The Museum of Art,Kochi

Last-modified: 2013-06-27 (木) 16:52:22

The Museum Of Art,Kochi photo
Akaji Maro butoh performance Tonari wa Nani wo Suru Hito zo
Contact Information / Facility Description

categories:●Performance Venues ●Cultural Organizations
The main activity base: Kochi-ken
address: 353-2 Takasu, Kochi-shi, Kochi 781-8123 JAPAN
TEL: +81 (0) 88-866-8000
FAX: +81 (0) 88-866-8008
Director:Masahiro Shino
Contact:Naoyoshi Fujita(Vice director, Art Coordinator)

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Facility Description:
399 seats (465 seats when Noh stage is used)
Stage: 18 x 14 x 8 meters

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History / Profile
THE MUSEUM OF ART, KOCHI produced a performance, choreographed by Koji Mizuta (Merce Cunningham Dance Company), produced and visually materialized “WASHINOSINTAI” (Japanese Craft-paper Body) performed by Mezurashii-Kinoko-Buyodan (Strange Kinoko Dance Co.) and Nest, and jointly produced “Memorandum” with Dumb Type, and “black ice” with Noism ’04.
Performers presented in the past include;
Kazuo Ohno, DAIRAKUDAKAN MAROAKAJI, Saburo Teshigawara + KARAS, KOKUTOIN, Berlin Kinder Circus TABORKA, Mezurashii-Kinoko-Buyodan(Strange Kinoko Dance Co.), Nest, Dumb Type, idevian crew, Lalala Human Steps, MIZUTO-ABURA, BANETO, Nibroll, Buto-sha Tenkei, PROJECT FUKUROW, Alias Compagnie, Pina Bausch Tanztheater Wuppertal, Noism ‘04, H.ART CHAOS, Koji Mizuta, BATIK, Leni-Basso, Co.Yamada Un.
Concepts and Goals
The museum has a performance hall that can be used for film screenings, dance, theater, music and recitals, as well as traditional theater performances. (It has a movable Noh stage.) As an arts center serving the Kochi area, it's goal is to contribute to the development of the society of the surrounding area.
Future Plans
THE MUSEUM OF ART, KOCHI wants to hold events, not only in its halls, but also in its courtyard and other spaces within its facility. The Museum also hopes to present creative and entertaining performances.

Current and Continuing Programs
PerformanceWorkshop:THE MUSEUM OF ART, KOCHI presents several dance and drama performances annually.
The organization also offers workshops inside/outside its facility, and holds talk shows.