sakura/en/Type Help Property

Last-modified: 2008-03-29 (土) 09:05:59

Type Setting

[Screen Property], [Color Property], [Type Help Property], [Regular Expression Keyword Property], [Keyword Help Property]

Type Help Property

When each file name is a relative path, it recognizes it as a relative path from the editor. However, ".." cannot be used.

Input Supplementation Function

Please see here for details of the input supplementation function.

[Word File] EditBox

The file that defines the supplemented word is set.

[Case Insensitive] CheckBox (default: Non-Checked)

It is set whether to identify the small letter of the English capital letter when searching for the supplementation candidate.

[Search Candidate from Editing File] CheckBox (default: Non-Checked)

The word is elected from the data editing it in the window when searching for the supplementation candidate and it adds to the candidate. It is possible to use it together with the word file. Capital letters and small letters depend on the above-mentioned option.
However, it limits it to the English word just like the emphasis key word.

[Setting External Help] EditBox

The topic can be retrieved by making the selection character string a key from the Windows Help file specified here when the function of external help is used.
When this column is an empty column, it searches for the Help file set in the common setting 'Support' property.

[Setting External HTML Help] EditBox

The topic can be retrieved by making the selection character string a key from the HTML Help file specified here when the function of external HTML help is used.
When this column is an empty column, it searches for HTML help set in the common setting 'Support' property.

[Two or more viewers are not started] CheckBox (default: Checked)

Help of each process is opened in another window when invalidating it.

[Setting Folder] Button

The setting folder button is displayed only when setting it according to the user.