
Last-modified: 2006-09-14 (木) 10:50:30

1.Install Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper) LAMP Server
 Download and burn the Ubunty 6.06 LTS Server CD from here.
 Boot from the CD and choose Install LAMP Server
 Complete the installation process

2.Get your server up to date:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo reboot

3.Install SSH for remote from windows

sudo apt-get install ssh

3.Install Required Applications
We will now install ImageMagick, GD2, and GhostScript. These applications are used for creating nice thumbnails of the files on your server.

sudo apt-get install php4-gd imagemagick unzip


% /etc/rc5.d/で確かめる
update-rc.d -f  cupsys remove
update-rc.d -f  ppp remove
update-rc.d -f  bluez-utils remove
update-rc.d -f  hplip remove

Setup MySQL
To setup MySQL you will need to first create a password for your mysql root user. After that we create your Relay database and a new MySQL user with access to the Relay database. Record the following information. Adjust with your own passwords, database name, Relay admin username.

MySQL Root Password: mysqlrootpw
Relay Database Name: relay
Relay Database Table Prefix: relay_
Relay Database Username: relaydbuser
Relay Database Password: relaydbpass

Relay Admin Username: admin
Relay Admin Password: relayadminpass

Create MySQL Root Password
The following commands create your MySQL root password.

sudo mysqladmin -u root password mysqlrootpw
For the next command you will be prompted for a password. Enter the mysqlrootpw you just created.

sudo mysqladmin -u root -p -h localhost password mysqlrootpw