Last-modified: 2011-05-26 (木) 20:39:35
E-Jan High School (Japan)    7.25 Mo
E-Jan Sakurasou (v1.2)    234 Ko
E-Jan Sakurasou (v2.0)    14.29 Mo
E-Swat - Cyber Police (bootleg)    1021 Ko
E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 1, Japan, FD1094 317-0128)    222 Ko
E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 2, US, FD1094 317-0129)    222 Ko
E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 3, World, FD1094 317-0130)    1.05 Mo
E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force    1.11 Mo
E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (bootleg)    1.2 Mo
E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (North America)    123 Ko
Eagle (set 1)    15 Ko
Eagle (set 2)    15 Ko
Eagle (set 3)    15 Ko
Eagle Shot Golf    6.36 Mo
Earth Wind Fire    7 Ko
Earthshaker (Family version) (PR-4)    34 Ko
Earthshaker (German) (LG-1)    34 Ko
Earthshaker (German) (LG-2)    34 Ko
Earthshaker (LA-1)    33 Ko
Earthshaker (LA-3)    131 Ko
Earthshaker (Metallica) (LA-3)    34 Ko
Earthshaker (Prototype) (PA-1)    49 Ko
Eclipse    10 Ko
Eco Fighters (Asia 931203)    1.2 Mo
Eco Fighters (Hispanic 931203)    1.2 Mo
Eco Fighters (USA 931203)    1.2 Mo
Eco Fighters (USA 940215)    1.2 Mo
Eco Fighters (World 931203 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)    759 Ko
Eco Fighters (World 931203)    7.64 Mo
Egg Hunt    951 Ko
Egg Venture (A.L. Release)    336 Ko
Egg Venture (Release 10)    1.32 Mo
Egg Venture (Release 7)    26 Ko
Egg Venture (Release 8)    26 Ko
Egg Venture Deluxe    757 Ko
Eggor    15 Ko
Eggs    22 Ko
Ehrgeiz (EG2/VER.A)    1.81 Mo
Ehrgeiz (EG3/VER.A)    27.2 Mo
Ehrgeiz (Japan, EG1/VER.A)    1.81 Mo
Eight Ball    3 Ko
Eight Ball Action (DK conversion)    16 Ko
Eight Ball Action (DKJr conversion)    16 Ko
Eight Ball Action (Pac-Man conversion)    12 Ko
Eight Ball Champ    19 Ko
Eight Ball Deluxe (prototype rev. 1)    16 Ko
Eight Ball Deluxe (prototype rev. 2)    15 Ko
Eight Ball Deluxe (prototype rev. 3)    15 Ko
Eight Ball Deluxe (prototype rev. 4)    14 Ko
Eight Ball Deluxe (rev. 14)    3 Ko
Eight Ball Deluxe (rev. 15)    16 Ko
Eight Forces    2.84 Mo
Eight Man    2.8 Mo
Ejihon Tantei Jimusyo (J 950613 V1.000)    18.98 Mo
El Dorado City of Gold    9 Ko
El Grande - 5 Card Draw (New)    10 Ko
Elektra    14 Ko
Elephant Family (Italian, new)    53 Ko
Elephant Family (Italian, old)    27 Ko
Elevator Action    37 Ko
Elevator Action (bootleg)    11 Ko
Elevator Action II (Ver 2.2A 1995/02/20)    121 Ko
Elevator Action Returns (Ver 2.2J 1995/02/20)    121 Ko
Elevator Action Returns (Ver 2.2O 1995/02/20)    7.81 Mo
Eleven Beat    4.57 Mo
Eliminator (2 Players, cocktail)    21 Ko
Eliminator (2 Players, set 1)    22 Ko
Eliminator (2 Players, set 2)    19 Ko
Eliminator (4 Players)    22 Ko
Eliminator (4 Players, prototype)    22 Ko
Elvira and the Party Monsters (LA-1)    35 Ko
Elvira and the Party Monsters (LA-2)    35 Ko
Elvira and the Party Monsters (LA-4)    169 Ko
Elvira and the Party Monsters (LG-4)    11 Ko
Elvira and the Party Monsters (LU-4)    11 Ko
Elvira and the Party Monsters (PA-7)    35 Ko
Elvis (3.02 France)    378 Ko
Elvis (3.02 Germany)    377 Ko
Elvis (3.02 Italy)    378 Ko
Elvis (3.02 Spain)    378 Ko
Elvis (3.02)    377 Ko
Elvis (3.03 France)    378 Ko
Elvis (3.03 Germany)    377 Ko
Elvis (3.03 Italy)    378 Ko
Elvis (3.03 Spain)    378 Ko
Elvis (3.03)    377 Ko
Elvis (4.00 France)    378 Ko
Elvis (4.00 Germany)    378 Ko
Elvis (4.00 Italy)    378 Ko
Elvis (4.00 Spain)    378 Ko
Elvis (4.00)    377 Ko
Elvis (5.00 France)    4.08 Mo
Elvis (5.00 Germany)    4.02 Mo
Elvis (5.00 Italy)    4.07 Mo
Elvis (5.00 Spain)    4.03 Mo
Elvis (5.00)    4.07 Mo
Elvis?    384 Ko
Embargo    4 Ko
Embryon    12 Ko
Emeraldia (Japan Version B)    840 Ko
Emeraldia (Japan)    840 Ko
Emeraldia (World)    827 Ko
Emergency Call Ambulance    57.14 Mo
Emergency Call Ambulance (Export)    912 Ko
Empire City: 1931 (bootleg?)    228 Ko
Empire City: 1931 (Italy)    219 Ko
Empire City: 1931 (Japan)    39 Ko
Empire City: 1931 (US)    42 Ko
Enchanted Forest (12XF528902, US)    51 Ko
Enchanted Forest (3VXFC5343, New Zealand)    35 Ko
Enchanted Forest (4VXFC818, NSW)    24 Ko
Enchanted Forest (E - 23/06/95, Local)    641 Ko
Enduro Racer (bootleg set 1)    188 Ko
Enduro Racer (bootleg set 2)    199 Ko
Enduro Racer (YM2151, FD1089B 317-0013A)    662 Ko
Enduro Racer (YM2203, FD1089B 317-0013A)    126 Ko
Enforce (Japan)    2.17 Mo
Enigma II    11 Ko
Enigma II (Space Invaders hardware)    8 Ko
Equites    103 Ko
Equites (Sega)    19 Ko
Erotictac/Tactic    569 Ko
Escape    9 Ko
Escape from the Lost World    233 Ko
Escape from the Lost World (German)    20 Ko
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (set 1)    728 Ko
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (set 2)    275 Ko
Escape Kids (Asia, 4 Players)    1 Mo
Escape Kids (Japan, 2 Players)    56 Ko
Esh's Aurunmilla (set 1)    21 Ko
Esh's Aurunmilla (set 2)    21 Ko
Esh's Aurunmilla (set 3)    5 Ko
ESP Ra.De. (International, Ver. 98/04/22)    13.75 Mo
ESP Ra.De. (Japan, Ver. 98/04/14)    262 Ko
ESP Ra.De. (Japan, Ver. 98/04/21)    262 Ko
EspGaluda (V100, first revision)    17.35 Mo
Espial (Europe)    32 Ko
Espial (US?)    21 Ko
Euro Champ '92 (World)    778 Ko
Euro Jolly X5    401 Ko
Euro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90)    391 Ko
Euro Pass (Ver 1.1)    235 Ko
Europa 2002 (Ver 2.0, set 1)    680 Ko
Europa 2002 (Ver 2.0, set 2)    756 Ko
Europa 2002 Space (Ver 3.0)    646 Ko
Evel Knievel    3 Ko
Every Second Counts (39-360-053)    440 Ko
Evil Fight    4 Ko
Evil Night (ver EAA)    163 o
Evil Night (ver UBA)    3.64 Mo
Evil Stone    591 Ko
Evolution Soccer    19.59 Mo
Excalibur    49 Ko
Excelsior    4.65 Mo
Excite Bike (PlayChoice-10)    20 Ko
Excite League (FD1094 317-0079)    536 Ko
Exciting Animal Land Jr. (USA)    1.29 Mo
Exciting Hour    51 Ko
Exciting Soccer    58 Ko
Exciting Soccer (alternate music)    11 Ko
Exciting Soccer (bootleg)    35 Ko
Exciting Soccer (Japan set 2)    29 Ko
Exciting Soccer (Japan)    49 Ko
Exciting Soccer II    62 Ko
Exed Exes    73 Ko
Exerion    38 Ko
Exerion (bootleg)    16 Ko
Exerion (Taito)    16 Ko
Exerizer (Japan)    133 Ko
Exerizer (Japan) (bootleg)    59 Ko
Exodus (bootleg?)    12 Ko
Explorer    12 Ko
Explorer (Cassette)    18 Ko
Explosive Breaker    2.1 Mo
Express Card / Top Card (Ver. 1.5)    1.19 Mo
Express Raider (US set 1)    162 Ko
Express Raider (US set 2)    160 Ko
Extermination (Japan)    12 Ko
Extermination (US)    85 Ko
Extermination (World)    361 Ko
Exterminator    920 Ko
Extra Bases    12 Ko
Extra Inning    8 Ko
Extreme Downhill (v1.5)    3.69 Mo
Extreme Hunting    99.39 Mo
Extreme Hunting 2    116.45 Mo
Exvania (Japan)    1.06 Mo
Exzisus (Japan, conversion)    172 Ko
Exzisus (Japan, dedicated)    266 Ko
Eyes (Digitrex Techstar)    16 Ko
Eyes (Techstar)    12 Ko
Eyes (Zaccaria)    16 Ko
Eyes Down (v1.3)    91 Ko
Eyes Down (v1.3, Datapak)    22 Ko