
Last-modified: 2024-04-16 (火) 13:53:38

Ayako Onzo


Ayako Onzo, Ph.D. I have been interested in the problems which statistical approaches cannot deal with. My thesis is titled, "Choice beyond Probability: Behavioral Anomalies Induced by Utility of Action". My life work is to describe our rich internal world in a brand new way (scientifically, poetically,...whatever. hmm, possibly in silence).
ayakoonzo at gmail . com



  1. Onzo, A. and Mogi, K. Dynamics of betting behavior under flat reward condition. International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 15 (2005), 93-99. [PDF]
  2. Onzo, A. and Mogi, K. Cognitive Process of Emotion under Uncertainty. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (2004), 300-305. [Abstract]


  1. 『化粧する脳』 茂木健一郎著 恩蔵絢子論文寄稿 (集英社新書)(2009)
  2. 『顔の科学』 恩蔵絢子訳 茂木健一郎監訳 (PHP研究所) (2011);
    Translation of my favorite book,"About Face", written by Jonathan Cole (The MIT Press)
  3. 『IKIGAI-日本人だけの長く幸せな人生を送る秘訣ー』 茂木健一郎著 恩蔵絢子訳 (新潮社) (2018)
  4. 『脳科学者の母が、認知症になる』恩蔵絢子(河出書房新社)(2018)
  5. 『なぜ、認知症の人は家に帰りたがるのか』恩蔵絢子 永島徹 (中央法規)(2022)
  6. 『ドーパミン中毒』恩蔵絢子訳(新潮新書)(2022);
    Dopamine Nation: Finding Blance in the Age of Indulgence written by Anna Lambke (Headline Book Publishing)


  1. 『頭は「本の読み方」で磨かれる』 茂木健一郎(三笠書房)(Jun 2015)
  2. 『最高の結果を引き出す質問力』 茂木健一郎(河出書房新社)(Nov 2016)


  1. モギケン一座、新印象派展を見る


Co-founder & Vice-president of Tokyo Independent Collaboratory from 2014.

My first art performance is here (2003).
Blog: Kali's Scratch Book
Twitter: ayakoonzo


My undergraduate degree was in physics at Sophia University. I started to study cognitive science/neuroscience in 2002 and obtained a Ph.D. in Mar 2007 at Tokyo Institute of Technology.


  1. Onzo, A. Mogi. K. Tatewaki, Y. Thyreau, B and Taki, Y. Does Alzheimer's disease have a linear negative effect on thinking and emotion? From the six years of observation in the home environment. (2023) Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D. C., USA.
  2. Onzo, A. and Mogi. K. Cognitive process of familiar and novel taste. (2016) Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, USA.
  3. Onzo, A. and Mogi. K. Metacognition and modification of ephemeral feelings. (2015) Toward a Science of Consciousness, Helsinki, Finland.
  4. Onzo, A. and Mogi. K. Vividness of memory and post-coding events. (2014) Association for Scientific Study of Consciousness, Brisbane, AU.
  5. Onzo, A. and Mogi, K. Social cognition affected by exposure to fiction. (2013) Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, USA.
  6. 恩蔵絢子,猿渡敬志,田中泰彦,岡崎修一,佐々木 厚,茂木健一郎. 化粧を通した自己の変容:社会的自己と自己の関係性 (2009) 顔学会. 鹿児島.
  7. Onzo, A. Saruwatari, K. Tanaka, Y. Okazaki, S. Sasaki, A & Mogi, K. Difference in neural representation between the self and the social self through facial makeup.(2009) Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, USA.
  8. Onzo, A, Saruwatari K, Tanaka, Y, Okazaki, S, Sasaki, A and Mogi, K. Face in the mirror : Facial makeup and the social construction of the self. (2009) Asia-Pacific Computing and Philosophy Conference (APCAP2009), Tokyo, JP
  9. Onzo, A, Okazaki, S, Saruwatari K, Tanaka, Y, Sasaki, A and Mogi, K. Facial perception of self and others with or without makeup. (2008) Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  10. Onzo, A, Okazaki, S, Saruwatari K, Tanaka, Y, Sasaki, A and Mogi, K. 化粧顔及び素顔の認識における脳内過程について (2008) 顔学会 (Japanese Academy of Facial Studies). Tokyo, Japan
  11. Onzo, A. and Mogi, K. Anomaly of betting behavior induced by the utility of action. (2006) Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, U.S.A
  12. Onzo, A. and Mogi, K. Intentionality and choice beyond probability--the nature of human emotion. (2006) Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 10. Oxford, UK
  13. Onzo, A. and Mogi, K. Contingency and the self. (2005) Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 9. Pasadina, CA, U.S.A
  14. Onzo, A. and Mogi, K. 賭けゲームにおける不定性の許容の認知過程 (2004) 日本神経回路学会 (JNNS2004). Kyoto, Japan
  15. Onzo, A. and Mogi, K. Functional significance of metacognition in learning. (2003) New horizons in Molecular Sciences and Systems. Okinawa, Japan
  16. Onzo, A. and Mogi, K. 新奇刺激に対する選択における認知過程の研究 (2003) 生物物理学会. Niigata, Japan
  17. Onzo, A. and Mogi, K. On the nature of spontaneous and forced choices. (2003) Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 7. Memphis, TN, U.S.A