sakura/en/Command Line Option

Last-modified: 2008-03-29 (土) 15:31:02

Command Line Option

The command line option to enumerate follow is the one that the Sakura-Editor internally uses it.

  • Operation when wrong specification is done is not guaranteed at all.
  • The option doesn't distinguish the small letter of the English capital letter.
  • ':'(colon) can be used instead of '='(equal sign) used by the option.
    '=' cannot be used and use ':', please when you set the option to the environment variable by Windows 95/98.
  • The option is recognized even if enclosed with the quotation mark.
    • Even if the quotation mark is applied, the file that starts by hyphen (-) is recognized as an option.
    • Please put hyphen hyphen (--) just before the file name so as not to recognize it as an option.
      (^_- Example: sakura.exe -R "aaa.txt"
      (^_- Example: sakura.exe "-R" "-CODE=2" "aaa.txt"
      (^_- Example: sakura.exe -- "-aaa.txt" (File name of "-aaa.txt")
      Hyphen hyphen (--) is an option to specify that the option is not specified after this.

Option concerning file opening

FilenameThe edited file is specified.
Only one can be specified.
You should enclose it with "".
-X=The column number for the cursor when the file is opened is specified.
-Y=The line position of the cursor when the file is opened is specified.
-VX=Scroll: Column number in window left end.
-VY=Scroll: Line position of the top of window.
-CODE=Character-code type.
(0=SJIS, 1=JIS, 2=EUC, 3=Unicode, 4=UTF-8, 5=UTF-7, 6=UnicodeBE, 99=Auto-Detect)
-TYPE=Compulsion specification of setting according to type.
It specifies it by the extension.
(^_- Example: -TYPE=txt
The setting according to the type is opened in the text.
-ROnly for reading and it opens.
-SX=The width of the window is specified.
-SY=The height of the window is specified.
-WX=X coordinates (1 beginning) at window position.
-WY=Y coordinates (1 beginning) at window position.
-GROUP=It opens specifying the group of the tab mode (1 beginning).
- When 0 is specified, the group actively.
- When an unused group number is specified, a new group.
It is possible to use it when there is no file name specification.
--The terminal of the option specification is specified.

Option used alone

-NOWINOnly the task tray starts. When the Sakura-Editor has already started, it is invalid.
-DEBUGMODEIt starts as a window for the output.
-WQIt doesn't use it usually. (synchronization exclusive use with SakuExt)
  • NOWIN is specified and it might be good for exe of linked Websites in the property of the short cut of the cherry editor to reside at the same time as starting Windows if it puts it in a start-up folder.

Option concerning Grep

-GREPMODEIt specifies it at the same time as -GREPMODE.
It starts in the Grep execution mode.
-GKEY=Search condition of Grep.
It encloses it with '"'.
It makes it to '"' was consecutive of two'" 'in the condition.
(^_- Example: -GKEY="printf("
Grep "printf(".
(^_- Example: -GKEY="printf( ""%s"
Grep "printf( \"%s".
-GFILE=File that retrieves Grep.
It encloses it with '"'.
It makes it to '"' was consecutive of two'" 'in the condition.
-GFOLDER=File that retrieves Grep.
It encloses it with '"'.
It makes it to '"' was consecutive of two'" 'in the condition.
-GREPDLGThe Grep dialog is displayed at the same time as the Sakura-ditor's starting.
-GCODE=The character-code in Grep is specified.
It specifies it by the figure as much as -CODE.
-GOPT=[S] [L] [R] [P] [W] [1 or 2] [K]

Option of -GOPT

SRetrieval from subfolder.
LThe capital letter and the small letter are distinguished.
RRegular expression.
POnly a pertinent output/part outputs a pertinent line.
WIt looks for wording.
1 or 2Result output form. Either of 1 or 2 is specified.
(1=Normal, 2=File)
KThe same meaning as -GCODE=99
It is left only because of interchangeability.
(^_- Example: -GOPT=SRK

[hatena] Hint
Even if the command line option is set in the display of the source of the menu and IE that the Explorer (folder window) sends, it is disregarded.
The helper application is necessary to evade this.

[tip] Note
The command line option to specify the figure etc. cannot be specified by enclosing it with a double quart like -CODE="4". (sakura: or before)