
Last-modified: 2018-08-20 (月) 00:44:43
			text1 = "\""+"Don't be lazy. Fix your dad's old car. Uncle's blue van can be loaned. Don't drink alcohol! We will come back when we get bored. Yours, mom and dad"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height) / 2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Don't slack if someone orders firewood to be delivered. Fix your dad's old car or we'll take it to the scrapyard because it has been filling up the garage for years now." + "\n" + "Your dad says if you repair the car and make it pass the inspection, you can keep it. You can borrow your uncle's van if you need to go run some errands." + "\n" + "If you visit the cottage, make sure the sauna stove and fireplace are put out. Don't get drunk and remember to clean up if you make a mess. We will return to Finland when Tenerife gets boring. " + "\n" + "Best wishes mom and dad." + "\n" + "薪を欲しがってる人がいるわ。しっかり運んであげて。父さんの古い車を直しときなさい。ガレージが何年もめちゃくちゃなのよ。さもないと捨てちゃうから。" + "\n" + "父さんも直して車検通したらあげるって言ってるわ。お使いには、叔父さんのバン使っていいわよ。" + "\n" + "島のコテージ行くなら火の元に気をつけて。お酒はほどほどに。あと片付けよろしくね! テネリフェ島に飽きたら戻ってきます。" + "\n" + "あなたのお母さん、お父さんより。", myStyle);
			text2 = "\""+"Hello! I would like to buy a flatbed load of firewoods. You can deliver them any time!"+"\" ";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Hello! I would like to buy a flatbed load of firewoods. You can deliver them any time!" + "\n" + "こんにちは!薪を買いたいから、俺の家に持って来てくれ!いつでも買い取るよ!", myStyle);
			text3 = "\""+"Our sewage well is full of crap. Come and empty it."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),  "Our sewage well is full of crap. Come and empty it."+ "\n" + "下水タンクが糞でいっぱいだ。吸い取りに来い。", myStyle);
			text4 = "\""+"My dad asked me to call about the sewage well, it is full. He is drunk."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "My dad asked me to call about the sewage well, it is full. He is drunk." + "\n" + "お父さんがね、汚水タンクがいっぱいだから、電話しろって。お父さんは酔っ払ってるよ", myStyle);
			text5 = "\""+"Hi! Our shit is full of crap... sewage well. You should come here and suck it..."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),  "Hi! Our shit is full of crap... sewage well. You should come here and suck it..."+ "\n" + "まずい・・・汚水タンクが糞で・・・ウンコでいっぱいなんだ・・・!吸いに来てくれ・・・!", myStyle);
			text6 = "\""+"How could I say... Our sewage well is completely full... Could you empty it?"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),  "How could I say... Our sewage well is completely full... Could you empty it?"+ "\n" + "なんというか・・・汚水タンクが満杯で・・・。回収してくれませんかね・・・・?", myStyle);
			text7 = "\""+"Could you suck our sewage well dry? I pay of course!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),  "Could you suck our sewage well dry? I pay of course!"+ "\n" + "汚水タンクの回収をお願いできますか?もちろん報酬は払いますよ!", myStyle);
			text8 = "\""+"Fleetari here! Your repair work is ready. Come here and get your stuff."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Fleetari here! Your repair work is ready. Come here and get your stuff." + "\n" + "修理屋のFleetariだ!修理が終わったから車を取りにきてくれ。", myStyle);
			text9 = "\""+"Your post order has arrived. You can pick it up from the store."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),  "Your post order has arrived. You can pick it up from the store."+ "\n" + "注文した商品が届いたぞい。店に取りに来ておくれ。", myStyle);
			text10 = "\""+"Good morning and welcome to Rindell Car Inspection."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),  "Good morning and welcome to Rindell Car Inspection."+ "\n" + "おはよう、リンデル車検場にようこそ。", myStyle);
			text11 = "\""+"Not sure what happened, your car passed."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),"Not sure what happened, your car passed."+ "\n" + "信じらんねえけど、合格だよ。", myStyle);
			text12 = "\""+"There is no way this is going to pass. But more money for me."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),"There is no way this is going to pass. But more money for me."+ "\n" + "こんな車を車検に通すなんて無理さ。まあ、儲けさせてもらったよ。", myStyle);
			text13 = "\""+"I don't know what to say. My life and my job sucks."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),"I don't know what to say. My life and my job sucks." + "\n" +"なんと言えばいいか・・・僕の仕事も人生も糞だよ。", myStyle);
			text14 = "\""+"Do not even bother to fix this. This car is ready for scrapping."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),"Do not even bother to fix this. This car is ready for scrapping."+ "\n" + "修理は諦めたほうがいいね。これはもう鉄くず同然だから。", myStyle);
			text15 = "\""+"You are such a character with this car of yours."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),"You are such a character with this car of yours."+ "\n" + "飼い主に似るっていうけど、この車もそうだね。", myStyle);
			text16 = "\""+"I am not getting neither baby chickens or eggs."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),"I am not getting neither baby chickens or eggs."+ "\n" + "いや、あなたが車に似てるのか?鶏が先か、卵が先か・・?", myStyle);
			text17 = "\""+"Satan..."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),"Satan..."+ "\n" + "サタナ...", myStyle);
			text18 = "\""+"God help me."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "God help me."+ "\n" +"ああ神様", myStyle);
			text19 = "\""+"Oh pussy again..."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),"Oh pussy again..."+ "\n" + "あぁ..またか糞が", myStyle);
			text20 = "\""+"Satan again."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Satan again."+ "\n" +"畜生、まただよ", myStyle);
			text21 = "\""+"Not the satan."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),"Not the satan." + "\n" +"勘弁してくれ。", myStyle);
			text22 = "\""+"Pussy."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Pussy."+ "\n" +"クソがぁ!", myStyle);
			text23 = "\""+"Go to pussy, satan."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Go to pussy, satan."+ "\n" +"失せやがれクソが", myStyle);
			text24 = "\""+"Go to pussy, please."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),"Go to pussy, please." + "\n" +"お願いだから死んでくれ", myStyle);
			text25 = "\""+"You dork of the pussy."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "You dork of the pussy."+ "\n" +"間抜けなカスが", myStyle);
			text26 = "\""+"You, go home."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "You, go home."+ "\n" +"失せやがれ。", myStyle);
			text27 = "\""+"Go to hell."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Go to hell."+ "\n" +"地獄に落ちろ", myStyle);
			text28 = "\""+"Smell a pussy!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Smell a pussy!"+ "\n" +"ションベンくせえな!", myStyle);
			text29 = "\""+"Oh pussy!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Oh pussy!"+ "\n" +"何だよもう!", myStyle);
			text30 = "\""+"Oh satan!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Oh satan!"+ "\n" +"あぁ畜生!", myStyle);
			text31 = "\""+"One spring of pussies!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "One spring of pussies!"+ "\n" +"ションベン野郎!", myStyle);
			text32 = "\""+"What the hell!?"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "What the hell!?"+ "\n" +"なんてこったい!?", myStyle);
			text33 = "\""+"Satan?"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Satan?"+ "\n" +"なんだってんだ?", myStyle);
			text34 = "\""+"It is the spring of pussies for sure!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "It is the spring of pussies for sure!"+ "\n" +"正真正銘のカスだよカス!", myStyle);
			text35 = "\""+"Oh hell, for real!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Oh hell, for real!"+ "\n" +"ああクソ、マジでクソが!", myStyle);
			text36 = "\""+"The pussy of all pussies!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "The pussy of all pussies!"+ "\n" +"カスの中のカスが!!", myStyle);
			text37 = "\""+"God of thunder!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "God of thunder!"+ "\n" +"ペルケレ!", myStyle);
			text38 = "\""+"God help me already!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "God help me already!"+ "\n" +"もういやだ・・・", myStyle);
			text39 = "\""+"There is no blood in my alcohol, much."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "There is no blood in my alcohol, much."+ "\n" +"血中アルコール?ないよ。あんまり。", myStyle);
			text40 = "\""+"I used to be sober and I walked next to the fields."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I used to be sober and I walked next to the fields."+ "\n" +"俺はシラフで畑の脇を歩いてたはずなんだが・・・", myStyle);
			text41 = "\""+"I haven't drank... enough... yet."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I haven't drank... enough... yet."+ "\n" +"飲んでないよ...十分に...まだ。", myStyle);
			text42 = "\""+"It is easy to be drunk. No stress from life and being sober."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "It is easy to be drunk. No stress from life and being sober."+ "\n" +"酔っ払えば、ストレスやつまらん生活とはオサラバだ。", myStyle);
			text43 = "\""+"I haven't drank anything, and I won't."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I haven't drank anything, and I won't."+ "\n" +"酔っ払ってないよ、全然だよ。", myStyle);
			text44 = "\""+"Andy of the large house and the Shore of lake... blrb... braah..."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Andy of the large house and the Shore of lake... blrb... braah..."+ "\n" +"湖畔の大きな家のアンディと...うんたら ... かんたら ...", myStyle);
			text45 = "\""+"Let's take it easy."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height),"Let's take it easy." + "\n" +"気楽にいこうや。", myStyle);
			text46 = "\""+"We are taking it hard at all."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "We are taking it hard at all."+ "\n" +"俺たちめちゃくちゃ一生懸命やっています。", myStyle);
			text47 = "\""+"Feels good, yes, for sure."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Feels good, yes, for sure."+ "\n" +"いい感じだ・・・いやマジで。", myStyle);
			text48 = "\""+"I am drunk as satan, but doesn't matter!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I am drunk as satan, but doesn't matter!"+ "\n" +"鬼酔いしてるけど、全然問題ないぜ!", myStyle);
			//text49 = "\""+"Good lady-mister, I haven't drank at all, and I won't. When I am sober."+"\"";
				//GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Good lady-mister, I haven't drank at all, and I won't. When I am sober."+ "\n" +"お嬢様、私は今までもこれからも 素面であります。", myStyle);
			text50 = "\""+"Hello! Are you a fly or a bird?"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Hello! Are you a fly or a bird?"+ "\n" +"どうも! あんたハエ?それとも小鳥?", myStyle);
			text51 = "\""+"Andy of the large house and the Shore of lake!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Andy of the large house and the Shore of lake!" + "\n" + "湖畔の、大きな家の、アンディ!", myStyle);
			text52 = "\""+"Well. Looks like it's finished. Take the money."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Well. Looks like it's finished. Take the money." + "\n" + "どうやら終わったようだな。受け取れ。", myStyle);
			text53 = "\""+"Thank you very much, you've deserved your money."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Thank you very much, you've deserved your money." + "\n" + "本当にありがとう、お金をどうぞ", myStyle);
			text54 = "\""+"I am very happy with your work. I couldn't do any better."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I am very happy with your work. I couldn't do any better." + "\n" + "とてもいい仕事だよ。僕じゃとても無理だったね。", myStyle);
			text55 = "\""+"Thank you. I am very happy with this, here is your money."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Thank you. I am very happy with this, here is your money." + "\n" + "ありがとうございます。非常に満足してます。こちらは代金です", myStyle);
			text56 = "\""+"Just take the money and let's continue with our lives."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Just take the money and let's continue with our lives." + "\n" + "とにかく金を受け取ってくれ、お互いいつもの生活に戻ろう。", myStyle);
			text57 = "\""+"No money, no rally participation for you."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "No money, no rally participation for you." + "\n" + "参加費ぐらい持って出直しな。", myStyle);
			text58 = "\""+"You are required to wear a crash helmet."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "You are required to wear a crash helmet." + "\n" + "ロールバー無いとダメだって書いてあるだろ。", myStyle);
			text59 = "\""+"Your car is missing required safety gear."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Your car is missing required safety gear." + "\n" + "4点式シートベルト付けてないと死んじまうぜ。", myStyle);
			text60 = "\""+"Your car needs to be inspected and registered."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Your car needs to be inspected and registered." + "\n" + "なんだ、車検通ってないのかよ。", myStyle);
			text61 = "\""+"You are drunk. Go home."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "You are drunk. Go home." + "\n" + "お前、酔ってるな?今すぐ家に帰りやがれ!", myStyle);
			text62 = "\""+"Hello! What is on your mind young man?"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Hello! What is on your mind young man?" + "\n" + "よう!今日はどうする坊主?", myStyle);
			text63 = "\""+"That car of yours ruins my driveway."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "That car of yours ruins my driveway." + "\n" + "お前の車のせいで店の前がメチャメチャだぜ。", myStyle);
			text64 = "\""+"Come back when you have the money."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Come back when you have the money." + "\n" + "金を持ってから来な。", myStyle);
			text65 = "\""+"Why do you even come here if you don't have any money?"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Why do you even come here if you don't have any money?" + "\n" + "なんで金もねえのに来るんだ?", myStyle);
			text66 = "\""+"You can take my Ferndale if you need to get back home."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "You can take my Ferndale if you need to get back home." + "\n" + "俺のFerndaleに乗って家に帰っていいぞ。", myStyle);
			text67 = "\""+"It's Fleetari here! You moron, bring back my car or I make sure your shit bucket car does not see another day!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "It's Fleetari here! You moron, bring back my car or I make sure your shit bucket car does not see another day!" + "\n" + "修理屋のFleetariだ! このバカタレ、俺の車を返さないとお前のポンコツが明日を迎えられないぞ", myStyle);
			text68 = "\""+"What a great junk find! Thanks boy. Here is some money for it."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "What a great junk find! Thanks boy. Here is some money for it." + "\n" + "いい廃車見つけてきたな! ありがとな。 これが報酬だ。", myStyle);
			text69 = "\""+"I can't believe it... You are rally winner. I must admit you have such big balls. I thought you were going to die, but you won!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I can't believe it... You are rally winner. I must admit you have such big balls. I thought you were going to die, but you won!" + "\n" + "信じられねえ...お前がラリーの勝者だ。 お前なんか事故って死ぬもんだと思ってたのに、デカいタマ付いてんな!", myStyle);
			text70 = "\""+"It is Fleetari here. Want to earn 10 bottles of booze? Dump some shit at the front of the Lindell inspection shop. That sucker deserves it."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "It is Fleetari here. Want to earn 10 bottles of booze? Dump some shit at the front of the Lindell inspection shop. That sucker deserves it." + "\n" + "Fleetariだぜ・・・酒が10本ほしいか・・・? 車検屋の前でクソを撒き散らしてくれ・・・あのくそったれにはお似合いだ・・・!", myStyle);
			text71 = "\""+"Oh boy, I heard what you did! Here is a ten bottles of booze, you really deserve this!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Oh boy, I heard what you did! Here is a ten bottles of booze, you really deserve this!" + "\n" + "おお坊主!お前のやったことは聞いたぜ!この酒10本持っていっていいぞ!", myStyle);
			text72 = "\""+"My neighbor is a dick."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "My neighbor is a dick." + "\n" + "ここらの連中はクソだな", myStyle);
			text73 = "\""+"You dick of a pussy."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "You dick of a pussy." + "\n" + "このオカマ野郎が。", myStyle);
			text74 = "\""+"You truly are a wart of a dick."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "You truly are a wart of a dick." + "\n" + "マジで弱虫野郎だな。", myStyle);
			text75 = "\""+"Stop walking around like a damn fool. You do not make any sense, ruining my perfect day."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Stop walking around like a damn fool. You do not make any sense, ruining my perfect day." + "\n" + "この辺りをぶらつくんじゃねぇ、バカが、 目障りなんだよ、まじ最悪。", myStyle);
			text76 = "\""+"So the signs are in the air? You know, someone is going to get hurt soon."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "So the signs are in the air? You know, someone is going to get hurt soon." + "\n" + "何だその手振りは?痛い目にあいてえのか?", myStyle);
			text77 = "\""+"Let me see that finger one more time and I will smash your head."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Let me see that finger one more time and I will smash your head." + "\n" + "もう一度中指立ててみろ。そしたら次の瞬間お前の顔をぶちのめしてやる!", myStyle);
			text78 = "\""+"What the fuck? Come here and show me that finger of yours."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "What the fuck? Come here and show me that finger of yours." + "\n" + "何だそれ?もっと近くで中指立ててみせろ!", myStyle);
			text79 = "\""+"Who is this pussy-ass idiot?"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Who is this pussy-ass idiot?" + "\n" + "おいおい、この間抜け面のオカマちゃんは誰だ?", myStyle);
			text80 = "\""+"So you want that I make a dinner out from your finger? And shove it down to your throat?"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "So you want that I make a dinner out from your finger? And shove it down to your throat?" + "\n" + "その指切り落としてお前のケツの穴に突っ込んで奥歯ガタガタ言わすぞ?", myStyle);
			text81 = "\""+"Stop fooling around or I will smash your head and hard!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Stop fooling around or I will smash your head and hard!" + "\n" + "ふざけんな!!さもないとお前の頭をぶちのめしてやる!!", myStyle);
			text82 = "\""+"God of Thunder! You are so dead!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "God of Thunder! You are so dead!" + "\n" + "このクソ野郎!ぶっ殺してやる!", myStyle);
			text83 = "\""+"So you would like to race with that shit bucket of yours? Which one is faster?"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "So you would like to race with that shit bucket of yours? Which one is faster?" + "\n" + "そうか、お前はそのクソバケツとどっちが早いかレースがしたいわけか。", myStyle);
			text84 = "\""+"What is that piss you're drinking? Like drinking from a wc bowl. You should drink Kurjala beer!"+"\" ";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "What is that piss you're drinking? Like drinking from a wc bowl. You should drink Kurjala beer!" + "\n" + "てめえションベンなんか飲んでんのか?絶対にKurjalaビールの方が美味いに決まってる!", myStyle);
			text85 = "\""+"Is Teimo selling you that shit? He should sell some Kurjala instead. Everything is just shit."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Is Teimo selling you that shit? He should sell some Kurjala instead. Everything is just shit." + "\n" + "Teimoのヤツそんなションベンビールなんか売ってんのか? Kurjala売れよKurjalaを。", myStyle);
			text86 = "\""+"Fuck you, no one is drinking that shit. Just throw it away, you little shit."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Fuck you, no one is drinking that shit. Just throw it away, you little shit." + "\n" + "何だそれ?そんなそんなションベンビール誰も飲まねえよ!捨てろバカタレ!", myStyle);
			text87 = "\""+"I don't have energy to watch your face."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I don't have energy to watch your face." + "\n" + "その汚ねえ面を見せるんじゃねぇ。", myStyle);
			text88 = "\""+"You dick of a pussy!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "You dick of a pussy!" + "\n" + "このオカマ野郎!", myStyle);
			text89 = "\""+"Smell a shit!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Smell a shit!" + "\n" + "くせえ野郎だ!", myStyle);
			text90 = "\""+"Smell pussy!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Smell pussy!" + "\n" + "このチンカス野郎!", myStyle);
			text91 = "\""+"I taste little bit yeast in this..."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I taste little bit yeast in this..." + "\n" + "こいつァイーストくさいね・・・", myStyle);
			text92 = "\""+"I taste some vinegar here... could be better."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I taste some vinegar here... could be better." + "\n" + "酸っぱくなってるナァ・・・もうちょっといいのが作れるハズ・・・", myStyle);
			text93 = "\""+"Could be stronger for sure... little lame."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Could be stronger for sure... little lame." + "\n" + "いまいちだなァ・・・もうちょっと強くなるはず・・・", myStyle);
			text94 = "\""+"Let's see how good sugar wine this is..."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Let's see how good sugar wine this is..." + "\n" + "おォ、kilju持ってきたのか、どんなのができたんだァ、飲ませてくれ...", myStyle);
			text95 = "\""+"This tastes nothing but yeast! This is shit, take it a away."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "This tastes nothing but yeast! This is shit, take it a away." + "\n" + "ただのイーストじゃねェかこれ!糞だ!持って帰れ!", myStyle);
			text96 = "\""+"What the hell, this is like drinking pickels in piss! Take this shit out of here."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "What the hell, this is like drinking pickels in piss! Take this shit out of here." + "\n" + "なんだこりゃァ、小便漬けピクルスみてぇだナ! 捨ててこい!", myStyle);
			text97 = "\""+"This tastes like water and piss, I want alcohol, not this mess..."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "This tastes like water and piss, I want alcohol, not this mess..." + "\n" + "ションベンと水じゃねェかこれ・・・・俺はアルコールが飲みてぇんだ。ションベンじゃねェ・・・。", myStyle);
			text98 = "\""+"This is drinkable... I can pay something for this."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "This is drinkable... I can pay something for this." + "\n" + "マァマァ飲めるな...これならいくらか払えるよ。", myStyle);
			text99 = "\""+"Very good sugar wine! I love this, strong as hell! I pay good for this."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Very good sugar wine! I love this, strong as hell! I pay good for this." + "\n" + "いいkiljuだ! 気に入った。ガツンとくる!金は払うぞ。", myStyle);
			text100 = "\""+"I tried to call everybody. Please can you pick me up from the Pub and drive me home?"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I tried to call everybody. Please can you pick me up from the Pub and drive me home?" + "\n" + "みんなに電話してんだけど誰も出ねえよォ  なぁパブから家まで送ってくんねえかな?", myStyle);
			text101 = "\""+"This is good, this here is my house, this here... house."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "This is good, this here is my house, this here... house." + "\n" + "ここがァ  うん..オレの家..だな。", myStyle);
			text102 = "\""+"Here is a small compensation of your troubles."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Here is a small compensation of your troubles." + "\n" + "駄賃だ。取っておいてくれ", myStyle);
			text103 = "\""+"My wife constantly reminds me of my drinking... But drinking is a job... for drunkman."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "My wife constantly reminds me of my drinking... But drinking is a job... for drunkman." + "\n" + "酒飲んでると嫁がいつも愚痴るんだけどよォ...飲むのは酔っ払いの仕事だっつーのォ", myStyle);
			text104 = "\""+"My wife is going to move to Vaasa and get herself a finnswede man. Those are so clean and sober! 30 years of marriage down the drain."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "My wife is going to move to Vaasa and get herself a finnswede man. Those are so clean and sober! 30 years of marriage down the drain." + "\n" + "嫁がヴァーサに越すってよォ、男見つけたんだってよ。よろしくやってるってよォ!30年目の離婚だァ", myStyle);
			text105 = "\""+"That train is driving me crazy. It blows that whistle just to fuck with me. Every day!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "That train is driving me crazy. It blows that whistle just to fuck with me. Every day!" + "\n" + "毎日毎日、列車が通っておかしくなる ピーピー汽笛鳴らすなっつーの", myStyle);
			text106 = "\""+"One of these days I will run to the rail tracks and shout: Blow that whistle and run over me, sucker!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "One of these days I will run to the rail tracks and shout: Blow that whistle and run over me, sucker!" + "\n" + "いつだったか線路まで突っ走ってぶちかましてやったもんだ、「汽笛ならして轢いてみやがれ、クソがっ!」てな", myStyle);
			text107 = "\""+"You are wise boy... I need to tell you something. You know, nobody knows that I am very rich man. A millionaire..."+"\" ";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "You are wise boy... I need to tell you something. You know, nobody knows that I am very rich man. A millionaire..." + "\n" + "オメーは利口だ...言っとくぞォ いいか、実は俺はメチャメチャ金持ちなんだよ・・・。ミリォネラァってやつだ", myStyle);
			text108 = "\""+"I need to act like I always do... I am richest drunk bum there is! At least my wife stays with me. Not with some dorky finnswede tomato farmer."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I need to act like I always do... I am richest drunk bum there is! At least my wife stays with me. Not with some dorky finnswede tomato farmer." + "\n" + "オレがいっつも同じように飲んでるのには訳があんだよォ...金持ち酒飲みここにありってな!" + "\n" + "まだ、嫁はいるしなァ、あのアホなスウェーデントマト野郎とは違うってこった", myStyle);
			text109 = "\""+"My wife did not know she had a winning Lottery ticket. I took it and got the money myself... 5 million marks!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "My wife did not know she had a winning Lottery ticket. I took it and got the money myself... 5 million marks!" + "\n" + "嫁はなァ自分の宝くじが当たったって知らねェんだ、オレがそついをいただいた...500万マルッカだぞォ!", myStyle);
			text110 = "\""+"I have the money in a hidden suitcase. But I can't use the money because wife would get suspicious... She would leave me if she had that money!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I have the money in a hidden suitcase. But I can't use the money because wife would get suspicious... She would leave me if she had that money!" + "\n" + "スーツケースに金を隠してんだ、けどよォ、それ使ってみろ、嫁にバレんだろォ、金持って離婚されるに決まってるよなァ!", myStyle);
			text111 = "\""+"You little bastard! You have taken my money!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "You little bastard! You have taken my money!" + "\n" + "おいっ!クズ野郎!てめー金盗みやがったなァ!", myStyle);
			text112 = "\""+"What is the problem if money does not do it for you?"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "What is the problem if money does not do it for you?" + "\n" + "なんだァ金いらねェのか?だったら取っとくヨ", myStyle);
			text113 = "\""+"Good evening! Thank you for coming!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Good evening! Thank you for coming!" + "\n" + "こんばんわァ!来てくれてありがとヨ!", myStyle);
			text114 = "\""+"Thank you and see you later!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Thank you and see you later!" + "\n" + "あんがとよォ!またなァ!", myStyle);
			text115 = "\""+"You are too poor for these purchases."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "You are too poor for these purchases." + "\n" + "お前さんは買い物するには貧乏すぎるようじゃのう。", myStyle);
			text116 = "\""+"Oh my god... Adult man peeing all over the place. My store is not a toilet."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Oh my god... Adult man peeing all over the place. My store is not a toilet." + "\n" + "なんと言うことじゃ・・・大の大人がそこら中におしっこしとるわい・・・。ここはトイレじゃないぞ・・・。", myStyle);
			text117 = "\""+"Well well... Good day for you too, glumpsy."+"\" ";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Well well... Good day for you too, glumpsy." + "\n" + "どうもうどうも・・・いい日じゃのうお若いの。", myStyle);
			text118 = "\""+"Welcome to the Teim... Oh it's you."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Welcome to the Teim... Oh it's you." + "\n" + "いらっしゃいませ・・・なんじゃあんたか。", myStyle);
			text119 = "\""+"I am about to close the store, so shake that booty little faster."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I am about to close the store, so shake that booty little faster." + "\n" + "もうすぐ閉店するからちょっと急いでくれんかのう?", myStyle);
			text120 = "\""+"Did you know I used to be a wrestler? Not professional though."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Did you know I used to be a wrestler? Not professional though." + "\n" + "若い頃レスラーやってたんじゃ、プロではないがのう。", myStyle);
			text121 = "\""+"What and odd summer. It rains and then rain stops."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "What and odd summer. It rains and then rain stops." + "\n" + "変な夏じゃのう。雨が降ったりやんだりするわい。", myStyle);
			text122 = "\""+"Have you listened a radio lately? It is full of punks these days."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Have you listened a radio lately? It is full of punks these days." + "\n" + "最近のラジオは聞いたかのう?変な音楽ばっかりじゃ。", myStyle);
			text123 = "\""+"I used to be a quite a fisherman. Thats one thing I used to be."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I used to be a quite a fisherman. Thats one thing I used to be." + "\n" + "わしはむかし釣りもしてたんじゃよ。この前は、1mもあるパイクが釣れて、思わずホヘーって驚いたもんじゃ。" + "\n" + "全部店で売って大儲けだったわい ヘェッヘッヘッヘ・・・・", myStyle);
			text124 = "\""+"Tourists don't buy milk. They buy beer and milk goes sour. That's how it goes I guess."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Tourists don't buy milk. They buy beer and milk goes sour. That's how it goes I guess." + "\n" + "観光客は牛乳は買わないんじゃ、ビールばかり買うからミルクが悪くなってしまうんじゃ。", myStyle);
			text125 = "\""+"I used to have a dog. Again one thing I used to have."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I used to have a dog. Again one thing I used to have." + "\n" + "昔犬買ってたんじゃよいやいや犬小屋じゃなくて毛むくじゃらのほうの犬じゃよ。" + "\n" + "これがかわいくてのぉ、まるまるとしてね、こんなかわいい仔犬、フィンランド中探してもいないと思っとったんじゃが、" + "\n" + "1年もしないうちにワシと同じくらい大きくなってのぉ、大きな声でワンワン吠えるんじゃ、そりを引くには良かったんじゃがね。ヘェッヘッヘッヘ・・・・", myStyle);
			text126 = "\""+"I can't understand today's music at all. Must be something that has been made for punks."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I can't understand today's music at all. Must be something that has been made for punks." + "\n" + "最近の音楽は本当によくわからんね。あんなん不良ぐらいしか聞かんわい。", myStyle);
			text127 = "\""+"Marjattaaaaaaa...... You used to carry light to me..."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Marjattaaaaaaa...... You used to carry light to me..." + "\n" + "マリアッタァー 君は太陽だ♪ マリアッタァー フンフーンフフンフーンフフンフーン・・・♪", myStyle);
			text128 = "\""+"Those little punks are buying all the sugar and yeast. Let them enjoy their farts, all I care."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Those little punks are buying all the sugar and yeast. Let them enjoy their farts, all I care." + "\n" + "最近の若いのがよく砂糖とイーストを買っていくワイ。おならが止まらなくなるだろうね。ヘェッヘッヘッヘ・・・・", myStyle);
			text129 = "\""+"They say fuel price is high. I say, they haven't seen anything yet. It will cost more than milk one day."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "They say fuel price is high. I say, they haven't seen anything yet. It will cost more than milk one day." + "\n" + "燃料代が高くなってるってよく聞くのう。きっとこんなもんじゃすまないよ。そのうち牛乳より高くなるじゃろうな", myStyle);
			text130 = "\""+"This economic regression. It can get quite bad. I might need to discount sausage prices."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "This economic regression. It can get quite bad. I might need to discount sausage prices." + "\n" + "景気が悪いねぇ。ソーセージを値下げしないと・・・。", myStyle);
			text131 = "\""+"Very beautiful finger you got there. Really, I am not kidding."+"\" ";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Very beautiful finger you got there. Really, I am not kidding." + "\n" + "全くきれいな中指じゃのう、本当に。冗談ではないぞい。", myStyle);
			text132 = "\""+"Fuck off little punk."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Fuck off little punk." + "\n" + "失せやがれこのチンピラが!", myStyle);
			text133 = "\""+"You know the green car that drives the backroads and never stops for gas? I think the car runs with alcohol."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "You know the green car that drives the backroads and never stops for gas? I think the car runs with alcohol." + "\n" + "裏道の方を走ってる緑の車は給油しないのかのう?アルコールで走っているんじゃろか・・・?", myStyle);
			text134 = "\""+"I do not think that mosquito spray really works. Even after spraying full can those little punks keep flying around."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I do not think that mosquito spray really works. Even after spraying full can those little punks keep flying around." + "\n" + "虫除けスプレーはあんまり聞かんように思うね。ひと缶開けてもまだうるさいチビ助共が飛び回っとるわい", myStyle);
			text135 = "\""+"Could you possibly pay with coins? I lost the key for the slot machine and I can't get the money out..."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Could you possibly pay with coins? I lost the key for the slot machine and I can't get the money out..." + "\n" + "小銭で払ってくれるかのう?スロットマシーンの鍵をなくしてしまってなお金が出せないんじゃ・・・。", myStyle);
			text136 = "\""+"Those punks. Why do they keep calling me in the middle of the night? I have since unplugged my phone for the night."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Those punks. Why do they keep calling me in the middle of the night? I have since unplugged my phone for the night." + "\n" + "真夜中に電話してくる連中は何なんじゃろうな?ワシは夜は電話の電源を抜いとるわい。", myStyle);
			text137 = "\""+"My washing machine is broken. I have only one pair of clean underwear... Oh... I mean I had... Well, shit happens."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "My washing machine is broken. I have only one pair of clean underwear... Oh... I mean I had... Well, shit happens." + "\n" + "洗濯機が壊れてしまってのぉ。きれいな下着が一つしか無いんじゃ・・・おお・・・いかんのう。", myStyle);
			text138 = "\""+"I am done with drinking. You know how my eyes are not focusing straight after I have drank some."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I am done with drinking. You know how my eyes are not focusing straight after I have drank some." + "\n" + "飲酒はもうやめたんじゃ。飲むとすぐ目の焦点が合わんようになってしまってな。", myStyle);
			text139 = "\""+"So, are you participating the rally? I was once second when there were two competitors. Sometimes you come out alive."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "So, are you participating the rally? I was once second when there were two competitors. Sometimes you come out alive." + "\n" + "そういえばお前さんもラリーに参加するのか?わしは2人中2位じゃったぞい。死ななければ入賞できるかもしれんぞい。ヘェッヘッヘッヘ・・・・", myStyle);
			text140 = "\""+"Did you know that a small sticker representing country of Finland costs many hunderds of marks? That is insane."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Did you know that a small sticker representing country of Finland costs many hunderds of marks? That is insane." + "\n" + "あのフィンランドの国を表してる小さなステッカーは何百マルッカもするらしいのう。何を考えてるんじゃろうか・・・", myStyle);
			text141 = "\""+"Throw yourself up on to the hill, you little punk."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Throw yourself up on to the hill, you little punk." + "\n" + "スキー台から飛んだらどうかのう?若いの。", myStyle);
			text142 = "\""+"Hey you little drunk punk, do not lean on to the shelf and mess up my store. I hate drunk cretins."+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Hey you little drunk punk, do not lean on to the shelf and mess up my store. I hate drunk cretins." + "\n" + "お若いの。棚に寄りかかったり散らかしたししないでおくれよ・・・。", myStyle);
			text143 = "\""+"No no no... Why are you peeing there? Adult man, you little punk!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "No no no... Why are you peeing there? Adult man, you little punk!" + "\n" + "あらあらあら・・・なんでここでしょんべんするんじゃ、このたわけ!", myStyle);
			text144 = "\""+"What...? You damn punk, now get the hell out of here. Peeing all over the place!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "What...? You damn punk, now get the hell out of here. Peeing all over the place!" + "\n" + "なんと・・このたわけ!出ていかんかい!店中小便まみれにして!", myStyle);
			text145 = "\""+"I know you've stolen fuel. Come back and pay!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "I know you've stolen fuel. Come back and pay!" + "\n" + "お前さんがガソリンを盗んだのはわかっとるぞ!戻ってきて払いなさい!", myStyle);
			text146 = "\""+"Hello!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Hello!" + "\n" + "いらっしゃい!", myStyle);
			text147 = "\""+"Good day!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Good day!" + "\n" + "また来ておくれ", myStyle);
			text148 = "\""+"Thank you for visiting!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Thank you for visiting!" + "\n" + "来てくれてありがとう", myStyle);
			text149 = "\""+"Hey to the dishes and dishes to the dish washer!"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Hey to the dishes and dishes to the dish washer!" + "\n" + "やぁこんにちわ。", myStyle);
			text150 = "\""+"Well good day, what brings you to the city?"+"\"";
				GUI.Label(new Rect(0, (Screen.height)/2.35f, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Well good day, what brings you to the city?" + "\n" + "こんにちは、街に行って何があるのかのう?", myStyle);