Realm of the Mad God に関する重要なお知らせ

Last-modified: 2016-06-26 (日) 23:17:22

KABAM の公式アナウンス

KABAM からの重要な最新情報


Kabam は Realm of the Mad God(RotMG) を Deca Games へ移管することに合意しました。Deca Games が7月15日にゲームの実際の運営と開発までを引き継ぎます。Deca Games はクラウドベースゲーム特化のインディー系パブリッシャー(独立系運営会社)です。彼らは長年のRotMG愛好者でその熱烈なコミュニティと仕事ができることに興奮しています。彼らは引き継ぐのに理想的なパートナーでこの先長い間 RotMG の運営とサポートの継続を助けてくれると 我々は考えています。


皆さんにとってこれが意味することは? 多くのプレイヤーが RotMG の将来を気にかけてきました。このゲームがサポートを受け開発が継続されることを知れば、みんながいつもどおりオリックス討伐を続け安心して眠ることができるということです。いかなるサービスの中断なくこのゲームがスムーズに移管されることを確保するための詳細な移行プランの完成に向け Deca Games とともに取り組んでいます。詳細が最終決定するこの数週間 はさらなる情報にご期待ください。みなさんのキャラクターデータおよびゲームの進み具合は保護されますのでご安心ください。


最新情報についてはEメールおよびフォーラムをご確認ください。この数週間で Deca Games からの移管およびその計画についての情報を共有できるでしょう。

Important Update about Realm of the Mad God

Important Update about Realm of the Mad God


Kabam has agreed to transfer Realm of the Mad God to Deca Games, who will take over the live operations and further development of the game on July 15th. Deca Games is an indie publisher specializing in games as a service. They are long time admirers of Realm and are excited to work with its passionate community. We feel they are the perfect partners to take over and help keep ROTMG running and supported for a long time to come.

What does this mean for you? Many players have been wondering about the future of Realm of The Mad God. This means that you can rest easy and continue punishing Oryx as always knowing the game will be supported and continue to be developed. We are working with Deca Games to complete a detailed transition plan to ensure the game moves over smoothly without any interruption of service. Expect more information over the coming weeks as we finalize the details. Rest assured your character data and game progress will be preserved.

Watch your email and the Realm forums for more updates. Over the coming weeks we’ll share more information from Deca Games about their plans and the transition.

Deca Games の公式アナウンス

RotMG 予期せぬ旅


めくるめくファンタジー巨編!語り口が間に抜けているのはご愛嬌:) 多くの君たちはきっとこう思っていたことでしょう、「6月に何が起こるんだ?」MotMGの華々しい開催を待ち望んでた人も居れば、RotMGは完全に捨てられたんだと慄いていた人もいるでしょう。さて、我々が今日この場で君たちに話すのは、起こらないはずのことが起こるということを、ちょっと覚悟して欲しいからです。

しかし大事なことは先にやっておきましょう、まず我々の紹介から。我々はDeca Gamesという小さく質素なスタジオです。RotMGに関わることができ、君たちに知られるようになって本当に興奮しています。





それと、我々のサイトのコンタクトフォームからメッセージを送ってくれてありがとうございます! サイトを通じて思いやりのあるメッセージを送ってくれた全ての人に返事はできないけれど、本当に本当に感謝しています。それから、我々とコンタクトを一番取りやすいのはレディットになるでしょう。チェックしておいて下さいね。



Deca Team


Realm of the Mad God - An unexpected Journey

Realm of the Mad God - An unexpected Journey

Dear RotMG Community,

We hope you can forgive the goofy reference to an epic fantasy saga :) Certainly, many of you have been wondering, “what will happen in June”? Some were hoping for a great new Month of the Mad God event, others were dreading that the game would be utterly abandoned. Well, we are here today to tell you that sometimes, you need to expect the unexpected…

But first things first, allow us to introduce ourselves. We are a small and humble studio, called Deca Games. And we are really excited to get to work on ROTMG and get to know you guys!

Our mission is to help games such as Realm to thrive as they got older. Where some people see a game getting old and losing steam. We see loyal communities and untapped potential. We’ve been in the gaming industry for a long time and we know that only on really rare occasions do you get such a dedicated passionate community forming around a game. And that’s what really drew us to Realm. (It was definitely not the server architecture or code base).

We know it’s not going to be a walk in the park. In fact, it most likely will be very painful (running a live service usually is!) But we can promise that we will make every effort to do right by this game. As long as there are players playing and we can cover the costs of the game and the team, we will continue to support it. The more comfortably profitable the game is, the more we can invest in improving it. So between our commitment and your awesome passion, we will get something great going again. What we ask from you is to help support this game by continuing to play, telling your friends, and working with us as we evolve the game forward.

For us, the next few months are going to be mad. We will be training up on the code and tools, taking over all accounts and migrating away from the Kabam platform and a lot of other less flashy tasks. After that we definitely want to focus on issues that have been around for a while to see if we can do something about them. We are talking about hacks, bots, server stability, lag as well as a lack of events. In parallel we will of course be thinking about what future content to develop first.

We will officially be taking over on July 15th and are aiming to have a re-launch of the game that will come with celebrations that will be reminiscent of the past Months of the Mad God - and hopefully even better. As things become more concrete, we will let you know - We will try to keep the communication alive and one of the tools will be regular blogs like this one as well as participating in the conversations on reddit. In the meantime, hit the social networks and let people know that there has been an awakening - ok, now we are done with corny references :)

Also, thank you all for the messages sent through the website contact form. While we won’t be able to reply to all the kind notes you sent via our website, we do want you to know that we greatly appreciate them! And that the best way to reach us will be through reddit. Stay tuned on that.

We are looking forward to getting started and working with the community to take this game to new heights. See you on the next fame train!

All the best,

The Deca Team

Deca Games OÜ

所在地: エストニア
設立予定: 2016/7/6



  • やったぜ。 -- 2016-06-26 (日) 13:21:48
  • これっていいこと?教えてクレメンス -- 2016-06-26 (日) 23:17:22