
Last-modified: 2009-12-01 (火) 08:14:35

022ページ 日本語訳022ページ?

5 The help system
From the Orbiter launchpad, you can get a description of the different dialog box options by
pressing the “Help” button in the bottom right corner.
During the simulation you can open the Orbiter help window by pressing, or by selecting
“Help” from the main menu ().
The help system provides information about MFD modes, and optionally a description of the
current scenario or the currently active spacecraft.
Many in-game dialog boxes provide context-sensitive
help. To activate the relevant help pages,
click the “?” button in the title bar of the dialog
The help system is currently still under development. Not all scenarios and vessels currently
support context-sensitive help. The system can be extended by adding additional scenario
and vessel help pages, and addon developers are encouraged to use the help system to provide
user-friendly information about their spacecraft, or to include documented tutorial scenarios
that illustrate the features of their plugins.
Scenario Table of contents info Vessel info Help page

Design of Spacefrontier(2009-12-01 08:14:35)