Epic Item - Finger

Last-modified: 2007-05-16 (水) 15:49:23
Ward Stone?6ギリシャ(ノーマル)
Storm Eye?7
Oath Ring?13
Blood Stone?14
Cartouche Ring?15
Living Band?20
Captain's Signet?21
The Fragile?21
Jade Band?24
Ring of the Shang?24
Band of Domination?27
Memnon's Signet?28
Phantom Bane?28
Signet of Hope?28
Crystal Ring?29
Asphodel Band? (IT)30
Disposition? (IT)30
Reflection? (IT)30
Seal of the High Priest?30
Shadowformed Band?34
Star Stone?34
Adroit Loop?36
Ordu Thumb Ring? (IT)36
Crest of MuRong?38