
Last-modified: 2022-03-17 (木) 17:00:39



v1.3.1 - The Optimized Update

v1.3.1 - The Optimized Update
Slime Rancher v1.3.1 になり多くのバックエンドシステムが機能し、


Slime Rancher のゲームエンジンをアップデートしました。




Party Gordoがスケジュールが更新されました。


  • Fixed an issue where fruits and veggies would almost always be unripe in an area that you haven’t visited in awhile.
  • Added a fix that will prevent some cases of items getting stuck below ground in Ogden’s Retreat.
  • Fixed drone trail artifacts upon re-entering areas with drones.
  • Fixed it so that drones would stop grabbing carrots out of gardens instead of odd onions while you’re not looking.
  • Fixed a bug where certain other slime types were counting towards the Omnivorous achievement.
  • Fixed gamepad bindings buttons being invisible in certain resolutions.
  • Fixed an issue where the ash trough was not correctly remembering its fullness after a save/reload.
  • Fixed a few instances where some game translations would overflow in the UI.
  • Fixed the “Reset Defaults” button on the gamepad options panel leaving the invert-y-axis option in an inconsistent state which was resulting in some players not knowing what was up and what was down.
  • Fixed an issue where plorts didn’t know if they should stay or they should go after a save/load.
  • Fixed ferals sometimes cooling off after jumping into water while chasing you. This involved delicately balancing their ‘Hangry’ parameter. Game development is fun.
  • Fixed a bug where gold slimes were leaving an incorrectly, unfabulous colored splat.
v1.3.0 - The Automatic Update

The Automatic Update





  • PC上でPS4コントローラを使用すると、PS4ボタンのプロンプトが表示されるようになりました。
  • SFXの音量とバランスを調整しました。
  • ラテン文字を使用する場所で、中国語/日本語の文字をよりよく一致させるためにフォントの選択肢をいくつか更新しました。


  • Fixed bug where when phase lemon trees in the ruins were watered, they would get overly excited and phase repeatedly.
  • Fixed bug where a ball of water could sometimes spawn in the docks after a player knockout. But who was the water?!
  • Fixed bug where some slimes (and especially Hunter Largos) stayed happy and calm and were not becoming agitated, even under the most extreme circumstances.
  • Fixed bug where PS4 controllers on PC could not bring up the game menu.
  • Fixed bug where items washed up in docks sometimes stood up unnaturally straight. We fixed this because it was really creepy.
  • Fixed bug where puddle and fire slimes sometimes did not properly notice that they weren’t on their preferred surface.
v1.2.0 - Mochi's Megabucks Update

Mochi’s Megabucks Update is here! In this update you’ll be invited to explore the Nimble Valley, chase down new quicksilver slimes, earn luxurious ranch upgrades, and attempt the exhilarating Rush Mode.

Nimble Valley: The Nimble Valley is a new zone that is home to the exceedingly rare quicksilver slimes. Not much is known about the Valley outside of the fact that it is owned by the one and only Mochi Miles. Work for Mochi and prove yourself to be a first-rate rancher!

Mochi will invite you to her Manor after you successfully complete a Range Exchange request with her, unlock the Indigo Quarry, and purchase The Grotto ranch expansion. Please note that you will need to complete a NEW Range Exchange request from Mochi in order to trigger her contacting you.
Work in the Valley involves running a series of Rance Exchange assignments which will reward you with newbucks and special upgrades.
Mochi will GENEROUSLY (emphasis added by request of Mochi Miles) pay you for every 10 plorts you deliver. Fulfill larger requests to earn: Mochi’s Extra Mile, the Deluxe coop upgrade, and then access to Mochi’s Manor.
The Nimble Valley has two tracks you can run to collect resources for Mochi. One is trickier than the other!
Each track is equipped with a special generator to get quicksilver slimes out of their hiding spots. Generators can only run for a limited time, so collect as much as you can before they need to recharge. Extend your available time using relay rings throughout the Valley.
The Valley is rigged with Miles Tech that will automatically gather plorts for you. Mochi assures you that she is not skimming any of them off the top. And frankly, it’s outrageous that you even think so.

Quicksilver Slimes: Quicksilver slimes are lightning quick, and feed on electricity. This is generally accomplished by their moving really fast and slowly accumulating the static charge they generate. However, Mochi has decided to speed up the process and created a method for feeding them energy in a far more direct fashion. - Feed quicksilver slimes by electrifying them using Mochi’s cutting-edge Miles Tech. - Be careful while collecting plorts; electrified quicksilver slimes are dangerous to touch! - Quicksilver plorts can’t be sold on the Plort Market and can only be deposited at Mochi’s Manor.

Electrical Charges and Power Stations:

Spark Shot: Feed a spark shots to quicksilver slimes and rake in the newbucks.
Static Clinger: Charges a quicksilver slime with electricity that can chain to nearby quicksilvers. Make them work for YOU!
Slooow Field: Experimental tech that creates a dome of photonic jelly, slowing down quicksilvers that pass through it.
Thunderclap: A super-charged spark shot that is capable of hitting a whole bunch of quicksilvers at once!
Charge Stations: Fill your vac tank with random electrical charges designed to make plort harvesting a breeze (randomly assigns a slooow field, static clinger, or thunderclap)
Relay Rings: Run through relay rings to extend your time.
Energy Boost Station: Refills your energy meter so you can keep running and jumping and collecting those plorts.

Rush Mode:

5-Day Rush has been replaced and is now Rush Mode!
Create the most efficient ranch you can to earn the most newbucks within the allotted time. Getting knocked out reduces your newbucks by 10%.
Complete daily Range Exchange requests to earn extra time and gilded ginger.
Collect 25 of any plort and receive a bonus multiplier when your score is calculated. Each bonus can only be collected once per plort type, for a total of 16 bonus multipliers. Slimes from the Glass Desert are worth the most!
Use your gilded ginger on the gold gordos that are now scattered all over the map.
Make use of Slime Science gadgets that are already in your inventory such as: warp depots, teleporters, and hydro turrets.
Other features have been included in order to speed up gameplay, including semi-fed gordos, an open plort gate, all available power ups being unlocked, and a selection of Slime Science gadgets available to you.

Other Changes:

Added 3 new gadget sites to Moustache Island. If you’re asking yourself, ‘what’s Moustache Island?’ don’t worry, it doesn’t actually exist.
Ogden’s Retreat and Mochi’s Manor can now be recolored separately from Beatrix’s home ranch.
Special chroma packs are unlocked by starting Ogden’s and Mochi’s missions. Mochi however has declared that depending on how you look at it, there is now only one chroma pack available.
Added pop-up text whenever you earn or spend newbucks.
On-ranch tutorials are now only on Beatrix’s ranch, and not Ogden or Mochi’s expansions.
Locked the framerate to never go above 120Hz to prevent GPU overheating issues(this is ignored in VSync mode).
Added option to disable the very limited mouse smoothing that is on by default.
Upgraded Unity engine version.
Gave the newbucks icon a facelift.
Improved the way we are storing profile data: now you can have different options on different computers.
Improved scrolling on map while using a gamepad.
5-Day Rush achievements have been adjusted to better suit Rush Mode.

Fixed a possible bug related to gold slimes fleeing improperly.
Fixed a bug related to tangle vines and dervish whirlwinds that could sometimes result in launched slimes and other items.
Fixed stuck spot in Dry Reef where players with no jet pack could get wedged.
Fixed spot in Overgrowth where chickens could get stuck behind a tree. It was likely a secret hideout for chicken scheming so YOU’RE WELCOME.
Fixed a minor offset in the vac rotation.
Fixed bug where market reported all prices as having risen on game load. Thanks, Mochi.
Fixed bug where oasis music was sometimes not playing properly on game load.
Fixed the garden tutorial getting stuck if you planted a crop before the tutorial prompt.
Fixed bug where Rush Mode was sending rancher intro emails.
Fixed bug with diet readout for gold/lucky slimes and gordos.
Fixed bug where it was possible to keep receiving radiation after teleporting while in rad auras.
Fixed bug where silos were showing pink slime icon on empty slots.
Fixed bug where doors in the Ruins would disappear from our reality if you look at it from a certain angle.
Fixed bug where slimes could sometimes eat things beyond a corral barrier while Beatrix sleeps.
Fixed bug with kookacrackers not playing their particle effects.
Fixed bug where the Hobson journal glow would block the vac.
Fixed bug where Range Exchange crates would sometimes launch their contents aggressively on break.
Fixed issue with slime spawning taking into account chicken density. Thanks, BOb.
Fixed damage hit flash so that it flashes again, because pain shouldn’t be ignored.
Fixed bug where fire slimes in ponds sometimes did not despawn properly.
Fixed bug where fire slimes in water did not become extinguished.
Fixed bug where gold slimes could create plorts due to touching gold plorts. There should be a lore reason for this so gather round and let me tell you the epic tale of Game Balance...
Fixed timing bug related to getting newbucks from crates/exchange such that logging out at the wrong time doesn't cost you newbucks.
Fixed small gap along edge of Grotto floor.
Fixed bugs related to restarting tutorials on game load.
Fixed bug where extractors sometimes were not fully destroying themselves when complete.
Fixed a particular type of ivy being used in the world that was insufficiently thick. Oh yes, you knew this update was going to be good.
Fixed gamepad navigation on Load/Save Error Screens.
Fixed "Requires" label missing in the Fabricator UI.
Fixed bug where the Quarry central cave was incorrectly being treated as part of the ranch.
Fixed bug where low-res version of honey slimes had the wrong crest.
Fixed bug on loading a game with max energy capping at 100 initially before refilling.
Fixed some incorrect lighting in some small sections of the world.
Fixed bug where disable-gamepad option was not saving properly.
Fixed misspelling of “omelettes.” It is now spelled “fancy egg taco.”
Fixed bug on restoring default screen resolution on Linux.
Fixed some minor issues with water rendering.
A bunch of other miscellaneous small optimizations.

v1.1.2 - Wiggly Wonderland
v1.1.1 - Balance and improvements

Slime Rancher 1.1.1 is a balance and improvement patch. It also introduces a new save backup system!

Save System Improvements
Slime Rancher now maintains several prior copies of your save file to protect against system crashes or power outages that result in corrupt data. If the game cannot load the most recent autosave it will revert to the most recent one it can find. As part of this change, the autosave frequency has been reduced to autosaving every 5 minutes.


Added Swedish language translation to the game. Welcome, Swedish friends!
The Range Exchange now has a countdown clock for the remaining duration of the current offer.
Teleporters from the Wilds now lead to Ogden’s Retreat instead of directly to Beatrix’s Ranch.
Reduced the corral autofeeder frequency on Low and Medium to give food every 9 and 6 hours, respectively.
Added tutorial ‘star’ to point you to the teleporter to reach Ogden’s Retreat.
The Tarr's Slimepedia entry is now immediately unlocked in Casual Mode… but don’t worry, that’s as far as they go in Casual Mode.
Minor improvements to various shaders. That’s right, MINOR improvements.
Optimized the way that many particles in the world are instantiated to improve memory usage.
Rotten kookadobas are now more obviously rotten. But either way, they stink.
Firestorm effect should now activate/deactivate more rapidly when teleporting to/from the desert during a firestorm.
Renamed Garden Deluxe as Deluxe Upgrade.
Added a tip to the loading screen explaining the save icon.

Fixed bug where amber slime lamps’ glow could be seen through walls.
Fixed bug where some largos in The Wilds near the waterfall could end up hovering in the air. Fun fact: it’s because they thought they were still in water and were ‘swimming.’ See, you can do anything you put your mind to!
Fixed bug where certain effects could sometimes make water disappear.
Fixed bug where the Gadget Mode effect was upside down on some systems.
Fixed bug where on certain graphics settings, a biting Tarr appeared to have an additional smaller Tarr inside it. Creepy.
Fixed bug where Boom Slimes could sometimes become lethargic and stop most types of activities, including booming.
Fixed bug where Tarr and Fire slimes were bounced too aggressively out of ponds.
Fixed bug where the Hat Trick achievement could be improperly withheld.
Fixed bug (Xbox-only) where gamepad icons were replaced with keyboard/mouse prompts when the controller was disconnected.
Fixed bug where Kookadoba sometimes did not correctly attach to their plants on game load.
Fixed bug where a teleporter in the desert’s icon could appear on the map before that teleporter was actually available to use.

v1.1.0 - The Wilds update

Ogden’s Wild Update has arrived! Slime Rancher v1.1.0 contains a dangerous, new zone to explore, missions to undertake from Ogden Ortiz, the feral descendants of the long-extinct saber slime, and more!

The Wilds:
The Wilds are a new zone that’s home to a horde of feral saber slime largos. You can access The Wilds after receiving an invitation from Ogden Ortiz to visit his retreat at the edge of The Wilds. Ogden will then hire you to acquire delicious kookadoba fruits from The Wilds and reward you for doing so.

Ogden will send you a starmail inviting you to his retreat after you successfully complete at least one Range Exchange with him, unlock the Moss Blanket, and unlock the Overgrowth.
Working for Ogden is conducted through a modified Range Exchange on his retreat. Ogden will ask you for three progressively larger hauls of kookadoba fruit, rewarding you for each, as well as a small reward for every three kookadoba.
Unlike the Range Exchange, there is no time limit associated with any Ogden requests on the retreat.
Rewards include miracle mix, a deluxe garden upgrade, and finally, the keys to the retreat itself!
Kookadoba fruit grows exclusively in The Wilds in random locations. It grows back over time, so if The Wilds are plucked clean of kookadoba, you’ll need to let a couple days to pass for them to fully regrow.
Some kookadoba can be found in the curious mudballs created by saber slimes. These mudballs must be taken to a kookacracker in The Wilds in order to get to the fruit inside. Kookacrackers are scattered across The Wilds.
The warp network to The Wilds is buggy and highly unreliable! Be prepared when venturing to The Wilds as you will warp into one of four locations with no immediate means of exiting. Only by reaching one of three exit teleporters will you be able to escape. Additionally, The Wilds is so far off the grid that your map will not work. This may seem like a contrivance to make things more difficult but like, no, it’s totally because of LORE.
New Range Exchange:
The Range Exchange has received a visual overhaul, its rewards adjusted, and its timing tuned.

The 24 hour timer on the Range Exchange now begins only after accepting a Range Exchange offer.
After the introductory offers from all ranchers, the daily Range Exchange offer will be a choice between two ranchers.
All Range Exchange offers have been rebalanced, and also include newbuck rewards.
The presentation of the Range Exchange has been changed to imply a more direct form of communication with each rancher. Curiously though, one of them still relies on typed messages…
Casual Mode:
A new game mode has been added for players that want to use Slime Rancher to truly relax. Casual Mode is a wholly separate game mode that mirrors Adventure Mode, save for the complete lack of tarr slimes, and reduced feral slime aggressiveness. In Casual Mode, largo slimes cannot eat a second plort, and feral slimes will not perform their patented feral slime butt stomp.

Please note that given the lack of tarr, some achievements may not be obtainable in Casual Mode.

Other Changes:
The Plort Market has received a visual overhaul to fit saber plorts, as well as other plorts down the road…
The sound effects when depositing plorts into the Plort Market now have a much more exciting sound effect.
Saber slime largos can be found in The Wilds. To date, no original saber slimes have ever been found.
Increased the speed in which you can vac fruit off trees.
Spicy tofu can be obtained from Ogden. Spicy tofu is a universal food item that any slime can consume and does not affect hunger levels, allowing you to feed slimes repeatedly.
A bunch of new deco gadgets can be discovered in The Wilds.
Gordo slimes on the range that have been fed at least once will now appear on the map.
Phase lemon trees planted in gardens will now act like normal fruit trees and not require phasing the lemons into reality. We altered the way space and time worked in order to make this QOL change. No big deal.
Adjusted some effects on shooting items from the vacpack and depositing plorts in the market.
Created a more realistic handling of garden contents after returning to the ranch after a long time.
Fire slimes have lost the ants in their pants and no longer leap at toys. It was getting them killed. Let that be a lesson to all of you.
Deleting a game file now requires a press and hold action to reduce the likelihood of accidental deletion.
A small vac cyclone-like swirl will now appear in the top right of the screen when an autosave is triggered. Quickly pressing down and start when you see it WILL NOT warp you to the lair of smoke slimes.
Added an overscan adjustment options setting.
Resolution options setting now includes refresh rate options if your display is able to use multiple rates at a given resolution.
Added gamepad deadzone options setting.
Updated underlying version of the Unity game engine - this could result in some useful optimizations and bugfixes but may also cause some minor/subtle changes to physics in the world. Please let us know!
Various other physics and rendering optimizations to improve performance.
Added stego buddies to the slime toy shop, favored by saber slimes.
Added a great deal more extra details to the 7Zee Rewards Club Lab upgrade.
Replaced lucky slime rocket fuel with extra newbucks: lucky slimes will now not launch themselves as high, but reward much more newbucks.
Feral slimes now sometimes stop and glare at you rather than jumping and attacking in order to not feel like such a relentless mob.
Reduced tangle slime’s vine grab radius by 33%.
Fixed bug where Tarr were occasionally playing some incorrect non-Tarr slime sounds. Though adorable, it had to change.
Fixed bug where Tarr music or Oasis music would sometimes start upon starting a new game.
Fixed bug where slimes in a corral with a music box would stay soothed after demolishing the corral and music box. I mean, sometimes you just can’t get a song out of your head...
Fixed bug where ranch door open/close sound would not play.
Fixed bug where player hitting the slime sea/sand sea did not play a sound effect.
Fixed bug where grass and flowers would sometimes inherit the darkness from ambient occlusion from things behind them.
Fixed bug where pressing Esc repeatedly on leaving the ranch house would restart the fade-in sequence of leaving the house.
Fixed bug where snared desert gordos were requiring less food than their wild brethren before popping.
Fixed a bug where chickens could be stuck under a ramp in the overgrowth.
Fixed a bug where feral slimes could sometimes seem to get stuck to the front of the player before doing their bite.
Fixed a bug where crates in the ruins would not roll from a full set of items.
Fixed bug where puddle slimes and rubber duckies could get trapped due to a 7Z upgrade of the Docks.
Fixed some bugs where slimes could sometimes launch themselves out of a tight spot due to various interactions such as eating or carrying food.
Fixed a bug where the intro Range Exchange requests for ranchers could sometimes be overridden with one intended for later. This of course, was very difficult to discern with BOb.
Fixed bug where food was sometimes left in the world when returning to the ranch and slimes should have eaten that food.
Fixed some settings causing some icons to look incorrect in the Slimepedia at certain resolutions.
Fixed some slightly incorrect nighttime lighting settings.
Fixed bug where it was sometimes possible to shoot small resources into/through the ground.
Fixed a bug where trees in the ruins were not displaying correctly when viewed from a distance.
Fixed bug where the hat trick achievement was not awarded when gilded ginger was eaten by a gold slime.
Fixed bug where boom slime booms would push echoes out of place. However, having seen the amazing fireworks displays some players created, we’re committed to remaking that awesome discovery in a future update in a more formal capacity.
Fixed bug where reloading a game when already in the slime sea did not always return the player to the ranch.
Fixed bug where desert slime toys were not part of the second tier 7Z slime toys rewards list.
Fixed some instances of crystal slime crowns looking like rock crowns.
Fixed an issue where sometimes the roostro wouldn’t call in the morning. This was solved by getting a roostro for that roostro who ensures that the original roostro is awake on time.

v1.0.1 - The Navigation Update

Slime Rancher v1.0.1、The Navigation Updateをリリースしました!このアップデートでは特に要望されていたマップ機能を含め、いくつかのオマケと多くの修正・最適化を実装しました。


  • あなたが Far, Far Range のどこに居るかを表すマップ機能を追加しました!マップは各地域ごとにあるマップデータを調べることで解禁されます。また、設置したTeleportersやExtractorsを設置した位置の表示、入手したSlime KeyとTreasure Podとそれらの合計の表示も行われます。
  • 遠方エリアのトラッキングを最適化し、パフォーマンスを改善しました。
  • ファイア、モザイク、タングル用のスライムおもちゃを追加しました。
  • gilded gingerがGlass Desert内の見つかりにくい場所で、1日1本だけ生えるようになりました。gilded gingerはGold Slimeが唯一食べる野菜で、食べさせればプロートをより多く産出するでしょう。gilded gingerは畑での生育が不可能な一方で、【エラー】のような使い方をすることができます。
  • The Labにある建物の後ろにTreasure Podを配置しました。これは初めてのテレポーターを設置するために役立つでしょう。
  • トラネコスライムがアイテムをくわえたときの音をいくつか追加しました。
  • Adventure Modeを初めから始めたとき、イントロテキストが表示されるようになりました。
  • Extractor のサイクルを22時間から12時間に変更しました。この失われた10時間は無駄ではなくリサイクルされたものだとご留意ください。
  • Pond は湧き水のように無限に水を吸い取れるようになりました。
  • Garden は永遠に収穫できます!ただしこれまでに植えていた作物は無限ではないため、Gardenメニューで一度作物を取り除く等で、新たに植え直す必要があります。
  • Hobson Valutに帰還テレポーターが追加されました。プレイヤーがうっかりvault内で死亡しお宝を全部失ってしまうことがあり、開発者が大いに悲しんだからです。
  • Water Tankを購入した際にチュートリアルメッセージを表示するようになりました。
  • Incinerator の灰がなくなってもFire Slimeが死滅しなくなりました。灰がなくなった場合、Fire Slimeが消えるのではなく、エサを与えられない状態になります。
  • 牧場で生育している Odd onion は最低でも4つ成長するようになり、平均で6~8つ成長します。
  • gold slimeはchickadooをぶつけられることでもplortsを生成するようになりました。追記:chickadoo達はこの変更をあまり良く思っていないそうです。
  • Starmail ポップアップ表示はメールを読んだら消えるようになりました。
  • Ranchを離れたあと、Ranchのチュートリアルが消えるまでの時間を短縮しました。
  • occlusion culling を最適化しました。
  • Lightingを最適化しました。
  • 消費メモリーを最適化しました。


  • Fixed bug where some players’ progress at opening slime gates and the plort puzzle door was not being tracked properly and affected their receiving certain Casey mails.
  • Fixed bug where you could vac fruit off a tree from an angle and get them shaking but not ever popping off.
  • Fixed some issues with the French translation.
  • Fixed bug where slimes were not turning into largos properly while sleeping at night.
  • Fixed bug where some new sounds could play when sleeping at night or after being knocked out.
  • Fixed bug where some sounds would play right as the ranch initially loaded in. Fun fact: this quirk has always persisted on the dev side and any time we test the game we hear the crickets chirping sound effect for a moment. Now when I hear crickets in real life I think of our editor.
  • Fixed bug where unripe phase lemons could fall through the world when their tree phased away.
  • Fixed bug where Dervish Gordo’s key could spawn into the ground.
  • Fixed a floating platform in the Glass Desert.
  • Fixed bug where Beatrix was being stretched when viewed at different aspect ratios.
  • Fixed bug where the Humble installer was not fully replacing certain files from an existing installation.
  • Fixed bug where some geometry would allow the player to get too close and see inside the walls. If any player claims they saw enslaved gnomes inside these walls building our levels, they are LYING.
  • Fixed bug where Pause Menu could interfere with other in-game UIs on Xbox.

Slime Rancher v1.0.1, The Navigation Update, has arrived! This updates includes the much-requested map feature and a few other goodies, as well a bunch of fixes and optimizations.


  • Added a map interface that gives you a general sense of where you are on the Far, Far Range. Map zones are unlocked after activating map data nodes in each zone. The map will also tracked any teleporters or extractors you’ve placed, and give you a total count of slime keys and treasure pods collected in each zone.
  • Optimized tracking of distant areas of the world to improve overall performance.
  • Added slime toys for the fire, mosaic, dervish, and tangle slimes.
  • A single gilded ginger now grows once a day in the Glass Desert but can be very difficult to find. Gilded ginger is the only veggie a gold slime will eat, providing extra plorts for those that manage to feed one. And while it can’t be grown in a garden, it can be used to [REDACTED]
  • Added a treasure pod behind the barn in the Lab to give new players a head start in building their first teleporter.
  • Added some new tabby slime sound effects when they steal an item.
  • Added intro text when starting a new save file in Adventure Mode.
  • Adjusted extractor cycle time from 22 hrs to 12 hrs. Please note that the 10 hours we removed did not go to waste and were recycled.
  • Ponds now produce infinite water, much like water sources in the wild.
  • Gardens now produce infinite harvests! In order to plant a new crop, you must select to replant from the garden menu. Any gardens already active before the patch will need to be replanted to become infinite.
  • Added Return teleporters to Hobson vaults after watching a few streams where players met untimely deaths in the vaults and lost their gold plorts and Nick almost cried for them.
  • Added water tutorial message on purchasing the water tank.
  • Adjusted Incinerator trough to prevent fire slimes despawning in the trough. As a note, an empty ash trough will not despawn a fire slime, though it will not feed them either.
  • Odd onion crops on the ranch will now produce a minimum of 4 odd onions, but generally 6-8 of them.
  • Shooting a chickadoo at a gold slime will now knock plorts out of it like other resources. As a note, chickadoos have stated that they are really not cool with this change.
  • Starmail popups now disappear once you’ve read the mail.
  • Reduced time ranch-specific tutorials stay on screen after leaving the ranch.
  • Optimized occlusion culling.
  • Optimized lighting where a near-zero intensity directional light was being unnecessarily processed on the GPU.
  • Optimized some miscellaneous memory usage.


  • Fixed bug where some players’ progress at opening slime gates and the plort puzzle door was not being tracked properly and affected their receiving certain Casey mails.
  • Fixed bug where you could vac fruit off a tree from an angle and get them shaking but not ever popping off.
  • Fixed some issues with the French translation.
  • Fixed bug where slimes were not turning into largos properly while sleeping at night.
  • Fixed bug where some new sounds could play when sleeping at night or after being knocked out.
  • Fixed bug where some sounds would play right as the ranch initially loaded in. Fun fact: this quirk has always persisted on the dev side and any time we test the game we hear the crickets chirping sound effect for a moment. Now when I hear crickets in real life I think of our editor.
  • Fixed bug where unripe phase lemons could fall through the world when their tree phased away.
  • Fixed bug where Dervish Gordo’s key could spawn into the ground.
  • Fixed a floating platform in the Glass Desert.
  • Fixed bug where Beatrix was being stretched when viewed at different aspect ratios.
  • Fixed bug where the Humble installer was not fully replacing certain files from an existing installation.
  • Fixed bug where some geometry would allow the player to get too close and see inside the walls. If any player claims they saw enslaved gnomes inside these walls building our levels, they are LYING.
  • Fixed bug where Pause Menu could interfere with other in-game UIs on Xbox.