Heizo Takamatsu

Last-modified: 2008-05-30 (金) 20:59:17

Heizo Takamatsu photo

The main activity base: Germany

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1998: Started company Kyoto Keizai Shimbunsha (The Kyoto Economic Journal, Inc.), and spent 2 years in Erlangen, Germany.
2002: Came back to Japan temporarily then returned to Germany.

Since then he writes about culture, economy and politics, and environmental issues based on his interviews as an integrated member of the German community. He also gives lectures based on his interviews, and conducts entrusted surveys regarding regional economy, politics and cultural issues.
Heizo Takamatsu serves as an auditor for the Regional Culture Information and Projects, a non-governmental organization.

Major Publications
Title / Publisher / Year Published

  • “Eko Raifu: Doitsu to Nihon Doh Chigau” (Ecolife -Differences between Germany and Japan), coauthored by his wife Andrea Takamatsu (Kagaku-Dojin Publishing Company, Inc, 2003)

Dance-related Activities
1989: Started butoh productions while in university.
2000 - 2002: Edited the “db report” for Dance Box, a contemporary dance program in Osaka. He also worked as a committee member to plan dance programs, and as a commentator for a talk show for the Asian Contemporary Dance Festival.
2003: Offered seminars at the Performing Arts Messe in Osaka, and planned Fujieda Mushimaru’s workshop for kindergarten children in Erlangen, Germany.
2006: Coordinated the invitation of Atsushi Takenouchi, a Japanese dancer, to an event held in Nuremberg, Germany.