Legendary Item - Wrist

Last-modified: 2007-05-16 (水) 17:31:43
Battlemage Bracers?36
Bone Bracers?36
Crystalline Bracers?36
Diogenes' Wrap?36
Permafrost Bracelet?36
Scourge Wrap?36
Coil of Resilience?37
Dragon's Breath?37
Archmage's Clasp?40
Black Pearl Bracelet?40
Inexorable Grip of Tartarus?40
Theurgist's Ward? (IT)40
Alexander's Bracer?41
Assassin's Bracers?41
Bracelets of Aman'Da?41
Bracers of the Nemean Lion?41
Huo Qubing's Armguards?41
Silver Charm of Cassandra? (IT)41
Tracker's Gloves?41
Abyssal Bracers?42
Conqueror's Bracers?42
Heartsong Armlets?42
Senbi's Clasp?42
Truesilver Bracelet?42
Twisted Coil of the Parasite? (IT)42
Grip of Carnus? (IT)46
Entwined Mark of Calchas? (IT)47
Legionnaire's Gauntlets? (IT)47
Plouton's Bracelet? (IT)47
Bracers of the Argonauts? (IT)49
Gauntlets of the Necrolord? (IT)49