発明した人がJIFと名付けたが、誰もJIFとは呼んでいない。文化内でどのように呼ぶのかも重要であるし、時と共に移りゆくものだ。つまりだな、JIFと呼ぶやつは馬鹿げている
    • Q3: Pineapple on Pizza? Yes or No
      A: Luca Kaneshiroムリ!!
         Ike Evelandルカ、パイナップルが好きなときってあるの?
        Luca Kaneshiro酸っぱすぎるんだよね
        Mysta Riasマジで?めっちゃくちゃ甘くね?ハエはパインマジで好きだぞ。オレが1日くらい置きっぱにした時、ハエで覆われてた
         Ike Eveland衝撃だよ…
    • Q4: Is cereal a type of soup?
      A:  Ike Eveland一般的なスープって具と液体を一緒にして食べれるようにしたものだよね、シリアルも具だし何が違うんだろう
        Mysta Riasスープってほとんどが水だから牛乳に入ってるシリアルは違くない?牛乳に水入れないとスープじゃないよ
        Vox Akuma牛乳を使ったスープもあるだろう
         Ike Evelandそんなに水が決め手ならwilk作ってみなよ、water and milk
        Luca KaneshiroYummy!!
        Mysta Rias結局スープってことか
  • Luxiem × ANIME IMPULSE 2023 


    • 開幕


    • Q1: What was their favorite interaction during the meet and greets today?
      • Mysta RiasI got Mabo'ed today.
        Shu YaminoWhats mabo?
        Mysta RiasMy balls in your...
      •  Ike EvelandThe amount of cute people, it's everybody that attended the meet and greet. I got 9 proposals, somebody pulled out an iPad and played Megalovania to me.
      • Vox AkumaEveryone was great, unique, and sweet. A bunch of people dressed as the Lorax. Someone said they wanted to work in Nijisanji so they can work with me!
      • Shu YaminoA Riot employee came to my meet and greet and told me they gave me a Riot gun buddy months ago. Now I want to log in to check but I have a freaking panel that I have to do! LOL
      • Luca KaneshiroI embarrassed myself. Someone came in and showed me a fanart, I responded "oh I've seen that one!" but they said they never posted it before. I was so flustered.
        (恥ずかしいことがあります。ある人がファンアートをみせてくれて、俺は”ああ それ前にみました!”と言って。しかし、彼らはこれまで投稿したことがないと返事して、すごく慌ててしまいました。)
    • Q2: Any adventurous foods you would like to try?
      • Vox AkumaLast time I tried caviar I almost threw up because it was served out of a tube. Now I want to try actual proper $200 caviar.
      • Shu YaminoI want to try eating a bug, like beatles
      • Luca KaneshiroVegetables
      • Mysta RiasMushrooms
      •  Ike EvelandOctopus
    • Q3: If luxiem was in a haunted mansion what would their stereotypical movie role be?
      • Mysta RiasI'd die.
      • Vox AkumaI'm the one who has --- then dies first.
        Mysta RiasAnd then I'd die second.
      • Shu YaminoI'm the light source.
        Vox AkumaYou're the one with the flashlight.
      • Vox AkumaIke is the horror movie villain
      • Luca KaneshiroWhat about me?
        Vox AkumaYou're the car, because Lucar.
         Ike EvelandLuca will survive and accidentally kill the killer.
      • Shu YaminoHe's gonna werewolf and kill the killer.
    • Special guest: Erica Lindbeck (for Ike) - VA 双葉 in P5R
      • Erica: Hey Ike
        「I know you're not a phantom thief anymore.」
        「I guess you still got a knack for stealing people's hearts, cause, well..., you stole mine!」
      •  Ike EvelandIm a massive fan of your work!
      • Erica: Thank you I'm so nervous!
      •  Ike EvelandThank you so so much, thank you for your incredible performance, I'm gonna cry!
      • Erica: 「Here comes the buffs.」
    • Q4: If Luxiem could take their wrestlesanji avatar in a fight, would they, and how long would they last?
      • Shu YaminoIf I were to see... "that", my fight or flight response would be to run the heck out of there.
      • Mysta RiasI would probably last a second.
      •  Ike EvelandI would probably go against my wrestlesanji character counterpart, because I know he is a softie at heart. The moment I play my chemical romance...
      • Vox AkumaMe personally, I think I can take him. I will sort him out.
      • Luca KaneshiroHe will jump on me, I will get back up and he will jump on me again.
    • Q5: Can we get seiso kisses ?
      • Shu Yaminoあ!行かなきゃ、バイバイ!(モデルを画面外に移動する)
      • Mysta Riasmwa
      •  Ike Evelandビーーー
        Shu Yaminoそうするつもりだった!
      • Vox Akuma清楚なキスはできない, MWAH!
      • Shu Yaminoエアホーン音
      • Luca Kaneshiroちゅっ
    • 閉幕
      •  Ike EvelandThank you all for coming today!
        Luca KaneshiroDid u all have fun?
        Vox AkumaI know I did
      • Mysta RiasIt's always fun to see you guys!
      • Shu YaminoThank you Anime Impulse for having us back here!!
      •  Ike EvelandSee you next time.
      • Vox Akuma Luca Kaneshiro Mysta Rias Shu Yamino  Ike Eveland「BYEEE!」
  • Luxiem × CWT 2023※工事中


  • Luxiem × Fancy Frontier 2023※工事中 


  • Luxiem 2周年記念 「Our 2nd Anniversary!! We Answer Your Questions 👀」


    • Q1: Could you introduce each other for new viewers?


      • Shu YaminoThe voice demon! In the anime opening, he would be the one flying around in the background being like -ha ha ha ha-
      • Luca KaneshiroTHE DEMON!
      • Ike Eveland-sings- デビルマン!
        Shu Yamino-sings- 悪魔の力~
        Ike Eveland-sings- 身につけた
      • Luca KaneshiroDemon, wings, horns, and a gaze that looks at you right into your soul, Vox Akuma everyone.
        Shu YaminoAnd Runescape.
      • Ike EvelandVoice, demon, Runescape, the 3 tags of Vox Akuma's channel.


      • Ike EvelandPOGGGGGG -with echo-
      • Vox AkumaThis guy lives to destroy. He has every ability as a human being to be kind and loving, but he chooses to destroy. It's not funny to us, but it would be very funny for you.
      • Shu YaminoOne of the strongest boobas of the branch.
        Ike EvelandHe is still undefeated.
      • Luca KaneshiroYou missed the mean, the evil... maybe cool as well.


      • Luca KaneshiroThe poop man. Hop on valorant.
      • Vox AkumaShu is cool, this guy can draw a mean scrunkly creature in MS Paint. Also, there is a time where he overslept, and he never does that, when mane san said we're waiting for Shu, I genuinely did not factor in that they had said Shu because I couldn't believe it.
        Ike EvelandHe was just like Shu? He doesn't oversleep!
        Vox AkumaHe's never late! No no no.
      • Luca KaneshiroMS Paint master.
        Ike EvelandI envy your MS Paint skills so much. It was Osu wasn't it.


      • Vox AkumaThis right here is my favorite thing, I think about this all night long, I think about this every single day. This man may look small, but he has this voice where he can go...
        Shu YaminoWhat do you mean small?!
        Vox AkumaHe's just a little guy, but on the inside, there's all this stuff.
        Shu YaminoMiku?
        Ike EvelandThere's a lot of Miku lol.
      • Luca KaneshiroThe Koshien Ike Eveland, strike Eveland. The Miku lover, the Jump King legend, the man of bleep!
      • Shu YaminoSpent the most jail time out of all of us, probably.
    • Q2: What are streaming habits that have changed since joining Niji?
      • Luca KaneshiroNothing changed!
      • Shu YaminoOne thing for me is I initially thought I had to make every single thumbnail, then I made a thumbnail hashtag, and people very kindly gave me thumbnails to use.
        Ike EvelandYeah, it's honestly a lifesaver sometimes.
        Vox AkumaSometimes if I'm not sure how I would make a thumbnail on my own, I will specifically schedule a stream I wanna do later in the week so it gives people time to do my thumbnails.
        Luca KaneshiroThat's why you got to do the schedules really early.
        Shu YaminoI've recently asked those that make thumbnails on my thumbnail tag to write what game its from so if they were to post it, I can search through it.
      • Vox AkumaI feel like I've changed, a lot. My streaming habits have changed all the time since I started. For me in the beginning, I was so unfamiliar with Niji culture or Vtuber culture I was learning as I went. Before I started, I didn't know what the word zatsudan meant, I had to Google it. The biggest thing I've changed since is instead of doing fan service all the time when people ask for it, now I do the opposite and go in my own direction.
        Luca KaneshiroYa, we've all changed in different ways.
      • Ike EvelandEver since I started streaming, I realized how hard talking is.
        Luca KaneshiroI think one of the difficult parts is you learn to talk in front of people in school but it's not very often. When you're at a convention, and you have to do all sorts of things, it's one of the hardest part becuase you're not really trained for that.
        Vox AkumaI never struggled with public speaking, I kind of have the opposite problem where I no longer know how to stop talking. I start zatsudan-ing in real life sometimes.
        Ike EvelandWe all need a teleprompter to tell us please wrap it up.
    • Q2.5: Shu YaminoDo you all have any habits you reccommend?
      • Vox AkumaWhen making a schedule, think about if it is something you really want to do. Make sure you are protecting your own happiness. You will make better streams if you are happy, energized, and having a good time.
      • Shu YaminoIf I have a day off, then it's a day off. If you have a day off but you still do workanyway, you gave yourself a rest but you didn't take it.
      • Ike EvelandGetting comfortable with knowing what I want to do, instead of trying to pleas everybody.
      • Luca KaneshiroI've just learned to not care.
        Vox AkumaObviously care in a good way...learning to separate and trust what you think is good is very important.
    • Q3: Who among Luxiem do you think will eat the last nacho chip?
      • Ike EvelandI don't eat nachos so it can't be me.
      • Luca KaneshiroHey that's nacho business!
        Shu YaminoI guess we can replace nacho with any other kind of meal.
        Luca KaneshiroSorry guys that's nacho chip!
      • Shu YaminoWhat actually happens when we go out to eat though? When we went to have kbbq last time.
        Luca KaneshiroI don't know, I finished mine.
        Shu YaminoI feel like your a person who goes do you want some more? I think I'm good
    • Q4: If you could ask 2024 Luxiem something, what would you ask them?
      • Luca KaneshiroHey how is 3D? Did you finally do it? If you did, I hope it was great!
        Ike EvelandI remember I said last year one of my goals last year was 3D but it didn't happen.
      • Shu YaminoAre you talking more in Japanese? I haven't done a Japanese zatsu in over... I've done 3 times I think all 3 early on during my career.
        Ike EvelandWhat if we got a bunch of people from EN that are learning Japanese and have themall together to do their best Japanese zatsu.
      • Shu Yamino2024 Vox are you learning Japanese?
        Ike EvelandYa like have you gotten better at Japanese?
      • Vox AkumaAre you happy with what you've made? Does it feel like it's easier to do? If I can end next year satisfied with myself that would be pretty cool.
      • Ike EvelandI don't know, I feel like it has to be something more ambitious.
        Shu YaminoAre you singing with Hatsune Miku?
        Ike EvelandGod yes please, let me! Just one duet! Oh I just saw a really good one from chat: Have you been to a Miku concert yet? I've never been!
      • Luca KaneshiroAre you still waiting for GTA6 Luca?... I know, I know...
    • Q5: Can you tell us how you came up with your self-produced merch?
      • Ike EvelandI am visually impaired. It is a glasses case and a fiber cloth to keep your glasses clean. I you don't have glasses, you can keep something else in there, people put my Niji puppet in there and it looks like a coffin, I think it's really funny.
      • Vox AkumaFor me is the earring and ear cuff which in spite of all that has happened to me over the past months I am still rocking.
      • Luca KaneshiroMine is the Augustus plushie. I've always wanted to do it ever since I started streaming. After 2 years, finally! The majority of my fan base wanted one so I wanted to help it become a reality.
      • Shu YaminoIf you watch our streams, chances are you're watching from a mobile device. So I thought it would be nice to have some stuff for your phone. So we got a cable organizer, smart phone ring, and some paper clips with rubber heads on them.
    • Q6: If someone had a viral clip, what would you assume they were doing in the video?
      • Vox AkumaFor Shu, I think getting an insane play in Valorant and then doing something really silly right after. Multi-tasking drawing those MS Paint faces while getting 5Ks in Valorant I think that's your calling.
      • Shu YaminoOmg someone saying Shu swearing holy cow haha.
        Ike EvelandTHAT would go viral.
      • Ike EvelandOne of the more popular clips of me is really old was the F bomb from Jump King. I think one of the recent clips that got a lot of views was me talking about the Carameldansen with Meloco, it got over half a million views.
      • Vox AkumaOne of the most viewed shorts I have was when I finally revealed my character sheet and it revealed I do not have any ass whatsoever.
      • Shu YaminoI guess one thing that went viral for me was a JP zatsu I did trashing on Americanconvenience stores. I was comparing it to the Japanese ones, they are just add-ons to gas stations, that's it. I think that got over 1.5M
      • Luca KaneshiroThe only viral things I've seen are the crab game long clips.
        Vox AkumaMy favorite one is the omg the title is Nijisanji EN Domestic Violence game. I remember all the edits on this video are hysterical.
      • Shu YaminoOh there's one with the ultimate rizzing master class with you and me.
      • Luca KaneshiroI think the one I can think of recently I played Ring Fit and it went viral on Twitter. I think I beat the level way too fast, I don't know what happened.
  • Luxiem & Noctyx × ANIME IMPULSE 2024


    • 開幕
      • Alban KnoxAre you hosting a panel all by yourself? Nah I'm with my boys!!
    • Q1: Goals for 2024?
      • Ike EvelandFix sleep schedule.
      • Luca Kaneshiro3D.
      • Vox AkumaRelease more music.
      • Shu YaminoGrow a little (stream and height). -stretch model-
        Alban KnoxGet him away from me!
      • Alban KnoxBuild more consistency with everything I do.
      • Fulgur OvidWorld domination, have a nice nap with a grilled cheese sandwich.
      • Uki VioletaLive and eat food, release more music.
      • Sonny BriskoMore good times with everyone this year and do more music.
    • Q2: If you could take all members of Noctyx and Luxiem to anywhere in the world where would you go?
      • Ike EvelandState penitentiary.
      • Luca KaneshiroGo snowboarding or skiing.
      • Vox AkumaSlumber party at my place, hang out and play video games.
      • Shu YaminoRent a streamer house for a week, and hire someone to clean.
      • Sonny Brisko「&color(#FFF321){Camping on a mountain in a log cabin... everyone sleeping in the cabin on a snowy mountain, late at night,
        its locked so there is no way anyone can get out.};」
        Luca KaneshiroIt would be better if there was a zombie apocalypse.
      • Uki VioletaTake everyone to culinary boot camp.
    • Q3: If you have a time machine, would you go back to the time you were in, or would you go to another time period, or stay and not go anywhere?
      • Ike EvelandI will stay, this place is my home, also Miku is here.
      • Luca KaneshiroI have a dream to go to 2200.
      • Shu YaminoI want to travel 3 seconds into the future.
      • Alban KnoxI will stay here with everyone.
      • Uki VioletaThe time we came from sucked, I'm going to stay here.
      • Sonny BriskoI will go even further in the future to see what happens.
    • Q4: If everyone was stuck on a deserted island, who would you eat first?
      • Ike EvelandIf we're talking will to live, I would have to go first.
      • Alban KnoxCan Vox regenerate?.
        Vox AkumaI can but at the cost of a human soul.
      • Fulgur OvidKill Vox, eat Vox, kill Ike, sacrifice Ike to bring back Vox and eat Vox again.
      • Luca KaneshiroEat me!.
      • Shu YaminoDo you guys like pancakes?
        Sonny BriskoIf you guys eat me, you get the pancakes too (Pancakes asset on Sonny's head).
      • Alban KnoxGroup consensus, we eat Sonny.
        Sonny BriskoNo, we're eating Ike.
        Fulgur OvidOk, we eat Ike and then Sonny.
      • Shu YaminoWhy don't we just eat Luca, since he keeps adamantly saying it.
        Alban KnoxI know what his plan is, if we eat him, we will all start saying pog pog pog.
      • Luca KaneshiroI know how to fish, I live in Australia.

      All: ok let's eat Luca

    • Q5: Other than Ike, who is the person most likely to end up in jail?
      • Luca KaneshiroI feel like I would do something really dumb and be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
      • Shu YaminoI feel like there will be a slight chance Sonny will just go to jail for fun.
        Uki VioletaHe's the one putting people in jail.
        Shu YaminoExactly, after he put people in jail, he will be like oh jail sounds fun.
      • Alban KnoxI will say it's Luca 100%.
      • Sonny BriskoI think it would be Luca Kaneshiro to be arrested first because he is too michievious, commiting too much crimes.
    • Q6: Power wise, who is the strongest LuxNoc boy?
      • Luca KaneshiroNot me.
      • Ike Eveland-dissappearing off screen-
      • Sonny BriskoFist fight me in real life.
      • Fulgur OvidI will beat your ass.
      • Alban KnoxI'm against violence.
      • Shu YaminoVox has a huge debuff, if he is playing Runescape, he is wide open.
        Vox AkumaThat's true, if I'm playing Runescape, he gets the drop on me, I'm done for.
      • Uki VioletaIt would be a purple war.
      • Shu YaminoI do want to let you all know, I survived a flaming poop.
      • Fulgur OvidThe only answer to this is to have a NijiEN death match.
        Uki VioletaThe answer is we don't have an answer.
    • Q7: What is one thing about yourself that even you are surprised about?
      • Ike EvelandI'm surprised how not difficult it is to talk to yourself.
      • Luca KaneshiroI'm streaming on a daily basis, there was a time where it wasn't a sustainable thing.
      • Vox AkumaHow much I've grown but can still grow so much more, just have to keep going.
      • Shu YaminoHow long some of y'all stuck around.
      • Alban KnoxHow being in the position I'm in right now as a liver, made me more ambitious in the things that I do.
      • Fulgur Ovid2.5 raccoons.
      • Uki VioletaI'm a lot more patient than I thought I was, and maybe I'm not so bad.
      • Sonny BriskoSuprised that people would find me likeable enough to see past my faults and stick with me. Thank you for being so patient and I love you all.
    • Q7: Can you describe your fans in 3 words?
      • Sonny BriskoCute, funny, scary.
      • Uki VioletaSoft little bitches.
      • Fulgur OvidSweet, spicy, delicious.
      • Alban KnoxThere's no rizz or No pay check.
      • Shu YaminoDiverse, progressive, fun.
      • Vox AkumaForgiving, sexy, daring.
      • Luca KaneshiroThe letters P, O, G.
      • Ike EvelandCute, fluffy, gullible.
    • 閉幕
      • Shu YaminoGGs!!
      • Ike EvelandHopconcert hype!
      • Uki VioletaThank you!
      • Shu YaminoThank you everybody!!
      • Sonny BriskoBye bye bye!
      • Alban KnoxYayyyy!!!
      • Luca Kaneshiro& Vox Akuma GO GO GO!

*1 DABポーズというものがある
*2 噛んでしまった上に、お茶の間向けのイベントの場でFワードを発してしまった
*3 高速ラップでギネス記録を保持している海外の超有名ラッパー
*4 会場の右側スクリーンのプロジェクターが不具合を起こしてしまった。司会者:だから音をたくさん立てよう!(何故)
*5 プロジェクターが故障して爆発?
*6 ちなみにルカはSalmonella = Salmon and vanillaのイタリア料理だと思っていた
*7 lucaの発言またはVoxanne
*8 ルカの発言。詳しくはLoogie incidentで検索してほしい。
*9 twitchの実況者
*10 ミスタの”濡れている”がどういうものか、ぜひ自分の目で見て確かめてほしい。
*11 司会者に健全なイベントを保つためFワードをできるだけ使わないでほしいといわれていた。
*12 オフコラボでは、ミスタはレンジでご飯を炊いた。もはや炊いたというか茹でた。
*13 お米は沸騰させた後、火力を落として蒸らすことで粘り、甘みを引き出します。決してパスタやそうめんをゆでるときの様に常にぐつぐつさせておくものではありません。
*14 炊飯前に適切な水位を指で図る方法がある。
*15 Voxのお供
*16 ヘタリアのfanmade memeによるエストニアのセリフ、"I'M GONNA TREAT YOU LIKE MY HOMEWORK, SLAM ON MY DESK AND DO YOU ALL NIGHT LONG" (君を宿題のように扱うよ、一晩中机に叩きつけて君をヤるんだ) だと思われる
*17 RickRollを仕掛けられたらしい