
Last-modified: 2009-03-28 (土) 15:28:51
  • ScrollMap, mapfile, width, height, tileWidth, tileHeight)
    image (Image): image which contains tiles
    mapfile (String): path to the map file (.map)
    width (Number): width of the map in tile
    height (Number): height of the map in tile
    tileWidth (Number): width of the tiles in pixel
    tileHeight (Number): height of the tiles in pixel
  • Void ScrollMap.destroy(scrollmap)
    Destroy a ScrollMap
    scrollmap (ScrollMap): ScrollMap to destroy
  • Void ScrollMap.draw(scrollmap)
    Draw a ScrollMap
    scrollmap (ScrollMap): ScrollMap to draw
  • Void ScrollMap.scroll(scrollmap, x, y)
    Scroll a ScrollMap
    scrollmap (ScrollMap): ScrollMap to scroll
    x (Number): x scrolling in pixel
    y (Number): y scrolling in pixel