ShackTac ArmA2 TTP2 Guide/Leadership/Common Leadership Concerns

Last-modified: 2013-03-03 (日) 05:24:57
ShackTac ArmA2 TTP2 Guide



This section is oriented around dealing with some of the more common concerns that can arise regarding leadership in our platoon.

Stepping Up After Leadership Casualties

One of the simplest realities of combat is that leaders are not invincible. There will be times when a fireteam leader, squad leader, or platoon commander become unexpected casualties. Because of this, it is important that all players know the jobs of those above and below them, and are able to "step up" and take command of a higher level of leadership than they initially started the mission as. The ability to properly "step up" and take charge can often be the difference between victory and defeat in a tough situation. Nobody plans to lose a leader at a key moment, but with a proper understanding of the steps required to deal with this, the negative effects of a loss of leadership can be minimized.


Seniority in our platoon is a simple, easy to understand hierarchy, as detailed below from most senior to least. Seniority goes in order - from the Platoon Commander, to the Platoon Sergeant, then Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie squad leaders, and within each squad, the first, second, and third fireteams. In the event that it ever gets passed that, it simply becomes the most senior remaining member of the platoon, regardless of position.

  • PltCo
    • PltSgt
      • ASL
      • BSL
      • CSL
          ■ A1 FTL
          ■ B1 FTL
          ■ C1 FTL
              ■ Next senior member

Fireteam Member ---> Fireteam Leader

Transitioning from a fireteam member to a fireteam leader can be intimidating for those who are new to leadership or otherwise have little experience as a leader. In the end, however, it is not as difficult as it seems - as a fireteam member, you typically always known what your fireteam's plan or role in the squad's mission was. When it's necessary to step up and become the new fireteam leader, follow these actions to conduct the transfer of leadership effectively.

Actions on Taking Command of a Fireteam

  1. Announce on the Squad Channel that you are taking command of your fireteam.
    Squad ChannelであなたのFireTeamの指揮をすると発表してください。
  2. Repeat this announcement to your Fireteam on Group VON.
    Group VON上であなたのFireTeamにこの発表をリピートしてください。
  3. You have three main options at this point:
    1. Continue carrying out SL's last orders if appropriate
    2. Ask for and wait for new orders
    3. Exercise disciplined initiative in accordance with the SL's intent to get your fireteam out of trouble or into a better position to accomplish the assigned mission.

Fireteam Leader ---> Squad Leader

Transitioning from a fireteam leader to a squad leader is a bit more difficult of a transition. If the squad leader was clear in giving his orders and initial briefing, you should know what the squad's plan and role in the mission was, which helps to smooth the transition. When it's necessary to make the transition from team leader to squad leader, follow these actions.

Actions on Taking Command of a Squad

  1. Announce on the Squad Channel that you are taking command of the Squad.
    Squad Channelで分隊を指揮していると発表してください。
  2. Issue immediate orders. Depending on the situation, you will take one of two immediate courses of action, as described:
    1. Continue the current squad mission, or transition into a hasty assault, defense, or disengagement if necessary. Sometimes you have to take command 'in stride', such as when in the midst of an assault. You can worry about the nitty-gritty details after you have completed the current mission, or reach a natural pause in the action.
    2. Seek out and go firm at the nearest suitable cover & concealment. If the situation allows for it, going firm is a great way to get a handle on the squad situation.
  3. Activate channel commander mode on TS and report to the Platoon Commander via it, telling him that you have taken command of your Squad.
    TSでchannel commanderモードを作動し,貴方が小隊を指揮したと,それを通して小隊指揮官に報告してください。
  4. Ask for CASREPs from your Squad. The CASREPs will give you an idea of the fighting strength remaining in the squad.
  5. Based on the CASREP responses, assess the combat effectiveness of your squad.
  6. Give a SITREP to PltCo based on your assessment.
  7. Continue previous squad orders unless told otherwise by the PltCo.

Note that when taking squad command, you may or may not want to designate a new fireteam leader for your fireteam. It is generally a matter of personal preference whether this is done, and either way can work.

Squad Leader ---> Platoon Commander

Moving from a position as a Squad Leader to that of the Platoon Commander is the most difficult transition. Fortunately, it is also a fairly rare one to have to make - good Platoon Commanders don't generally put themselves in positions from which they're likely to become a casualty.
分隊リーダーとしての立場から小隊指揮官に移動するのは,最も難しい移行です。幸い,それは,かなりまれなものです - 一般に,良い小隊指揮官は自分が死傷者になりそうな場所に入りません。


As a squad leader, you were present for the mission briefing, which means that you know what the plan is. You've also been on the command channel listening to all the updated orders and situation reports throughout the mission. This knowledge allows for you to be able to take command and get the squads working towards accomplishing the current mission with the minimum of fuss.


The actions for assuming Platoon Command are as follows.

Actions on Taking Command of the Platoon

  1. Announce on Command Channel that you are taking command of the Platoon.
    Command Channelで小隊を指揮すると発表してください。
  2. Issue immediate orders. Depending on the situation, you will typically take one of two immediate courses of action, as described:
    1. Continue the current mission, or transition into a hasty assault, defense, or disengagement if necessary. If in the midst of a coordinated assault or other action where 'wheels are in motion' and things are otherwise seeming to go to plan, continuing with the mission is the best course of action to take.
    2. Have the platoon 'go firm' at the nearest suitable cover & concealment while you reassess the situation. This is only done when a temporary halt is not detrimental to the overall effort.
      小隊が最も近い適当なカバー & 潜伏場所で状況を再評価する間,'集合'を待ってください。これは一時的な停止が全体的努力に不利益でないときにだけします。
  3. Tell your Squad on Squad Channel that you have taken PltCo.
    Squad ChannelでPltCoを取ったと貴方の分隊に言ってください。
  4. Assign a new Squad Leader if necessary. If so, move yourself to the PltHQ Element Teamspeak channel.
    必要なら,新しい分隊リーダーを割り当ててください。もしそうなら,自分をPltHQ Element Teamspeakチャンネルに動かしてください。
  5. Ask for CASREPs/SITREPs from Squad Leaders, if necessary to get a better handle of the situation.
  6. Using the CASREPs/SITREPs from your squad leaders, conduct an assessment of the situation.
  7. Based on that assessment, issue new orders, continuing the mission in the Commander's Intent as stated in the original briefing.

Encountering Armor Without AT Capabilities

As the "Close Combat Marine Workbook" states, "Without anti-armor at the Platoon level, a Platoon encountering armor is either overrun or retreating". This sums up one of the most difficult challengers a leader can face - that of dealing with enemy armor without AT capabilities. There generally aren't any easy ways to deal with this, which makes it all the more difficult for a leader to handle.
"Close Combat Marine Workbook"には,"小隊レベルに対戦車無しで,戦車に遭遇した小隊は,走り抜けるか,後退しろ"と述べられています。AT能力なしで敵戦車に対処する事 - これはリーダーが直面する中で最も難しい挑戦の一つです。一般に,それはリーダーが扱うのが最も難しく,対処する少しも簡単な方法はありません。


  • Stay stealthy if not detected. If the armor doesn't know you're there, the risk is minimized though not eliminated. If undetected, it is wise to take advantage of that fact and maneuver to the best possible defensive or concealing positions before the armor notices you.
    もし発見されていないなら,ステルスを維持してください。 もし戦車が,貴方がそこにいるのを知らないなら,排除されず,危険は最小になります。もし発見されていないなら,その事実のアドヴァンテージを取り最も可能な防衛地点か,戦車より先に隠れ場所に移動するのが賢明です。
  • If the armor has detected your forces, break contact (using smoke if available) and move immediately into hard cover or good concealment. The more cluttered and restrictive the terrain is, the better it will be for friendlies.
    もし戦車が貴方の軍を発見したなら,交戦を避け(もし利用可能であるならスモークを使用して),すぐハードカバーか良い隠れ場所に移動してください。 地形がさらに入り組んで制限しているほど,それは味方にとって,よりいいでしょう。
  • Evaluate what possible anti-tank options you may have available, as described below.

Without an organic AT capacity at the platoon, squad, or fireteam level, one must be creative to counter enemy armor. Depending on the strength of the enemy armor, these may be more or less successful.

  • "Make-Do" Anti-Armor - M203s, satchel charges, scrounging for enemy AT. M203s work adequately against light armor, though they will require a number of hits to show an effect. Satchel charges can destroy most armor, but they are very difficult to employ if the armor is aware of friendly positions. Scrounging for enemy AT assets can work well, provided that there are enemy casualties within range of friendlies, and that they're carrying their own AT assets.
    "間に合わせ"対戦車 - M203s, satchel charges,敵のATを拝借。 効果を表すために多くの弾が必要になるでしょうが,M203sは適切に軽戦車に不利に働きます。Satchel chargesはほとんどの戦車を破壊できますが,もし戦車が有利な位置を知っているなら,使用は非常に難しいです。敵の死傷者が味方の範囲内にいれば,敵のAT兵器を拝借してうまく事を運ぶことができます。
  • Call in CAS or arty if available. If they are available to the platoon, both CAS and artillery support can do wonders in countering an armored threat.
    もし可能ならCASかartyを要請してください。 もし小隊が利用可能であるなら,CASとartilleryサポートの両方が戦車の脅威に対抗する脅威になります。
  • Break contact, using smoke if spotted, stealth if not. If there's no other way to deal with the armor, your best bet is to get everyone out of the area as expeditiously as possible, maximizing the use of stealth, smoke, and careful usage of cover & concealment. Alternatively, if you cannot maneuver away, simply keep forces hidden and hope for the best.
    もしステルスができず,発見されたら,スモークを使用して交戦を避けてください。 もし戦車に対処する他の方法が全くなければ,貴方の最善の策はステルス,スモーク,カバー & 隠れ場所を最大限に使用して,できるだけ迅速にそのエリアから皆を離脱させることです。あるいは,もし遠くに移動できないなら単に軍を隠し続けて,ベストを期待してください。

Identifying & Dealing with Combat Ineffectiveness

What is "Combat Ineffective" in ArmA2 terms?

In ArmA2, an element becomes "combat ineffective" if it is no longer able to carry out the specific mission it has been assigned, or the types of tasks typically given to an element of its size. If an element is left in a combat ineffective condition, yet still tasked out with doing things that a 'healthy' element would be more appropriate for, the risk of losing the element entirely becomes a significant danger.


Being able to recognize a "combat ineffective" element and take appropriate steps to salvage it is a critical leader skill to have. The more fierce the fighting, the more important this becomes.

Causes of Combat Ineffectiveness

There are several things that can cause combat ineffectiveness. The main ones are as follows.

  • Loss of leadership
  • Heavy casualties (KIA, or WIA needing tending)
  • Insufficient ammunition or weapons to deal with current threat

Identifying A Combat Ineffective State

As a leader, you can identify combat ineffectiveness by paying attention to some key indicators. The primary ones are as follows. While there are multiple things that can cause each of these issues to occur individually, the combination of several of them typically points to a state of general combat ineffectiveness.

Indications of Combat Ineffectiveness

  • Extremely sluggish or non-existent coordinated movement. If the element is unable to move in a coordinated fashion, or move in general.
    非常に鈍重かまったく無い協調移動。 部隊が連携して移動,または普通に移動できない。
  • Lack of response after giving orders. If the sub-element leaders are no longer speaking in response to your orders, you have potentially incurred leadership casualties, or the situation has become so demanding that your sub-element leaders do not have time to talk. Neither is good.
    オーダーを与えた後も無反応。 もし下位部隊リーダーがもう貴方のオーダーに反応していないなら,もしかするとリーダーシップが死傷者になったか,状況がとても過酷になったので,貴方の下位部隊リーダーには応答する時間が無いのかもしれません。
  • Lack of response when asking for replacement leaders to step up. If the subelement leaders have become casualties, and there is no response when prompting for their subordinates to assume their roles, you are very likely looking at a critical casualty level in the overall element, and the associated lack of combat effectiveness.
    ステップアップの為リーダーを変えるようにと,うながした時に無反応。 もし下位部隊リーダーが死傷者になって,彼らの部下が役割を引き受けるようにうながすとき,応答が全くなければ,部隊全体が重大な死傷者レベルで,戦闘の有効性不足の関係が非常にありそうです。
  • Lack of firing from units. High casualties may become obvious by the lack of friendly units firing from a given location. For instance, if you have a squad on a hill that is being attacked, and over time you hear less and less firing coming from that hill even though the enemy is still in prolific numbers, it is reasonable to assume a state of combat ineffectiveness for that squad due to casualty levels.
    ユニットから射撃が無い。 特定の位置から射撃が無いことで味方ユニットに多数の死傷者が出たことが明白になるかもしれません。例えば,もし貴方が攻撃されている丘に分隊がおり,時間がたってもまだ多数の敵がいますが,射撃がその丘からより少なく聞こえるなら,死傷者レベルのため分隊が役立たずの状態だと仮定するのは妥当です。
  • Lack of communication. If nobody in the element is talking, giving contact reports, orders, etc.
    通信が無い。 部隊が会話,交戦報告,オーダー,などを誰もしていない。
  • Many casualties, including KIA as well as WIA that require aid. KIAs are always bad, but bear in mind that WIAs can actually do more harm to the short-term effectiveness of a unit, as they require personnel to stop fighting so that they can provide the wounded with medical aid and attention.
    援助を必要とするWIAと同様にKIAを含む多数の死傷者。 KIAsはいつもよくないですが,医療扶助と注意を負傷者に提供できるように人員が休戦するのを必要とするとき,WIAsが実際にユニットの短期的な有効性により多く危害を加えることができるのを覚えておいてください。
  • Unit reduced to fractional strength. Any time an element becomes attrited to a small fraction of its original strength, a reasonable lack of combat effectiveness can be assumed. While this is not always true, it is a good rule-of-thumb to go by.
    ユニット最小戦力まで減少。 いつでも,部隊は元の戦力の最小まで消耗して,当然戦力不足なのは想定できます。これはいつも真実ではありませんが,良い経験です。

How to Deal with Combat Ineffectiveness

Once a combat ineffective state has been determined, it is up to the senior element leader to take actions to preserve the remaining strength of the element as well as place it into a position from which it can have a more significant influence on the course of the battle.


This is generally done by merging the remainder of an element into a parent or sister element, and thus augmenting or replacing casualties in said parent or sister element.


The senior element leader should follow these steps in dealing with combat ineffectiveness via merging with another element.

How to Merge With Another Element

  • Determine which other friendly elements would be suitable to merge into. This question is typically posed to the next-senior level of leadership - for example, a squad leader would ask the Platoon Commander for direction, while a Fireteam Leader would ask his Squad Leader.
    どの他の味方部隊が合併に適当であるか決定してください。 この質問は次の先任レベルのリーダーシップに通常提出されます - 例えば,Fireteamリーダーが彼の分隊リーダーに尋ねるでしょうが,分隊リーダーは小隊指揮官に指示を求めるでしょう。
  • Upon being told or deciding on which element to merge with, direct the players under your command to move into the Teamspeak channel of the element being merged with. Joining the appropriate Teamspeak channel is critical towards reestablishing communications and leadership.
    言われるか,どの部隊と合併したらよいかを決めたら,合併する舞台のTeamspeakチャンネルに移行するようコマンドでプレーヤーに指示してください。 交信とリーダーシップを回復させることに向けて適切なTeamspeakチャンネルに加わるのは重要です。
  • Report in to the new element leader and give them a quick status report on the forces that you have just joined to their element.
  • Unless directed otherwise, attempt to move and link up with the new element at whatever position it currently holds. METT-TC factors are used to judge the suitability of such movements.
    別の方法で指示がない場合,現在いるどんな位置でも新しい部隊を動かして,合流を試みてください。 METT-TC要素は、そのような移動の適合を判断するのに使用されます。
  • Once a link-up has occurred, or when time allows, use the ShackTac Group Management Console to move players from their combat-ineffective elements into their new elements. Depending on the situation, the leader of the group(s) being merged into may decide to make these arrangements himself, in accordance with his plans for each team and the forces that you have brought him.
    一旦合流した,または時間が許す時にはShackTac Group Management Consoleを使用して,プレーヤーを役立たず部隊から新しい部隊に動かしてください。 状況によりますが,各チームのためのプランと貴方が連れて来た軍に従って,合併するグループ(s)のリーダーは,自分で整理をすると決めるかもしれません。

Those should be the most typical difficult leadership situations one will find themself in while playing Arma2. Being able to react to them appropriately and without hesitation always helps to minimize their negative effects on the platoon, and familiarity with the steps and situations involved becomes key for all leaders to know and be capable of executing on demand.

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