
Last-modified: 2017-03-07 (火) 17:56:29


Steamで発売中のEvil Geniusはバージョン1.00です


  • 1.01
    Disguised sentry gun can now be researched.
    Sentry gun FOV reduced.
    Agent AI fix for rooms behind locked doors.
    Glossary crash fixes for 2 hyperlinks,
    Rare loading crash.
    Rare crash involving monkeys.
    Extra hint added for objective 2 & the mixer.
    The second mess hall counter has been renamed to "mixer".
    Misleading "Load Save" option renamed to "Load and Save".
    Rare crash bug when deleting certain outdoor traps fixed.
    Rare crash bug when locking minions in during construction fixed.
    Minor scripting fix for a couple of objects.
    Minor fixes (text fixes & memory leaks).
    Rare crash in Training Fixed.
    Version added to Options screen.
    Research button sometimes missing when reloading a saved game fixed.
    Crash when saving during death cubicle animation fixed.
    Fixed the locking of NumLock in Windows XP


How To: Patch up Evil Genius To The Latest Version

[Download] Ready to use patch for the Steam version


Install the game using Steam
Run the patch-installation, but chose a different direction, not the Evil Genius one. I used for example my Desktop
Copy all files, EXCEPT, the "\ReleaseExe\EvilGeniusExeStub-Release.exe" from the temp folder where you installed the patch.
Paste this in your Evil Genius folder.
<DriveLetter>:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/evil genius/ (x86)
<DriveLetter>:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/evil genius/
Run the Bonus Cd and install normally on your Evil Genius installation folder.
Run the unofficial patch and install normally on your Evil Genius installation folder.
Run The game via Steam
  • evilgenius_update_en_100_101.exeをゲームフォルダ以外にインストール
  • インストールしたフォルダ内の"\ReleaseExe\EvilGeniusExeStub-Release.exe"以外をすべてゲームフォルダへ上書き
  • BonusCD.zipを解凍し、WorldDominationStarterPack.exeのみをゲームフォルダにインストール
  • 非公式パッチをゲームフォルダにインストール
