
Last-modified: 2009-03-28 (土) 15:24:47
  • Font Font.load(path)
    Create a new font from a font file (oslib and µLibrayr format)
    Path (String): path of the file to load
  • Void Font.print(screen, font, x, y, text [, color])
    Print a text with a special font
    screen (Number): screen where to draw (SCREEN_UP or SCREEN_DOWN)
    font (Font): font to use
    x (Number): x-coordinate where to draw
    y (Number): y-coordinate where to draw
    text (String): text to print
    color (Color): color of the text
  • Number Font.getCharHeight(font)
    Get the height of the characters of a font
    font (Font): font to use