sakura/en/Compare File

Last-modified: 2008-03-29 (土) 14:00:35

Compare File

Content of two edit windows that are the openings in the Sakura-Editor is compared.
The following procedures.

  • Please suit each cursor position before the comparison begins because the comparison beginning position is a cursor position in each edit window.
  • Please call "File content comparison" function from either in the edit window that wants to compare it.
  • The list of the edit window that is opening now comes out in the dialog, and select the edit window that wants to compare the other from the list, please.
  • When the comparison ends, the presence of a different part is displayed by the message of the dialog.
  • When it compares and a different part is found, it moves to the part where the cursor in two edit windows is different.

[tip] Note: The cursor doesn't move when it compares to the last minute and a different part is not found.

Macro Syntax

  • Syntax
    Compare( );
  • Record
    Not support