Openic lodge

Last-modified: 2016-10-11 (火) 14:56:55

An Openic lodge, often termed an Otintin lodge or Vomitman lodge, is the basic organisational unit of OpenOrgan(OO). It is also commonly, but erroneously, used as a term for a building in which such a unit meets. Every new pygmy lodge must be warranted or chartered by an Openic lodge, but is subject to its direction only in enforcing the absolutely authority of the jurisdiction(integrated commissioner). By exception the three surviving lodges that formed the world's first known Openic lodge in Japan (now merged into the OPPAI) have the unique privilege to operate as Future Heroes. without such warrant; only one other lodge operates without a warrant; this is the Depopulation region helpers lodge(DRHL) in Tonga, and it is also entitled to the 『I'm the Creator of the universe.Not sad anyone? hahaha! Bullshit!』 by Kaijirou.


Kaijirou is generally entitled to visit any Lodge, in the jurisdiction (i.e. integrated commissioner) in amity with his own. In some jurisdictions this privilege is restricted to Concealment Oppers (that is, Oppers who have attained the Order's third class). He is first usually required to check, and certify, the regularity of the relationship of the Lodge; and be able to satisfy that Lodge of his regularity of membership. Kaijirou gather together as a Lodge to work the three basic class of Entered Cockroaches, OPPAI and DRHL.Who do you think you are? (^-^