マッドゴッド月間2015 (Month of the Mad God 2015)

Last-modified: 2015-06-26 (金) 08:35:13


6/1Fame Fashion BoxFameで買える生地/染料のミステリーボックス7/1
6/1Free Backpackバックパック2個無料販売7/1?*1
6/8Daily Questデイリークエスト報酬にトークン2個,新ステポ6/15? 16?
6/8Free Rare Mystery Eggレアミステリーエッグ1個無料販売6/16?*3終了
6/15Free Pet Foodペットフードパック(Grapes of Wrath.pngPower Pizza.pngSuperburger.png)無料販売6/23?*4終了
6/19reskin UTリスキンUT2種(Sword of Illumination, Bow of the Morning Star)がDblade,Dbowの2倍の確率でドロップ?
6/24spontaneous keys無料バックパックや無料ペットを受け取ったアカウントのチェストにダンジョンキーを追加。アカウント1回限定。?1週間かけて実施





RotMGチームはここに新たなマッドゴッド月間(Month of the Mad God: MotMG) をお知らせします!


レルムを生きた世界にしてくれているこのコミュニティに1年間の感謝を捧げたい。このために、6月は毎週 スペシャル特典を発表していきます。私たちが用意したものを毎週月曜日にチェックしてね! 無料の景品、ファン投票、以前に実施したことのないものを用意しています!


いいことの前にVisa PlaySpanに関する情報をお届けしたい。やむを得ず、VisaはPlaySpan支払い窓口を閉鎖します。Paypalは引き続きすべての決済で利用できます。この件でご不便をおかげして申し訳ありません。今月Paypalをご利用の方への特別プロモーションがありますのでこちらをご覧ください。





Month of the Mad God Is Live!
Month of the Mad God Is Live!

Greetings Realmers!


The Realm Team is here to announce another Month of the Mad God!


We want to thank the community for making Realm a living world for another year. In order to do this, we will be announcing a special perk every week of June. Check back each Monday to see what we have in store for you! We will have free prizes, fan favorites, and some things you have never seen us do before!

A few Notes Before We Get Started

Before we dive into the goods we want to deliver an update about Visa PlaySpan. Due to forces out of our control, Visa will be shutting down the PlaySpan pay portal. Paypal will still be available for all transactions. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause you. Please read Here for a special promotion for anyone who uses Paypal this month.


Just a reminder that the old Appengine database is set to expire soon. If you haven't migrated, do so NOW!


Our Month of the Mad God got off to a rocky start with some Google Appengine drama. All is well now, however if you are missing any characters (and don't see them as dead) please write in to support to verify. We will be enhancing many of our awards to make up for this delay




  • 今週中はFameでClothやDyeを購入できます! これはミステリーボックス商人にあります! そして今、これを今月いっぱい継続することにしました。
  • 無料のバックパック! ログインしてすぐ手に入れよう! 5/20より以前に作成されたアカウント限定。
  • ネクサスでの販売価格を切り良く値下げました! ログインしてダンジョンキーやペットエッグを見てね!
  • これはほんの始まりです。これからもっと良くなるよ!


  • アルケミスト更新! アルケミストは月曜から日曜までいます
  • デイリークエストでフォーチュン・トークン2個入手可能
  • 新デイリークエスト: 最新アイテム +2 のステータスポーションとランダムに交換!
  • 更新: 無料プレゼント: レアミステリーエッグ1個無料! 5/20以前に作られたアカウント限定。









  • 無料ペットフード! みんなの相棒をたくさんのおやつで強化しよう! 5/20以前に作られたアカウント限定。
  • フォーチュン・トークンの報酬2回は今週も継続します! 来週も! 今月中ずっと!





  • 期間限定で Doom Bow と Demon Blade の特別版をご用意します! これらのUTのドロップ率は2倍になります!
  • ネクサスの更新してほしいって聞いてたから、やったよ。
  • 無料バックパックや無料エッグを手に入れたなら…… 今週は倉庫に注目! ギフトとして自動生成のダンジョンキーが受け取れます! アカウントで1回限りです。今回の受け渡し対象は全アカウントすぐにギフトを受け取れるわけではないので、1週間ずっとプレゼントを送っていきます。


今回の受け渡しにはまだ長~~~~~くかかります! 参考までに、9万アカウントに向けて受け渡しているところでサーバーの負荷を軽くするため一度に100程度しか受け渡しできない。出来る限り早く受け渡していますがまだしばらく時間がかかるでしょう。まだダンジョンキーを受け取ってなくてもじっくりお待ちください! 完了時にはアナウンスするつもりです。


The Weekly Perks!
&sizex(4){The Weekly Perks!}

Week 1:

The Fame Fashion Box!

  • All Week you will be able to purchase Cloth and Dye with fame! You can find this in the Mystery Box Vendor! And now, we are going to leave this up ALL MONTH.
  • FREE BACKPACK Pack! Log in and claim yours now! Accounts must be made before 5/20.
  • We have simplified and lowered many of the prices in the Nexus! Log in to take a look at Keys and Pet Eggs!
  • This is really just the beginning. Things are going to ramp up from here!

Week 2:

  • Upgraded Alchemist! Now the Alchemist will be up from Monday - Sunday
  • You can now earn 2 Fortune Tokens from the Daily Quests!
  • New daily quest: Trade in a random UT for a brand new +2 stat potion!
  • UPDATE: Free Giveaway: 1 Free Rare Mystery Egg! Accounts must be made before 5/20.


I'm going to be honest, I thought people would really like this one. +2 Stat pots are a new thing, and should be a pretty handy bargaining tool for trading (yes, they are tradable.) I also keep hearing that people want something to do with the UT's they don't want just sitting in their vault. The random UT function of the daily quest is just a technical issue we are forced to work with. Please bear in mind we are working with the bandwidth we have available. If I could just get the nexus swapped out at any time it would be done today. It's not like we don't realize the nexus still has ice. Its just a matter of available resources.

But this is the nature of Month of the Mad God. We are going to try stuff. It wont always be a hit. I will go back to the drawing board and see what can be done.


So upon feedback and review it is clear the community is not happy with the implementation of the +2 stat pot trade in. After consideration I am also not happy with it. The +2 stat pots trade in quest has been pulled until we can find a satisfactory way to deliver these goods to players.

In the meantime, I spooled up a pretty monster giveaway (in my opinion) You can now log in and retrieve 1 free rare mystery egg. Data shows there are many players who log in but do not have a pet, or have a much lower tier pet. This should help even the playing field a little.


Week 3:

  • FREE Pet Food! Give your sidekick a shot in the arm with a cornucopia of snacks! Available to accounts made before 5/20
  • The double fortune tokens perk will continue through this week! And the next week! All through the month!


For those who are disappointed there are no re-skins, new dungeons etc etc. The reality of the situation is we cannot do those things without significant engineer time. We aren't choosing to ignore the options - we just can't do them. We are making the best out of the available resources we have.


Week 4:

  • We have special versions of the Doom Bow and Demon Blade for a limited time! Drop rates for these UT's have been doubled!
  • We heard you guys might like the nexus updated? Done.
  • If you picked up the free backpack package, or the free egg package... keep an eye on your vault this week! You will be receiving spontaneous keys as gifts! Limit 1 per account. Due to the size of this payout not all accounts will receive their gifts at once, we will be sending out presents all week long.


We still have a LOOOOOOOOng way to go with this payout! To give an idea, we are paying about 90k accounts and can only pay out about 100 at a time to keep the server load light. I am paying out as quick as I can but it's going to take a while. If you havent gotten your keys yet - hang tight! I will make an announcement when it is done.

There is a chance I may not get it all done by the end of the weekend. I will make an announcement if there are going to be delayed payments.



  • いつも更新ありがとう -- 2015-06-03 (水) 17:48:18
  • 翻訳兄貴だいすきほんと憧れてる -- 2015-06-04 (木) 01:49:53

*1 パッケの表示設定
*2 恐らくデイリークエストの終了翌日
*3 パッケの表示設定
*4 パッケの表示設定