Explosive Quest

Last-modified: 2016-04-03 (日) 01:50:50

難易度★☆☆☆☆ 序盤でクリアできる

Invebtor's Factory 建築クエスト


The Invebtor's Factory
・Buy and Invebtor's Factory in the Store
・Complete the Invebtor's Factory
Experience 150
Coins 2000
Guest fantasy 5
StoreでInvebtor's Factoryを購入する
Invebtor's Factoryを完成させる
A clam lemur
・Buy a living fantasy 0/1
・Imagine Lemur from a living fantasy 0/1
Experience 50
Coins 150
Calm x1
Living fantasyを購入する
Living fantasyからLemurを作る
・Gather Calm 0/10
・Send your friends calm 0/4
Experience 50
Gloves x2
Iron ore x1
Fire show
・Exchange Explosive collection 0/3Coins 2500
jam jar x3
Spark x5
First recipes
・Create Sulfur in the Invebtor's Factory 0/2
・Make Matches in the Invebtor's Factory 0/1
Experience 75
Fire x4
Lantern x2
Invebtor's FactoryでSulfurを作る
Invebtor's FactoryでMatchesを作る
A little bit of fire
・Make a matchbox in the Invebtor's Factory 0/1
・Collect fire from the dragon 0/15
Gloves x5
Tree x10
Iron ore x3
Invebtor's FactoryでMatchboxを作る
The further you go, the harder it gets
・Make gunpowder in the Invebtor's Factory 0/1
・Make a rocket firework in the Invebtor's Factory 0/1
Pine x10
Coins 2000
Fire x5
Invebtor's FactoryでGunpowderを作る
Invebtor's FactoryでRocket fireworkを作る
The first firework
・Make a regular firework in the Invebtor's Factory 0/3
・Place the firework on the map and blow it up by a resource 0/2
Experience 200
Signal flare x2
Clapper-board x2
Invebtor's Factoryでregular fireworkを作る
regular fireworkを資源の近くで爆発させる
