
Last-modified: 2010-03-12 (金) 23:53:42


Left 4 Deadには没になったボイスがたくさんあるようです。


・Ah, man, that sounds like a Boomer.
・Careful, I hear a Boomer.
・Careful, there's a Boomer's around.
・Heads up, man, I hear a Boomer.
・I definitely hear a Boomer.
・I hear a Boomer.
・Look out, we got a Boomer around here.
・Watch it, I hear a Boomer.
・Watch your fire, I hear a Boomer.
・Watch your fire.
・Careful, I smell a Smoker.
・I hear a Smoker.
・Smoker - somewhere around here.
・There's a Smoker around here.
・There's a Tank out there!
(Tankだ! 近いぞ!)
・Watch it, Tank!
I hear a Tank out there.
・Guys at the office used to laugh when I'd hit the rifle range on my lunch break. Ain't so damn funny now, is it?
・BELCHE - excuse me
・If I go down, go on without me. Actually, wait, no Save my ass.
・ ain't got time to bleed. Oh hell, I *AM* bleedin'!
・I don't wanna die. I know nobody wants to die, but I'm like, fifty times that.
・When things go back to normal, Zoe, Bill-I'm giving you both jobs. Francis, I'm gonna teach your ass how to read.

・When all this is over, you think they'll call us heroes? We are savin' humanity, right? I mean, a very small, four-person chunk of it, but still.
(なあ、俺たちいつか英雄扱いされるんじゃないかな? だって、こんな状況で博愛の心を持ち続けてるんだからさ。 まあ、たったの4人だけどさ)
・If I go down, go on without me, get help, then come back and save me.
・ Look at the bright side: overpopulation? Bad economy? All fixed now.
(プラス思考でいこうぜ。 今回の件で、人口過剰も、経済不況も、全部解決したじゃないか)
・Man, I do wish I'd bought stock in ammo manufacturers now.
・I had a nice house before this. A 401k... Damn it! I had a really nice 401k!"
(コレが起こるまでは、俺の家すごくいいカンジだったんだぜ。 それに確定拠出年金も...ええいクソッ! うちの会社のやつ、マジでお得だったのになあ!)
・Zombies might have done us a favor, really. Think about it. We get to start over now.
(ゾンビの蔓延は、俺たちのためになったのかもな、マジで。 考えてみなよ。 みんな一からやり直しだぜ)
・My last life? District IT manager at Fischer Platt. Not good practice for zombie killing, you k2010-03-03 (水) 23:02:25"
(事件の前? フィッシャー・プラットストアのエリアITマネージャーをやってた。 ゾンビ殺しの練習にはならなかったけどね)

・Any of you guys in the Cub Scouts? Surprisingly ineffective at preparin' you for some shit like this.
(カブスカウトに参加したことある人いるかい? 色々習ったけど、こんな状況じゃ何の役に立たないぜ")
・Folks I was with before you, three wouldn't keep movin'. Figured they could wait it out. They couldn't.
(君ら3人の前に俺が一緒にいた連中は、外に出ようとしなかった。 やり過ごせると思ってたみたいだけど、無理だった)
・When things go back to normal, Zoe, Bill - I'm giving you both jobs. Francis, I'll help you sign your fat ass back up on welfare."
(すべてが元に戻ったらさ、ゾーイとビルには仕事を紹介するよ。 フランシスには、また生活保護を受けられるように手続きの仕方を教えてやるよ")
・Infected or not - they don't like bullets.
・I think I just discovered a cure for infection. Lead.
(感染者の治療法がわかったぞ。 鉛玉だ)
・We'll beat 'em 'cause we're better than them. Period.
(俺たちの方が奴らより優れているから、俺らが勝つ。 それだけだ)

・Winning isn't everything. Wantin' to win is.
(勝つことがすべてじゃない。 勝ちにいく姿勢が大切なんだ)
・Smile when it hurts the most. That's my philosophy.
・Now that was a blessing in disguise.


・Boomer around here.
・Boomer closeby.
・Boomer nearby.
・Careful, Boomer.
・Christ, there's a Boomer around here.
・Dammit, Boomer nearby.
・I hear a boomer out there.
・There's a Boomer around here.
・There's a Boomer trackin' us.
・Watch it, Boomer in the vacinity.
・Heads up, Smoker somewhere around here.
・Smoker right around here someplace.
・Smoker, right around here.
・Smoker. And it's close.
・There's a Smoker
・There's a Smoker nearby.
・We got a Smoker around here.


・Careful, I hear a Boomer.
・Hear that Boomer? I'm gonna kill its ass.
・I hear a Boomer out there.
・I hear a Boomer. 
・Watch it, we got a Boomer.
・There's a Boomer around here.
・I hear a smoker.
・Man, there's a Smoker around here.
・Smell that Smoker?
・Smoker. He's gonna have to use that tongue to choke my foot out of his ass.
・Smoker. Hear it?
・Sounds like a Smoker.
・Sounds like a Smoker.
・(ルイスのWhen things ~に対して)Go to hell


・ah no... I think I hear a boomer(ああもう…Boomerの声が聞こえたと思うわ)
・Ahh a Boomer. Hear it?(Boomerね、聞こえた?)
・Boomer, don't let it puke on you.(Boomerか。ゲロ吐く前に始末してやるわ)
・Boomer, hear it?(Boomerね、聞こえた?)
・Hear that boomer?(Boomerの声ね)
・Hear that? Boomer.(聞こえた?Boomerよ)
・I hear a Boomer(Boomerの声が聞こえた)
・I think I hear a boomer
・I think one of those vomit bags is around here(ゲロ袋の気配がするわ)
・Oh god, there's a boomer around(ああくそ…Boomerが近くに居るわ)
・Sounds like a boomer's around
・Ugh, I can hear a boomer sloshing around(うぇ、Boomerが近くに居るわ)
・Ugh, yuck. Another Boomer. You hear that?(あーくそ、またBoomerよ、聞こえた?)
・Wait up, I hear a boomer(待って、Boomerよ)
・Careful, Smoker.
・I hear a Smoker.
・I know that sound - a Smoker!
・Smoker... don't get hung.
・Smoker... don't let him hang you.
・There's a Smoker around here.
・Watch the roof tops, there's a smoker around.
・Eat it, ugly."
・Go to hell."
・Get away from him, you bitch!"

ヘリパイロット/Chopper Pilot

No Mercyのパイロット。没となった40秒程度のオープニングムービーからのものもある。
・Hey down there! I can't get any closer. But if you can get to the roof of Mercy Hospital I can take you to the military safe zone up north. You have to get to Mercy Hospital. Call me on their radio when you get there.
(おーい、こっちだ! これ以上近づけない。 だが、Mercy病院の屋上まで来られたら、君たちを北部にある軍の安全地帯まで連れて行ける。 何とかしてMercy病院までたどり着いてくれ。 到着したら無線でそう伝えてくれ)
・Hey down there! I can't risk a pick-up here. The closest evac location is on the roof of Mercy Hospital. It isn't far from here. When you can get there, call me on their radio. I'll fly you out of this mess.
(おーい、こっちだ! ここで君たちを拾うのはリスクが高すぎる。 ここから一番近い避難場所は、Mercy病院の屋上だ。 ここからそう遠くない。 そこまでたどり着いたら、無線で呼び出してくれ。 そこでなら救出できる)
・I have a visual, Mercy Hospital, looks you have your hands full.
(Mercy病院を目視で確認した。 荷物はいっぱいあるみたいだな)
・Mercy Hospital, you need to kill that Tank before I can land!
(Mercy病院。 あのTankを倒してくれ、このままでは着陸できない!)

ジョン・スレーター/John Slater

・ We're not coming in with that Tank there. Take care of it or you're on your own
(そこにTankがいる限り着岸できん。 アイツを何とかしてくれんと、こちらも置いていくしかない)
・Could I save these people first? And then we can have this argument for the millionth 23:02:25
(はあ...先にこの人たちを助けていいか? 何百万回と繰り返してきたおなじみのケンカを始めるのは、その後だ)
・Here's the deal. We can get all of you upriver to the military outpost. But we'll be threading the needle through infected country to get there. Ammo up and call us when you're ready.
(取引はこうだ。 私たちは上流にある軍の前哨基地まであんたらを乗せていく。 あんたらは、途中の感染者だらけの地域を通り抜ける時に戦闘を担当する。 どうだい? 弾薬を補充して、準備ができたら呼んでくれ)
・If you're uninfected and ready to fight, we can get all of you upriver to the military outpost. Ammo up and call us back when you're ready.
(取引しないか? そっちが感染してなくて戦闘もできるなら、私たちは上流にある軍の前哨基地まで連れて行こう。 弾薬を補充して、準備ができたら呼んでくれ)


Dead Airのパイロット。無線機の近くで死んでいる人は「テリー」という名前らしい(主人公たちの会話から)
・What're you waitin' for, your row to be called? Get in!
(おい、自分の席の搭乗許可でも待ってんのか? 早く乗れ! 早く!)
・No, not you! You!"
(いや、お前じゃない! お前だ!)
・Watch out for that big fella!
・ You sayin' I'm yellow? I been riskin' my life flying people outta this airport all goddamn day! Then the government dropped a bomb on me! So excuse me if I don't skip down there and pick a rifle!
(俺が臆病だって? いいか、はっきりさせとくぞ! 俺は飛行機を飛ばせるが、あんたらにできることって言ったら死にかけながら駆けずり回ることだけだ! 世界が終わりかけてるこのご時勢、あんたらみたいのはいくらでもいるが俺は貴重なんだよ!)
・Uh oh! Fuel tank's leaking! Nah, just kidding!
( ああああ!!! 燃料タンクが漏れてる! ...なんてな、冗談だ!)


	"rope_break"	"<sfx><norepeat:15><clr:255,158,71>[ロープがちぎれる音]"

"[english]rope_break" "<sfx><norepeat:15><clr:255,158,71>[Rope breaks]"

	"rope_creak"	"<sfx><norepeat:15><clr:255,158,71>[ロープがきしむ音]"

"[english]rope_creak" "<sfx><norepeat:15><clr:255,158,71>[Rope creaks]"

	"train_crossing_bell"	"<sfx><norepeat:15><clr:255,158,71>[踏み切りの警笛]"

"[english]train_crossing_bell" "<sfx><norepeat:15><clr:255,158,71>[Train Crossing Bell]"

	"Player.Biker_DLC2CanadaSpecial01"	"<clr:130,147,148>フランシス: Boomerの声がしたぞ! オマケにカナダ人っぽいぜ!"
	"Player.Biker_DLC2CanadaSpecial02"	"<clr:130,147,148>フランシス: Hunterだ! 多分カナダ人だ"


	"npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_01"	"<I><clr:26,125,194>ヘリのパイロット: 北部の安全地帯まで連れて行こう"

"[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_01" "<I><clr:26,125,194>Chopper Pilot: I'll fly you to the safe zone up north."

	"npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_02"	"<I><clr:26,125,194>ヘリのパイロット: 軍、というか、軍の生き残り部隊が北部に安全地帯を設立した"

"[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_02" "<I><clr:26,125,194>Chopper Pilot: The military, or what's left of it, has safe zone up north."

	"npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_03"	"<I><clr:26,125,194>ヘリのパイロット: 軍、というか、軍の生き残り部隊が北部に野営地を立てている"

"[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_03" "<I><clr:26,125,194>Chopper Pilot: The military, or what's left of it, has a camp up north."

	"npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_04"	"<I><clr:26,125,194>ヘリのパイロット: 北に軍の安全地帯がある"

"[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_04" "<I><clr:26,125,194>Chopper Pilot: The military has a safe zone north of here."

	"npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_05"	"<I><clr:26,125,194>ヘリのパイロット: 北に軍の野営地がある"

"[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_05" "<I><clr:26,125,194>Chopper Pilot: The military has a camp up north."

	"npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_06"	"<I><clr:26,125,194>ヘリのパイロット: そこなら安全だ"

"[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_06" "<I><clr:26,125,194>Chopper Pilot: You'll be safe there."


	"npc.teengirl_worldairportintro08"	"<clr:174,91,91>ゾーイ: ヘリコプターの時よりうまくいくといいんだけど"

"[english]npc.teengirl_worldairportintro08" "<clr:174,91,91>Zoey: I hope this works out better than the helicopter."


	"npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro02"	"<clr:130,147,148>フランシス: あのバカがまともに操縦できねえことなんかわかってたぜ。 全員生きてるか?"

"[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro02" "<clr:130,147,148>Francis: I knew that idiot couldn't fly a plane. Everybody in one piece?"