ShackTac ArmA2 TTP2 Guide/Attachments/Weapons Platoon

Last-modified: 2014-05-05 (月) 00:04:39
ShackTac ArmA2 TTP2 Guide



About the Weapons Platoon


  • 小隊司令部
    • 小隊指揮官 (1名)
    • 小隊軍曹 (1名)
  • 機関銃部隊
    • 部隊長 (1名)
    • 3x 機関銃分隊
      • 分隊長 (1名)
      • 2x M240G 機関銃班 (各3名)
  • 強襲部隊
    • 部隊長 (1名)
    • 6x SMAW 強襲班 (各2名)
  • 迫撃砲部隊
    • 部隊長 (1名)
    • 3x 迫撃砲分隊
      • 1x 60mm M224 迫撃砲班 (各3名)


Weapons Platoon Roles

What follows are descriptions of the core teams that the weapons platoon consists of.

M240G Medium Machinegun Team

The machinegun rules the realm of infantry. The ability to place sustained accurate fire in high volume on the enemy is capable of inflicting a large number of casualties in short order when properly employed.


The M240G is a medium machinegun firing a 7.62x51mm caliber bullet - significantly more powerful than our infantry's normal 5.56x45mm round, which is the same round used in our automatic rifle, the M249. The M240G has a longer range than our M249s, and by default are loaded to fire daylight-visible tracer ammunition every fifth round, unlike our M249s, which employ "dim trace" that can only be seen under NVGs.
M240GはM249よりも長い射程を持ち、暗視装置でしか見えない"Dim Trace"を使うM249と違い、昼間でも視認できる曳光弾が5発ごとに装填されています。


When employed in a base-of-fire or support-by-fire position, or when employed in the defense, the M240G is a powerful asset to our platoon.
援護射撃(base-of-fire or support-by-fire)や防御のために運用されたときは、M240Gは私たちの小隊にとって強力な装備になります。

"M240 gunner engages targets while his assistant gunner
observes and supports with rifle fire"

M240 Team Organization & Responsibilities

The M240G MMG team consists of three people - a gunner, assistant gunner, and ammo man. In some situations the team will be reduced to a gunner and a-gunner, in which case the a-gunner gets the responsibilities of the ammo man as well as his own typical responsibilities.


Their responsibilities are as follows.

  • Gunner
  • 射手
    • Senior member of the team
    • 古参の班員
    • Carries the M240G
    • M240Gの携帯
    • Picks the location(s) from which the machinegun will be employed
    • 機関銃を運用する場所の選定
    • Engages targets and listens to his a-gunner's directions
    • 補助射手の指示を受けながらの標的との交戦
  • Assistant Gunner
  • 補助射手
    • Second in command of the team
    • 副班長
    • Equipped with binoculars, he acts as a spotter for the gunner
    • 双眼鏡による射手の射撃の観測
    • Carries some additional ammo for the M240G
    • M240Gの予備弾薬の携帯
    • Gives adjustments to the gunner's fire (up, left, down, right)
    • 射手の射撃の修正(上下左右)
    • Scans for and prioritizes targets
    • 優先すべき標的の捜索
  • Ammo Man
  • 弾薬手
    • Junior member of the team
    • 初心者の班員
    • Carries additional ammo for the M240
    • M240Gの予備弾薬の携帯
    • Provides security for the team
    • 班の警備
      A machinegun squad is comprised of two M240G teams and a squad leader.
      "An M240 gunner, wounded, continues to lay down suppression as
      his assistant gunner leads a medic to him"
      "M240射手(ガンナー), 負傷者し, 伏せながら援護をし続ける

M240 Team Guidelines

The M240 Team uses the same guidelines as the basic fireteam members, with the Gunner using the guidelines for the Automatic Rifleman, the Assistant Gunner using the guidelines for the Assistant Automatic Rifleman, and the Ammo Man also using the Assistant's guidelines.

Assault Team (SMAW)

The SMAW "Assault Team" is a rocket team that is capable of delivering accurate and deadly direct anti-tank/anti-bunker fire. They are commonly attached to the ShackTac Platoon when assaulting fortified positions or when enemy armored assets are expected.

"SMAW gunner and assistant prepare to
engage an enemy-occupied building during an urban fight"

About the SMAW

The SMAW - or Shoulder-fired Multipurpose Assault Weapon - is a crew-served anti-tank/anti-bunker multi-munition reloadable rocket system with a spotting rifle that can be used for increased first-round-hit probabilities. It can fire a range of rocket types and is generally more effective than the AT-4 or comparable light anti-tank weapons. The specific features, in detail, are as follows.
SMAW(Shoulder-fired(肩撃ち式) Multipurpose(多目的) Assault(強襲) Weapon(兵器)) は、初弾命中率を上げるために使用するスポッティングライフルを装備し、戦車や掩体壕に対して使用する再装填可能な多目的弾薬を使用するロケットシステムで、専任の兵士が操作します。SMAWAT-4などの軽対戦車火器と比べて有効である場合がよくあります。詳細な機能は次のとおりです。

"SMAW gunner as seen through NVGs"
  • Spotting Rifle. The SMAW has a 9mm spotting rifle attached to it that fires ballistically-matched tracer ammunition. Wherever these bullets go is where the rocket itself will go. A gunner fires the spotting rifle, adjusts, fires it again, and when the bullet strikes his target, he fires off the main rocket. This feature is available in ace2_banner_small.png.
  • スポッティングライフル SMAWが装備しているスポッティングライフルは使用するロケット弾と同様の弾道特性をもつ9mm口径の弾丸を発射することができます。この弾丸が当たった場所が、使用するロケット弾とが当たる場所です。この機能はace2_banner_small.pngで利用できます。
  • Crew-served. The SMAW is used by two players. One is the gunner, the other an assistant gunner that carries additional rockets and assists the gunner in the employment of the weapon.
  • 専属の人員が割り当てられる。 SMAWは二人のプレイヤーによって運用されます。一人は射手で、もう一人は補助射手で、普段は予備のロケットを運び、戦闘時は射手の補助につきます。
  • Reloadable. Unlike the AT-4, the SMAW is reloadable. The gunner himself typically carries two rounds, with the assistant gunner having two or three more, giving them four to five rockets to use before needing resupply.
  • 再装填が可能。 AT-4とは異なり、SMAWは再装填が可能です。普段は射手は2発持ち、補助射手が2発から3発持つので、一回の補給で4発から5発程度のロケットが使用できます。
  • Scoped. Most SMAWs you will use will have a magnified optic, allowing for better target discrimination and more precise aiming and post-shot damage assessment.
  • 望遠照準器。 ほとんどのSMAWは望遠照準器を備えているため、目標の識別や正確な照準、SMAWで攻撃した敵の損害を観察することがより簡単になります。
  • Multiple round types for a variety of roles. The SMAW carries a range of rocket types that each have a specific use, allowing a SMAW team to pick the best rocket type for the task at hand.
  • 使用目的に合わせた複数の弾薬。 SMAWには、それぞれの用途に合わせた複数の種類の弾薬が用意されているので、SMAWチームは目的に合わせて、その中から最適な弾薬を選ぶことができます。
    • HEDP - High-Explosive Dual-Purpose. HEDP rounds are effective against light armor, walls, structures, bunkers, etc. They do a significant amount of area damage, and a fair amount of anti-armor damage.
    • HEDP - High-Explosive(榴弾) Dual-Purpose(両用)。HEDP弾は軽装甲車両や建築物、バンカーなどに対して有効です。加害範囲は広く、同程度の損害を装甲目標に対してもたらします。
    • HEAA - High-Explosive Anti-Armor. HEAA rounds are ideal against medium and heavy armor. They do very little area damage, but a great deal of anti-armor damage.
    • HEAA - High-Explosive(榴弾) Anti-Armor(対戦車)。HEAA弾は一般的な装甲目標と、重装甲目標に対して最適です。加害範囲はとても狭いですが、装甲目標に対しては大きな損害を与えます。
    • FTG - Follow-Through Grenade. Does not exist yet in ArmA2, but will likely be added in ace2_banner_small.png. The FTG rocket blows a hole in a wall and then projects and explodes an additional charge (the 'grenade') on the far side, causing additional casualties.
    • FTG - Follow-Through(貫通) Grenade(手榴弾)。ArmA2にまだ存在していませんが,ace2_banner_small.pngで追加されるかもしれません。FTGロケットは、バンカーなどの壁に穴を開け、貫通した反対側で追加火薬を爆発させることで、中にいる人間に攻撃します。
    • NE - Novel Explosive. Does not exist yet in ArmA2, but will likely show up in a mod like ace2_banner_small.png. Novel Explosives use thermobaric principles to cause extreme blast and pressure damage around their point of detonation. These are very effective against infantry and buildings.
    • NE - Novel(新) Explosive(爆薬)。ArmA2にまだ存在していませんが,ace2_banner_small.pngのようなModに現れるかもしれません。これは、サーモバリックの原理を利用し、爆発の中心点付近で生じる高圧で損害をもたらすもので、歩兵と建物に対して非常に効果的です。
"SMAW backblast"

SMAW Team Organization & Responsibilities

Each SMAW team consists of two people - a gunner and assistant gunner.


Their responsibilities are as follows.

  • Gunner
  • 射手
    • Senior member of the team.
    • ベテランのプレイヤー。
    • Carries the SMAW.
    • SMAWの携行。
    • Chooses the firing position for the SMAW.
    • SMAWの射撃場所の選択。
    • Engages targets and listens to his a-gunner's directions.
    • 補助射手の指示を受けながらの目標との交戦。
    • Decides on the best rocket type to use on the given target.
    • 目的に合わせて使用するロケットの種類を決める。
    • Is proficient in using the SMAW's 'spotting rifle' to range and engage targets.
    • 標的の交戦や距離を測定するために、SMAWのスポッティングライフルが有効に使用できるか。
  • Assistant Gunner
  • 補助射手
    • Junior member of the team.
    • 初心者のプレイヤー。
    • Equipped with binoculars, he carries additional rockets for the SMAW and acts as a spotter for the gunner.
    • 双眼鏡を装備し、SMAWの予備弾薬を携行し、射手の観測手を務める。
    • Gives adjustments to the gunner's spotting rifle and rocket fire (up, left, down, right), scans for, and prioritizes enemy armored targets and emplacements.
    • 射手のスポッティングライフルとロケットの射撃の修正(上下左右)、優先目標の選定。
    • Provides rockets to the SMAW gunner when required.
    • 射手の要請に応じてなされる弾薬の提供。

SMAW Team Tips

  • Know your rocket types. HEDP rounds do a lot of damage to infantry in a decent blast radius, as well as cause damage to structures, soft vehicles, and light armor. HEAA, by comparison, does much less 'splash' damage but does do a great deal of damage to armored vehicles.
  • 弾薬の種類を知っておくこと。 HEDPは歩兵に対してかなりの加害範囲を持ちますが、建物や軽車両、軽装甲車に対しても変わりません。逆にHEAAは、爆発による損害は少ないですが、走行車両に対してとても効果的です。
  • Use the spotting rifle when possible to heighten first-round accuracy. In ace2_banner_small.png, the SMAW has the attached 'spotting rifle' available in a functioning manner. The spotting rifle fires a 9mm tracer bullet that is balistically matched to the SMAW rockets - fire the spotting rifle until your tracers are hitting the target, then switch to the rocket and fire again - the rocket will travel the same ballistic path, allowing you to achieve greater hit percentages than otherwise.
  • 初弾命中率を高めるためにできるだけスポッティングライフルを使うこと。 ace2_banner_small.pngSMAWはスポッティングライフルが使えます。スポッティングライフルは、SMAWのロケットの弾道と同一の弾道をもつ9mm曳光弾を撃ちます。 曳光弾が標的に命中し、ロケットに切り替えて発射するまでスポッティングライフルを撃ちましょう。 ロケットは曳光弾と同じ弾道の描くので、他の方法より高い命中率を達成できます。
  • When not fighting armor, the SMAW's optic can be used to assist the infantry in spotting concealed or distant targets.
  • 走行車両と戦闘していない時は、望遠照準で遠方の、あるいは隠れている標的を探す歩兵を手伝うこともできる。
  • Reload in cover. Fire from different positions each time, as the situation permits. Backblast will give you away most of the time, so ensure that you move away from it after each shot.
  • 遮蔽をとって再装填すること。 できるだけ毎回異なった場所から発射してください。多くの場合、バックブラストが発射位置を敵に知らせてしまうので、発射後は毎回忘れずに発射地点を離れましょう。

Mortar Squad (60mm)

Mortars are a specific type of artillery support that is organic to infantry units due to its ability to be man-carried along with the grunts. Mortars provide integrated indirect fire support to the infantry, with quick response times, the ability to bring fire safely to within close range of friendly forces, good accuracy and range, and solid terminal effects.


The mortar is often called the 'hip pocket artillery of the infantry'. The 60mm mortar is the most man-portable of those available to US forces. It can safely be used to drop rounds close to friendly forces (when in the defense, the 60mm can hit targets as close as 70-100 meters away from the gun position). The 60mm mortar is capable of striking almost anything within three and a half kilometers of it. This allows for the mortar team to be well out of enemy direct fire while still supporting an attack via fire. The typical time-of-flight for a mortar round is from 20-40 seconds, so that must be accounted for when planning fires.
迫撃砲はしばしば「歩兵の懐大砲(hip pocket artillery of the infantry)」と呼ばれます。60mm迫撃砲は、歩兵が携行する迫撃砲としては、米軍で最も多く利用されているものです。友軍の近くに弾を落とすときでも安全に使用できます(防衛戦のときなどは70-100mほどの至近距離でも使用できます。)。60mm迫撃砲は3.5キロメートル以内なら、ほとんど何に対してでも射撃可能です。このことで、射撃中に敵から直接攻撃を受けることを避けられます。迫撃砲の砲弾は、典型的な飛翔時間が20-40秒あるので、計画発射の時は計算しなければなりません。

60mm Mortar Ammo & Fuze Types

A variety of ammunition and fuze types give the 60mm mortar a range of possible applications.


Ammo types include:

  • High explosive (HE). Simple explosives that kill via blast and fragmentation effect.
  • High explosive 榴弾(HE)。 爆発と破砕効果で被害を与えるもの。
  • White Phosphorous (WP). Used for smoke concealment, marking, or to cause incindiary effects.
  • White Phosphorous 白リン(WP). 煙幕、目印、焼夷効果をもつもの。
  • Illumination (ILLUM). Parachute flares used to provide illumination in low-light/night conditions.
  • Illumination 照明弾(ILLUM). 低光量/夜間に照明として使用されるもの。

Fuze options include:

  • Proximity (PRX). Causes the round to burst from 1-4 meters above ground.
  • Proximity 近接(PRX). 弾が地面の1-4m上空で爆発する。
  • Near-surface Burst (NSB). Causes the round to burst about a meter above the ground.
  • Near-surface Burst 地下浅所爆発(NSB). 弾が地面の約1m上空で爆発する。
  • Impact (IMP). Causes the round to burst upon impact with the ground.
  • Impact 接触(IMP). 弾が地面に接触したら爆発する。
  • Delay (DLY). Allows the round to penetrate into the ground somewhat before exploding.
  • Delay 延滞(DLY). 弾が地面に突き刺さってから、一定時間後に爆発する。

60mm Mortar Squad Organization & Responsibilities

Each 60mm mortar squad consists of three players - a gunner, assistant gunner, and ammo man. Depending on the situation, they may or may not have a vehicle transporting additional ammunition for them. When used in the defense, they typically have crates of mortar shells available for their usage.


The responsibilities of the squad members are as follows.

  • Gunner
  • 射手
    • Senior member of the team.
    • ベテランのプレイヤー。
    • Carries the mortar tube.
    • 迫撃砲の筒を運ぶ。
    • Chooses the emplacement position of the mortar.
    • 迫撃砲の設置位置を選ぶ。
    • Plots targets.
    • 射撃計画をたてる。
    • Coordinates with higher HQ regarding employment of the mortar.
    • 運用に関して司令部との調整をする。
  • Assistant Gunner
  • 補助射手
    • Second in command of the team.
    • チームの副司令官。
    • Carries the mortar baseplate and tripod assembly.
    • 三脚と台座を運ぶ。
    • Equipped with binoculars, he acts as a spotter for the gunner when firing on targets within visual range of the mortar.
    • 双眼鏡を装備し、迫撃砲の視界内で標的に発射する時は観測手を務める。
    • Carries additional mortar shells.
    • 迫撃砲の予備弾薬を運ぶ。
    • Drives the mortar squad vehicle, if assigned.
    • 迫撃砲分隊に車両が割り当てられている場合は、それを運転する。
  • Ammo Man
  • 弾薬手
    • Junior member of the team.
    • 初心者のプレイヤー。
    • Carries additional ammo for the mortar.
    • 迫撃砲の予備弾薬を運ぶ。
    • Provides security for the team.
    • チームの周辺を警備する。
    • Guns for the mortar squad vehicle, if assigned and applicable.
    • 迫撃砲を搭載した車両が割り当てられている場合は銃座につく。

Basic Guidelines for the 60mm Mortar Team

A few basic guidelines for mortar teams follow.

  • Mortar teams need to take initiative even more than most other players. They should set up their mortars without having to specifically be told to, in keeping with the overall commander's intent.
  • 迫撃砲班は、他のプレーヤーより主体的であること。 彼らは総合的な指揮官の意図を踏まえ、自分達の迫撃砲に直接指示される前に準備ができていなければなりません。
  • The mortar position should be protected from direct-fire weapons as best as possible. This means situating in the courtyard of a large building, behind a hill, in a depression, or some other place where the natural terrain protects the team from observation or fire.
  • 敵の直接射撃から迫撃砲を保護できる位置に設置すること。 これは、大きい建物の中庭や丘の後方、窪地、その他自然地形など、敵の観測や射撃から班を保護できる場所のことです。
  • Plot out targets in advance. Locate likely attack, rally, or observation points for the enemy and ensure that you know the numbers needed to get rounds on those locations quickly.
  • 事前に標的を決めること。 敵の集会や観測所がありそうな場所を見つけ、素早くその場所にどれくらいの量の砲弾が必要かを計算することを怠らないようにしましょう。
  • Only use mortars against targets that can potentially be hurt by them. Don't waste rounds on tanks, but instead concentrate on soft vehicles and infantry.
  • 損害を与えることができる標的に対して迫撃砲を使用すること。 戦車への攻撃に弾を浪費せずにm歩兵と軽車両への攻撃に集中してください。
  • Use the right round if you have multiple types. Mix them to get a more pronounced effect - for example, a mix of white phosphorous and high-explosive rounds can be quite deadly.
  • 複数の種類の砲弾がある場合、目的にあった砲弾を使用すること。 それらを混ぜることで、効果をあげてください。例えば、白リン弾と榴弾の混合はとても効果的なことがあります。
  • The mortar ammo bearer(s) should provide security to the gun team. This means that they need to be positioned in areas where they can see any potential enemies approaching from any direction, and can warn the gun team in time.
  • 弾薬手は班の警備をすること。 隠れている敵がどんな方向から接近してきても、それを察知し、班全員に警告できる場所に居る必要があるということです。
  • If the mortar team must withdraw and cannot take the entire gun with them due to casualties, someone needs to grab the mortar tube itself and carry that away. This is as close as we can get to "spiking" and destroying the mortar to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.
  • 迫撃砲チームが退却するときに、死傷者のために砲すべてを運ぶことが出来ない場合は、迫撃砲の筒自体を持ち去りましょう。 殴り合えるほどの至近距離に敵が近づかれた時は、敵の手に渡ることを防ぐために砲自体を破壊します。

The 60mm mortar system will be implemented either by ace2_banner_small.png, or by ShackTac in-house developers (and then rolled into ace2_banner_small.png).

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