
Last-modified: 2012-11-11 (日) 00:42:28


  • 当事者達のtwitterまとめ

  • それまでの日本サーバー


146 名前:UnnamedPlayer[sage] 投稿日:2012/05/05(土) 20:07:04.79 ID:KTmY1QYZ [5/5]

  • 概要


255 名前:UnnamedPlayer[sage] 投稿日:2012/05/09(水) 12:19:08.80 ID:5A7gMck1


  • idからのメール


155 :ブリアル:2012/04/18(水) 23:35:46

We would prefer to only have to setup 1 location,
as there is a decent amount of work on our side to setup multiple machines like that,
and one machine is more than equipped to handle the relatively small playerbase there.
If there are any problems with downtime, our system will automatically re-launch servers
on it once SSH becomes available again,
so there’s no manual intervention required.
We didn’t really have problems with the old location, and if that was hosted similarly
I’m sure this will be fine too.
I’m a little unsure of how this will work with a non-standard SSH port, too.
Be aware that when we setup the system we run an automated script that will configure
users and perform other system tasks that are required.

157 名前:ブリアル[] 投稿日:2012/04/26(木) 02:55:54

Good Day,
Mike has very high priority tasks and deadlines to meet before he will be setting up
the new server. Please understand that he has previous obligations for his employers.
He will be able to perform the install in the near future, but our current internal
development cycle has to take immediate priority.
Thank you for your patience,
Adam Pyle
Associate Producer
id Software


160 名前:ブリアル[] 投稿日:2012/05/05(土) 19:20:55

When forging business relationships between our team and third party server hosts,
it is vitally   important that a healthy working relationship be in place to ensure
the reliability of our QUAKE LIVE server location as a great deal of trust and faith
is put in the hands of our server hosts.
To date, your correspondences have implied a level of condescending impatience,
and have been inconsiderate of our own internal needs and timelines. We find this most
unfortunate, as we understand the importance of maintaining up time in Japan, if possible.
Regardless, it would be unwise for us to enter into a business venture with a third party,
if that party has already lost patience, lost confidence, or is disappointed that our timeline.
While our team is committed to continuing support to Japan and its community, it has been
determined that it would not be in our best interest to pursue hosting a new server with your
team of administrators. We are currently looking into alternative hosts to fulfill our
server needs in Japan.
Adam Pyle

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