Legendary Item - Spear

Last-modified: 2007-05-16 (水) 15:54:32
Amazonian Spear?38
Fei Lian's Galespear?38
Sacred Spear of Nephthys?38
Scorpion's Tail?38
Hector's Spear?39
Queen Zenobia's Spear?39
Phorkos' Trident?40
Alexander's Spear?41
Ares' Wrath?41
Reach of Helios? (IT)41
Achilles' Spear?42
Blood of Ouranos?42
Fury of the Three Amazons?42
Soulflay Fork? (IT)42
Telamon's Boar Skewer?42
Kwan Yin's Final Mercy?43
Onuris' Spear?44
Peleus' Ashen Spear?44
The Earth-Shaker? (IT)45
The Last Emperor? (IT)48
Spear of the Dryads? (IT)49