Kyoto Prefectural Citizens'Hall ALTI

Last-modified: 2013-06-27 (木) 16:52:46

Kyoto Prefectural Citizens' Hall ALTI photo

Contact Information / Facility Description

categories:●Performance Venues ●Cultural Organizations
The main activity base: Kyoto-fu
address: 590-1 Tatsumae-cho, Karasuma-ichijo-sagaru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-0912 JAPAN
TEL: +81 (0) 75-441-1414
FAX: +81 (0) 75-441-6911

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Facility Description:
Audience seats on height-adjustable first floor: 464 seats; second floor: 100 fixed seats.
Stage dimensions (width, depth, height): proscenium stage - 12m x 10m x 6m; concert stage 18m x 10m x 6m.


History / Profile
1988: ALTI opened.
1991: Started holding ALTI Buyoh (Dance) Festival (now held biennially).
2001: Started the Choreographers of Kyoto series (one artist annually).
     2001: Tamae Ogawa
     2002: Yukiko Konishi
     2003: Jun Ishii
     2004: Norihiko Mochizuki
     2005: Tomoko Imanaka
Sponsors the Choreographers of Kyoto series (once a year) and ALTI Buyoh Festival (every two years)

Current and Continuing Programs
Performance: Choreographers of Kyoto Series 
Performance: ALTI Buyoh Dance Festival